A Mother’s Work is Never Done! Chapter Three! (Incest,Age difference, oversized cock, ???)

“Ung!” *Plap “*Unnn!” *PLAP* “HNNNG! OH GAGH!” *PLAPPLAPPLAP!!* Margery was having a rough time of it, on her back with her legs wrapped around her son’s waist. She was desperately biting her lip to stay quite, and sweat was beading her forehead. Every deep thrust filled her with pride, satisfaction, and… it kind of hurt like the dickens! OH her little boy was just sooo big… Too big? She thought she’d have gotten used to it after finally giving in and letting her own son use his momma’s pussy to milk that monster dangling between hit knees.

“OH! OH mommmmma.. I”m gonna… UNNNNG!!!” She focused on her son’s face, his expressive youthful face as an orgasmic ‘oh’ of release came over it and she could feel that odd sensation as the tip of the magnum sized condom she’d stretched over his cock inflated inside of her. It was still so warm… But at least she wasn’t pregnant!

She gave him a smile that was a bit weak but meaningful. Those condoms were a mixed blessing, Tommy had taken almost twice as long to get to completion and her poor abused vulva was feeling every thrust of it. She was panting through clenched teeth as her son pulled back. She looked down past her heavy breasts, and enjoyed the show almost as much as he did. Tommy’s girthy length left her swollen lips inch by inch. She could see the condom finally revealed, a good three inches or so up his length than where she’d left it. You could tell by where the lipstick marks went past the rubbery prophylactic. And when the tip of his cock came out, it was followed, with a tug, by a hanging reservoir of jizz. It was like a water balloon, one that could explode inside her and nine months later… Her womanhood quivered at the thought, and she hated herself for longing to take it all. But she couldn’t, it was forbidden.

And as she thought of that, her son pulled the condom off his cock, all of it slick with his mother’s juices and grinned at her. “Heh, not too bad, but I think I made a bigger one last night mom!” He had. He grunted as he got up and disposed of the mess, his mother let her head fall back to breath. He came back as she was readjusting and watched her wince as she moved her legs. “Mom… You ok?” His sincere worry touched her, and the devoted mother smiled. “Its alright sweety, just a bit sore.” She knew she shouldn’t say anything, especially when she saw his frown. “Is… is it that bad mom? Aw man… I”m sorry. I’ve been too needy lately haven’t I?” He was always an emotional boy, and she could see him over thinking and eating himself up quickly with guilt.

He took a knee on the bed next to the curvy brunette mild and looked at her. He loved his mom’s body, her large full breasts, her round child bearing hips, and even that bit of pudge on her stomach that she hated. She was the ideal of a woman’s body. And when the young man had so much trouble finding a woman, part of it was never really wanting one other than her. He was pretty sure she knew all of that, but denied it because of how wrong it was. But he didn’t care as long as he kept getting to use that body he lusted after for so long… But he loved his momma! And the idea of her really not enjoying this at all. “Oh god mom, I can’t do this to you, you hate it don’t you? You think I’m a freak for wanting you and-” “NO!” The woman pushed off the bed and shouted at him. Her exclamation was even more distracting than the way her breast’s hung from her up angled torso. They were very distracting though, and his gaze wandered even as she looked at him sternly.

That little wander, made her face soften, even smile a bit. “Don’t be silly Tommy. I… I like doing this with you.” And she blushed, a middle aged woman freshly fucked by her own son blushed and her son’s eyes widened. “I like it a lot, I”m just.. Well, you’re a lot to handle sweety. The truth is, I don’t think I can keep up.” Now she was frowning again, and Tommy was grimacing. He loved fucking his mommy, and lately he did it at least three times a day, would do more given half a chance. “I… I can try to slow down…?” He offered lamely, and his mother gave him a serene smile, then looked at his beef stick. “No honey, I don’t think you can.” Her son just got to riled up was the truth, he was a beast in bed, a real stud… She blushed again, looking right at his cock. OH dear, better stop that before she gave him any more ideas and then she’d really be aching!

“I just… I’ll figure something out baby. I think… I think I might have an idea. You trust me right baby?” Tommy was nodding vigorously before the words finished, and she smiled. “Thank you baby, c’mere, come snuggle with your momma.” She laid back down fully and held her arms out. Her son came to her with a smile on his face. And the truth was, she was going to be really aching tonight.


The woman pondered the issue, and an idea had indeed come to her, something truly outrageous. To her thinking at least. And Tommy may or may not go for it… But she remembered one of the most embarrassing things that had happened to her recently. Less than a week ago she had been coming back from work and decided to pick up somethings from the pharmacy. Some milk… and some lube. And a couple boxes of magnum sized condom’s. She had blushed just a bit at the counter, but didn’t look the cashier in the face, when a voice called out. “Marge? Is that you?” She’d gone stiff and turned, the curvy older woman came face to face to Stephanie Dillen’s the HR manager for the company she’d worked at for the last 14 years. Stephanie was a curvy platinum blonde, her hair long and luxurious, and her breast amplified by surgery to be just as large as Marge’s but quite a bit firmer. And she was a notorious gossip, more often than not completely going against what should be her own job.

And now she was looking in bright eyed wonder at the triple stack of magnum cock holster’s piled before her quiet co-worker. “Oh Marge… Oh my… uh… do you have a new friend in your life? Or perhaps you’re spending a little too much time with the fresh produce section?” She giggled in a very obnoxious way, trying to say it was a joke… but a joke that she’d undoubtably spread across the office. Marge’s face was on fire. “Uh, they’re uh… uh… Hehehe…” She laughed in a painfully stilted voice, and didn’t bother to confirm or deny, and Stephanie’s eyebrows shot up. Marge figured it might be better to thought of as a vegetable fucker than a son fucker. Thank god for the “That’ll be $__.__ Ma’am.” And the woman was happy to spin around with her card out and charge it then charge out of the store with barely a “Have a good night Steph, sorry I have to run!”

Gossip had spread. She got looks all through the office by every woman, and more than a few of the men. Word was she had a new boyfriend, but more than a few people made vegetable jokes. And a few banana’s, and even a eggplant ended up mysteriously appearing on her desk. She would pick them up, look around, then smile bashfully and put them away. Best not to waste good food, her parmesan eggplant was always a hit! But she weathered any embarrassment and abuse because she knew it was all worth it for her sweet boy. Giving relieve to her son despite his somewhat crippling social anxiety. He deserved relief for that over sized member of his. The one that was leaving her walking funny on a regular basis.

But now she finally decided to bite the bullet. She would see that her baby’s needs were taken care of, no matter what, or by whom… She went to the HR’s workers office the next day, and she walked a bit stiffly as she made it through the door.

HR always had an open door policy, so her walking in was no problem. Though Stephanie did give her a slightly uneasy smile. The woman knew she had spoken a bit too freely, going directly against her own directives… but she hadn’t been able to help it! And Margery had seemed to take it all in stride to be honest. She did her best to put on a relaxed smile as the plump woman closed the door behind her and stood before the desk. “Would you like to take a seat Marge?” “Margery, please. And no I’m fine. I won’t take long.”

Stephanie winced at the correction of the name, she knew Margery always corrected people, but as pleasantly a possible. And even now the woman was giving her a warm open smile. “Oh, of course. Sorry bout that hun, so what can I help you with.” Margery looked past her for a moment, pulling in a deep breath through her nose, gathering her courage. She looked down, looking the pretty blonde in the eye. “I have a boyfriend. He’s quite a bit younger than me.” Stephanie’s eyes were wide and her welcoming smile became more than a bit stiff. “You saw the… items I purchased. So you know he’s gifted, and very, very energetic. To be honest… Its a bit more than I think I can handle.” The smile wa gone and a look of shock and confusion filled the woman’s face.

“Stephanie… Would you be willing to come to my place and… help me see to his needs?” Somehow, that smile, that warm motherly smile still hadn’t left her face. “I know its a lot to ask, but you have something of a reputation for being… adventurous. I thought perhaps you would be interested.” The stout single mother pursed her lips for a moment, an earnest look in her eyes. “What do you say?” it was the most sincere request for a… threesome? That the HR worker had ever received, but not the first. Her mouth dropped open like a fish. It tried to work, and her eyes went away to the middle distance. They also for a moment landed on a picture on her desk… her family, her son… her husband. She… she did have a reputation, and the quiet sweet Margery just invited her to fuck a younger man with a massive cock.

“When would you like me to come over Margery?” The brunettes smile was like the sun coming out. You’d never think that she’d just invited a married coworker to come get railed by her own monster cocked son.


“I know it might seem a bit odd Honey… but I need a break, so Stephanie will… fill in for me. Just for tonight! Unless it goes well, then we’ll see!” Margery looked at her son with eyes that begged him to understand. The teenager’s eyes were wide, a shocked look on his face. “You what? But… But she’s-?! I mean… But mommmm… I… I lo-Unng..” He cut off the word with a grunt, but she knew what he was going to say of course. “I love you too sweety.” She stepped forward towards where he sat on the couch and she took his hands. “I know it seems crazy, I promise you its not that I don’t want too, but that I just can’t keep up with your needs. I’m trying baby… so this will have to do. I promise, you’ll like Stephanie!” She was purely thinking of the woman’s looks.

Tommy frowned, but didn’t pull his hands away. “I… I guess.” He sighed heavily. “What… whats she like?” “Oh she’s very pretty! I think she’s a few years younger than me.” Margery nodded. “She has pretty blonde hair that she keeps very long, and a very nice bosom. I know you love those big… Her’s um, well I don’t think they’re er, natural hehe, but they’re very large!” “Mom… I mean, whats she like? Is she a friend of yours?”

Margery frowned, blinking a few times. “Well… I mean. We’re acquaintances.” Her son frowned and she knew it wasn’t what he was looking for. She bit her lip and tried again. “She’s the HR manager at work. She’s a hard working person… if a bit of a gossip.” He really frowned now. “Has she ever gossiped about you mom…?” The was very definite tone, and it surprised her… but also pleased her. And something in the back of her mind came to fore that the sweet milf never expected. “Well.. a bit. She has spread some rumors. She saw me picking up condoms the other week… And she has a habit of teasing people… Not just me.” The woman bit her lip. “But I thought… I thought she could take care of you.”

Tommy narrowed his eyes taking it all in… His mother loved him, and he knew he’d made her cum a lot. Less recently, as his fat cock had stretched her a bit roughly. It had caused her pain, and he hated it. And now she was directing him to use his cock, his mean bitch breaker… on a bitchy gossip from her work? His mother was nice. Too nice… she didn’t ever seem the type to hold a grudge, but he smiled at her. “I gotcha momma. Don’t worry. I think I’ll have a lot of fun with Stephanie. You’ll be there right?” She blinked, but nodded. “If you want honey I will be.” She hadn’t been sure if she should just let them be alone, but to be honest the idea of watching had excited her quite a bit.


Stephanie showed up a few hours later. And she was ready to have a hell of a good time. Margery had given her a few tidbits of info. That her fuck buddy for the evening loved skimpy outfits, but that Margery was often too bashful to follow through. So The tall blonde showed up in a tight red dress that was practically strangling her massive tits. The skirt just made it past her hips and a few inches below that her legs were covered in fishnets that went down to a pair of fuck me pumps. She’d also said he loved make up on the heavier side, so the HR manager had put on some heavy red lipstick, and was working a dark dusky eye. When she looked in the mirror she knew she looked like walking sex… And it had been a while since she’d really had some fun behind her hard working hubby’s back.

The door opened up, and the two women looking at each other. Margery was dressed as casually as ever, a simple dress, modest if… maybe a bit tight. Stephanie had to admit the woman had great natural curves. And… was she not wearing a bra? And she definitely had on more makeup than she wore even to the office, oh ho, the little home maker had a bit of a wild side after all. But then, that’s part of why the blonde trophy wife was here. Margery took in Steph’s outfit and her face lit up. “Oooh, you look perfect!” It was such a sweet compliment, not at all implying that Stephanie looked like a middle aged but still very high priced hooker. “He’ll love it! Oh my yes… Maybe I should be a bit more aggressive with my clothes shopping…” The polite woman pouted as said it, then brightened up, “But no matter, come in!”

“I’m glad you like it, I hope he does too.” Said Stephanie with a smirk. The inside of the house was like something form a hallmark movie. Only… there were odd empty spots in places. Maybe photo’s? There was an old one of a younger Margery and a tall lanky man. Her departed husband no doubt. Before she could think of small talk Margery was handing her a wine glass. “Here you go dear, a bit of refreshment. then… off to the bedroom?” She was obviously just a bit nervous, but also excited. Stephanie smiled back, thanked her and downed the small glass in a few swallows, sure that the woman was just ready to get to it as much as she was.

Up the stairs, into the bedroom. She thought for a moment of taking off her shoes, but they completed the outfit! So they came to the bedroom, a large master bedroom with a neat recently maid bed. There were candles lit, a nice perfumed smell hung on the air. It felt almost like when she came home from work and husband was doing his best to get her in the mood. It worked about half the time, for him. But Margery had done it better… takes a woman to know she supposed, and she was already in the mood. She loved it, and smiled widely around the room. “Ah, very nice Marge…” she missed the frown of the woman at the shortening of her name, but Margery let it go. “So… where’s your little boy toy?” And then the bathroom door opened up, and in came Tommy.

He was wearing a bathroom, and looked just a bit ill at ease, but had a stiff upper chin. She gave him an appraising look, just a slight frown as she peered at him from under her straight low hanging bangs. He was a cute boy. Very cute. Brunette hair that was just long enough to be a bit messy, and a wide expressive mouth. He had light colored hazel eyes, and was on the skinny side. He looked… young. Around her sons age, and that thought gave her more of a thrill than the rest of his appearance. “Hello there…” She said as she sized him up. Not much to see due to the robe, but she remembered the condoms. “I’m Stephanie, Marge told me just a bit about you.” His eyebrows quirked for a moment, then evened out. “I’m To-Thomas. Uh, well my friends call me Tommy.” He tried to be mature, but decided to go with what felt comfortable. The entire thing was just adorable to the cougar, and she flashed a toothy grin. Though… where had she heard that name before.

She didn’t think about it too much, enjoying more than anything the way the boy was *looking* at her. It was everything she wanted and more. His eyes were devouring her body. Her legs, hips, and tits. Her hair and lips, her eyes. She was a feast for his gaze, and she loved it. She pulled in a deep breath through her nose, raised her chin up as she struck a little pose even. Her breast’s pushed out, and a curve to her lips. “Do you like what you see young man?” “Oooh yeah…” He grinned, and could feel his cock getting very excited. He glanced over and saw his mother watching them both with wide and attentive eyes. Catching hers, she smiled and gave a small rapid nod. His grin got even wider. “Get on your knees Stephanie, I know m-Margery told you about me. Heh, the part you really wanna see.”

She relaxed her pose, and gave a slow nod. It was moving fast, but he was right. She wanted to see what he was packing, and she wanted it bad. She gave a small grunt and moved to her knees. The bedroom had a plush carpet and she was glad for it. Tommy took in the woman, almost his mothers age, dressed like a whore, her big fake tits pushed up, and on her knees for a boy her sons age. And he knew he was, because after finding out about this he’d facebook creeped on her a bit. And found out that the lady his mom had chosen, was married, and the father of a kid from his school! And he definitely got the vibe that she was one of those haughty bossy bitches… Should have been named Karen really.

And that was all in the back of his head as he reached down, grabbed his robe, and yanked it open. His cock, more hard than soft, popped free. Stephanie’s eyes went wide, and her red lips went into a wide wet O “Oh my…” She mouthed the word god, and they both saw it. Tommy grinned like cat with the canary. and his mother? Margery gave a small sound, very much a moan. She loved her son. She loved his massive cock, for all the work it put her through. And she was so proud that her son could inspire a reaction like that in a bitch like Stephanie. She was so proud she could burst! Starting with the way her pussy was already getting so very wet.

Stephanie reached up with both hands and gripped the cock. “Holy, I can barely get around it, you’re so big…” She actually felt just a bit nervous, but mostly very excited. His cock throbbed and got harder and harder, and he moved a bit closer. The tip of his cock pushed up her bangs, and his shaft actually pushed against her face. She went stiff with that fat dong on her face! Then grinned despite herself. “Oh… Oh wow…” And then she noticed his balls, and going on instinct she leaned in and kissed the pair, inspiring a groan of lust from Tommy. She pushed her tongue out and licked them, played with his balls, then ran her tongue up most of his shaft and stroked it. Then she noticed Margery still moaning and looked over. The woman was sitting in a large comfy chair against the wall, a foggy look in her eyes.

“Aren’t you going to join in Marge? I know there’s more than enough for both of us…” Truth be told she was pretty sure she’d need the help, this boy was a beast. “N-no… that’s ok Stephanie. I… I just want to watch.” She said the word in such a breathy tone it surprised Stephanie, but just for a second. She kept stroking the cock as she gave the woman a smarmy look. “Hah, of course. That makes sense, you would be the type for it wouldn’t you Marge? Can’t handle a beast like this, just happy to watch like a little cuck-ugh!” Her mouth had been grabbed by a firm hand, and her head tilted up.

Tommy was looking down at her past his cock with a frown. “She’s worked hard to take care of me, so tonight she gets a break. Your job is to stand in and *try* to do half as well.” The blatant scorn in the word try was clear, he did not think this blonde bimbo could compete with his mother. And Margery, who had been feeling a bit low through the woman’s insults felt her heart soar as her son took charge. Oh, her son was taking charge! Yes Tommy, go baby go!

“So open your mouth…” And she did… “And lets see if you can handle this cock half as well as my mom does.” Her eyes went wide as dinner plats. “Mom-GURK!! UUUNNGG!!!” And then there were no more words for Mrs Dillen’s as she was too busy choking on a truly massive cock. He grabbed at her hair, her perfectly made blonde locks, and roughly shoved his cock in deep. Her wide eyes started to tear up almost instantly, and she gagged out thick drool all over his cock as he made several quick rapid thrusts against her throat. Her long nailed hands grabbed at his hips, and left marks, but he ignored them and with a growl he shoved his cock deeper still! She felt her throat expand and his cock had to have bent some, because it shoved deeper and deeper, and her nose was buried into his pubic region! His heavy balls slapped into her chin, quickly drenched in drool. Tears fell freely from her eyes, and her mascara was badly ruined, almost as much as her lipstick… When he finally pulled out in a long wet yank. She practically puked up his cock along with a gout of thick throat slime as she gasped, most of it falling onto her propped up tits and soaking them in drool and precum. Finally she looked up at him red eye’d and panting.

“Yeah… mom has a much better gag reflex, he grinned at her. She looked up, desperately trying to say something and he cock smacked her. It… was not the first time she’d been dick slapped, but never with something that could make a horse look twice. “Agh!” She cried out and the left side of her face was smeared with goo and a bit of her forlorn lipstick. “Yeah, that’s right, she’s my mom…. She’s the only woman that would take the time to handle my cock, and really the only woman I’ve ever wanted to give it too.. but I’ve been wearing her out, so you? You’re gonna be a stand in for my momma, so that she can relax for the night!”

Stephanie looked over to Margery, who was red faced, but also had a hand between her legs, her dress hiked up. She looked at Stephanie’s gobsmacked, literally, face, and she loved it. “Oh god baby, thank you…” She was thanking him for the chance to relax, for standing up to her to this bitch who had tormented her, and for just the delight of watching her perfect stud do what he was put on earth to do. Make women like this into his bitches. She was such a happy mother in that moment. “B-but… but this is so fucked up…-GURK!” And the cock was shoved back in, if not quite as deep. “Stop talking and start sucking! Come on, mom told me you were supposed to know what you were doing, so get to it slut!” He yanked her by the hair to take more of his cock, and rather than risk being impaled on it again she started to suck and stroke madly.

“Oh… oh fuck… that is better, damn. You go Mrs. Dillen…” He moaned out, and the way he said that, she knew she’d heard it before. From her son’s friends. And that was we’re she’d seen him before! At her house years ago when they were too young to even drive a car! Oh hell her son was still too young to drink, and now this boy was about to give her something much more potent to fill her belly with. She couldn’t help it, she moaned around his cock, getting more into it by the moment. It really was fucked up, and kinky as hell, and oh god this cock was amazing… “Hnnng… OH fuck… Oooh…!” he moaned out and she could feel it coming! This massive cock was gonna fire off! She was conflicted, but not by what some might think. A sane person would want him to cum fast, to end this. But her? Well part of him wanted to last longer and just go crazy on her. And part of her was just proud she could milk this cock monster so well!

Tommy for his part had been holding back for his mothers sake, and was more than a little pent up. So he knew that this was just the first. And with a moan he unloaded. Margery fingered her soaking wet pussy to her first orgasm as she watched the blonde bitch’s throat get stretched out by her sons brutal orgasmic thrust, and knew the feeling of his cum launching into her belly. Now so did Stephanie. “GURK GURK GAAAAWK!” There was a bit of a struggle as she swallowed it, most of it had bypassed her throat, but as he came he let her pull back and his cock head filled her mouth with cum. More than a little drooled out of her wet messy lips onto her tits.

Finally he pulled his cock back and stood there panting, looking at her. She was really breathing hard, a hand to her mouth. “Oh….” She moaned out, she’d never in her life swallowed so much jism in a single load, not even in that one bukakke with her husband’s bowling team a few years back. She smiled up at his cock, just a bit sad that it would be out of the count for a bit, but she shouldn’t be, she needed to recoup. Get ready for round two, get ready for… why wasn’t it getting soft. Her mouth closed, and her eyes were glued to it as she realized… he wanted more, and he wanted it now. “That was a good start Mrs. Dillen. You know Scotty isn’t that big, so I bet your husband isn’t either, but man you handled my cock like a pro. Heh, mom was right, you have been around haven’t you.” The slutty woman had the good graces to blush, and shrug slightly. “Do you think I could get a drink young man?” He raised an eyebrow, “Still thirsty? Nah, sorry, I need round two NOW.” And his surprisingly strong arms grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. She felt slightly queasy from the moment, her stomach felt… full. A hand drifting to it could feel how full, her dress was tight, and now it was stretched around a slightly distended belly. No, she wasn’t thirsty, or hungry. Just starting to get scared.

Tommy pushed her towards the bed. At the last second he had her come to the side of it instead of straight on. He wanted to put on a better show for his mother, who smiled at his obvious thoughtfulness. The woman looked at Margery, “You… You’ve swallowed those before?” “Oh yes, many times. He’s a very… filling meal.” Margery’s motherly smile was the warmest thing you could imagine, never ever imagined to be for her son’s gut stuffing cock loads. “Oh, that reminds me… Don’t forget the condom’s honey!” “Oh, ugh, right mom.” Stephanie watched him get one out of the bedside and shove it at her. “Put it on for me? I’m lousy with em.”

The woman nodded in a bit of a haze. This was more than a bit surreal, but she pealed the condom open, ripping it with her teeth in a practiced motion, then pausing. She usually used her mouth for this, but… she didn’t want to risk that again, and besides, he was huge. So she used her hands, biting her lips as she got the condom on and pushed it down, and down, and down. It got about two thirds of the length, and she took it in in wonder. “My you’re such a… big boy.” “Bigger than your husband? Cause I know its bigger than your son.” She blushed again looking up at him, but nodded. “Atta’girl. Now.. lets get these out.” and he reached down to unceremoniously yank her dress top down, one spaghetti strap snapped, the other barely hung in place as her big fake honkers came into view. “Nice… They’re almost as good as moms!” The woman actually frowned at that, she was very proud of her tits and was sure they could beat the hell out of Marge’s saggies!

“Ok, nice as those are to look at, I’m in the mood for doggy…” His mother frowned just a bit, he loved missionary with her. Always playing with her breasts, sucking them, kissing them… kissing her. But this woman, this slut, he wanted her like a bitch. And as Stephanie took her time he grabbed her hips and made her roll over and yanked them up, onto all fours on the bed. Her plump ass in the air, he shoved her skirt up to see it. “Oh, that is a nice ass though…” It was, Stephanie did not have Margerie’s hips, but she had a more toned bubble butt from a mostly regular gym routine. Her reward for that was a good hard smack on the right cheek. The bimbo milf moaned out, but it was a happy moan. She felt his young hands grab her panties and pull them down, not all the way, just to her thighs to get to the goods. Her pussy was smooth, freshly shaved. He almost made a comment about liking bushes, but figured a smooth slit was more fitting for this slutty bimbo, and instead he just smacked her other cheek.

“Hell yeah, this is gonna be good.” “Just try to, try to go slow ok?” She looked back at him with a surprisingly earnest plea and a nervous look on her face. He did his best to go slow for his mom, but always ended up cutting loose. The woman had stopped trying to ask and just braced her self for it. “Sure.” Was his simple answer, and his mother smiled, rolled her eyes and shook her head. Her son was a terrible liar. The boy pressed the tip of his cock to her tight slit, her pussy wasn’t as pretty as his mom’s, definitely seemed a bit more used despite never taking anything his size. But then maybe he was just a judgy motherfucker for anyone but the milf in question. But whatever… he pushed the tip of his cock into her pussy with a grunt.

“Aaagh!” She cried out, but didn’t protest, she could tell it was just the tip! “Oh god…” The woman moaned. She tried to relax herself, and she felt both of his hands settle on her hips. No doubt to start easing it in, nice and slow-“OH MY FUCKING GAAAWDD!” She screamed out in shock as the teen drove over half his length into her gash. He cry drowned out Tommy’s grunt, and certainly blunted the sound of Margery’s moan as the milf bit her lip roughly and SCHLICKED herself silly. OH, that was her boy. “Y-y-you’re too big!!” She cried out, then let out a deep grunt, a gasping sound as he pulled out, leaving her feeling shockingly empty… then drove in even more! “AAAGHH!!!” The woman shrieked and her poor vagina was effectively demolished by his wrecking ball of a cock.

Tommy fucked her, her gave it to her hard and deeper than she’d ever felt. And truth be told, he gave it to her harder than he’d ever done to his mother. But only the two of them knew that. The gasping, crying, drooling Stephanie turned her blurry gaze to see the rapidly masturbating Margery and felt more respect for that woman in this moment than any other in her life. But that thought was also wiped out with the next thrust, and his cock impaled her. Balls deep, they came sliding in like a rail trolley to collide with her clit, to give her a extra little shudder after the thrust itself was done. “Oh fuck… ok Mrs. Dillen… I”m all the way in… fuck you’re TIIIGHT…” He moaned, and even as her arms and legs shook trying to stay up, she felt a strange feeling of pride, she hadn’t heard that word said so emphatically in years. But then again, she’d never been fucked by a cock thicker than her husbands wrist. “Gagh!!” She cried out as he pulled free and began to fuck her right.

The woman’s cunt was hammered. Her cervix was beaten. And it felt like her very womb was on the verge of being wrecked. Her mouth hung open, gasping for breath and incapable of actual words as he drove in again and again. Her heavy tits swung back and forth, dripping saliva and precum off their glistening nipples onto the bed. Margery didn’t mind the mess, she was loving the show, and so happy for her son. His balls kept hitting the woman’s clit, and it would make her let out a little extra whimper every time. The swollen sack was getting covered in her juices then spraying them out as he yanked back, not to mention smearing her thighs in both their fluids as he went in time and again.

It seemed to go on forever, she started to go limp. Her front half falling onto the bed, breasts pushed down under her weight. Margery almost felt bad for her, Tommy had just cum and was wearing a condom. Her poor boy would take quite a bit to reach orgasm. But he was definitely on the path, and enjoying it. His hands kept reaching out to smack her ass. Her squeezed and fondled it, and helped keep her hips up by giving a harder slap when they started to droop, the yelps it elicited were fun too. He looked down to her long blonde hair, and grabbed up a thick handful, and with a “Gack!” her head was pulled back. “Get up slut, work that fucking ass! Put on a show for my mom and show her you can handle this cock!” He slapped her ass again. “Hey mom do you think she likes it? Do you think she wished it was her limp dick husband back here balls deep in her!” “Hnnn… N-no baby… I think she likes it a lot!”

Stephanie heard the by play, and moaned. She was a bit of agony, but mostly… “I… I love it! OH GAAWD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME TOMMY YOU FAT COCKED SON OF A BITCH!!!!” He went stock still, and she froze. “What did you call my mom?” He said, she looked back at him worried. The boy was grinning, he was pretty sure she wasn’t serious, but he let go of her hair, grabbed her ass with both hands so hard it hurt, and began to fuck her as hard deep as he could. Her efforts to keep up disintegrated as her pussy was gouged out by his massive rod and she found herself losing all control. Her mouth open and tongue lolling out in a mind melting orgasm. Her pussy squirted out a mess, and her upper half completely collapsed into quivering spasms. And with a loud moan Tommy came deep inside… the condom that just barely managed to hold his load.

“HNNG! UNG… Ugh!” He grunted and finally started to slow. His mother watched, her lip sore from chewing, and her pussy so wet. She smiled serenely at her son and the bitch he’d just truly broken. This had been such a good idea. Good job Margery! Was her own mental clap on the back. She was such a good mom.

Her son grunted and pulled his cock out with a loud wet sound. Then he rose an eyebrow. “Oh, damn, the condom came off. Stephanie’s bottom half had collapsed as well, one leg mostly off the bed. And the end of the condom was just in view peaking out of her wet abused slit. He reached down, grabbing it carefully. The insensate woman moaned and tried to brush a hand back at him, not aware he was trying to help and not just fuck her again. He gripped it, pulled, with a wet pop and a moan from her, it came out. He kept the end pinched tight, and held it up. “Oh damn… She’d totally be knocked up if this wasn’t in her mom!” The milf just nodded along, “Oh yes baby, certainly.”

Stephanie was just starting to realize what had happened, when he brought the dangling rubber into view. A slimy sticky water balloon with a reservoir tip. Her eyes went wide remembering how she’d swallowed the load before it which was probably larger. “Ok, I’m gonna get a drink! Do you ladies want anything?” “I’d like some Tea baby… I can get it for you though?” He waved it off with his free hand. “Nah its cool, you just relax, I’m feeling pretty good!”

He moved around the bed and the woman saw his massive cock, finally limp thank god, come into view. “I’ll get you some tea too Mrs. Dillen, then we can go for round three!” The full condom jiggled as he said the excited words and her eyes widened again. She started to lift her head, her mouth had left a drool mark on the comforter. She looked at Margery, the mother looked back at her with a smile. “He’s really having fun, I’m so glad you could come over tonight Steph.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jd3u65/a_mothers_work_is_never_done_chapter_three


  1. It’s here! The third chapter of probably my favorite story. I know it seems basic, but I love it. And well… it’s probably not so basic anymore! The ??? tag is Cuckqueen! And I hope it was a pleasant surprise!

    I’m sure it’ll actually be a turn off to some readers, and for those I do apologize. But its my story, and I think its kinky as hell. Really she just wants to make sure her son is taken care of well… right?

    Also another apology, I know some people are going to be upset about the condoms. I agree with you, I love pregnancy risks, I love pregnancy sex. I love pregnant women, milky tits, and big pregnant bellys! Even more with this forbidden pairing… but it just wouldn’t service the story very well here. Plus the scene with Margery buying condoms was just too perfect here. Running into the gossipy bitch from work? Plus I know there are some people out there with a kink for condom displays, heh, this was for you ya wonderful weirdos.

    If anyone is interested the character of Stephanie is based off of a milfy adult version of Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls. I wanted a snooty blonde bitch with a banging body to just get her brains fucked out. And I love bangs damnit.

    Also this leads into a new turn for Tommy and Margery! There’s another secret Tag, Harem! Because Tommy’s got Mommy, and now he’s got Stephanie. But I bet there are some other women around that could help ease the load as it were. If you have a particular preference for a type of milf let me know and maybe I’ll write about your milf of choice!

    But overall I just really hope everyone likes this.

    Comments and Criticism are always welcome!

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