Our Infidelity Sonet

I try to look casual, the noisy coffee shop is relatively crowded for this time of the day. I decided on a simple pair of old and comfortable jeans, a tight lacey white tank top (no bra, as per your request), white converse, light makeup. My short curly hair fits me fine today, thankfully, as it has its own will. It is definitely a good sign.

You shouldn’t have written that prompt, and I sure as hell shouldn’t have responded to it. Now here I am, how long ago was it? A year?

I shouldn’t worry about how I look, we saw it other multiple times, my pictures, our video chats. If I close my eyes and concentrate, I can block all the sounds – the glasses, the coffee machine, the laughs and clicks on keyboards from people enjoying the free wi-fi for working or studying – if I close my eyes and take a deep breath I can listen to your voice. How much you want me, how hungry for me you are. I start, at this moment and before you even arrive, to get wet, once more, to the thought of you, baby, I want you with my soul.

The smell of fresh coffee, my own anxiety, my desire. I don’t think my soul can fit myself right now. I can’t remember how many times I fantasized about this. I wonder how you smell, fuck, I’ll bathe on you, I want to get high on your perfume and to drink from your desire. I can’t wait and my body continues to react in anticipation.

Fuck, my ring, I forgot to take it off and just discretely slide it inside my purse. Hopefully, nobody noticed it, and you will remember to remove yours, that was the deal. I don’t want to see it. For some reason I wish nobody to see me melting for a man other than my husband, it feels like they all know it. They judge me, I feel exposed and vulnerable and somehow it turns me on a little. It is not that it has been a long time I have felt this way, no. I was terrified and was building me up. My hands slide casually between my legs, I close my eyes again and think of your moans, already so printed in my brain. I can’t help but to let an unnoticeable moan out, I smile just so lightly. I can’t wait.

You are late, ow fuck, you gave up, you are not coming. Good, that is exactly what I expect from you, to have better judgment than me. Good. I will wait five more minutes and leave. In a way, I just don’t want to lose you. I want you with all my being, but I have a life, you said you felt the same, you gave up. Good. Five minutes, and I’ll keep you in my life, just my virtual lover, maybe I’ll write a book about it someday. We will eventually just get sick of each other, this is unnecessary, we have a good thing going, and to be completely honest, I’m afraid it won’t even stand up to the hype. I can’t get any better, can it?

Last look at the door before I leave, and I can’t believe you are here. You are really here, and I can’t just jump into your arms with all these people around. Whose idea was it to meet in a public place anyway? I wanted to meet you in a hotel room, but the Airbnb looked much more comfortable and private. An entire apartment, two entire days, and two nights. The only two nights we will ever have, and I miss you already, before even touching you I can physically miss you, baby.

– Hi, you are late mister – I say, trying to look cute.

– Hi.

– Are you ok? Do you want to have some coffee?

– No, I’m good.

What is wrong? I can’t quite read you. Are you nervous? Are you lusting at me? Yeah, I guess it might be it. You have only a backpack. We can’t both just stand in the middle of the place, on a staring contest.

– Do you want to sit, so we can talk? – I don’t want to talk, nor sit down.

– No, I’m good, I’m tired, my flight was late.

– It is ok, I got groceries, we can go to the apartment, it is just two blocks away.

– Sounds good. I need to take my shoes off and wash my face. I need to touch you and I don’t want to do it here.

After almost one year of the most intense interaction I had ever had, I don’t think this is what I was expecting of our first encounter. Somehow now I feel cheap, you look at me as if I were your next meal and I know how you expect things to go, but I’m starting to get a little scared. We know what we will be doing and how we will be doing it, almost one year drawing this weekend, I think I deserve some warmth. We know nothing about each other in real life, I have one friend waiting for me to message her every two hours. What the fuck am I doing? This is not about sex or guilt, it is about safety. I don’t think I can do it.

– So, we should be going. – You say, as you open the away for me to pass.

– Ok, we can go, I guess. Just let me tell my friend we are heading there. You remember I have someone looking after me, right? – There, I just made sure you know someone would come looking for me. I see no reacting in your expression.

– Sure, you should do that, and we also should delete our accounts, as per agreed. We have one weekend only. – At least you are talking, but I don’t want to lose you, fuck. Why did you remember this?

I let her know we are heading to the apartment and we, standing on our feet, in the middle of the coffee house, delete our Reddit, e-mails, Telegram, and Wicker accounts. It is done, after Monday we have no way of contacting each other.

The walk is painful, the silence kills me. It has been what, ten minutes and not even a hug, a handshake. The eye contact is making me uncomfortable and I think maybe this was just a huge mistake.

My hands shake trying to open the apartment door, I can feel your skin for a second when you take the keys from my hands to help with the task. You didn’t even notice, this is all a huge disappointment and everything I want is for you to leave me alone to cry on my rented pillow, full of shame, guilt and lust.

You let me in, the sun prepares to call it a day but there is still light, despite the cooler weather the sun shone today. The drapes are closed, the atmosphere is cozy, welcoming and I manage to relax for a fraction of a second. I hear the door close firmly behind me, over my shoulder I see you removing your shoes, I do the same.

– The bathroom is on your left, that small hall – I say, still thinking you wanted to wash up after your trip.

You just stand there, staring at me and I turn around to face you straight. I don’t know what is running in my veins, I have come so far, I have absolutely no idea of what is going to happen in the next seconds, but I have goosebumps covering every centimeter of my skin. My heart is pulsing in my fingertips, I can fell the sexual tension build up in the room, there is something else I can’t understand, I can’t judge, I can feel it, strong, taming me.

You remove your white t, your backpack was long on the floor, you have your basic denim only, bare feet on the wooden floor, your brown hair short but messy, gave you a mad, wild look. Your slim and toned chest going up and down, I could listen to you breathing strong, goosebumps visible but we were closer now than ever, just standing by the door. Big blue eyes, burning ice, taking ownership of my body.

It happens so fast, you jump over me, my body freezes under your touch and I relinquish. The mirror hung on the small entry hall you turn my face to shows me the animal inside you taking its place. This magnificent fucking machine I helped create. Under each key hit on my phone I built your desire. There, I found my lover and my pleasure in each word I read glowing on my cell phone after hours. My fingers following your commands naturally as you guided my orgasms, all so intense, vivid.

You are primal, strong, you grab one of my tits without any consideration, squeezing it mercilessly, desperate. I was going to be bruised, for sure I was. As I try to move to accommodate your body you decide no more bullshit. Fuck you need this, you need this in your bones, you need to fuck me, fuck me hard. You need to pound me, split me open with your cock, break me into your fuck puppet. Take it all, it is yours. Fucking take it, impale me, pound me as hard as you can. Beat the hell out of my ass, the impact of your desire echoing the room. Groan like the fucking beast about to take the pray you raised to slaughter. Breed me, mate with me my leash, love me. Fucking take the cunt you have been craving for so long, you were hungry for too much time. I teased you, it is all my fault you are doing this. I asked you over and over to fuck me like a bitch, ripping me apart as you penetrate my wet and bare pussy. I can kick all I want, I am not going anywhere am I? No, you will have it, I promised you, it is your right, and nothing is keeping you from taking this little cunt of yours. You have to slide your hard cock, evidently pressing against my locked hips, now stuck between yours and the wall. You hit my head strongly against the mirror and knock down the vase by the door, carrying an old umbrella, probably forgotten by previous guests. The mess entices you even more. I am edging already, groaning in reaction to your brusque movements, the pain of the impact will be felt later, I feel only adrenaline inside me. The fear, the waiting, your hard fuck against my ass as you hump me. Your smell flood my senses. I am tripping in lust. Your hand closes around my neck when I try to moan, the other never left my tit, now visibly hurting. I push back against you, hoping you will release me just so we can move to the couch, but the truth is I don’t realize how immobilized I was. The slight mention of my resistance makes you groan inaudible, bestially. Your hands move to my jeans, you rip the button and open my zipper, sliding it down to my thighs, you knock me down the floor. I fall face down, you behind me. As I try to prevent the impact with my elbows, the pain from the fall reverberates though my nerves, reaching my lungs and I hold my breath, I muffle a scream and shake my legs uncontrollably, the conflict of sensations inside my body is transcending me in every away. We struggle on the floor, already covered in sweat. My panties being forced out of my body nick my hips and I scream, loud now, in response. Your chest over my back, you find both my hands and hold them together behind my back with only one hand, those big and strong hands. How I want your fingers to play with my clit, I can’t respond to my brain, but senses are lost and the thought of your hand down my cunt makes me arch under you. Your other hand tries to lower my pants to my knees as your thigh opens my legs, I can feel two fingers enter my cunt abruptly, raging me. The sight of my juice, you take your hand to your mouth and lick off your fingers. Your groans loudly filling up my ears as your fingers fuck me again, now making room for your cock, relentlessly opening my cunt as it penetrates my body, the strong impact of your pulsing sex, hard as fuck, your bare skin sending shock waves from the inside. You hit my wall with power, pounding me, fucking me with every cell of your body. Your hands move to my neck and hair. I can’t breathe, my tanned face is red. Fuck me, baby, fuck me harder. I can’t hold it any longer, I scream in pleasure and pain, deliriously exploding. So much time, so many nights wishing and wondering. Let me go, baby, let me cum all over your cock, let me rejoice in your rage. Set yourself free, fill me with your cum. Oh God baby, cum for me. Love me, baby. Fuck me.

Like two animals in heat, we climax together and your body collapses over mine. I feel my chest burn and my head weights. You roll out to the floor, we both panting, and I start to taste metal in my mouth. Suddenly I realize the bill for this small adventure will be high, my hips burn where my panties opened my skin, there is another small cut in the side of my forehead, acid, burning. I can’t move my elbows well. When you see what happened you stand up in desperation.

– I had to do this – Silence, I am on the floor, still – I couldn’t hold it, what have I done? Fuck. I lost it, shit, you can call the police. This was not right, I couldn’t control myself – it looks like you are about to lose your shit.

– Baby, stop – I try to scream at you, in vain. I slowly try to pull myself up, you notice and goes for my aid. You put me on my feet. Your soft hand, a different touch, holds my chin up as your eyes start watering at the sight of me.

– No, this is wrong. Who am I?

You let go of me. Your hands over your head. I remove what is left from my pants, the rags of my panties hanging around my waist, and I slap your face with all there is left of fiber in my body. The surprise in your face, half due to the slap itself, half a reaction to my strength – come on, I am not a petite woman and I work out, bitch. I am going to ride you like the crazy, horny whore I am.

– Stop! Now, stop – you touch the place my small but strong hand had crossed your face, big blue surprised eyes staring back at me, it obviously didn’t hurt, but still. In a snap, you realize everything is just perfect – Breathe and listen to me. Everything is ok, this is what I want, and we are just starting, I want more, baby, I want so much more. I want everything, just everything.

I am burning in passion for you, can’t you tell? Take me in your arms and kiss me as I wanted you to when I first saw you in the fucking coffee shop.

AI almost forgot you could read my mind, as you pull me to your lips, your slim strong body against mine, your arms wrapping me tight. My heart warms, I feel safer than ever. It is going to be a hell of a weekend. I was fulfilled, I could die at this moment and that would have been a good life, the one I lived.

– You will have everything you want, love, just everything. I’ll make sure this will be the best weekend of our lives – you kiss the cut next to my temple – Don’t you worry, I am going to take care of you.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j899b3/our_infidelity_sonet


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