Your first (F) Bi experience

You were nervous to tell your husband about the insatiable desire for the young woman. And desire to do it alone. But, in an unusual (for you) confession during heated sex, you admitted you wanted to sleep with a girl. This girl in particular to be your first. To your surprise, he consented and supported the exploration of your Bi side. More surprise was that he supported you exploring this alone.

A couple of weeks later, the plans were laid for meet up. And then, the day was upon you. As the work day continued on, the anticipation and anxiety continues to build as if the clock were working backwards to the moment. You work through the day trying to maintain focus. Focus is short as the morning turns to afternoon and the clock inches forward. As the anticipation builds, so does the dampness in your panties. You try and assuage the anxiety by rationalizing that there will be a group, but your body knows. Your mind knows. This is about 2 people only and your long suppressed desires. When the day finally ends, you hurriedly go to your car and race home, in the car, you realize that a feeling, long ago lost in the early stages of marriage has once again emerged. That feeling of “firsts….” As you look in the mirror and primp and freshen yourself, you realize what this is. That you are “getting ready” and it is no ordinary friends gathering. Erica arrives to pick you up as your nerve calming shot (or 3) kicks in and brings an excited calm and a bit of relief from the anxiety. The ride to the bar is abnormally quiet as thoughts enter and leave your mind at a rapid pace. You arrive and walk in scanning the room in anticipation. Then, at the counter, you see her and time stops as if frozen. As she turns with those gorgeous mesmerizing eyes and tight young body, she is so excited to see you. At that moment, your world floods back and your heart leaps at the same time and at the same pace that your panties are flooded. And you Let out an audible moan. She approaches with arms out telling you how much she appreciated and needed this. As she takes you in a warm embrace, your are hearing nothing as you close your eyes and soak in her sweet scent. You are jostled when her gorgeous young breasts brush so lightly against your nipples and perfect tits, causing your knees to slightly buckle. Disappointingly, the embrace ends. But anything short of eternal would not have been long enough. When you approach the counter to order, you realize that you have lost all rational thought and become singularly focused. You all take your seats and commence small talk, and venting from work. Throughout the convos you’re engaged with and quietly subversively flirting with her. Tonya says she had to go and meet her mother in law and you all say goodbye. Erica then gets a message that flusters her and hurriedly finishes her drink, before apologizing and saying she had an emergency to go deal with. Knowing that you rode with Erica and seeing the disappointment upon your face at the thought of having to leave so soon, Abby piped up excitedly “I’ll take you home. No biggie it’s on my way anyways!” Now, it’s you her and Tricia visiting and chatting and blowoff steam from the day. After a few minutes, you notice the signs….the hair twisting, head tilted, random smiles as she stares intently into your eyes….into your soul. Tricia isn’t a fan if Abby and with Erica leaving, her bff is gone, so she finishes her drink and leaves. You and Abby continue to chat and realize that y’all have a great rapport with each other as you give her life and work tips. It is then that you realize you are lost in her eyes, in her smile, in her words. It’s is then that you realize, you’re on a date. Your long term plans to test the waters with Abby have been accelerated. You now realize that you’re the one smiling randomly, tossing your hair, staring intently. You offer for y’all to leave but she says she has a sitter till 830-9 and would like to stay. Losing track of time, y’all talk for hours. Giggling, joking and laughing along….comfortable. Eventually you discuss your boob job and she confides she wanted one and you finish your drinks as you discuss the process and walk out. Once in her car, she asks to see your boob job and immediately, your pussy floods your panties, causing you to worry that her seat will be wet as you expose your perfect tits. Then, You are stunned in disbelief as you hear “can….can I feel them?” You pause and she apologizes. You snap to and say “oh! Yea, go ahead…” she gives them a light squeeze and brushes her finger nails over one nipple, causing you to shudder and let out a moan as you literally cum in her seat. You open your eyes to see her a bit shocked pulling away and apologizing. You tell her “no no, it’s ok.” As you pull her hand back to your boob and lean in closer. As your lips touch, giving you your first taste of her, you feel her hand on your upper thigh. You pull her hand up your thigh, inside your skirt to the outside of your panties against your warm dripping pussy. You are shocked as you realize that she is more hell bent than you on going further and you’re having an out of body experience as your hands explore her body and her hand works it’s way inside of your panties all the while you two are locked in a long passionate kiss, tongues exploring each other’s mouth.
