EHAP Ch. 3 – What’s this Stranger’s price? [MF / Part 4 / Spontaneity / Sex-for-Cash / Oral / Cowgirl]

If you haven’t read the prologue to this story, you can check it out [here]( This is [Chapter 1]( and [Chapter 2](, which provide mild but not necessary context for this chapter.


**Chapter 3: What’s this Stranger’s Price?**

If you went as far as to open this story, I’m sure that you’ve checked out a stranger before. Maybe she had a really nice ass, and you couldn’t help but take a double take at her. Maybe her tits were practically popping out of her dress, and you couldn’t help but stare. Or maybe her face just looked like she came straight out from a movie, and you couldn’t help but admire how perfect and cute she looked. I’m no different – I’ve stared and gazed, usually wistfully, at these women as they almost swagger past, or as they sit proudly and assuredly in the knowledge that all eyes were on them. But because we live in a proper, civil society, we don’t just go up to these beautiful women and tell them about what we’d **really** like to do with them and to them. No, those thoughts are reserved for the deep recesses of our mind until we become sure that hey – they might be willing to do this with us, to let us do things to them. Then we give it a try.

I had so much fun with Saffron that I didn’t give much thought to other women during the time I spent playing with her. After all, I still had a job, and I had too much self-respect to use my power to generate my income for me. No – my power was to be used for *spending* it. What’s the point of having all this money if you can’t spend it?

Anyway, with my thoughts and attention mostly split between Saffron and work, I had no time to think about the broader implications of my power. I’d almost forgotten the times where I used to think to myself: I wonder what it’ll take to get that hot brunette with those shapely curves in bed in with me? Can she be wined and dined? Does she prefer a more straightforward approach? But these questions all came flooding back when my gaze one day landed upon [her](

She was the perfect kind of inviting stranger – the kind you can’t take your eyes off. Face? Check. Tits and bursting cleavage? Check. Dressing kind of sluttily, almost deliberately? Check. Ass? Well, she hasn’t stood up yet, and it’s kind of hard to tell when she’s still sitting down and facing you.

And that’s when I realised: with my power, I knew **exactly** what it would take for her to do anything I wanted her to do. For the first time outside of Saffron, I decided to activate it. I won’t bore you with the details of exactly how, but it’s extremely discreet, and basically works like Google except it always has the precise and correct answers. And it’s all in my head.

So I asked – what’s her name? Selena. I smiled to myself, thinking that she did look like much of a Selena. My thoughts quickly raced to Selena Gomez, before I parked that at the side of my mind; there was a long way to go before I could even meet her. I spent the next 5 minutes asking questions you’d normally never get straight answers to: I learnt that she was open to being propositioned (but it’d better be a good sum of money to get her attention); that I wasn’t exactly her type of guy but she was open (even if she didn’t really know it yet); that she outwardly says that she doesn’t enjoy attention and stares but subconsciously revels in it; that she was biding her time before meeting her friends in two hours; that she was working on her next deadline (she was a graphic designer) and stressed about not being able to meet it in time and possibly having to cut back on her spending.

Armed with all that information, I got my plan in order. I went to the counter to get her favourite drink (oh yes – I asked about that as well) before asking if I could sit down with her to have a few minutes of her time. She was annoyed – briefly – before taking off her earphones and realising that I didn’t just offer to buy her a drink; I already had. Normally, I’d mistake her facial expression for annoyance, but armed with my knowledge I knew she was secretly impressed.

“I thought you looked like a pumpkin spice latte girl – the cute girls always are” I smiled, tilting my head slightly. “Well, for a cold guess, that’s not a bad one – I’ll give you that” she smiled coyly, lying through her teeth so as to not give her surprise away. But I already knew that was her favourite drink, and I nodded somewhat smugly.

“I’ll be straight with you: you really caught my attention by just sitting here, and that’s not something I often say. I know you’re probably busy with whatever you’re doing now” – I gestured to her laptop and her earphones – “and I’m under no illusions as to how precious your time is, so I’m making you an offer. Spend the next hour with me, and I’ll pay you two hundred dollars – no questions asked. All I’m asking for is your time, nothing more.” She raised her eyebrows, seemingly wary of how high a sum that was (but I knew that secretly she was very pleasantly surprised at how forward I was and how much I expressed that interest).

I smiled, continuing, “of course, you might be right to think that there might be something deeply wrong with me if I’m paying you two hundred dollars just for your time. So here’s the deal – if you enjoyed yourself by the end of the hour, you can return me that two hundred. Deal?”

I took out two hundred – cash – and laid it down in front of her. “Sure, sounds like a good deal” she smiled. “Walk with me? I’ll get the staff to look over your stuff” I asked. She nodded.

“I’m John, what’s your name?” and with that, I spent the next 15 minutes asking her just the right questions that I already knew the answers to. I asked her for three tries to get her job right, and I got it right on the second time so that she wouldn’t be creeped out. I “deduced” that she was under some financial strain – not so much as to make her desperate, but enough for her to be a little worried.

It just so happened (well no, actually, I planned it) that when she was talking about her stressors working as a freelancer and her concerns about money, we walked past a hotel. I stopped outside the hotel, pretending to marvel at its beauty. But I’d already booked a room there on my phone before I approached Selena.

“You know, I’ve got a proposition that might make us both very happy, and solve your problems for you. I happen to think that you look just absolutely stunning, and I’d like to get to know you more… intimately.” I turned to look her in the eyes. She didn’t look away. “I think you know by now that money isn’t quite a problem for me the way it might cause for you. So I’m sure we can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution for us both”, I smiled, maintaining eye contact. She still didn’t look away, batting her eyelids slightly. “Okay. What are you offering?”


From there, it was a breeze. In barely the blink of an eye, there she was before me in the room, now slowly doing a striptease for me – not that there was much to strip off. She swivelled around on the spot, stopping with her ass facing me in those tight jeans. Unbuttoning them, she slowly slid them off to reveal a pair of bright red panties. She jiggled her ass slightly, pushing those jeans down with each jiggle. When she got them off, she turned to face me, smiling ever-so seductively. It was clear that this wasn’t her first time. “You must have one lucky boyfriend, huh?” I said, my bulge growing larger in my pants. “Used to – yeah. And you must really like what you see, huh” she grinned, her eyes finding their way to the bulge in my pants.

“I wonder what *this* would do to that bulge?” she feigned ignorance, unclasping her bra to reveal a magnificent set of C-Cups. She jiggled them, to my bulge’s great pleasure and to her corresponding greater delight. She did love being the centre of attention, and I was giving her loads.

Next thing I know, she was on her knees, greedily working my cock in and out of her mouth, all while maintaining eye contact with me. Her head bobbed adorably as I fondled her beautiful breasts with my hands. “This is it”, I thought, “this is what it feels like to have that hot stranger you’ve always wanted to suck you off.” And damn, did that feel good. She was truly giving me a bang for my buck (in ways more than one), as she picked up the intensity and speed she was going at. I stroked the back of her head gently, as if telling her to slow down. She paused for air, “how’s that, mister?”, grinning.

In response, I only gestured to the bed, where I sat down before she gently pinned me down on the bed with hand, removing her panties with the other. Now that we were really getting into it, her sexually active – even dominant – side was showing its true colours, not that I was complaining. She gently slid her now-moist pussy onto my hardened shaft, letting out a deep moan as my cock slid into her pussy. It was tight, and I couldn’t help but also be overcome by a wave of deep pleasure. My hands moved to grab her ass as she bounced up and down on my cock, my hands gently guiding her up and down before increasing its intensity. My hands found my way up to her tits, playing with them and teasing her nipples as she continued to ride me with increasing vigour.

“Come closer”, I gasped. She obliged, allowing me to suck on her nipples as her breathing steadily grew heavier, right next to my ear. I began to time my thrusts along with hers, the “schlop” sound becoming increasingly loud as our pleasure started to peak.

“Let me cum in your mouth.”, I said almost breathlessly, “I’ll give you another hundred”.

“Wait!” she said, continuing at her almost frenetic pace before she gave a little shudder and a much louder moan. “I’m surprised you lasted longer than me. You know what? I’ll give this to you for free.”, she said in between breaths, catching her breath.

Getting off me, she gently slid my cock into her mouth, one hand working on my balls and the other playing with herself. “Look at me, Selena.” I stared straight at her, before she returned the gaze. She picked up her pace, and before long her mouth was filled with my cum, and I was filled with satisfaction. I know she must have been satisfied too, because I later found five hundred dollars just lying around in the room.

I never saw Selena again, but my encounter with her opened me up to a world of possibilities with all those other hot strangers and busty housewives that occasionally opened up nasty trains of thought in me. The next time those thoughts happened, I put them into action. But that’s a story for another day.


As always, any and all comments or suggestions are welcome. If you’ve gone this far, I hope you enjoyed it!
