Star Wars : Rise of a Dark Lord – Chapter 15 – MFF. BJ, Hardcore, Creampie,

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Kelsa came back to her senses with a bit of a start. She was instantly aware of the coldness nestling on her bare flesh, as well as the various feeds that were attacked to her stomach and bare breasts. She rose up slightly on the hospital bed and saw a man in a lab coat, a soldier and Erito standing close to her. She wasn’t sure why but even though there was some coolness on her skin she could feel heat swiftly returning to her legs and the spot in between them. Even the subtle motion of leaning up in the bed made her legs move together, inadvertently stirring up her ‘attentiveness.’ The soldier looked strong and bulky though that could have been the armor and doctors sharp jaw-line suddenly had her thinking about her master’s lips, and what they felt like pushed up against hers.

“She looks like she’s responding to the treatment well. There are some minor deviations on her bio metrics but that is to be expected.” Kelsa heard the doctor said. That didn’t make much sense to her given that he had said she was responding to the treatment well. Her gaze moved from the doctor back towards the soldier and her tongue slowly pushed through her lips just a fraction of an inch. It was almost as if she could smell his scent, it was strong and reminded her of the jungle that she had traveled through after landing. The soldier’s powerful masculinity wasn’t the only thing her senses picked up on. She could feel Erito’s worry for her through the force and it made Kelsa smile knowing the envoy cared so much about her.

When Kelsa’s green eyes rested on the purple haired girl however the Jedi apprentice found she could hardly pull her gaze away. Erito’s hair and eyes seemed to glimmer in their violent tone and Kelsa’s tongue slipped slowly across her lips as a rush of horniness rushed through her body. She could feel her blood getting warmer and her connection to the Force seemed to be burning brighter. Her mind was fixating on Erito and the soldier, taking in every detail of their faces, their bodies. She wanted them and she slowly moved her body up a few more inches.

She paused seeing the doctor give a small sly smile. He checked his comlink and then gave a sigh before turning to the soldier. “Socks you know what to do. I’d help but I’m still on the clock. If anyone else from the team shows signs it wouldn’t do for me to be preoccupied. After you’re done be sure to report your findings.” The doctor said before collecting the datapad containing information about Kelsa and then departing from the operation room.

The soldier nicknamed ‘Socks’ moved closer towards Kelsa as her hands moved across the leads on her breasts and slowly took them off one at a time. Erito inched herself closer as Kelsa revealed her full healthy C-cup breasts to the soldier, while he removed his upper armor and set it neatly on the ground next to them. The envoy looked a bit confused.

“What’s going on?” The envoy said as Kelsa rose off of her bed and snuck her fingers into her pants and slowly started tugging down her cloth pants. Socks turned over towards Erito with a slight grin.

“Side effect of getting stung by those creatures, once the venom is dealt with the patient gets a bit frisky. If we don’t deal with her horniness now it may end up causing her to be distracted at a bad time.” Socks said before Kelsa moved right over and placed her arms on Erito’s before leaning in and kissing the envoy on her neck. Erito gave a slight shiver under Kelsa’s touch as the blonde smiled at her.

“Erito. Why do you still have clothes on silly? I’m not sure whets going on but my Master isn’t around and I can sense that Socks had to use a pretty big namesake growing up.” Kelsa said as she bent down and removed her panties, exposing her already wet pussy to both before she started tugging away at Erito’s clothing. The envoy just blinked for a moment as Kelsa stroked her hands over her bare neck and exposed her bra before she understood what the Jedi meant. Turning her purple gaze to the right she watched as the soldier removed his boots, greaves and eventual body suit. Kelsa was right, he wasn’t as bit as Xau but he had nothing to be shy about. Once more the purple haired beauty shivered as Kelsa rubbed her perky breasts up against her own.

The Jedi heard her friend giggle before her fingers popped open Erito’s bra. For a moment it seemed as if she was going to stop the Jedi but soon enough the envoy relented and Kelsa leaned in to kiss her full on the lips. “Very good. Now you get rid of the rest while I help Socks get nice and ready to introduce us both to his own jungle predator.” The blonde said with a twinkle in her eye before she knelt down and started licking up and down the impressive length of the shoulder’s shaft. Erito immediately could feel her own panties getting a bit went at the display and after a small sigh she quickly stripped off her pants and underwear and took her placed besides Kelsa right in front of the magnificent length.

The two girls started working in tandem on the cock. As Kelsa licked and stroked the tip and top half of the shaft Erito filled her mouth with the heavy balls of the soldier one at a time. Socks groaned out in pleasure as his fingers linked through blonde and purple hair as the Jedi apprentice and Sith envoy treated him to a pleasure few got to experience. They didn’t just stop with their tongues and hands however and soon enough the two used their prominent breasts to rub each and every inch of Socks’ cock and balls, while occasionally brushing up against each other’s breasts, much to each other’s pleasure.

“Mmmmmm.. I always like watching a big thick cock….. But I like feeling it inside me even more.” Kelsa said as she looked up with her slightly glazed over green eyes. Her eyes settled on Socks’ before she leaned in and caught the head of his large prick between her lips and started to suck a bit more on it even as her and Erito continued their jugular stimulation. As they cuddled and stroked on the cock Kelsa found that her pussy was getting increasingly wet and hot and her legs couldn’t stop rubbing together. She pulled her mouth off of Socks ‘rifle’ and then gave him one long delicious kiss as she smiled up at him. “I want you inside of me now…” She declared.

Without another word she grabbed Erito’s hand and took the purple haired girl over to the medical bed she had just been occupying. She hugged her body fiercely against Erito’s before setting her down on her cute ass and spreading her legs. Kelsa smiled back hotly at Erito before moving between her legs and bending over. She gave Socks one parting glance before she used her right hand to part her perfect round ass cheeks to expose her pussy before she moved down and started to apply the same marvelous tongue she’d used on Socks to Erito’s moist pussy. The purple haired diplomat moaned out immediately and her tongue lolled out as Kelsa started stroking her most intimate point with such a perfect tongue.

Kelsa smiled up at her lover as her tongue snaked back inside of her mouth. She liked Erito’s taste a bit more than Socks’ cock but not by much. Ever since her Master had introduced her to the new way of bonding she found focusing on certain points of the experience heightened both the pleasure and her connection to the Force. As her hands rubbed Erito’s open legs Kelsa felt almost blinded by the roaring pleasure pulsing in her own pussy as she ate out the Sith agent. Her pussy was so deliciously creamy that the blonde was almost too distracted to hear Socks approaching footsteps. However she definitely wasn’t too distracted to feel his rough soldier’s hands grabbing hold of her plump tight behind, before wedging his cock in between her legs on a crash course with her pussy.

Her eyes closed and her mouth opened and took in more of Erito’s juices as Erito’s cock pushed inside of her tight warm pussy. Her hands grabbed a firmer hold of Erito’s legs as her body was shoved closer towards her purple haired lover before Socks pulled back on her hips, slowly dragging out his cock before shoving it back inside of the wanton Jedi girl. Kelsa would have screamed out if her mouth wasn’t pressed so familiarly into Erito’s dripping labia and cute little clit. She liked playing her tongue every now and then over the drenched hairs of Erito’s lavender pubic mound before her nose and lips were shoved back down into the girl’s shivering cunt. Erito’s hands eventually wrapped themselves into Kelsa’s thick blonde hair and she held the girl there longer each time Socks brutal thrusts shoved Kelsa’s lips against Erito’s sex.

On her literal other end all Kelsa could feel was Socks’ hammering pistol thrusting deeper inside of her at every moment. Her body craved the fullness he was giving her, even though it wasn’t her Master holding her town and claiming her body. The feeling was no less sublime as her body heated up and started to milk every last ounce of energy from the powerfully built soldier. While her lips savored the sweet taste of Erito’s cunt her pussy savored every inch of robust cock being bulldozed inside of her tight love canal.

Before he started prepping for his final assault Kelsa lifted up and away from Erito’s melting orifice and turned back slightly with a delightful look. Her eyes warned off Socks for a moment and she slowly uncorked herself of his rod with a lewd ‘splop’. Erito looked up to her amidst hurried breaths tinged with lust before Kelsa climbed on top of the bed and pressed her body against the envoys. The Jedi girl’s hand reached down and pressed firmly against Erito’s pussy and continued to get the envoy off as Kelsa pressed her lips earnestly against the purple haired woman’s. The feeling was pure ecstasy and she could only hope that Socks wouldn’t leave her cunt vacant for long.

In seconds the soldier took the initiative and once more started to fill her ramp with his shuttle. As Kelsa’s tongue explored Erito’s other orifice she was constantly shivering from the tumultuous pleasure. Having returned to thrusting inside of her slick pussy the Jedi’s rear was being overwhelmed by sensations as well. The forces at both ends were driving her inch by inch towards one final solution. As Socks spanked her ass and thrust deep inside of her for one last punishing thrust Kelsa felt her mind go blank as they came in tandem. The force of the last few thrusts from the soldier had her fingers playing inside of Erito with the beat of a hammering drum, adding the diplomat to their cooperative release. The two girls moaned into one another’s mouths as the soldier roared out in tantric release.

Kelsa slowly felt the feeling in her mind return as she slumped over on the same operating bed she’d started her jaunt from. She smiled and kissed the cooing Erito beneath her as she felt the warm fluid presence of Socks’ seed inside of her before his cock slowly pulled out of her body. The intense feeling of want and lust had subsided from the apprentice’s body, for now. As the two girls lay there in each other’s arms Kelsa suddenly felt a rush of danger through the Force. Her eyes opened quickly and she turned to Socks who was quickly retrieving his body suit.

“What’s going on?” She asked quickly as she saw him ready his weapons. The Republic commando quickly checked his armored gauntlet and his face turned from one of cautious to one of deadly seriousness.

“Someone’s tripped the perimeter sensors, a lot of someone’s. Get dressed and get ready for anything. If this is more creatures we’re in for a fight. If it’s someone else, well I’m guessing we’re still in for a fight.

Twenty odd minutes prior.

“All I know is that it is ancient and according to our scans emitting some sort of pulse every hour or so. I swear that’s all I know master.” Xau nodded to Sinde as they emerged from the storage shed. He believed her, especially given since he had torn the images and memories from her mind when she had been utterly exhausted by his newest conquest of her body. She held no secrets from him so long as he had such intimate contact with her; the Force was such a powerful ally. The two returned to the excavation area and paused when they heard a loud alarm chiming from the center of the area. The main crane was hard at work pulling something from the tunnel. Xau immediately trained his eyes on the location knowing that soon the Republic scientists and technicians would swarm the area to begin their research and his access would be limited till a future point. The energy flowing from the tunnel was reason enough to sate his interest but he knew that if the object being towed up really was a Sith artifact, then there would be more to it that just a source of raw power.

When the artifact was finally brought to the surface Xau got his first clear look at the item he had been sent to collect. The artifact was entirely made out of some blackish red material and topped with a curved triangle. The middle section had four spikes drooping out and down from the midpoint of the relic. Its base; while still the same black red color, seemed much more armored than the rest of the artifact. The Republic technicians worked quickly but carefully to unlimber the relic from its clasps. Soon enough the mysterious device was relieved of the crane that had taken it from the earth and placed gently on a repulsors sled. Xau and Sinde inched closer as the sled was moved away from the tunnel and over to an observation station. The Sith could hear the head scientist quickly chattering away at the discovery as she started various scans.

“Incredible. These readings are just incredible Jhowin. The energy output alone is reaching more than fifty cruiser class reactors working in tandem. If we can harness this power source, replicate it. It could mean a change to the war on a galactic scale.” The charming looking Arkanian-Offshoot declared as her hands feverishly worked over the control panel set into the observation post. “If only I had my lab, the tests I could run would be near infinite. We will need to get this off planet right away.” The scientist said and Xau offered up a bit of a smirk. The scientist was eager, good it meant she’d be likely to make more mistakes with protocol if she wanted to get the device away quickly. Xau almost made a step towards her, curious if he could probe her mind but he suddenly saw the arrival of the Security chief and he decided to move himself closer to Sinde. The Senator seemed oddly friendly and he felt her head resting against his powerful chest.

“Xau…Master… That… thing. I can feel a chill. There is something wrong about it. What are you doing?” Sinde asked him as her eyes looked up into his for a moment before she seemed to realize just how close she was. Pulling back she shook her head slightly and then gazed back to the observation station.

“It’s important this relic makes it into the right hands. That artifact is dangerous and none of these scientists know exactly what they’re dealing with. I’m actually surprised there aren’t any Jedi attached to the team.” Xau said quietly before he started looking around at the guards. If he timed it right the dark lord of the sith figured he could move over to be close enough to the white skinned scientist, so that he could use a mind trick on her. He turned back to Sinde.

“Listen closely my Senator. I want you to feign that you’ve received an emergency dispatch on your comlink that will draw away….” Before Xau could finish the lights around them suddenly shut off. The entire base was cast in a moody darkness and he heard the head scientist give out an alarmed gasp.

“We must get the power back on. I cannot complete my tests on the specimen!” She said; a distinct worry tingeing her voice. Xau almost scoffed at her worry when suddenly he felt a radiant alarm burning through the Force. It called to him, warned him. Danger was coming.

“Sinde…. get behind me?” Xau said as his lightsaber sailed from his side and into a one handed grip. The Sith Lord activated the weapon, ushering out the powerful orange beam as the first sniper rifle fired. Nearby one of the scientists close to Xau was caught in the head. The man slumped and a moment latter the security chief shouted out in alarm before a blast caught her in the shoulder. Xau didn’t see what happened to her before the Force guided his actions. His amber blade snapped out in a quick wave to block two incoming lances of deadly plasma. As Xau moved to quickly move around in a circle he realized the snipers had a cordon around the excavation location. The marksmen not shooting at Xau were focused on killing the Republic commandos and staff around them.

“Someone help me with the artifact. Look out! No.. Don’t worry about me, keep running to the command center!”

“Where’s the chief?” Someone else shouted as Xau sent more shots racing back towards their owners.

“We need to get back to the medical center now Sinde. Stay close.” Xau said before he heard a loud whooshing sound coming from his right. The Dark Lord of the Sith turned just in time to see a armored golden figure land in front of him. This new foe leveled both arms and fired point blank at Xau. The infiltrator Sith managed to deflect one blast but the other caught him in the leg. Xau howled in pain and then fell into a crouch. He fought to keep his hand from dropping his lightsaber but otherwise Xau could do little less as he slowly managed to look up at this newest threat. The armored foe stood before the fallen Sith and raised his arm cannons at him once again.

“So ends the story of Xau Cambion….”

Next Chapter –


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