You Made Me Do It… [MF] [Cuckhold]

It was a warm summer day, one of the warmest of the year; of course, it was moving day. We just moved from the north east down to a southern state. This heat was absolutely nothing we were used to. I’m not the kind of guy who typically takes of his shirt, maybe to swim or a hot tub, but otherwise it stays on. I am kind of scrawny, a bit of a beer belly, I know its not a good look. However, moving these boxes in and out of the house, I just absolutely had to. My wife on the other hand, she was very comfortable moving stuff into the house. Her small loose grey shorts, that showed some serious under bum, and a tight white tank top that you could see the little red hearts on her bra underneath of kept her fairly cool. Her sweat did make her top completely see through though, and the glistening of her cleavage was mesmerizing. She looked incredible.

I was laid-off at my tech job a couple months prior, and it took me some time, but I found a new job down here and we had always wanted to move to the south to start a family. The neighborhood was nice, it was a little crescent and we were right smack in the middle.

“Hey hun, let me go get you some water and dig out a hat for you. You are looking like a lobster” my wife Julie looked over from a pile of boxes at me.

“That would be great, thanks babe” I yelled back.

I kept moving the boxes from the truck to the garage, I wanted to make sure we got done before it got dark. It was still early, but I knew it would take just the two of us forever to get this all done. As I was walked out from the garage from dropping some boxes, I saw a couple walking across the yard towards us waiving. “Hey there! You must be the new neighbors? I’m Colby and this is Sue.” The man speaking was younger than me, maybe mid 20’s and tall. I noticed how broad his shoulders were and how well his shirt fit him. The woman was short and thin, very pretty and had long brown hair. Her smile was warm and welcoming.

“Oh hey, sorry, I look terrible. I’d shake your hand but I’m disgusting. I’m Eddie, and my wife just ran inside – Julie.”

“Nice to meet you Eddie, are you bringing in all these boxes yourself? He looked at me, half impressed and half a little bit sorry for me.

“Oh, yeah, well, we couldn’t find a mover on such a short closing date. My wife is helping too.” I looked up at him since he was so much taller and sweat dripped into my eye causing me to squint.

“Oh Hi, are you the neighbors?” My wife came out of the house, holding water in one hand and my hat in the other. Her large pale tits bouncing as she took the steps down from the porch to the front of the garage. She handed me the hat and water and wiped the sweat from my brow with a rag. “Here hunny, let me get that sweat, and here is your hat”

“Hi, Julie? Right? I am Colby, this is my wife Sue. Eddie here was just telling us you couldn’t get movers? Let me give you guys a hand, I couldn’t possibly let just the two of you lug all this into your house by yourselves.” He smiled and his teeth were as white as a set of teeth could possibly be.

After wiping the sweat out of my eye with my thumb, I looked up at Colby and his genuine smile, I wanted so badly to turn down his offer. But honestly, there were so many boxes still to go and we had not even gotten to the little bit of furniture we brought with us.

“I won’t take no for an answer” Colby walked away and grabbed 3 boxes stacked on top of each other, his biceps flexed and his veins in his forearms started to protrude – he looked strong. My wife and I just kind of stared at him in awe until his wife broke the silence. “Oh Colby, he’s such a helpful fella. Hey, let me go home while he helps you here. I will get a quick dinner ready, some cold drinks and ya’ll can come over and relax after all this work. We have a pool too, bring your swimsuits!” Sue didn’t even let us argue or pretend like that didn’t sound amazing, she just walked away after waiving good bye and giving her husband a quick kiss on the cheek. I took a sip of water and walked back to the truck to get back to work and Julie walked behind me. Colby had already moved almost the amount of stuff we moved in the past hour in the 3 minutes he had been working. He was starting to get sweaty, and his white t-shirt clinged to his back and chest. I could tell my wife enjoyed the view, I don’t blame her. He was about as much of a “perfect hunk” as I could possibly describe to someone.

Time went on, and things moved quickly with his help, but the heat was still brutal. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the truck we rented, and I was bright red. “I think that’s everything guys!” Colby looked fresh and energetic still while my wife and I leaned up against the garage door.

“thanks again Colby, that was amazing” my wife Julie smiled shyly at him, looking up from her feet like a nervous school girl.

“aw, no problem, it was nothin’. That’s what neighbors are for! Now ya’ll get cleaned up a bit, grab your swimsuits and we will see you over at our place in an hour? Don’t bother knocking, just come around back and watch out for our dog Trigger that he doesn’t jump up on you and lick ya’ll to death haha” he smiled and laughed walking away. My wife watched him leave intently.

My wife and I got into the house, and each got into the shower to clean up a bit. A lot of our stuff was packed and hard to find since we were so rushed packing when we left. We didn’t have enough time to properly mark things. I was able to find an old pair of swim shorts that were a bit too big for me and an old beer branded t-shirt.

“Hun, I can’t find any of my swimsuits!” my wife yelled from the garage. I walked down the stairs and met her in the hallway.

“Really? That sucks, I guess I will just go change into something else and tell them we can’t find our swimsuits” I was a little disappointed, I would have loved to go swimming right now. I was still hot and sweaty and I literally had just had a cold shower.

“Its okay babe, you go swimming, I’ll just stick my feet in. I don’t want to be a bother. Let me go put something on and I will meet you at the door. I really don’t want to be late the first time they invite us over” Julie smiled at me so lovingly and ran up the stairs with her house coat on.

A few minutes later, Julie came down the stairs wearing a short summer dress. It was mostly white with a large pink flower pattern. It came a little longer than mid-thigh and showed ample cleavage, honestly pretty much everything did with her larger breasts. “Do you think this is okay? I don’t have much to choose from that I can find?” She looked at me like she was very self-conscious and a little nervous for a first impression on the neighbors.

“I love it baby, you look so damn hot” I grabbed her bum and kissed her on the cheek to not smudge her lipstick she just put on. She knew, I loved when she dressed sexy. Its not something we talked openly about, mostly because she thought it was weird. Truthfully, I don’t know why I love when other men look at her, but it turned me on a lot – and she knew it. I mentioned it once during sex on vacation a few years back, and she got weirded out and when we finished having sex we both just rolled over and went to sleep. Since then, she will dress sexy for me on special occasions to get me riled up, and we have some great sex, but I don’t dare mention it to her.

“Okay, let’s go then, I don’t want to be late” She grabbed my hand off of her ass and pulled me towards the door.

We walked across our lawn, over to the neighbor’s driveway and then down the side of their house towards the gate. I could hear music playing softly, country music, and I could smell BBQ. As soon as we closed the gate behind us, their dog came running around the corner and lunged towards us. I don’t think either of us were particularly scared, he looked just like an exuberant puppy and he was absolutely adorable. He jumped up around us, taking turns jumping on both of us.

“Trigger, boy, get on over here” Colby in a very commanding voice called for the dog and walked around the corner just in time to see the dog go between Julies legs and trip her over. She fell on her back. “Oh shit, I am so sorry! This damn dog” Colby bent over and grabbed his dogs’ collar while I helped my wife up to make sure she was okay. As she stood up, she didn’t really notice the state of her dress, I guess she was just so confused and caught up in the commotion. She stood there for a moment or two (which felt like forever) wiping dirt and grass off her elbow while her tiny little pink thong was completely on display for Colby. I gently tugged on her dress hem to get her attention and when she finally realized she very quickly pulled her dress back down and blushed bright red

“Oh my god, I am so sorry, I….” she started

Colby cut her off “Julie, don’t be ridiculous, I am the one who is so sorry. Please go ahead up to the deck, Sue is over there, and I’ll take this darn pup to his crate for the night”

I looked at Julie and started laughing, trying to break the tension to make sure Colby didn’t feel bad. “Oh boy, what a crazy pup! Don’t worry about it Colby, Julie is fine. No big deal” I looked over at Julie to collaborate my story and she smiled and laughed and agreed.

Dinner was great, and the conversation was so natural and easy. Colby and Sue were great folks, and we had a lot in common. They were the perfect combination of kind, easy-going, and that little bit of red neck that made you feel like they weren’t “too good” for you. We had a few drinks with dinner, Colby and I had some ice cold beer and the ladies drank some nice red wine with our steak.

“Hey Eddie, do you like whisky? I got some expensive stuff from a client at work and now would be a great time to crack it open! What do you think?” Colby had already started halfway into his house, he clearly wasn’t expecting me to say no, so I said of course I love whisky and he walked away.

“Julie, you didn’t bring your swimsuit?” Sue asked as she started to clear the table.

“No, I couldn’t find them in all our boxes, I’m sorry, but you guys should still swim! I will just sit on the edge and put my feet in. No big deal” she smiled at Sue and tried her best to make sure that she didn’t ruin the mood of the evening.

“I simply won’t have it Julie! I have a tone of swimsuits upstairs. I know my chest and butt aren’t anywhere near as full as yours, but who cares? Something will fit close enough. It’s just us neighbors, who cares how it fits?” she grabbed Julies hand and pulled her inside. She wasn’t kidding when she said my Julie was “fuller” than her. Sue was a beautiful woman, but she was very small in the chest and butt. You could tell she was insanely fit and tight, but my wife was built like a swimsuit model. She was toned but had a bit more “chub” to her. Her breasts were large, and her ass was always an attention grabber even when she wasn’t wearing tight pants. I quickly found myself alone, but not for long. Colby and Sue were far too good of hosts, and Colby was very quickly right back out with two glasses and the bottle of whisky.

“wow, I recognize that bottle, I think it’s like $300 for that thing.” I looked at him like he was crazy for opening it for me.

“Oh yeah? I wouldn’t know, I just drink the cheap stuff. It all does the same job right?!” Colby was unbelievably humble, and never tried to ever seem like he was a big shot.

The back door opened again as we finished out first glass, and out came Sue and Julie wrapped in a towels.

“Let’s go swimming!” exclaimed Sue as she dropped her towel and hung it on the back of the chair beside her. She looked incredible. I tried not to stare, but I underestimated how perfect her figure was. She was that perfect level of “tight”. Her stomach was flat, and her butt was perky and tight. Sue walked passed me and I noticed her swimsuit was quite sexy as well. It was strapless type top, but the bottoms were basically a thong and I could feel myself staring a little too long and looked away quickly to meet my wife’s eye. She smiled, knowingly. Not angry, but rolling her eyes at me on the inside, for sure. We all heard a splash and looked over and Sue had jumped in.

“Let’s go guys! Get in here! Its amazing.” Sue yelled from the pool splashing water over at us. Julie looked at me and gave me a devilish smile and dropped her towel.

“Come on boys!” she laughed and ran passed Colby and I and jumped into the water. She looked incredible. She had a light blue Triangle top bikini that didn’t cover her large breasts at all. She had the two triangles pulled wide to prevent any side boob and it just barely covered her nipple. The bikini bottoms were a match with Sue’s. She had NEVER worn a bikini this small, let alone a bottom that was a thong. I had tried to get her buy one on our last vacation and she just laughed at me saying she wasn’t “that type of girl” and the amount of attention she would get would just be annoying. As she ran and jumped into the pool her ass and tits jiggled all over, and I can’t imagine her top stayed in place. Colby watched every moment of it, laughing and smiling. I could feel my dick start to stiffen. This is exactly the type of thing that turned me on. I have no idea why, but something about my wife dressed slutty and men looking at her made me hornier than anything else in the world.

“Well, let me go grab my trunks, and I’ll meet you in the pool” Colby looked over and walked into the house. I waited a minute for my stiffening cock to subside and then took my shirt off and jumped into the pool. The water felt amazing on my red burning skin. We just sort of swam around, chit chatting and enjoying the evening. After a few minutes the door to the house shut and Colby walked out towards the pool. He wore a very light blue pair of shorts that were well above his knee and the same t-shirt we wore at dinner. He walked up to the side of the pool and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off, my wife and Sue completely stopped their conversation to watch like school girls. I already had a good idea what his body would look like with his sweaty shirt clinging to him earlier, but god damn if he wasn’t cut. Broad shoulders, abs, and that V that women love right above the belt. He slipped into the water quickly, not trying to bring attention to himself. He dunked his body under and swam to his wife from underneath the water. He picked her up from under the water and dunked her under the water, getting her hair wet, which she clearly was trying to keep dry. Everyone laughed and loosened up the tension in the air. After a little bit Sue swam up to Colby who was leaning against the side of the pool with the water up just below his chest and pressed her butt into him and he wrapped his big strong arms around her. She wiggled her butt back and forth on him while we chatted, and Julie came over to me and sat on the walk out stairs beside me with her hand on my lap. After a little bit of chat, Sue decided to hop out on the side of the pool and grabbed her towel. “Hey, I am going to grab drinks and the dessert, hop on out and come sit down.” Sue smiled and walked inside.

“Oh, I love her apple pie, you don’t have to ask me twice!” Colby smiled and walked towards us on the stairs. As he walked out of the water his light swimsuit clung to him and a VERY pronounced bulge and visible print from the head of his dick were right at eye level as he walked passed. My wife openly stared, now quite tipsy from the wine. I instinctually turned and looked away avoiding gaze like at the gym change room. As I turned back around to look at my wife, her nipples were rock hard in her thin, light colored bikini top and her breathing became very obvious and shallow. As she met my gaze and followed it down to her breasts, she looked up at me quickly say “Wow, it got cold out eh? Brrrrr…” and got up with her thong in my face and sat over at the table with Colby. It wasn’t cold out at all. As I went to get up I noticed I was rock hard in my trunks and sat back down.

“Oh hun, I forgot my towel over there, can you bring it to me?” my wife Julie looked over at me with her nipples still incredibly pronounced sitting a couple feet from Colby at the table. Thinking about the view Colby was getting only got me harder and I just kind of sat there looking blankly at my wife.

“Hun?” she repeated. “Its fine, its actually not THAT cold out, take your time!” she turned back around to Colby and started chatting with him. I watched as she casually rubbed her hands over her own thighs and tucked her hair behind her ears every time it fell to cover her very exposed breasts. Eventually they were deep enough into conversation that I had brief moment to grab my wife’s towel and wrap it around myself to cover my boner. I walked over and handed her my towel and she just laid it over her lap, keeping her top completely exposed.

“I’ve got Pie!” Sue yelled as she came out of the back door with plates, forks and more drinks.

We spent the rest of the night eating and chatting and having a great old time. Eventually we decided we should be leaving. Sue grabbed Julies dress from inside the house and handed it to her and then followed by her pink underwear, open in front of everyone. “I should go inside and change so I can give you back your bikini.”

Sue just laughed “No, I have so many, I insist you keep it. You look amazing in it! Right Colby?” Colby took a second and looked her slowly up from her feet to her breasts. As Julie felt his gaze, she turned around so he could see the whole thing including her full, toned ass in the tiny thong. My cock jumped at the scene. “yeah, she’s gorgeous…” his voice trailed off and smiled.

“oh my god, thanks Colby!” as she wiggled her butt and turned back around to face him “that means a lot coming from a big ol’ hunk like you” I think she meant it a little more jokingly than the very soft and sultry it came out. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the gate.

“Okay, well it’s been a great night! Thanks so much for everything! I think its time we get to bed.” I yelled a little to loudly and pulled my drunk wife towards our house.

We got inside and before I could even fully shut the door my wife pinned me against it, slamming it the rest of the way and grabbed my dick. “Oh baby, someone is getting hard…You love this little bikini, don’t you?” I smiled shyly at her and laughed nervously. “don’t be silly baby, I know you love it when I dress sexy and guys stare at me. Did I do a good job tonight? Did I do a good job for you baby?” she was whispering in my ear as she jerked me off over my swimsuit. “did you see how Colby looked at me? My nipples completely on display through the wet thin little top. My ass completely on display in this little thong? Hmm…. was I slutty enough for you?”

It was too much for me and I began to cum with her hand rubbing me over my damp swimsuit. She looked at me, her eyes showing the disappointment that her words tried to hide. “mmm…baby, too much for you?” She turned around after I finished cumming and started walking up the stairs to bed, yawning. “Do you think I should keep the swimsuit? It’s a little too revealing I think…” and closed the bedroom door behind her.

The next morning I woke up to lawn mowing outside, I walked over to the toilet to pee, stumbling from my hangover. Out the window I saw Colby mowing his backyard shirtless. I stumbled down stairs in my pajama pants and dingy old shirt and walked in on my wife staring intently out the window at Colby in front of the sink while washing dishes. I gave a little fake cough and she looked over at me smiling, “Good Morning hun, you slept in good. Here is your coffee” she handed me a big mug and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“Good morning to you too… Like the view?” I am not sure why I said what I said, I probably should have just left it alone. The combination of the sexy morning kiss and being a little tipsy still gave me a weird combination of confidence and arousal. She looked at me, and I think I caught her off guard a bit.

“It’s okay, hun, he’s a good-looking guy mowing his lawn without a shirt on. Its normal” She looked up at me from her feet, still embarrassed. I got up from my chair and grabbed her around the waist and kissed her. “Seriously, its okay, its no big deal.” I assured her. She kissed me back, again with a bit more than just a quick kiss and my cock jumped, and she felt it against her leg.

“Hun, I know you like when men stare at me, but are you getting horny when I stare at men too?” her hand moving towards my dick and wrapping it around it me gently.

“I…I don’t know…I” I stammered an answer, but she cut me off.

“hun, it’s okay, I kind of already knew from last night.” She smiled slightly.

“what do you mean?” I looked at her, and then down at my feet, now I felt like I was the shy one in the conversation.

“Come on hunny, its not a big deal. But when he got out of the pool last night, and his, well…you know…his stuff… was in our faces I looked maybe a bit too long but with my hand on your lap I felt you get hard as a rock. I know you aren’t gay, so the only thing I could think of was you getting hot and bothered with me looking at another man. Specifically, another mans…you know…dick.”

Somehow her saying the word dick felt so dirty in the moment. I didn’t know really what to say. I knew she was right. She knew she was right. But in the moment, I felt like such a wuss. Like she was just about to tell me what a loser I am. She smiled at me as my cock grew in her hand. “see, I knew it. Its all good, I’m not judging you.” I looked back up at her and met her gaze, she dropped to her knees and pulled my pajamas down to my ankles. My modest penis jumped up and she took it in her mouth. She hadn’t given me a blowjob in years, I started to worry that she was horny fantasizing about Colby, but in the moment and having not had a blowjob in years I pushed it to the back of my mind and enjoyed it. She pulled my cock out of her mouth, and she stroked it, looking up at me.

“So, what is it that you like about all this? Me looking like a slut in front of him, then me staring as his big dick a few feet from my face in front of you…what about this makes you so horny hun? She put my dick back in her mouth and I moaned. She popped it back out of her moth again. “Do you imagine me with other guys sometimes?” I couldn’t get anything out of my mouth but a small moan again. “that’s it, isn’t it? Your hot wife riding another man? Would you watch? Would you want it to be with a guy with a dick like yours? Or a big dick?” I couldn’t take it and I moaned a bit louder and without even warning her like I knew I should, I busted my small load as she took my penis back in her mouth. She gagged and choked on the surprise cum.

“I am so sorry Julie…I didn’t realize I was so close….” I tried hard to apologize, knowing I didn’t want to ruin the possibility of any more blowjobs in the future.

“It’s okay baby” she stood up and kissed my cheek and went back to doing the dishes.

We didn’t really talk about any of that stuff anymore for the next few weeks. We started adjusting to our normal daily lives and creating out new routines in our new life. I would go out to work every day, and Julie for the most part unpacked and got the house looking better each day. Painting, cleaning, just normal move-in stuff.

One Monday morning, I got up and Julie was already getting out of the shower. She walked out in her towel and started going through her drawers. “Hey hun, how come you are up so early?” I called to her as I was getting into the shower in our on suite.

“I have an interview at the hospital finally, I can’t be late!” she called back as she sat down on the bed and pulled her panties up and over her knees. I walked out of the shower as she pulled a nice skirt over her ass and started buttoning up her white blouse she was wearing.

“You look nice, trying to impress the DRs?” I laughed as I pulled my work clothes on in the closest sticking my head out watching her.

“Well, it can’t hurt” she responded as she turned around and pulled down on her blouse fixing any wrinkles. “How do I look? one button undone or two?

“two, always two…If you want to impress the DRs” I laughed.

“I don’t want to look like a tart, I’ll just do one” she smiled and walked over to kiss me good bye “toast is in the toaster keeping warm, coffee is in the pot, love you” she walked down stairs and out the front door.

I took some time getting my breakfast together, I didn’t have meetings until a bit later in the morning, about 30 minutes later I was walking out the front door when I saw my wife standing beside the car with the hood up. Confused, I called out to her

“What’s going on? You are still here? Did you call someone for the car?” Suddenly Colby’s head popped up from the car’s hood and he shot me a smile.

“Hey neighbor, I was on my way out the door to go to work and Ms. Julie here couldn’t get her car started.” He had his dress shirt off and he was just in his undershirt, looking down at the vehicle. “I think I got it fixed, Ms. Julie go ahead and try to start it” As she turned to walk to the driver side of the car, I noticed her blouse had changed from one button undone to three. The car started as soon as she tried. “Ah perfect, it was either a loose battery cable or this fuse I changed out. Either way, ya’ll should be good now. Have a great day, and good luck at the interview!” Colby smiled and grabbed his dress shirt and walked back to his house. I waived a thank you too him and walked down to my wife’s car and stuck my head in the window.

“That was lucky that he was so good with cars and happened to be walking out at the same time, don’t you think hun? He saved us a bunch of money from calling someone. We owe him big time.” Julie looked at me with a smile. I smiled back at her

“yeah, absolutely, lucky us. Well, good luck at the interview hun. Love you”

Later that afternoon I got home from work and Julie was upstairs getting changed into some more comfortable clothes. She must have just got home from her interview. “How did the interview go baby?” I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her.

“I think it went well! I saw Sue in the driveway when I got home, I told them to come over to watch the football game tonight. Is that alright? I should have asked you?” she seemed excited to share the news either way.

“that sounds fine, we owe Colby anyways. Might as well have them over and give him some drinks and dinner.” I smiled back at Julie, glad her interview went well.

About an hour later and I was down stairs flipping through the channels to find the game when I heard a knock at the door and Colby was there. “Hey come on in” I told him, as I walked the door I noticed he was alone “where is Sue?”

“Oh, she didn’t feel great, so she told me to come on over without her, I didn’t want to be rude after your wife invited us. I hope that’s alright. Otherwise, we can reschedule to next week?” he was so genuine with everything he said.

“Don’t be crazy Colby, come on in. Have a few beers with me. It’s the least I could do for helping out Julie this morning” I smiled and shook his hand and led him to the couch. He sat down in the middle and I grabbed us both a beer. I sat down on the arm chair where I normally sit and turned up the volume. Julie walked in wearing a tank top for the local team and a pair of shorts she lounges around the house in. they are little black shorts made of a very light material, that are loose around the legs.

“Oh, hey Colby, where is Sue?” she asked, Colby filled her in. “Well, then let me get you guys a couple more beers, some snacks and I will make myself scarce” Julie smiled and walked into the kitchen, returning in about 10 minutes with a big platter of wings and drinks and chips. “Enjoy the game guys!” Julie smiled and started walking away.

“Nonsense!” said Colby. “This is your home, and Sue and I enjoy your company too, you sit down and watch with us!” Julie smiled and looked over at me for the okay, I smiled and agreed with Colby.

“Of course, you should watch with us if you want to. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to have some eye candy during commercials” I laughed, and Colby looked over at Julie smiling and agreeing with his eyes.

The game was going well; the conversation flowed during commercials great, Julie would grab us refills of drinks here and there. It was a great time overall. Eventually half time started, and the home team was up big and we were all cheering and having a good time. The half time show started and the cheerleaders were shown on screen. They were dancing around to some hip hop songs looking sexy. “there is your eye candy Eddie, not me” she laughed as they danced around in their little skirts and pom-poms.

“Nonsense, Julie, you are better looking than all of them, right Colby?” I genuinely thought so, and I knew Colby was too polite to not agree.

“Yes sir” he said, looking at Julie. Julie blushed and looked away from his confident stare.

“Did you know Julie was a cheerleader in college Colby?” I said proudly.

“Really? That doesn’t surprise me one bit. You are so positive and happy all the time” Colby added.

“Do you still have the uniform Julie? I think you unpacked it…I remember you did! Yeah! Go put it on and we will put you in front of the TV and compare!” we were all getting a little drunk and silly but I thought it was a fantastic idea.

“Oh Eddie, you are so funny. I only have the skirt and pom-poms, its not the same. I’ve definitely put on some weight too, it might not even fit” Julie was so modest, but the more I thought about her putting on the uniform, the more horny I got and the more I knew I wanted to push her.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You are drop dead sexy. Go put it on, you want to see it too don’t you Colby?” Colby looked at me, and kind of shrugged

“Sure yeah, I am sure you will look great in it, and we can tell you definitely that you are better looking than the girls at the stadium” you could tell he was drunk as he wasn’t quite as clear with his words and he seemed to be getting very interested in seeing her too.

“Fine, I will go see, if it looks ridiculous though, I am not coming down” she laughed and ran upstairs. Colby and I sat and enjoyed the half time show and chatted a little bit about the game when suddenly, we heard Julie from upstairs call down. “Oh my gosh, I feel so silly, Eddie are you sure you want me to come down in this?”

“absolutely, get your big hot ass down here” I was drunk and I was starting to forget that my neighbor was here. Julie walked down the stairs and came around the corner wearing the team tank top still, but pushed up to under her breasts so her stomach was visible and her old cheerleading skirt. Her ass and hips being much bigger than when she was in college a few years ago had the hem of the skirt barely covering her.

“what do you think?” she said shyly smiling down at the ground.

“oh my god, you look incredible” I smiled like a child on Christmas.

“Give us a cheer!’ Colby encouraged her. We all laughed. Julie walked in front of the TV just as the Cheerleader half time show was starting to wrap up and she mimicked some of their movements, eventually they did a big kick in the air and she just laughed instead of doing it.

“what you can’t kick that high anymore” I made fun of her a bit teasingly.

“I can so! I just shouldn’t we have a guest here” she giggled like a school girl and pushed down the hem of her mini skirt.

“than prove it!” I egged her on as Colby just stayed quite and laughed along.

“Fine” She said defiantly. And with that, she threw her foot into the air and her skirt flew up and it became very apparent she wore the thong underwear she was wearing with her shorts under her cheerleading outfit. When I saw her pink thong, my cock jumped again and I knew I wanted to see more.

“do a cartwheel!” I yelled. Julie stared at me, and then Colby. Colby gave her a smile and a look that was clearly enjoying the show. Julie walked over to the front door to give herself enough room and then did the cart wheel, completely exposing her ass in a thong to us and as she stood up her tits jiggled all over place adding to the theatrics.

“okay, okay. enough of this” Julie giggled. “let me get you guys a top up” She walked over to the coffee table in front of Colby and they locked eyes. Colby looked down at the front of his pants and Julies eyes followed his gaze right to his obvious bulge. Julie looked back at him in the eyes and almost in a whisper, said “sorry about that”. She turned quickly, exposing her bum cheeks again with his empty can, and walked to the kitchen. I followed in after her shortly once my much more modest bulge had subsided and cornered her in the kitchen from behind. I wrapped my arms around her waist from and she instinctively pushed her ass into my crotch and wiggled it back and forth. Julie turned around to face me “oh baby, I see I’ve got you going again” she reached down and shook my cock in my track pants. I smiled, and if this was ever the time to get her to fool around with Colby, this was it.

“I think you’ve done the same thing to Colby, I bet he wants to feel those big ol’ tits that you’ve been jiggling in his face all night, and fuck your pussy from behind in that skirt.” I don’t know how I came up with all the confidence suddenly. Maybe the drinks, maybe how horny she’s made me.

“Yeah, you think he would love to take a turn with your woman? Try a woman with come curves instead of his stick wife?” She smiled and put her hand back on my cock.

“Absolutely, why don’t you go out there and sit on his lap? Let’s see where this goes?” I smiled back at her and leaned in for a kiss. Right before our lips met, she pulled back and took her hand off my dick

“Excuse me?” She said, louder than I would have liked with the company we had. I stared blankly at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? You actually want to me to go and try and have sex with that guy?” she was angry, and my face started getting more and more red. “I’m fooling around and dressing like this because I know you like it. I am doing it so when Colby goes home, we can fuck like teenagers again. I can’t believe you want me to fuck another man. Don’t you love me?!” her eyes started to well with tears. I had no idea what to say. I stammered out

“I thought you wanted too!? You made it seem so real!?” I must have looked like a deer in the headlights.

“Yeah, I did it all for you!” she said, a little louder than I’d like again. She stormed off to our bed room without even saying goodnight to Colby.

I walked back out of the kitchen, completely confused, and I think Colby knew we got into a fight. He looked up at me as I handed him the beer and he just stayed quiet. We watched the rest of the game with a little bit of quiet mindless chit chat to fill the air. As the game ended, I walked Colby to the door to say goodnight. “Hey, have a great night Colby! Give my best to Sue.”

“Hey thanks Eddie for the beer and the game. I am not sure what happened with you and Julie, but I hope I didn’t do anything that created an issue?” He looked sincere, his eyes look at me with regret.

“No, no. Julie just had a really upset stomach and had to run to deal with it. No big deal at all. She told me to say good bye to you, but I forgot” I couldn’t keep eye contact with him while I lied. I think he knew what I told him wasn’t the truth, but instead of pushing it he just smiled and agreed with his eyes that’s what happened.

“Okay, well tell her to have a good rest then, and have a great night. Thanks again for the drinks and tell Julie good luck with the job!”
