Daddy and his two little girls play dress up

Daddy and his two little girls play dress up

Before this story starts I want to explain that at the time of writing this I am almost finished with the story of the Hurricane knows as Kelley and our first meeting. I need to explain it was a story and I hope no one takes it seriously. None of these stories ever happened.
I know what happened in that story between Stacey and Kelley at best would be sexual assault and at worst rape. I do not condone these things. The character WillKnotthe1st has problems with the incident as you will read but Stacey forgiving nature and Will’s love of her makes him more forgiving than he should be.

Why is this not more strange than it is. I am sitting on this couch reaching out to Stacey, at my desk, with my foot stroking her leg as she finishes her report and at the same time Kelley has her head laying on my lap reading my copy of Hawkin’s “A brief history of time: From the big Bang to Black holes”

In all honesty this woman literally sexually abused Stacey…probably could be considered rape. Stacey says to forgive Kelley and since Stacey ask I seem to have forgiven her. I mean I don’t want to hate Kelley but I seem to not be able to hate her all from Stacey love of me… I really need to find out what Deity I ticked off to have such a weird life.
“Will, what is a Comic Con?” ask Stacey. I put down “The White Dragon” by Anne McCaffrey “It is a big convention for nerd culture. There is a big one in San Diego and another in New York city. Why?” “You just a email notice about tickets going on sale on your desktop.” “I can not afford them at 70 dollars a piece plus the cost of getting a hotel room and all the travel. I better things to spend my money on such as you two.” I stroke Kelley’s hair…a very weird life.

Stacey cheers, “report done. Thanks for being quite you two.” Kelley looks up to Stacey “Not much to do on a Sunday anyways but relax.” Stacey walks over and sits on the arm of the couch rights beside me and Kelley. “Maybe so but I could not think at the house with Matt and Kim trying to match Will and I’s performance.” Kelley giggles, “From what I have heard there needs to be entire army of women being ravaged by a army of men to even come close to that “promise” kept. I tap Kelley who rolls on her back and letting her bra less boobs to spread to each side.

“Yea, believe me it was not intentional I just wanted Stacey happy and satisfied.” Kelley’s right boob is now sitting on my belly..damn C cups.

“LOL Will, the first time in the cash office had me satisfied. The time in my bedroom had me on Cloud 9 for a month.” Stacey reached out and cups my cheek. “I really am lucky.” Stacey reaches down and pokes Kelley’s right boob sitting on my stomach. “You know a bra would make these look perky.” she then gropes the boob “But I like this, it is easy access.” Yea weird life.

“Will” says Kelley “You promised to take me to faire with You and Stacey. You aren’t going to forget, right?” “We have not forgotten. I got your ticket a couple of days ago and we are all set for Next Saturday.” “Good, I been a good girl since you accepted me and I don’t want it to be for nothing.” Both Stacey and I giggled at her use of hers daddy’s little girl voice to be reassured.

I lean forward and kiss Kelley on the lips “You have been very good and I am happy you have been” I sit up and lean to Stacey and kiss her. “Okay you were right I can be shared with out fighting. I wasn’t sure we could.” “Will, you have so much love to give that a 100 people could share you and no one would feel unloved.”

Kelley takes my free hand and slides it up Stacey skirt and pushes it against her soft and very wet pussy. The soft moan Stacey purrs out is a Heaven until its own. “I take it you aren’t wearing panties here because you do not have to explain having pussy juice running down your leg all day.” “Not with you and Kelley to lick it off” I pull my moist fingers out and licked the one and offered Kelley the other after wards. Stacey stands up “Its going to be 2 on one again, isn’t it?” Kelley stands up and smiles. “Maybe” I never knew where Stacey had found them but she had about a dozen pleated plaid skirts that reminded me of the Catholic school girl uniform skirt, except they had elastic waist band for quick removal.

Kelley reaches over to Stacey and slid the skirt down Stacey’s supple tan legs. Yep I am sure Kelley planned to double team Stacey with me. Now Stacey reached out and pulled Kelley’s sweatpants down revealing a pair of white lace boy shorts. Next Stacey remove’s Kelley’s Queen (the band) t-shirt.

By now my cock was hard and ready for action but I made one miscalculation, I was the one these two women decided to double team on. I realize it when Stacey turned towards me and Kelley step behind Stacey to remove her sweater. Kelley started to stroke Stacey body even sliding her hand to Stacey wet pussy to dip it in then Stacey did the same to Kelly and both moved towards me to suck there fingers. “Oh Crap its me that is outnumbered” They both smiled a very wicked grin and I can tell they had plan this. “Oh well nothing left to do but enjoy.” To which I placed both fingers into my mouth and sucked there pussy juice off.

They took off my shirt then stood me up to remove shorts (I went commando instead of wearing underwear for this very reason) “So who will be the front?” Said Kelley. “I was the last time so it is only fair you are this time.” Stacey said purring into my ear.

They lead me to my bedroom and I lay down on my bed. Kelley and Stacey walk up to the side of the bed and Stacey reaches around and slips 3 fingers into Kelley. “I think you need to be eaten. Will eat Kelley’s pussy and tongue fuck her for good measure

Now I very quickly learned each had a subtle but unique flavor. Kelley had vanilla body wash and you could taste the vanilla but you also could take the red wine from the wine coolers her Stacey enjoyed. Stacey on the other hand had a watermelon and wild flower taste from her body wash and shampoo but also there is the sweet tangy flavor of the wine cooler.

I grab Kelley’s hips and I pulled her pussy close. Kelley would pull away during pleasure meaning to keep going I had to drag her pussy to my lips as I was doing now. I let my tongue lick up one side of her pussy then down the other but not touching the clit. After a few runs around her labia I pull her down even tighter so I can tongue fuck her pussy. While not a screamer Kelley efficiently let you know of her pleasure with her grunts and gasps. I had teased her enough that I felt like I was drowning in her juices so I slid my tongue up to meet her engorged clit. Kelley’s clit look more like a micro penis and it was allot more sensitive than Stacey so it a very short time Kelley was coating my face like a glazed doughnut. Stacey was not idle during this tho, she was down between my legs sucking my cock and using a pressure point on the base of my penis to keep me from coming to soon.

“Daddy, please fuck me with your cock. Pound my pussy hard!” says Kelley. Stacey releases my cock from her mouth and crawls up behind Kelley and reaches around to play with her big boobs. “Yes Daddy, fuck my sister pussy but make her eat my wet cunt while you do.” Maybe its me but these words can send me over the edge. Now Usually Stacey is very submissive but at times she shows a strong side when asking for what she wants from Daddy and her sister and more often Kelley the “switch” just goes submissive

Stacey and I change positions and Stacey puts her pussy right below Kelley’s mouth and Stacey reaches out and pulls Kelley’s mouth down to her sopping wet pussy. I get behind Kelley and I pull open her but cheeks and I see she is wearing my gift of a red jeweled butt plug. Since I put it in myself before Stacey started her report I knew Stacey’s Blue jeweled but plug was in.

When I decided to have a physical and mental relationship with Kelley, Stacey and Kelley decided to get Kelley tested for STD and then both would go on birth control because they hated the feel of condoms. I missed the condom tho because it deaden the sensation and I could last much longer.

I take my cock and I start to rub and tease Kelley’s pussy with just the head of my cock. Kelley tries to impale herself on me but I won’t let her.

“Daddy you promised if I was a good girl and ate by sisters pussy you would fuck me hard. PLEASE FUCK ME!”

I recently got lucky by having one neighbor move out on one side (no one has rented it yet) and on the other side a sweat couple who were totally deaf. It means sex screams are usually never heard.

“My someone used a foul word and needs a spanking.” I pulled my hand back and swing it and at the same instant my hand connect I plunge my cock in. Each stroke I smack Kelley’s but. “I am such a bad little girl spank me harder daddy.” I start to count to 10 with each smack.

“Now will you be daddy’s other good girl?” “she whimpers as my cock slid in once again and said yes because she loved me and her sister so much.

Sheesh it doesn’t take much to make cum sometimes but the wimpier and the devotion she was saying did and I spurted a large wet crempie into her. I pull my cock out and she turns around and looks at me smiling. Her face does indeed look to be covered in Stacey’s cum.

“It is Stacey turn Daddy” and the accompanying “Daddy I want a pie also”…damn I was rock hard again. Kelley rolls on her side and watches me move up the bed. “What position does Stacey want to be in?” Stacey smiles “Do me doggy just like my naughty sister…but no spanking cause I am your good little girl.” she gets on her knees and lowers herself to her forearms and as I side my cock to the entrance of her pussy she turns and looks me in the eye “Not there, I want it in my butt…see I did not say asshole like she would I am a good girl”

Really have I told you my life is weird?

I pull our her blue jeweled but plug and grab the lube and squeeze it on her little puckered rose. I slide the cock to the entrance and slowly push to slide it into her tight ass. There is no way I am going to last long in here. I start pumping all the while I bend over he back to kiss her neck while she is rubbing her clit with her hand. Evidently Kelley had primed Stacey’s pussy well because only after 20 seconds I feel Stacey pussy shaking with a orgasm and then she clenched her but cheeks and I was done for and shot a second load into her asshole. All I hear as I am pulling out was two voices saying, “We have the best and most loving daddy”.

Stacey rolls on her side and faces Kelley and I just laid down on my back between them. No sooner than my back touched the mattress both women put there heads on my chest.

“You know, you two could kill me doing this and my only regret would be I would miss how much you cared for me.” Stacey looks up and says “I am CPR certified, I would not let you die on me and Kelley. I think life would be unbearable without you.” Kelley pipes “Never leave us.”

A blonde woman with a must updo appears in my head. I never wanted her to leave but she did and I survived because of one thing.

We laid there for a bit and in order we went and showered, me last of course.

As I sat back down on the couch with Stacey laying her head on my lap and Kelley sitting at the desk. “Okay we need to plan Kelley’s first faire trip.”

“Well first off I want my own costume!” “I told you it is Garb” Says Stacey, looking up to me. “Yes we need to garbed you properly on Saturday.” “I will be back, I am going to use the bathroom” said Kelley. Once the door closed Stacey looks up to me. “How is her choker coming.” “Jay says he finished it yesterday. The red satin ribbon you suggested is perfect with the Honey gold Amber they shaped into a heart for Kelley.” I said. “Good I hope she is surprised by it. Look I know you had no reason to open your heart to Kelley and make her one of the family, but I am glad you did. I love you Will Knot.”

Well Saturday came along and funny enough Stacey pulled all of us to the same spot as when we came here for Stacey’s first time. The day was cooler than the last time so Stacey wanted to wear her new Ladies dress in hope to impress the queen with. Kelley is looking around and I can see she is having the same question Stacey had when I brought her here. “I use to perform here and I am a long time patron hence why so many people know me.” “I guess that make sense. Still you are very popular…”

I look at Kelley then at Stacey then back to Kelley and evidently my dark cloud fell over my face. “After we get you Garb I need to tell you something of my history…” I turn to Stacey “You said Kitty told you I was walking a hard road, did she tell you what was the reason for the hard road?” “She just shook her head. “Well I will fix that today.

Suddenly the trumpets announced the Queen’s arrival. I took a hand in each of mine, Kelley on my left and Stacey on the right and took two steps back with them.

The queen walks up and sees me there with Stacey in her matching gown to my doublet and then sees Kelley. I must give it up for Kelley she did not go GAGA over the queens gown.

Will Knot I heard you were caught singing again…I glad you brought two women to try and control you.” “Yes your Majesty.” “You two bring him to tea at 1pm at the rose stage…I will bring the executioner just in case. OPEN THE GATES!!!”

Isn’t it great to be loved by the Queen.

We get threw the gate and very soon we found our self’s walking into Mistress Lisa and Mistress kitty clothing shop.

“O Frack! Another one Will?” “Yes I am told you need more than one especially when they head to the bathroom.” “Now Mistress Kitty will take good care of you so listen to her.” Says Stacey. “Ask her to tell you tale of Will she has plenty.” As they are heading back I call Mistress Kitty to come back. “Pretend you are thinking oi putting her in this green color,she hates green. Also take your time we need to make a quick stop over to see Jay and Jack.”

As Mistress Kitty takes Kelley into the changing room and close the door

Stacey and I dash to the Amber shop to get Kelley’s choker. The Golden color of hers contrasted just right with the red satin ties. Stacey is holding the choker when Mistress Kitty’s Mini Sam (12F). Hey that looks like yours Stacey. You getting a second one I hush Sam “Its a gift for Lady Kelley. “But why?” ask Sam. “Tell you later” I say and we sprint back to the shop.

We get back just a time to hear Kitty say that she hopes I swallow my golden tongue at the beauty of her work and of the young Lady.

Kitty herself was in a Triad with two men so I was not surprised she figured it out. But nobody but me knew that fact.

Out walks Kelley wearing a beautiful Blue gown. I was astonished how well it fit and how the color was a nice contrast to her green eyes.

Kitty brings her over. “What do you think Will?” “Color wise, it not green” slap on each arm from Stacey and Kelley. “Aha You are a glutton for Punishment, Will” Kitty smiles.

So lady Kelly, have you seen yourself in a full size mirror yet?” I ask. “Not to fast there Will. Don’t short her the experience. Lady Kelley Will is a master Bodice diver here in the shire and in Australia.” Kitty says. Yea but I can only demonstrate one here. Australian is what happened the other day when you two tag teamed me.” I pull her to the chair and I turn and sit down. You want the first chance Stacey? Or should I?” Stacey just smiles and points to me to which I lower my face down and motorboat Kelley till she is giggling then I pull her close and plant the kiss on close to her sternum (allot of boobage was in the way). Then I turned her to Stacey who also motorboats her and kisses her cleavage. “That is Bodice diving Lovely Lady Kelley” I say. Without saying a word Kelley immediately motorboats Stacey.

“Now can we go to the Mirror to look?” I ask as Sam is still watching a bit confused. “Yes go on Will.” Stacey and I walk Kelley to the Mirror to see. She is preening. “There is something wrong.” Kelley looks at my reflection and at that moment Stacey put the choker around Kelley” s neck and clasp it and ties the Satin ribbons and we both hug her and say “Welcome to our family.

It is at this moment Sam figured it out “Oh your Like Mommy, Dad, and Daddy.” Stacey and Kelley look at Sam stunned and then turn to me.

“Come on I said I was never was in a triad before. I never said I did not know what is was or how else would I know to call it Triad. Now can I escort the two most beautiful women on the shire to tea with the queen”

After the tea we head up to the secluded tent behind the chess board. The same kid is sitting there but reading a new book. I show my pass and Stacey shows hers and Kelley shows her and we all head in. I motioned them to go and sit and be comfortable.

I bring three bottles of water over. “ sat and look each one in the eye. About 5 years ago I was in love with a young woman. Well our recent pillow talked reminded me that I have not been honest with you two about her…hell I have never mentioned her, Her name was Meg and I loved her. I lived everyday for us” I smile “Like I do for both of you. I was destined to loose her to a cancerous tumor..well the side effect from the tumor After her I was nothing, I had no happiness, no joy, no sadness, or even fear for the longest time. I did learned to fake my feelings. At times I did not want to live but for one thing that whispered hope. That is why this place is so special me. Because of this place I could fallen under the spell of a hazel eye demon then along came a force of nature with Green eyes.

I walk up close to them, and hold my hands out “promise me to stay who you are and I promise to do the same. With you two I feel like I can do anything. Now let’s head home and see if we can make one or other scream out the loudest from sexual pleasure and see if any one hears?” Oh look….. if you are long time reader of mine just repeat after me “Look they both blush easily.”

we spent the rest of the day having fun. We all were chosen by the queen to be her pawn (talk about Irony there), Literally had a knights from either side of the list chose to carry each Lady’s Favor, Ended up with another 200 plus roses (any one need some roses to press?), and we did go back home and were quite loud during our play time and nope nobody but us noticed. I am writing this from a way to small bed with Lady Kelley in front of me wearing a red satin camisole shorts set, Lady Stacey behind me in a Pink camisole short set.

In the end all I can say is I have figured it out, I have ticked all the deities off and sometimes it brings you not the life you think you deserve but the life you never knew you wanted. We will back to faire in the future but next chapter is all crossed steel and public sex..
