[MF] Watched as my only college friend was brought to orgasm in front of her friends (True Story)

[**Disclaimer**: Everything that happened on the night of the story was consensual, though myself and everyone uninvolved didn’t know the full story at the time. I later learned that Zoe had practically begged Paul to do things like this in the past. She lived out a fantasy of hers that night.]

My first year of college was really my sexual awakening. I think back to those moments frequently and have them recorded in detail in a diary I keep under my bed. This is the first of 4 stories that i really want to share with you all.

I was in a new city and new school with no friends. Sexual frustration had been building as i was approaching 2 years since my last relationship had ended. In my first week of classes i had only managed to make 1 friend. Zoe, a girl i would casually talk to during Biology. Mostly she talked at me. She was a bit wild and would mostly talk about crazy or dumb things she had done. A lot of it was sexual and i didn’t really have anything to add to a conversation like that.

Before college i had always been a fairly conservative girl. A bit of a tomboy growing up with 3 older brothers. And i would describe myself as nerdy since i read a lot, didn’t really party, and played video games pretty frequently.

About a week into class i got my first college party invite from Zoe. Well, i thought it would be a stereotypical college party, but it ended up being a gathering of 5 friends and myself. I freaked out a little leading up to the party just because i didn’t know what to expect. Who would be there? What would they be doing? What should i wear?

When i got there and met her friends i was devastated further. 4 guys. Not what i had planned for. Paul was about 6’2 and fit. Nick was the cute one out of the bunch. Bryan had sort of a hippie skateboarder look that was weirdly appealing, and Trevor had a typical college white boy look complete with a smug baby face. Aside from Nick they were all about 5’8 to 5’10 and fairly good looking.

When i walked in the boys were all playing on a gamecube and i barely received a glance during the half-assed introduction i received. Me and Zoe sat back on the other side of the room on a sofa, just talking. She made sure to tell me all about the guys. Apparently she and Paul had been hooking up frequently over the last month. She had met them all through Trevor who had been desperately trying to date her, but nothing ever happened between them.

At some point Paul offered me a controller and i played a couple rounds of smash bros. I lost to Bryan in the first match, and then won against Trevor. I never get tired of teaching boys that girls can play video games too ;)

Eventually the video games got boring and we were all just talking and joking around. I got to nerd out with Bryan a little. Turns out we had both been on a hearthstone bing and i was excited to finally talk to someone about it. I also chatted briefly with Nick, mostly about his long distance relationship. Overall i was 1000X more relaxed than i had been. I was having fun.

Zoe was flirty with all the boys, but it was really only Paul that would flirt back. He would smack her ass or tell her to ‘do as she was told’ and the other guys really got a kick out of it.

At one point he told her to refresh everyone’s drinks and she jumped up immediately and brought back 6 fresh beers. She handed one to Paul and, stepping on her tippy toes, slowly kissed him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear. Then she proceeded to hand out drinks to the others.

“Don’t give me special attention” he said.

Zoe smiled and simply responded “yes sir”. She had mentioned a guy who liked to order her around and it turned out to be Paul. I was seeing it first hand.

She proceeded to give each of guys a beer followed by a kiss on the cheeck. Then she gave one to me and followed it up with 2 flamboyant pecks on the lips, followed by a deeper kiss. It was so fast i barely responded to it.

That got some cheers from the boys, a loving smack on the ass for Zoe from Paul, and i noticed the other guys stares for the first time. I hardly knew what happened, but it was exciting. I liked it.

Soon we decided to have a beer pong tournament and we split into 3 teams. Nick/Trevor, Paul/Bryan, Me/Zoe. We would each play each other once and the two best teams would play for the title.

We played Paul and Bryan in the first game. I had no idea how to play at first but just faked it until i understood. I have a good throwing arm and could hold my own, but Zoe was a disaster. Her only strength was her tits that she would always squeeze together and lean down to distract the boys during their throws. It’s hard to tell if it was working, but if it was it wasn’t working well enough.

We were losing badly so she called a timeout and dragged me to the corner for a huddle. She told me we had to up the ante if we wanted to beat them and suggested that the next time they throw we strip off our shirts completely. I stammered, paused, and agreed. I couldn’t be a prude now. I was having fun, and didn’t want to blow my chance at making friends. Besides, I had a cute pink bra to hide behind.

When Paul was about to shoot, Zoe took off her shirt and successfully disrupted Paul’s shot. He just shrugged and said “you’ll pay for that later”.

I surprised myself by following through. I pulled my shirt up over my head just as Bryan was about to throw. He turned to Paul and remarked, “I didn’t see that coming dude”. I really got a charge seeing Bryan stare at me like he was. We actually evened things out after that and it looked like we would win, but just when Zoe started with a little trash talk Bryan and Paul sunk two shots in a row to end it.

As per house rules we had to drink a full beer as penalty for losing and Paul took it upon himself to bend Zoe over the table and give her the payback he promised. He gave her two blistering slaps on the ass. She squealed at the second one and spent the next few minutes rubbing her ass.

“That’ll be you next time ‘New Girl’ if you keep it up.” Trevor chirped.

“Gotta beat me first”, i heard myself blurt out.

Maybe the beer was making me bold. I was probably 3 beers in by now, which was a lot for me.

Lucky for us Nick and Trevor lost their match so if we beat them we could rematch with Paul and Bryan in the final.

It was an even match. Nick was nearly as bad as Zoe, missing almost every shot. At a certain point we both pulled off our shirts again causing the boys to miss their shots. Trevor chimed in that he would make me pay for that when he beat me. I wondered if he planned to make an example out of me like Paul did to Zoe, and what I would do if he tried.

We quickly put back on our shirts and Paul suggested that we should spank the boys, which drew a “Fuck off” from Trevor. He was being a sore loser. Zoe then walked by and wailed him on the butt. We were all rolling in laughter at that, and Trevor was fuming.

“How does it feel losing to a girl in smash and beer pong?” I said playfully. But all i got was a mumble in response. What a baby.

Zoe seemed to think we had to do something really over the top to distract the boys if we were going to win. She was 100% set on flashing them during their shots. I think the beer was effecting her judgment, and in retrospect she maybe wanted a little more punishment from Paul. I wouldn’t agree to her plan, but she wouldn’t give up. In the end i talked her into waiting until we were on our last cup before we did it. I would try to finish things off before that ever happened.

This time we took off our shirts to start. Paul and Bryan took an early lead. My mind was really starting to wander at this point. I was thinking mostly of Bryan staring at my chest, or possibly him spanking me like Paul did to Zoe. On top of that i was having trouble keeping up with the amount of alcohol i had been bring drinking. We were down 1 cup to 4 fairly quickly.

Now that we were down to 1 cup i was surprised to find myself aching in anticipation. I wanted to see Bryan’s reaction and feel all their eyes on me. My modesty was dissipating by the minute. It helped that the boys had started making lewd remarks towards me like they did to Zoe. Trevor was the worst. At one point he suggested that someone should teach me a lesson. I just responded that i would like to see someone try. He was still sour from his loss i think and just fell quiet after that.

Just before Paul threw his ball, Zoe pulled her bra down and i watched the boys eyes bulge while he barely missed the shot. That drew another threat from Paul and a whistle from Bryan. It took a while for the room to settle down after that and I decided that I wanted the attention Zoe had just gotten.

As Bryan was about to throw i could tell he was thinking about whether or not i would do it. Even i wasn’t sure. I got into position, probably looking a little too eager, and he went to throw… I yanked my bra down and my head was spinning. I watched Bryan enjoy the view knowing that all 4 of them were taking in my perky breasts… But that fucker faked. He faked the shot and i flashed them for no reason. Just when i was realizing what had happened he released the shot directly into the cup, and then thanked me!! It was completely humiliating. Nobody seemed to enjoy it more than Trevor. He would be bringing that up for the rest of the night.

As soon as the game was over Paul wasted no time getting back at Zoe for her stunt and the trash talk. He unclipped her bra and held her arms at her side. “This is what she wanted to show you boys.” I think she loved the attention, but was also really embarrassed. She kept her gaze at the ground, but didn’t resist at all.

Then he let go of her bra, and released her arms. She bent over to pick it up and when she did Paul quickly pulled down her pants in one motion. Now she squealed and resisted, but he forced her down to the table by laying his forearm on her back and applying a very slight amount of force that was insurmountable for a girl of her size. She was pinned down to the table totally naked with her face upright staring in our direction, and still clutching the bra she’d saved from the floor in one hand. There was panic in her eyes and whenever she would put up resistance Paul would just shift more weight forward onto her.

For the first time that night she actually looked helpless. Like she wasn’t registering what was happening. Paul had her bent over the table, he pulled her bra away, and slapped her ass so hard it made my ass sting. Zoe let out a cry. He followed it up with at least 10 more and by the end she was crying for him to stop, with actual tears in her eyes. Me and the other guys were awestruck. Bryan was right next to me and i wondered if he thought about doing anything like that to me. The whole thing got me more than a little excited and I was sure everyone else was feeling that too.

After he stopped spanking her she tried to stand up, but he put his weight back down on her back harder.

“Tell everyone what a slut you are”.

“I’m a filthy slut”. She whimpered. “Just don’t spank me anymore. I’ll be good”.

Then he moved his hand down past her ass and she said “Paul, please” before letting out a deep moan. He was fingering her right in front of us. Slowly for a short time and then aggressively. It would have looked painful if it weren’t for the moans of pleasure that she couldn’t manage to stifle. After a couple of minutes of this her wetness was audible. She just kept saying “oh my God” repeatedly. Her face got redder and her whimpers louder until finally she cried “Fuck, I’m cumming” and Paul relaxed his hold while he finished off her orgasm.

He let her go and she quickly pulled up her pants, gathered her clothes, and without even putting them on she left to her room, avoiding our stares. She was followed closely by Paul who had a big grin on his face.

That left me, desperately horny, with 3 guys all in shock at what we’d just watched together. The night was just getting started.

Sorry to leave you all hanging, but this is getting long and I think it’s a good place for a pause. I will post the rest as soon as I get around to typing it :)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j8dryg/mf_watched_as_my_only_college_friend_was_brought


  1. Are you sure Zoe didnt get raped? There was no consent involved and she did resist what Paul did to her.

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