Hurricane Kelley

Old Sailor saying “Red sky in the morning Sailors take warning. Red sky at night Sailors delight”

I like to thank everyone for the kind words, feedback, and inspirations.


As an actor I have always lean towards to believing certain superstitions such as during a performance of Macbeth you call it “The Scottish Play”. I believe in ghost. I hope there are fairies. One superstition I never believed in was the old sailor saying about the sky….. till the day Kelley walked in.

It was a Tuesday which meant I was in early to help unload the truck but do to a malfunction truck the day before, we received two truck pack to the rafter with items for out First “Parking lot Sale.”
It seems that one of the items they were going to sell at the lot sale was physical fitness equipment…IE dumbbells. There was 12 skids full and each skid literally weighed a ton. The Tuesday crew killed it by finishing by 8:30.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick “sink shower” and put on my work uniform and headed to the cash office to prep for opening.

I walk in and sitting on the desk is Kim and standing beside her was my “Very Pretty Manager” (my pet name I call my girlfriend Stacey in my head or when we are alone). I walk to Stacey and give her a kiss like I haven’t seen her in a week even tho I left her in bed sleeping in her scarlet chemise and shorts only 2 hours ago.

Kim says “Where is my kiss?” Kim smiles then Stacey looks at her and says

“Every time I kiss you slip me the tongue.”

All of us chuckle as I walked over to the scheduled to see which cashiers were on today.

“Looks like it is Edith and Christina today. Christina is covering for Mike?”

Stacey looks over with those damn hazel eyes with gold flecks matching her amber heart choker and I can feel my knees get weak just looking.

“Yea Mike and Christina asked me last week. I forget to mention it?”

“No I do remember you mentioning it”

Stacey and I made a promise to Amy the store manager no Hanky Panky in the store and we are good about it but let Amy try to stop me from getting a kiss from Stacey and there will be hell to Pay. I walk over and kiss Stacey a second time for those eyes and I turn and head to the safe to get drawers ready.

As I am counting Kim ask Stacey

“when is your friend getting here?”

Stacey looks up from counting the deposit

“Oh today. Coming here to go to lunch with me. Will, you want to go along?”

I look up and smile

“If you don’t mind I want to take a nap on lunch. That frikin 2 trucks kicked my arse today. 12 skids of dumbbells.”

Kim decided it was time for some fun.

“Don’t worry Stacey, I will tuck Will in. Will you like snuggle up to some C Cups today”

as she grabbed her boobs.

“Sorry that is to much boobs I would never hear your heartbeats. Besides I doubt any one has screamed out loud to the cops “FUCK! ME!HARDER!KIM!”

DING!DING!DING! We have blush in pairs.

After Edith and Christina count the drawers I grab mine/manager drawer and head all three of us to the front. After all drawers are safely in there register I say we need someone to get the broom and someone to straighten up the end caps for the registers immediately Edith volunteers for the broom, and saying something along the lines that Halloween is coming and she needs more practice flying a broom.

I head over to the managers register and start imputing defective products and tagging them to be returned to corporate. I watch Ray move to the front of the Bike pad evidently talking to Christina who is cleaning and facing the sheaves.

I decided to sneak up behind Ray and embarrass at least Christina.

“Hey Ray, it must be nice to have the boss to let you look at cute women’s but.”

Well three blushes today…I wonder if I can get Amy also?

“Well I am lucky enough not to have to put my hands up Matt skirts.”

Matt hearing his name

“Oh come on Ray it was only once and we both were drunk…the rest of the time you will not touch me when I wear the skirt.”

I have mentioned I have a weird life, right?

Well the clock hit 12 pm. Stacey and I agreed a long time ago that on the day I unload the truck she will take the 12-1 lunch hour and I will take 1-2 lunch. I get back from lunch I only have an hour left of work.

I am greeting and directing customer when a very pretty woman in a white satin wrap dress comes in and walks up to me asking for Stacey. I ask her if she is Kelley and she smiles and said yes. I told hold on I will call Stacey and let her know her cute lunch date is here. I get off the phone and we chat between customer till Stacey come up.

“I will be back in a hour I will bring you back a cannoli.”

She kisses me and starts to walk out with Kelley and just before they exit Kelley stops turns around and walks back to me and whispers to me

“If you get bored let me know I will gladly let you put those hands up this dress and I will not blush…tho if it turns you on I can blush on command.”

She then turned and walks back to Stacey whispers in her ear and both start giggling and Stacey looks back and waves.

What was that about?”

I don’t know Ray but I think Kelley just propositioned me and worst I think she told Stacey so.”

Stacey comes back and tells me to go to lunch and have my nap and she will wake me when it was time. I went back punched out and did just that. When I wake up I look at the break room clock and it is reading 4 pm.


I run to the time clock and to Amy’s office. I get to Amy’s office and start telling her I overslept and Stacey forgot to wake me up. Amy’s looks at me and said that she told Stacey to let me sleep for unloading the trucks today so quickly and had all the merch ready to go out and so if someone needs to they get to the racks on each side. I said sorry and thanked her. I headed to the front but Stacey was not there since she was prepping for the replacement cashier coming in for the 5-9 shift.

Following Monday I come in and sitting on her desk is Stacey looking yummy enough to eat. Good morning sleepy head”

she said and lean forward for a kiss.

After a little tonsil hockey we separate and Stacey hops off the desk as I walk over to see who we have in today. Now a knocking is heard and we hear Amy Call

“coming in.”

As the door open Stacey says

“Pull your zipper up, Will and then act innocent.”

Amy looks around just in case.

“Okay I have got the scheduled done and you have Next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off for the wedding. A Buddy from faire was marrying and I was asked to be a groomsman and the designated driver both the bachelor party and the Bachelorette party.

Stacey really only met the groom and bride at the faire once but she was excited to go. She even went as far to buy a pale blue gown before getting the okay that she would have the days off.

Kim came in and said

“I am covering Friday for you next week, better bring me back a favor from the wedding. Will have you seen the gown she bought? Its strapless. Tho I always wonder what holds the dress up?”

I respond

“Mostly the stares of the guys in the room”

That night I head over to see Stacey’s gown and there on the couch is Kelley.

“Come over to get your hands up my dress?”

“Nope, Stacey wants to show me her gown for the wedding”

I head up the stairs and knock on Stacey’s door and I hear

“Close your eyes and come in.”

What is she up to now I wonder.

I close my eyes and open the door and walk in closing the door and call

“All right what does my pretty manger has to show me?”

I chuckled.

You can open your eyes.

As I open my eyes I notice the light is dim and there is form standing in front of me at the window. The full moon was rising behind the form. You can see that tho lined the lining material was very shear and with the moonlight behind the figure I can see every curve and every lithe limb and when she turns sideways to let the moonlight her face you can even see those lovely perky breast.

I had to swallow and get some air for I felt like I was drowning and the only place I could get the air I need was from the lips of this goddess. As I step forward I slowly reach my hand out and the figure touches it pulling me closer. This was no spirit, it was solid and as I slid my other hand behind the figure’s head feeling the silky black hair I lean in for a kiss. I can not tell you how long the kiss lasted but I know it was to short for me….hell a eternity of that kiss would have been to short.

I pull my face back to look at my Pretty manger and smile.

“My you are extra lovely tonight.

She smiles back and I run my fingers threw my own hair.

“You like the gown?”

I can only swallow in response to that question.

“You want to see it at its most beautiful. I nod really unable to say anything meaningful.

“She takes my hand to the back of the dress and puts it on a metal rectangle.

“Slowly pull down.”

I pull and what can only be the zipper goes down about a foot and the dress falls in slow motion around her feet leaving Stacey standing there in nothing but stockings and a light blue garter belt. She pulls my sweatpants down with my underwear and she directs me to the bed and as I lay down at her command she gently straddles me.

Stacey guides my cock to her pussy and lowers herself onto my cock. She starts to grind her crotch on me then she starts a slow rhythmic swaying back and forth. I can feel her heartbeat as my cock is squeezed by the walls of her pussy. She speeds up a bit but slows down. In varying the speed she learned she can make me last longer and she wanted this to last till we both got what we want from it.

Just as she started she stops and lays on her back and ask me to give her a pearl necklaces…she wants me to cum on her neck and that was what I did.

I had recently taken to keeping my overnight bag in my van, just in case so I went downstairs passed Kelley and got my bag and went up. I am late on changing the sheets but was in time to dress Stacey in a love purple satin Cami set.

Every day Stacey and Kelley would go to lunch but Stacey never asked me if I wanted to go. Only once before the wedding did Stacey came over to see me after work. Every morning I was still greeted with a kiss but the normal goodbye kiss stopped until the Thursday before the wedding. There was no kiss in the morning or good bye kiss and the Amber heart choker was not on her neck.

I pretend to not notice and ask Kim what is going on. She told me she didn’t know but Stacey been up in her room most night alone or sometimes with Kelley.

Friday arrives and I pick up Stacey at her place. She gives me a kiss but she still seems a bit distant. We arrive at the hotel and check in and I get our bags to the room. No on needed a ride since they got taxis back. Me and Stacey just sat on the bed me reading a Anne McCaffrey book and Stacey sitting between my leg leaned against my chest reading a romance novel.

Around 2am I suggest we go to bed and Stacey agrees and gives me a hug and then gets up and changes into a nightshirt with winnie the poo on satin chemise and shorts. After I climb in and try to spoon up to her but she just moves away muttering it is to warm.

The wedding was beautiful and I thought I made some progress with Stacey by getting her to sit on my lap but the whole time she would not look at me. Sunday we pack up and I head to her house to drop her off but as I am driving Stacey says that we need to talk but not today.

“Let’s talk tomorrow at your place, Will.”

With that she gets out and before I get out she grabs her bag and heads to the door alone.

Monday sucks as a rule but when the person you care about most is a miserable wreck and she only promise to tell you later….well later seem like forever.

Those 8 hours felt more 8 years in a Russian Gulag. When I get off work Stacey had already left. Kim intercepts me and says

“Stacey really loves you.”

“I know I just do not know why she is so miserable.”

I pull into my apartment’s parking lot and see Stacey’s car. So she did show up. I wonder what is going to happen?
I get to my apartment and walk in. I can see Stacey at the end of my table looking like hell. I walk towards her to at least get a hug but when the entire table is visible there on the other end is Kelley also looking rather crappy.

WT F is going on..well that is what I wanted to say but I took a deep breath and sat down in the middle seat and look at Stacey waiting for a answer.

“So you wanted to talk and I am ready to listen. But I hope I can talk also.”

Stacey looks terrified as she put the velvet bag the choker came in on the table and the way it sounds I am sure the choker is in the bag.

“It is about cheating….we need to talk about.”

I want to rant and scream that I have never cheated on her, but I took 10 deep breaths and manage my anger.

“Who with?”

I ask. Stacey starts crying and points at Kelley. Right now I am tired of the games and I turn to Kelley.

“Oh I cheated with Kelley, I see. She tell you this? When did I cheat with her, the night of the gown? Because other than work it is the only time I saw her. Ask Kim she will tell you.”

Stacey still bawling she looks at me and then said


Looking over to Kelley she is looking at the floor and won’t meet my eyes. I sit back down very confused since I was expecting of being accused of cheating with Kelley not this.

“What…I am ….what?”

I felt like a record player skipping and wasn’t sure what

”Deep breath, Will, take deep breaths and focus”

I say out loud.

“Clear your brain and ask questions. okay, do you love her?”

Stacey looks at me and for the first time ever she yells at me”


At this moment Kelley looks up at me and stares me in the eyes.

“Like you, I know her well enough to know what buttons to push to get the response I want…..I got her to show me the dress after I got her drunk and…well I pushed the right buttons.”

“In what ways?”

I ask.

“Okay I think I better tell the whole story here. First off I am switch.”

Stacey looks up

“A what?”

she is both a dom and sub in other words she can play Mommy or little girl.”

I respond.

Yes and back in collage I learn that Stacey was sub. I never used the knowledge to hurt her but I did find that the drunker Stacey got the more submissive she became. Well last Monday you came over to see the gown and again turn down my advanced. A guy I liked would not look at me and went to perfect Stacey.”

I can hear her anger bubbling up.

“It was at this time I decided I would make you sorry for turning me down by sleeping with Stacey, the woman you were devoted to.”

She lowered her head dreading what she was about to tell.

“Tuesday came and at our lunch I suggested you are needed to cover for Stacey and Stacey let you work. At lunch I then suggested we have a little party like the old days to celebrate Stacey in such a serious relationship. I brought home a 12 pack of wine coolers which we started drinking…well what Stacey was drinking I sipped my and I drank 1 in the times Stacey had finished 6. I knew it was time and told Stacey to go and put on the gown. I told her I needed to see it to make sure you would really approve it. Stacey did as I told her and I came up. The gown was everything she had said and instead of maybe talking her out of going to the wedding, I decided I wanted her for myself. I told her take the dress off and put it away safely. After she did it she told me “yes Mommy” I knew that she would do as told so I ordered her to lay down naked and took my blouse and pants off. I never wear panties so I just climbed on the bed and told her she needs to to lick my pussy. I sat on her face and her tongue start lick my slit. She found my clit and I ordered to suck it and as she started I could feel my orgasm coming. I pulled my boobs out and pinched my nipples. Occasionally I would stick my fingers down to get some of pussy juice and I climaxed. After I finished she rolled to her side and whimpered “I am sorry daddy and …..she cried. I try to tell her it was nothing and that you will be like any man and ask for pics but nothing I said could stop the crying. I tried to order her to stop crying but she was far too gone to listen. I tried to hold her but she jerked away and crawled into a corner and said that she was a cheater and Will could never love a cheater.

“Is that what happened Stacey?”

she nods but does not look up.

Stacey you are breaking the rules of here. Remember always look at me in the eye, please.”

She looks at me.

“Is that what happened?”

“Yes…forgive me”

I look at this bawling mass and if she knew that the moment she looked up I had forgiven her, maybe she would smile.

“No…you have done nothing wrong… except not hugging me or giving me a kiss to many day Now give me a hug so I can squeeze the sadness out of you.”

Stacey gets up and sits on my lap and just hugs me.

I grab the velvet bag holding the choker and take the choker out and put it on Stacey’s neck and kiss her.

“Now you, Kelley? The only question I have is why did you do it?”

“I always feel like I am the third wheel. I use to be Stacey best friend but even then the Guys would come around looking for her and it always hurt to be me.”

Stacey looks at me and whispers in my ear.

“are you sure?”

Stacey smiles and stands up and walks to Kelley.

“Stand up Kelley, please. I want to hug you.”

As Kelley stands up Stacey pulls her over and sits Kelley on my left knee and Stacey sits on my right knee and I wrap my arms around both while Stacey Hugs Kelley and me and Kelley hugs Stacey and me.

I whisper

“Kelley, Stacey ask me to share myself with you if I was willing. I told her I have to see. I do not know what will happen, I never been in a triad but if you join us you need to follow the rules. Always look each other in the eye and always tell the truth. Life is to short for lies. We will need other rules but we can think about that later.

To us we need to date so my grandpa had this method. We will go on 3 dates before I will even think about getting intimate with you. Before date one the three of us will need to talk a bit so I can get to know you and you can learn about me. Date one I will plan. Date two you will take what you learned and plan a date for us. Before date three I will give you one of my books to read and you ask me to read or watch a movie of your choosing which we will discuss then. The dates all need to be 1 week apart. Stacey will accompany us as a chaperoned on all three dates. I will make my decision after the third date. We want you to be part of us but it might just close friends or it can be lovers, it depends on these dates.

Kelley looks at me and says that she will follow the rules.


I hand my keys to Stacey, since you now share space in the closet, you get to introduce her. I will be in, I promised Kim I will let know if you two are safe…we will not know if you are sound till we figure out what we are.”

Stacey leads Kelley to my bedroom and I picked up my landline.

“Kim..yes she is here and I think she will be okay….I also think that maybe in a long time Hurricane Kelley might be okay. Yea I am not letting them drive in the emotional spent state they are in. They can have my bed and I will take the couch. No I am not holding them for a bloody threesome…oh yea your sense of humor is always a riot….Yea see you tomorrow Bring spare set of clothes for Stacey….and Kelley, please.

I hang up and walk into the bedroom just as Kelley sees Stacey corset right beside Stacey’s matching me noble out.

Pretty I need one of these”

pointing At Stacey’s gown

“and these”

pointing at my rapier. Great just what I need, a sword wielding noble lady running around the shire. What God did I piss off for this odd life I have. I walk over and sat on the bed.
