Does this blind aspiring-writer have potential?

Hi everyone. I am totally blind. (I use a screenreader to read/write online.) Now, I really want to be a writer of erotica. But I face two issues: first being that my blindness deprives me of visual details with which to stimulate readers, and second is that I have some really niche tastes. I want to share with y’all a bit of writing I’ve done and get any feedback you’re willing to share. Please be kind, I am trying my best. I wrote this in a flurry of inspiration that left little room for me to edit out my braille typos. It is more of a lead-in, and I’m just wondering if anyone would read something like this were it actually a full story. Anyway, here goes nothing. lol

Crystal’s confident smirk drove a jolt of fury into my heart. My fists clenched tighter and I bit back a cruel retort. It wouldn’t do me any good. She was the talent, I was just the hired help. With a word, Crystal could have me off the set and dismissed from any future prospects in the film industry, or so she claimed. As a young relative-nobody, I was not about to take that chance.
“I think you heard me,” Crystal repeated herself in that smug, sweet tone. “I want to practice some of my moves from my next scene on you.”
I had heard her of course, but this sort of thing was well outside my contract. I could get hurt, or worse, I could hurt her! I could see the headlines now, “Film assistant blacklisted after knocking out actress Crystal Wei during stunt practice.” That would be it—all my efforts and ambitions shot down in a moment thanks to this preening diva and her endless demands.
“I don’t have any padding for stunts,” I fumbled out, in search of an excuse that would have Crystal see reason. “I’m not comfortable with this.”
“I don’t remember asking if you were comfortable,” Crystal replied. “Come to think of it, I don’t remember asking for your permission at all.”
I was about to speak, but Crystal was fast; impossibly fast. In a moment, I could see her toned thighs tensing, and sense her weight shift to the balls of her bare feet. Next thing I knew, her right sole was planted hard into the center of my chest, sending me stumbling backward in an awkward shuffle of feet as I fought to retain balance.
There was a spark in those dark, almond-shaped eyes that fixed upon me. It was something less than hatred, but it was nothing comforting or kind. It was primal—the look of a hawk zeroing in on its prey, or a tigress poised to spring, claws outstretched. It was hunger, it was ecstasy, and it was the exuberance at what was to come next. She was the predator, and I was nothing more than a meal.
“Crystal, wait—”
The words were a waste. Crystal followed through from her kick by planting her right foot on the ground and riding the forward momentum into a phenomenal leap. It was as if she had managed to subjugate gravity itself, such that she had but to will herself to leave the ground in order to be propelled skyward. The jump carried her higher than I imagined possible from such a subtle movement, and I had no chance to raise my hands in defense.
“Come to mama!” Crystal’s words rang in my ears as she flew toward me.
My world disappeared, and my face was enveloped in Crystal. Her firm, muscular thighs snaked around my head and gripped me with vice-like strength. Then we were toppling forward, bringing her back toward the ground as I was dragged along with her. Air escaped me in an involuntary scream, and I braced for an impact that never came.
Instead, my world inverted in a way I could not at first comprehend. My feet left the ground, my sense of direction whirled forward in a sickening loop. Amidst the chaos, I recognized the sound of Crystal’s delicate hands striking the ground to transfer her backward momentum, and everything made sense. As she fell back, crystal arched her body upward, grinding her hips up against my captive head, and hitting the ground with her palms. She turned the fall into a handspring, and allowed my leverage to carry me with her in a dizzying flip that slammed my body into the hard ground and drove the wind from my lungs in an undignified gasp.
Lights danced in my vision—dizzying distortions of color that flitted about at random. I choked for air where I lay, face down on the hard floor of Crystal Wei’s private on-set suite. I wanted to just lie there forever and forget the indignities she’d already put me through, as well as the unimaginable future ones yet to come. But I was afforded no such rest. A thudding kick to my side rolled me to my back, and I would have gasped in awe if I weren’t already choking for air.
When I looked up at her, it was not just some actress I saw. I was looking at a goddess, a perfect being whose will to dominate me was as unquestionable as my will to breathe or to think. She planted one of her slender feet on my chest—a gesture of utter triumph—and I gazed up her shapely legs, that seemed to stretch on for miles. The curves of her full hips glided with smooth perfection into her slender waist and full chest, barely constrained by the black tank-top she wore in such contrast to her pale skin. Those dark eyes regarded me with amusement, and she brushed a lock of her raven hair out of her face with casual indifference.
“Such a good assistant,” she quipped, moistening her full lips with the tip of her tongue. “Perhaps you deserve some kind of reward. I think you do.”
“No, please,” I managed to wheeze. “I can’t take this…”
“Oh don’t be so humble, you’ve earned this. Now hold still. Here comes your prize…”
Crystal lifted her foot from my chest and pressed it down against my face, covering my mouth in her silky-soft sole. I was mortified, yet also surprised for the better. Her bare foot smelled clean, not of sweat or any such foulness. Even in this, she was a goddess. Instead, her smooth skin smelled of a light flowery lotion, the subtlest of perfumes. I did not have to be asked, I knew what to do. I knew what my goddess expected of me.
My lips caressed every inch of her sole. I nibbled lightly at her arch and instep. Each of her slender, dextrous toes deserved an individual kiss, and each received one. I was appalled at my submission, yet helpless to resist the power that Crystal exerted. From above me, a laugh rang like cruel music from her angelic voice.
“You take to your place so naturally,” she purred. “Now come along, pet, I have a lot more practicing to do before tomorrow…”



  1. I certainly think that despite your difficulties you’re well on your way. Keep at it!

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