I have a crush on someone I shouldn’t? (Story / Need Advice) (MF)

I have lived in this house for about 5 years. I’m a recently graduated college student with a business degree. I have a lot of life ahead of me and i’m excited for the future… there is this “crush” I have on the woman who cleans our house once every two weeks. I’m 23 years old and she is 51. I’m 6’0 with a fit build and short brown hair. Let’s say that her name is Laura for the sakes of privacy. Laura is not some crusty 51 year old woman. She is beautiful. I thought she was 40 ,MAYBE, and it wasn’t until recently I gained this strong attraction to her. I have had many girlfriends and partners in my life so this isn’t like anything new. This feels so wrong though because she is twice my age and something about it is telling me no. When i think about her though it’s like sparks fly. (idk how graphic I can be on this sub) Laura is about 5’9 Athletic build with long blonde hair and a straight smile. She has blue eyes and i still can’t believe she is FIFTY ONE lmao. She only cleans our house every two weeks. This becomes a problem because idk how to make a move on her. She is coming to clean tomorrow and i don’t have to go into work until later in the evening. I’ll be here the whole time she is here in the morning tomorrow and i want to subtly show my attraction for her without being creepy.

Two weeks ago when she came i decided to be a little ummm subtle? I was in my room before she came and when i heard the door chime i hopped out of bed. Plotting my “subtle” plan i landed on “i’ll just walk downstairs with no shirt on and shorts without underwear” In my head this was a great idea because it’s my own house and I could act like i didn’t know she was here right? Well right, but she didn’t seem to care? She has had 4 kids and all are adults except 2 older teens. So even though she seemed unphased i tried to start up some small talk. So, intentionally, i go to the coffee pot to start my coffee and just ask her some small talk stuff. Turns out we like similar music AND we have the same birthday! I knew she was a pisces ;) So even though everything was fine, I wanted more? So i went back upstairs with my coffee in hand with a slight erection forming below my thin shorts. I wanted her.. Naturally I wanted to see her a little more she’s was cleaning the windows downstairs and we have a small window upstairs that looks down on to the living room. It’s hard to notice because it’s so high up so there was literally no chance she would see me pleasing myself to her. I finished within a minute which is crazy btw.. I never finish fast. I can on a pair of old boxers with a little remorse. Still sexually charged there was nothing i could do? I don’t feel awkward but there is nothing i could possibly say to her without it feeling weird. She’s unmarried (checked on facebook) but i can’t break a small talk barrier i have somehow set up between us.

I left the boxers in plain sight on the end of my bed thinking maybe she would see them and move them? Sadly, she did not when i came home later that night. When i got home from work I got even more desperate and looked through her facebook. It didn’t look like she didn’t use it very much so i resorted to messaging her if she had “moved my dress shoes because i can’t find them” like wtf is that ?? She never read the facebook message because she is hardly on there it seems.. Heres my final questions..

1. What should i do for her to notice me without it being off putting

2. Should I pursue this?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jeiupv/i_have_a_crush_on_someone_i_shouldnt_story_need