Who’s Your Daddy…

My eyes opened ever so slowly, the warm colour of light entering my pupils. It disturbed me. My vision took time to adjust as discovered I felt restricted. Too restricted.

I was bound by all fours. My hands by either end of stretched silver chains attached by the top corners of the tall king-sized bed. My body was positioned down low toward the foot of the bed that my ass was almost hanging off the edge. The only thing holding me in place was my legs. They were stretched, raised, spread and bound to the pillars of each side of the bottom of the bed.

The feeling of panic started to settle in and take effect as I remembered my previous vivid memory… hot choco with Daddy that he had made me. But he was angry because I had disobeyed him and then when my punishment came I ran away from a spank. I remember watching Disney movies but he just kept staring at me as I sipped on my melting marshmallows smiling at Tiana and the prince dancing with the alligator. I was getting tired but I shrugged it off. Then suddenly… nothing.

Now, this.

My ankles were aching from the weight of my legs pulling on them and I felt exposed on another level as my pussy shone brightly for anyone who would be looking at me facing the end of the bed.

I attempted to cry out for my Daddy but my lips were sealed shut by strong duct tape.

*I need to get out. I need to GET OUT! Oh my gosh, please someone help me. Daddyy! Help me! Please please, please!*

Suddenly the duct tape was RIPPED from my soft lips making me wail from the sharp pain as my skin was pulled. I looked down slowly between my legs as I watched Daddy walk away and sit down in a chair positioned directly in front of me with enough space in between that I could see all of him. He sat, leaned back into the chair with his legs apart wearing black suit trousers and a white untucked shirt that had the top three buttons undone.

*How long was I out?!*

“Daddy?” I sobbed. “What’s happening!”


You looked at me with your cold-brewed eyes that captured any hope I had left to cling onto. My body suddenly let out a shiver at the posture of dominance you portrayed.

*I’m in trouble. Big trouble.*

“Daddyy…” I whimpered. “Please… I’m sorry…”

“Little girl?” You called sternly.

“Please… I won’t do it again.. I’m sorry…”

“Little girl?”

“Yes…Sir?” I answered in fear.

You stood up and took a step forward, keeping your eyes hand-held focused on mine even though I broke it many times.

“Who are you?” You asked.

I knew the answer. You had told me many times before. “I am Daddy’s little girl!” I responded.

You turned and walked over to the table beside the bed. I just then noticed all the tools and toys that were neatly laid out on a white cloth like in a mad scientist movie.

“And what happens when Daddy’s little girl disobeys him?” You voiced this as you picked up one toy to examine then put it down and picked up the next. I stared at your actions in fear and started to wail and splutter. I knew what was going to happen. and it was my fault. “she.. gets… punished…” I wailed.

“And what happens when that punishment is not adhered to?”

I burst into tears. I was going to get punished for a PUNISHMENT. You had warned me about this before but I’ve never gotten myself in such a situation. “I don’t know,” I replied.

In a flash, you grabbed the belt at your and struck me on each ass cheek once.

“You don’t know, WHAT!” You exclaimed brutally.

“I DONT KNOW SIR!” I wept.

“Silly girl. I display affection and shower you with love and care. But sometimes I think… maybe she’s forgotten what I’m actually CAPABLE OF!” You smacked me twice more making me cry out. You crossed the space between us and you caressed my thighs with one hand and kept the other in your trouser pocket. Your hand varied from my calf to my thigh to my pussy, as you kept your eyes on me.

You reached down and stuck a finger in me slowly… I’m so tight that most times it hurts just to have two in. You know this and its one of the many things you take pride in. His little pussy’s tightness. I could see you growing hard from hearing my wincing as you moistened me up….preparing me. You were kind sometimes because we both knew you were not going to use lube.

“Daddy please don’t do this… please!” I squalled.

You dropped the folded belt in your hand and you unzipped your trousers swiftly. Your dick sprung out showing its true form. You looked at me strictly and placed both your hands at either side of my waist so your face was above mine.”

“Do you think you have any power here baby girl?” You taunted. “You… beneath me… fuck you couldn’t look any prettier.”

“You can’t do this to me!” I screamed. You smirked and used your right hand to strike my left cheek… hard. It took me a moment to process it.

Before I knew it you were at my ear and you started to grind your cock against my soaked pussy.

“Who do you belong you” you breathed out as your grinding got harder and harder. I stayed silent resulting in you striking me once more. “Answer brat!”


“SAY IT SLUT!” you ordered as you gripped my hips and rubbed yourself harder and a bit faster with your full weight on me.

“I belong to you Daddy” I squealed.

“If I want to devour what’s mine… who’s going to stop me slut.” You bit my neck to make me cry out. “Yes scream and cry… mm I love it babygirl. Call my name while you do it.” You kissed me roughly as you now focused on the touch of my skin. I was painfully aware of your dick at a standstill at the opening of my pussy. I had no defence.

You reached above and released my hands then wrapped your arms around me

I knew how this worked. You released my hands to show me even with that freedom I was still powerless against you. Tiny. Your strength was unmatched. You loved to see me struggle hopelessly and you loved the high you got knowing your baby girl is at your mercy with your sole discretion.

“Who’s your Daddy,” you said in a cinematic tone that almost made me want to moan the answer. However, I focused on hitting your back and thrashing to get away. You kissed my forehead.

“Don’t worry babygirl, Daddy will show you.” as you growled this you thrust into me in one go and I screamed in pain as your pleasure was groaned in my ear. You used my hips as leverage and made sure to slap my ass to give you that extra adrenaline rush and for me to know that that adrenaline is being pumped into me. Every syllable you growled into my ear was accompanied the strong impact of your thrusts.

My screams and cries only turned you on more as you moaned. You then lifted my hips up so you could stand yet still plough me. You manhandled me like a piece of meat that was made to be at your service. You were a different man when you fucked me angrily… and I loved it.

“You are MINE, you belong to ME. Don’t you ever forget it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/j9mr4v/whos_your_daddy