The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

I knew she was there and awake. She was looking at me and I am sure smiling.

“Are you going to look at me or maybe give me a kiss but be warned I have carpet breath.”

She chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose and I open my eyes. I look at her and asked

“Been up long?”

“Long enough.”Long enough for what?”

I asked.

“You will see.”

I reach out and stroke her face and smile

“Yes I will see.”

She sat up and I can smell the bacon frying and I am hungry. I roll over sit up, and stand up and head for the main room following her.

“Do I have enough time for a cold shower before breakfast?”

I can see she is wearing one my t shirt with the oversized collar hole sliding down her should. It was very 80 chic.

“Nope you do not, you will have enough time to take a hot shower. I finished about an hour ago”

I Kept the shower brisk and went in and put on clean underwear and came to the kitchen table to have breakfast. As she bent over to pick a bottle of orange juice off the bottom shelf I can see that she was only wearing my t-shirt. She poured two glasses of orange juice and sat down passing me the toast and she served us both eggs and bacon.

I smile at her

“So I take it it that you are comfortable in my home? I hope so, I would love to have you here anytime you like. I will head to Walmart and get a spare key made so you can.”

” Are you sure you want me here?”

she whispers almost like she was afraid I would just throw her out. I lean over and kiss her and stroke her face and say

“If I didn’t want you here I would never fulfilled your request in the cash office. Besides I need to make room in my closet for anything you would like to stay safe here.

I stand up and lean over and hug her and point to her choker,

“except that. I want you to wear it proudly everywhere you go. It is almost as beautiful as you are. The golden flex in it are also in your incredible eyes. I have question for you. Am I everything you wanted…. and still want?”

Anytime I was happy in a relationship is always were I seemed to get dumped. And I was happier now then I have ever been because of this sweet woman and I was sure she was going leave me and soon.
Stacey squeezes me as hard as she can and I braced for the words I know is coming.

You goddamn know you are. You are the best thing in my life ever. I would be fucking stupid to give you up without a fight.

Okay these were not the words I expected and the only thing I can say was

“thank you”

as I hugged her back.

She looks up to me and says

“let’s eat this food while its warm, cold scrambled eggs suck”

We both laugh and sit down and eat.

“You know yesterday at the faire everyone was so sweet to me and many had fun stories about you.”

I look at Stacey and say

“Most of us treat faire like a second home and all the people there are our family. We Laugh with each other and we cry for each other.”

Stacey looks back at me

“Mistress Kitty said you had walked a hard road for the last few years and she was worried you would walk the shire for the rest of your life alone.”

“Till you came along I thought the same thing. It would have been a bit lonely but my friends would be still there and I would have survived it.”

I smile

“So what was your favorite part?”

and her hand rises to her choker

“when you gave me this.”

I lean over and kiss her and say

“I had to, you had taken my heart and I firmly placed it here. I think I know my heart will be safe with you”

but in the back of my head doubt was saying she will wise up and dump your sorry ass.

We finish breakfast I stand up and grab the plate to wash them to only have mine taken from me as Stacey grabbed hers and walk to the sink.

“You go put some clothes on and relax this is my job today.

Sometimes it does not pay to fight your boss.

I put on a T and some shorts (never wear socks and shoes in the house) and sat down on the arm of the couch.

“You know I still have a Promise to fulfill to you.”

You damn right you do… but the funny thing is that the longer I wait, the better the experience will be.”

“So what should we do today? We are to late for faire. You want to go shopping? Or head to Gettysburg to see the land of Miniature horses….wait I know. You have a bathing suit in that bag in there?”

Stacey looks at me perplex “

Why? There was no mention of sunbathing or a pool in the date invite.”

You have a suit at home, right?”

Again Stacey looks at me perplex.

“Yes, and are you going to tell me me why?”

I just smile and say

“Nope. Go get dress and pack up. We are first heading to your place to get the suit then I am taking you someplace special to relax the day away.

We get to her house and guess who is there, none other than Kim. Stacey runs upstairs to get her suit and comes down. I see her choker on.

“that needs to stay here, it can get lost where we are going.”

Kim just reaches out to touch it as Stacey smiles and says:

I lost my heart to someone but they gave me theirs in trade.

“LOL I never thought about it that way but I guess you’re right”

as I smile at Stacey. She sped back upstairs and then comes down with choker off.

“My car or yours..or both?”

Stacey looks at me a little miffed

“Your car, do not forget you still haven’t told me where we are going.”

“Clifford Lake. I rented a jet ski so we can go to this quite and secluded beach to rest and relax. The rubber tubes I packed, one has water, gator aid and some wine coolers for you. Another has sandwiches, crackers and cheese, ring bologna. The third tube has an air mattress and tarp and the last has our clothes, blankets, and the battery powered pump for the air mattress. We will leave our change of clothes till we get back in the car then have a nice dinner at a bar on the lake. Then I bring you home. Plan?”

Like a switch Stacey’s frown becomes a smile. “

Let’s get moving.”

she called as she was heading for the door. Kim just waved as we headed out the door.

W arrived at the beach and we go into the public beach changing rooms to put on our suits. I come out with a pair of board shorts and a men’s swim shirt. I got a warning when Stacey came out because all men on the beach and a most women looked at the changing room. I turn around there is Stacey in an extremely sexy bikini to let my jaw hit the floor. At this point she made me the enemy of all the males and a few females by her coming over and kissing me and thanking me for waiting, like any man would not wait for this.

We walked over to the Jet ski rental station and were handed the keys, 2 life jacket, and a short user course on how to operate the jet ski and then we are off.

I know of a place on the opposite side of the lake. A natural clay boat landing by mother nature. When you left the water side you walked about 10 feet and have to make a right turn into a large shady opening. Unless you knew about the open area it just look like a mud slide that dead ends.

We set up our little beach get away and layed down for a nap.

I wake up again to Stacey looking at me. I slip her face closer and I Kiss her and she slid her hot wet tongue into my mouth. My hand just slowly slid down her back to I reach the top of her bikini bottoms and I just rub her but cheek.
I start rubbing the small of her back as we are making out. She starts rubbing my crotch as my cock starts to throb as it was swelling. Tho we have not been swimming I can feel the wetness soaking Stacey crotch.
I pull away from the kiss and tell her I want her to take her bottom off and I will do the same then I want to lick her pussy while she is on top and she can suck my cock.

Quickly we both are so throbby and squirming from the pleasure we were causing each other that it looked like we were laying on a fire ant nest.

Will, I want to have the promise right here and right now and with you.

I grabbed the bag the blankets were in and I find no condoms. I could have sworn I had put four in there. I grab the air mattress bag, still nothing. I check the rest of the bag including the cooler bag and nothing. Oh god why me. I look Stacey and said I forgot the condoms in the car in my clothing bag. Stacey rolled away and slipped her bottom back on. She becomes distant and really does not want to lay close.

After snacks and drinks it’s time to break down our hideaway and we pack up and return the jet ski. We grab our clothes and head into the changing rooms. Stacey is still distant and I am only getting one word answers. I had a problem finding my other sock so Stacey finished changing first and was outside waiting for me.

As I got to the door out, I hear a couple of male voices talking to her. They were urging her to come to the party they were having. All I can think that it was time for the shoe to drop for me forgetting the condoms and time for the pretty girl to dump me for the jocks. I can not match these young stud types.

Next voice I hear is Stacey and she asking if her boyfriend would come along to the party. The one guy asks

“You mean Porky Pig?”

Have you ever heard of the Irish Ghost called a Banshee? It calls your name and if you hear it means you are going to die that night and that is exactly the Bellow Stacey let out telling these little Fuck Boys that I was a better man than them and he actually treats me as a Human vs you three who just want to throw me on a bed and force me to have sex with you.

As a Public beach there is always cops sitting there looking for drunks or those high on drugs and instantly the cops turns his lights on and it look like a scene in a cockroach infested house as the roaches just turned and headed for the darker areas away from the sudden light.

I run from the bathroom ashamed of what I was thinking and ran to her side asking her if she was all right. She just smiles and said

“Now I am.”

We ate dinner and head back to Stacey house. I confessed my doubt to her. She asked me why would I doubt her. I explain the way she acted after I could not find the condoms how she was distant and giving one word.

“I am sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.

We start kissing at the door but when she breaks the kiss and softly whisper

“Stay the night and I want you to follow thru on “The Promise. 7 days is long enough of a wait.”

I ran the 10 feet to the van and ran the 10 feet back holding my overnight bag with my spare work uniform and 10 condoms (just in case of break or burnt rubber.)

As we walk in, there is Miss Soul Piercing Eyes herself, Kim. She just start asking question about the beach then she wanted to hear about dinner then started to ask questions about the faire the day before. I sat down in a chair and Stacey took her new favorite lap but finally Stacey had enough.
It was at this point Stacey stopped her and said

“I would love to tell you but I been waiting for a week for him to fuck me and make cum so hard that you might need headphones blasting Metallica not to to hear my screams of joy.

Stacey got up off my lap lean over and gave Kim and hug and turns to me and says

“Get moving I been dreaming of this all week and nothing is going to stop me.”

I chuckled and waved to Kim as I am pulled by my hands to the step and Stacey’s room.

In the time we worked together I have never seen Stacey’s room but now I was walked in. She has her laptop sitting on a desk by the door. I little TV and a queen size bed with satin sheets.

Stacey come at me with her hands just roaming my entire body looking for a spot to grab and throw me on her bed.

I pull my shirt over my head not caring if my stretch marks are visible. I kick off my shoes and pull my pants and underwear off all the while Stacey is taking her skirt blouse, shoes and panties off.

Both of us are naked and I gesture her to lay down she smiles and shakes her no. I am confused and she comes over puts her fingers to my lips and I realized this her bedroom, she gives the orders here and I smile then she smiles back before she jumps up into my arms for a princess carry to the bed.

This woman is now driving me wild by nibbling my ear as I slide my knee on the satin sheet and lowering Stacey down on the bed. I slide into my favorite place, my mouth is 2 inches away from Stacey’s clit. I lean forward and start licking her labia and I try to slide 3 fingers in again, tho it is wet enough her pussy walls are constricted so I can only get 2 fingers and it is tight but the pussy is full on drenching my fingers and hand.

I start sucking her clit in and out and circling her clit with my tongue.

Stacey moans to me to lay on my back she want to ride my face and suck my cock like we had been doing at the beach. Stacey starts to grind her pussy into my face while I start to fuck her pussy with my tongue. I decided I want to be on top so I can fuck her face as I suck her clit. I just say

“Rollover and be a good slut.”

She release my cock and just whisper

“Make me your slut”

Next thing I am kneeling above as I start to fuck her face I bury my face into he swollen pussy sucking her slit and clit hard enough I might leave a hickey on her labia.

I pull my cock out of her mouth and tell her to rest her head over the edge of the bed so I can fuck her face hard. I am about to cum and pull my cock out of her mouth and say

“Tell Daddy where she wants my cum.”

She doesn’t speak and I used a sterner voice “

Tell daddy or he will be mad and I will have to spank you for not being a good girl.”

Stacey then speaks in her little girl voice

“I want to swallow it like last time. Please Daddy fuck my face harder”

I smile down and caress her face and I say “

You are such a good girl so I will fuck your face harder so you can swallow every drop of Daddy’s cum.”

Stacey opens her mouth with a hungry purr exactly the way she asked me to eat her pussy about a week earlier.

She opens her mouth and I just shove my dick into her throat and as I watch the movement of her throat where my dick was slidin thru. I can feel the pressure in my balls building up and I can hear Stacey trying to catch her breath between thrust. I slow my thrust so Stacey can catch her breath and I can see my nut sack slapping Stacey in the eyes. I pull out enough that Stacey can catch her breath and mumble an answer to me.

“Daddy will be coming soon and I will not be able to pull out till I am done so you can swallow. Take a big breath first. Are you ready?”

I hear a “

Yes Please, Daddy”

to which I thrust two more times and left my cock in her throat and I can see her swallowing every drop of my cum. I pull out as Stacey is taking deep breaths. I help her sit up and tell her she is my best and greatest little girl. I look at her and ask her if she is ready to cum with my cock in her pussy. The pure admiration of love she looked at me with and her gentle smile answer that question for me.

I tell her to lay down as I return to licking and sucking her clit. When she is not expecting it I slip first 1 then 2 fingers in and I can reach a little raised bump on the front of her internal walls. As I massage that spot while licking and sucking her clit she has her first orgasm but I wasn’t going to stop there I was in this to fulfill my promise so I intensify my licking and sucking on her clit as I keep rubbing that raised spot in the inside and a mere minute a second and third orgasm. I keep licking and rubbing and get a fourth orgasm and with each orgasm she went from loud moans to full on yelling

“OH MY GOD, YES!!! “

for the pleasure she is receiving.

Right after I came in her throat I had put on a condom ready for this moment. I lift her off the bed and slide my cock to the entrance of her pussy as I sit her on her desk. I start out gentle with my slow thrust but as I sped up my thumb found her clit and I start fucking her as hard as I can my thumb is rubbing her cum around her clit sending her on to the hardest and most powerful orgasms she ever had.

Each stroke is slamming home and each stroke of the thumb is setting her to tip over the edge. When she orgasms I can feels her squirt all over my cock and ball sack. All either of us can do is to hold each other tightly till she slow to just aftershock spasms.. As I pull out I can hear her moan as the vagina stopped throbbing and there is now a puddle of milky white thick substance dripping from her pussy. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close and whisper how she is the very best little girl any Daddy could have. She smiles

“Thank you daddy…I didn’t actually thought you could deliver on your promise so sorry I doubted you.

I ask her if she wants to clean up and shower and I will dress her and change the sheets and I will sleep on the wet spot. She laughs and said just use a towel for the wet spot. Also if I slept with her I must promise not to do a repeat performance of this evenings activity for at least a few days because she will be sore down there again.

We both chuckle and I help clean her and myself up and when we get back into the bedroom she tells me to open the top drawer on the left of the dresser. As I open the drawer sitting there is the satin garter belt and the light blue satin chemise. She asked for the chemise and she promised that any time we were in a bed together she always will wear a satin chemise and shorts to sleep beside me.

I come down stairs the next morning sitting at the kitchen table is Kim and Matt. Matt looks at me and says

“:Next time warn me…and all the neighbors. Someone called the cops after her screams and showed up for the ear shattering “FUCK! ME! HARDER! WILL!!” They ask you do not repeat that performance often.”

Whoops I didn’t take that into my plans. This moment Stacey came down smiling but sore.

“Mm Matt just said the cops were here last night.”

Stacey ask

“Why someone had a loud party?

I chuckle

“You can say that but it was a party of 2 and they thought one was killing the other one. Stacey ask innocently

“Where did this happen”

and Matt popped up

“Your Bedroom it seems.”

There is my favorite thing of Stacey full body blush.

“Okay let’s go and get you some Motrin, Gatorade and defiantly a McMuffin meal and to work we Go. You are not wearing the Garter belt are you?”

Stacey laughs

not today.

We made it to work and everyone was cooing over Stacey’s Amber heart choker and wondering what the faire was like to which Stacey starts to tell all the stories she was told about me, especially the queens story of me singing while hiding under her dress.

Ray walk over to me after opening.

“So what does she wear?”

Stacey was behind him and piped up

“Well Him (points at me) most of the night. Then satin shorts because panties were too tight after the pounding he gave me.

As she walks away Ray just smiled and said

“I walked into that one, didn’t I?”

look at him then at Stacey and said

“Walk in? No you rode in on a Trek bike yelling Hi-Ho Silver.”

Later on Amy tells me to go clean up the Cash office the weekend crowd were pigs. Well I hate to have discipline the lead since it was Ray’s new friend Christina but oh well. After 20 minutes I have the office looking like an office and not the break room and that is when the door opens up and there is Stacey walking in.

Think its clean enough for Amy?

Stacey looks around

“well it is better than how we left it last Monday, no pussy juice stains from me.”

Sometimes all you need to do is speak the name of evil and it shows up, yep in rushed Amy.

Trying to catch us doing something?”

Amy says.

“Uh,. No just coming to see if Will cleaned this place. It was a pig pen.”

I look at Stacey

“Yea it was, and one of us need to talk to Christina and make sure every cashier knows that there is to be never anything eaten in here”

Without missing a beat Stacey pipes up

“Except me.”

Amy was not happy about that comment. Kim is standing behind Amy again laughing, “Don’t worry after last night I do not think she would be able to do that. Will was..well.. a little bit hard on the beaver. Also someone thought she was being killed and called the cops who arrived in time to hear clear as day “FUCK! ME! HARDER! WILL!!”

Oh look Amy can blush all over also.

This point Amy and Kim left and Stacey turns to me and smiles

“So when I am back in working order, how about you take my anal virginity?”

I think I have created a Monster…and I love her. Note to self, start researching but plugs and a good remote control vibrating panty.


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