Un-Bear-able Loneliness [Str8], [fantasy], [oral], [creampie], [reluc], possible [preg], [inanimate object] (kind of?)

The day had started badly and was only getting worse. Annie felt like she was about to have a breakdown. The previous night had ended late when a relationship talk with her boyfriend Rich had ended in a breakup—over the phone, no less—then she couldn’t get to sleep anyway. Her morning email had been an unpleasant surprise when the person who’d commissioned her for a portrait of his fursona had left a message that amounted to a string of insults. Her car had gotten a flat tire on the way in to work, making her late (and dirty). And naturally every customer who came through her checkout line was pissed off about something.

It was enough to make a girl wish she drank. Annie didn’t though, so she settled for watching the clock. Her relief was late, but she showed up at least. Hauling her till out of the register, Annie carried it to the office and took a few extra minutes counting. She spent most of the time thinking about ways to treat herself after this punishing day. Unfortunately, she was coming up blank. It took her a couple of tries to get her numbers right, but she finally totalled up all the cash and checks and made her drop.

Finally in her car again, she leaned on the steering wheel and did her best not to let the tears out. It wasn’t the end of the world—it was just a really, *really* shitty day. Eventually though, she took her glasses off and cradled her face in both hands, letting herself succumb to the angry, frustrated tears. She didn’t really blame Rich, she could tell he hadn’t been happy since about their first month together. Much as she tried, she couldn’t cheer him. Then her schedule changed and they were spending less time together and she was more tired when they *were* together and he was convinced he wanted something different. Her roommate Danielle probably put it bestt: “He wants somebody to hold his hand and be his mom. You just don’t have time for that right now.” It was true, she was at least grateful she didn’t have to worry about an emotionally-exhausting phone conversation *tonight*.

*Well, I have to get home eventually.* Annie dried her eyes and gave herself a minute or so to calm down before starting up the car and pulling out of her spot. She spent the drive home thinking about ordering something delivered. Anything that someone would bring probably wouldn’t be too good for her, but after today, she needed to treat herself *somehow.*

When she finally arrived home, she found she hadn’t made any decision, and still wasn’t sure she had any real inclination. *Ugh.* There was a big, patterned shopping bag sitting on the kitchen table, which she was inclined to ignore, but someone—presumably Danielle—had left a note with her name printed on the outside next to it. After dropping her things off, Annie checked the note.

*I know you had a rough night, so I ran out before work to pick this up for you. I heard about the place through a friend. I know it’s not much, but I figured just having something to cuddle might help a little. At least you can use him as another pillow!*


Annie frowned and looked into the bag before letting out a low groan. She reached inside and drew out the contents: a large teddy bear, about two and a half feet tall if she stood him on his feet. The toy was covered with plush coffee-brown fur, with the exception of a patch of creamy off-white that covered most of its abdomen and the lower side of the muzzle. Someone had dressed it in a pair of doll-sized overalls, complete with a hole for the tail. That was the only garment on the toy, though. Annie held it up and looked into the glassy, amber-colored eyes before setting it back on the table. The bear fell onto its left side. She breathed out a sigh of resignation and stepped into the kitchen.

Picking out one of the menus on the refrigerator, Annie made a selection and dialed into her favored delivery deli. She decided she didn’t want anything heavy or complicated. That done, she put the menu back and went into her bedroom, pulling her clothes off and getting into a loose T-shirt and sweat pants. Then it was back out to the main room to wait for dinner. Annie flopped onto the sofa and switched the TV on.

As she was scrolling through her favored streaming service, the table caught her eye. She stood up and took a step closer. She had left the teddy bear lying on one side, but now it was on its stomach. It was facing a different direction, too: it was now pointed toward her, where it had fallen with its head toward the kitchen. She walked over to the toy and grabbed it for another examination. It still looked like just another damned teddy bear.

Back to the couch, and she sat the toy against the opposite armrest before she settled again. She’d been working her way through some old sci-fi show, so she brought that up and hit play. While she watched, she kept one eye on the bear. It didn’t move or shift.

Eventually dinner showed up, and she ate at the coffee table, forgetting Dani’s well-intentioned gift in the mess of awfulness that had been her last 24 hours. Once she finished eating, Annie gathered her trash and put it in the wastebasket, then headed back to the couch for the last few minutes of her show, turning ideas over for what to do with the rest of her night. She still had some work to do on that commission, but she’d also been meaning to try and catch up on her sleep, so maybe she could take a pill, and…

She stared at the couch. The damned bear had moved not just to change positions, but all the way across to where she had been sitting. Annie glared at it, and it just sat there, not moving. *It only does anything when I’m looking away. So…* She thought for a moment then settled on the couch, lying down and using the big stuffed animal for a pillow. It didn’t try to get away, and it certainly didn’t protest. Annie sighed and un-paused her show.

While she watched, Annie zoned out, thinking about whether she wanted to deal with her commission or wait until she was in a better state of mind. Gradually, she became aware of something *odd*. A firm, but not unyielding *something* pressing against her chin from below, and she sat up. There was an unmistakable tent in the bear’s overalls. She shook her head and grumbled “Not funny, Dani.” She unhooked the overalls and almost had a heart attack.

That… That was not a dildo. Sprouting from between the toy’s legs was a stiff, flesh-colored phallus, with a corresponding pair of testicles below. It was human-sized, too: six inches or so long, way too big for the size the bear was, if it was supposed to be proportional. “Ugh…” Annie reached tentatively for the shaft, curious what on earth she was looking at. She sharply drew back her hand once she touched it.

It was *warm.* Not painfully hot, but definitely warm. Annie reached for it again, and slowly wrapped her fingers around the bear’s… *thing.* Stroking her hand up and down, Annie wrinkled her nose. It sure felt like a real *thing.* She touched the base, brushing the plush fur away. If there was a seam, she couldn’t see it.

***Keep… Going.***

Annie startled and looked around. She’d definitely heard *something*. She stood, looked around the apartment. There was nobody else she could see.

***Come back.***

Annie’s heart raced and she turned to stare at the weird, lewd toy. *Prepare to feel stupid.* She took a deep breath. “Is that you I’m hearing?”

There was a long, silent moment and Annie sighed in exasperation with herself. She was about to turn away to go take a shower when she heard the voice again.

***Your suspicion was right, Ann. I am alive, in a way. Come back.***

She stepped up to the back of the sofa and glared at the bear. As forcefully as she could, she thought at it. *Stand up. Get on your feet, you little bastard.*

Nothing happened, then: ***If you are trying to communicate with your mind, I can’t hear. But the more time we spend together, the stronger our bond will grow. For now, if you want to talk to me, you must use your mouth. I can think of better uses for it, though.***

Suddenly, Annie felt warm, her eyes drawn to the thick, faintly twitching tool growing from the bear’s groin. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. “Alright, if you’re doing this, prove it. Stand up.”

Again, nothing at first then… Her heart raced as she watched the stuffed bear *move*, first leaning over to push itself upward, its feet beneath it, and then stand up straight. ***Will you join me now?***

Annie demurred and pointed at the bear’s phallus. “Why do you have that?”

***To please you, Ann. I can alter myself if you would like.***

She ran a hand back through her curly hair, taking a step away from the sofa. She was getting light-headed. It was *definitely* warm in here. “Y-you mean you’re some kinda sex toy?”

***Much more than that. I can show you if you join me.***

The sane thing to do would have been to throw this crazy thing out the window. Annie found herself intrigued enough—or maybe just horny enough—to see where it was going. She started rounding the couch. “Do you finish like a guy? You know, shoot stuff outta there?”

***Yes. It’s quite sweet, much more so than that of most human men.***

Annie licked her lips. It was definitely, definitely warm in here. She edged a little closer, but didn’t sit down on the couch, though she plucked at the collar of her shirt.

***You look very warm, Ann. Why don’t you take your shirt off?***

“Y-yeah…” She sighed as she felt a shiver roll up her body and sank against the couch, eyes still locked on the stuffed bear and his incongruous, twitching column of flesh. Shakily, Annie pulled her T-shirt upward by the hem. She usually felt nervous when doing this with a boy for the first time, but this time it was more like excitement. What would the bear care if she was a little overweight, if her breasts sagged some without a bra?

***You are quite lovely. I’m glad we get to enjoy each other.***

*Enjoy?* Annie fanned herself. Still warm. “I… I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess it makes sense you have, um, sensation and stuff.” There were still so many questions about how this thing worked, but she was having a hard time caring about them right now. “Uhm, m-maybe, I could… Start with sucking you?”

***I would like that.***

She decided to have it—him—lie down, while she sort of held herself above his body. Getting up close to the bear’s tool, she could see veins, ridges, even a mole near the base. She slipped her hand around the shaft and gave a couple experimental strokes. “Do… Do you have a name?”

***If you give me one.***

Annie took a few deep breaths. Somehow she liked the idea of not having a name for this… Person? Creature? She’d probably give him a name later, just for ease, but she wasn’t thinking clearly right now. She leaned in to nuzzle that tower. The bear didn’t really moan, but she got a sense that he liked what she was doing. She kissed her way up to the tip. *Oh, wow.* Once there, she rubbed her lips back and forth against the crown of the bear’s cock. As she did, she felt a tug against her hair and opened her eyes.

The bear was holding the side of her head. She wasn’t sure *how*, he didn’t have any fingers, just stumps, really. But she wasn’t sure how he was doing most of the stuff he did. She rolled with it and slipped that warm length into her mouth, sucking and bobbing her head.

As Annie sucked the stuffed bear’s very human-like cock, she felt him twitch with anticipation. And more, she felt again, almost intuitively, that she was doing a good job. She let out a moan, turning her head a little with each stroke of her lips, pausing every few minutes to tease her tongue around the head of the bear’s tool. Now she definitely wanted to taste its stuff.

Controlling her breathing as she bobbed her head, Annie sucked the warm length of the bear’s tool, crooning and humming as she went. She barely used her hands, she was so invested in sucking him. Before long, she realized he was holding her head with both paws (stumps?) and bucking against her. She didn’t mind, relaxing her mouth around him, just keeping the seal of her lips against his skin.

As the minutes went on, she knew that the bear was reaching his peak. She didn’t know *how* she knew it, but she didn’t care. “Mmmmmhhh! Mmmmhhmmmm!” was the only assent she could give before she felt the stuffed bear shudder, his cock throbbing as a warm, sticky spatter landed against the back of her throat. Annie gulped and another rope of the bear’s spunk shot into her mouth, his hips shoving himself past her lips. She couldn’t identify the taste, but it put her in mind of cotton candy frosting. It was much more liquid, though. And the little bear came a *lot*. She pulled away when he finally let go of her head, saliva and spunk dripping from her lips as she sat up. Panting, Annie looked at the toy. He was still stiff, not going down in the least.

Annie dipped her hand between her legs, fingers rubbing up and down as she stared at that prick. *He’s a toy, so… He can’t get me pregnant.* The bear sat up to look at her, supporting itself on one arm.

***You are touching yourself, Ann. Would you like me to fuck you?***

*Holy shit, do I want that. Is something wrong with me?* She didn’t give herself time to think about it. Instead she just nodded and hooked her thumbs into her panties, pulling them and her sweat pants down over her hips and off. By now, she didn’t particularly care that she hadn’t had a trim for a while, and hadn’t shaved her legs for a few days. She doubted the bear would give a damn. Annie settled on her back, thighs spread as she rubbed her fingers against her slit with one hand, stuffing a throw pillow under her head with the other.

The toy stood and walked over to her as smoothly as if it had done the same thing a hundred times, kneeling down between her thighs and aiming the head of his tool before pushing forward. Annie groaned as she felt the warm, stiff cock spreading her. *God, it has been WAY too long.* She threw her head back and enjoyed the sensation of him filling her, pushing deep into her slick, needy pussy. A little adjustment and the bear began to move, drawing his hips back and then shoving forward again, plunging his cock into her.

Light-headed, Annie reached back to the arm of the couch to steady herself, crooning as the toy braced himself against her stomach, rocking his hips again and again. “Ohhhfuck…” she groaned. “Keep… Keep goin’…”

She felt herself clutch around him, panting, felt the sweat beading on her forehead as her chest rose and fell. Annie clamped her free hand over her mouth, stifling her moans as the bear fucked her. Dani was out for the evening, but they still had neighbors. She whimpered as she felt the bear’s thick tool drawing her closer and closer to her climax.

Wet, slurping noises filled the room as the stuffed bear’s incessantly driving hips thrust his cock into her. Before long, Annie didn’t care if anyone heard her. A flush had turned her upper chest, throat, and cheeks a deep pink and she just knew she was leaking a flood of arousal on the couch cushion underneath her hips. But she didn’t care, she just wanted to keep doing this forever. Digging her toes into the couch, Annie let out a squeal and arched her back, a shudder rolling through her as she reached her peak. She clamped down around the bear’s driving cock, her body jerking and twitching as she cried out and gushed her way through her climax. She wasn’t sure if it was her imagination or their ‘connection’ whatever that was supposed to mean, but she felt a deep, masculine groan, that almost made her cum again, and the bear’s cock tensed and throbbed. Before she could think about it, she cried “Fuckyes! Fuckin’ cum in me!” Her back arched as she felt the bear’s cock spitting ropes of warm, sweet spunk into her clutching pussy. Annie collapsed against the couch, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling as the bear gave a last few thrusts, spurting its warm stuff into her belly.

Panting loudly, Annie shivered as she stared upward, grappling with the fact that she’d just been fucked by a toy. She felt the bear pull away, letting out a sad little groan as he did. But then the bear climbed up under her arm and cuddled next to her, one stumpy little arm groping her breast.

***It seems that you enjoyed our time together, Ann.***

“Y-yeah,” she breathed, giving the bear a weary squeeze. This… Whatever this was would take some getting used to. First, though, she’d have to make sure that Dani didn’t come home to a sexy mess on the couch. Annie sighed. After she rested for a few minutes, she’d clean up…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jbme9m/unbearable_loneliness_str8_fantasy_oral_creampie

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