[FF] Out and About

I slowly opened my eyes, stretching lazily and smiling as I felt the loose fabric of my bedsheets slithering over my skin. The slow buzz of my phone bringing me back into the waking world. As I check the texts I grin and my fingers quickly across the screen as I reply to the text that woke me up. Following it up with a quick selfie, just enough to show that I’m naked under my sheets, but not showing off too much more than that.

After a quick shower I pick out my favourite sundress, one that I know that she loves me wearing too. The low cut neckline, and light shoulder straps don’t leave any space for me to wear a bra under it, and the rich orange brings out the lighter shades in my long brown hair and my blue eyes. As I slowly gather my purse and bag I hum happily at the prospect of everything that we’re going to get up to today!

As I fold myself into my car I realise that my dress has shifted a little, and even with the seat belt cutting across my chest, the top doesn’t cover my breast at all. For a moment I think about fixing it before setting off, but decide against it and pull my phone out again. With another quick picture taken I set off, my eyes drifting down to her name in my contacts list. Ella. The siren song of her approval calling to me, but I manage to resist it, savouring the anticipation of it.

The joy of being so exposed this far out into the country infuses me with a whole new energy, and a thrill of excitement. At a stop light I sigh, the long wait as a train rumbles towards the crossing that I’m stopped at. A shadow rolls across my window, making me jump a little. The truck sitting next to me surprising me with it’s sudden and relatively silent approach. It’s few extra inches giving the driver a perfect view of me, and my exposed breast. The driver, a stocky looking man with a well kept beard, glances over at me. He looks back quickly, disbelief stamped across his face. I smile at him, winking as I reach down for the hem of my dress. His eyebrows rise and rise and keep rising as I slip down in my seat, exposing my thin, lacy panties to him. I catch the subtle dip in his shoulder and then the shaking that tells me everything that I need to know. I bite my lip and let my hand slip into my panties, rolling my hips for him as I enjoy him enjoying me. By the time I see him stiffen and flush red the train has vanished, the light has been green for a while, but we were too caught up in each other. I slowly pull my hand out from my panties and straighten myself out, I leave my breast exposed as I wink and blow him a kiss before I roll forwards and drive away.

With my little distraction over I head for the mall as quickly as I can, and soon pull into the parking lot. It’s only now that I let myself reach for my phone to text Ella to let her know that I’ve arrived. I carefully climb out of my car, locking it, and head off to our meeting spot just in front of the malls entrance. Before long I hear her calling my name. I smile and spin around, my dress floating out around me as I call out back.

“Ella! Oh my god, it’s so go…”

She cuts me off by pulling me into a tight hug, and pressing her lips against mine. Just like the first time I feel my heart skipping. My hands make their way into the pockets in the back of her jeans, gently squeezing as I feel her hands slipping down to pull my waist against her and my thigh up against her leg.

“Ella! Careful! We don’t want to get kicked out before we even get into the mall!” I whisper as I reluctantly pull my lips away from hers.

“Fine.” She says with a glint in her eyes. “But you’d better lead the way quickly, or I’ll have to get creative when you make this up to me!”

I giggle as I take her hand and bounce into the mall, pulling her towards the a clothes shop. When we get into the shop I lean in and kiss her cheek, whispering quietly.

“Stay here, I want to pick out something fun for you!” Then I slip off, winding my way through the racks, not looking back to see if she is following; trusting that she’ll stay where I asked her to. I grab one or two bits as I race through the shop, and stash them in a relatively quiet corner before I make my way back to Ella.

“Hey babe.” I murmur as I slip in behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. “Come with me.”

I quickly kiss her neck before I untangle myself from her and take her hand as I lead her to my little collection. I grin back at her as I reach up to take a pair of shorts off their hanger, I slip my shoes off and step into them, as I pull them up my dress catches on my wrists, lifting with them. The back hangs down, covering my butt as I wriggle my butt to get them over my hips. Then, when the shorts are on, I catch the bottom of my dress and slowly draw it up, over my head. I let it drop to the side as I reach out to grab a deep necked crop top.

The only warning I get is the soft rustle of her footstep and the sudden warmth of her breath on my neck. Suddenly her hand closes around my breast, as she squeezes it. Her lips brush against my neck and I feel a familiar electric thrill as it runs down my spine. Ella kisses around my neck and up to gently nibble on my ear as I gently rest my hand over hers as she pinches and teases my nipple.

Her other hand slips into the waistband of the shorts. As she runs her hands over the front of my panties I feel her fingers poking out of the bottom of the legs, they’re so short that they barely cover anything. I groan and lean back against her, shuddering as her familiar touch drives me right up to the edge.

I carefully turn, her hand slipping from my breast momentarily as I twist. I quickly lock my lips against hers and revel in the rush of her taste, her nimble touch setting off fireworks as she dances her fingers over my mound and lips, slipping them under my panties.

Then, drawing a sharp gasp from me, she slips her finger into me, teasing me with just the tip of it as she holds my hair, pulling my lips against hers. I shudder and moan as I feel her warmth against me, and teasing it’s way inside me. I can feel my excitement letting her finger slip in easily, but she never plunges in deep. She contents herself to tease my clit, gently rubbing it as our tongues dance. Whenever she feels me shift she switches her fingers attention back and forth between my lips and my clit, leaving me panting as I fight to control my shaking.

Soon she feels it, my knees weakening as I lean against her more heavily. The shuddering breaths I take, the low moan as it builds in the back of my throat. She pulls me in tight against her lips, keeping my moan in, muffling it with our kiss. The slow waves of pleasure have built up and built up. Kindled by my love of her, and nurtured by our lust for each other. But now they have built and crashed over me, washing me away in the pleasure that she’s always been able to coax out of me. I feel myself being washed away and I loose touch with everything around us, only aware of her.

After an eternity the waves of pleasure ebb, easing off enough that I can stand again. I grin and gently bite her lip, squeezing her butt again as I step back.

“You know what? I think we should take this back to my place.” I manage to purr as I bend down to pick up my dress.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/jbsim2/ff_out_and_about