Passionate lesbian encounter with my best friend [F/F] [OC] [Fiction]

We’re lying next to each other on the bed, watching a scary movie. We’re about a foot apart, both absorbed in the suspense of the film. As you shift into a more comfortable position, you inch a little closer and the squeak of the bed brings me out of the movie and back into reality. I feel the mattress shift along with you and I suddenly become more aware of your body next to mine.

In the corner of my eye, I observe the lean, elegant lines of your legs stretched out in front of you, the sensual curve of your hip. I steal a glance at your face, and our eyes meet for a moment; shy grins are exchanged. We pretend to turn our attention back to the movie, but now my mind is elsewhere. I take a nervous sip of water as my imagination wanders through alternate realities where we’re more than just friends. I wonder if you’re thinking the same.

I’m now only vaguely following what’s going on in the film; it’s playing in the background and I can feel the heat of your thigh through the thin fabric of my yoga pants as it rests against mine. I’m hyper-aware of our forearms touching, and the skin-to-skin contact feels sparkly and electric. You must’ve moved closer while I was lost in my daydream. My heart is racing.

Suddenly, your boyfriend thrusts open the bedroom door to check on us, yanking me out of my trance and filling me with momentary panic until I remember we haven’t actually done anything wrong, but still… a dreadfully rude awakening. I probably look guilty, but I fake a smile and try to act relaxed. He leaves and it suddenly occurs to us that we’re uncomfortably warm in this room, stifled and restless, and we both feel a strong urge to leave the house, away from his watchful eye. We have the same thought, but you speak first, “Do you want to go for a walk? Get some fresh air?”

“Ok!” I reply with relief. We hop off the bed, head downstairs, slip on our shoes and step out into the crisp night air. It feels refreshing and tingly on our skin, and makes the tiny hairs on our arms stand upright. The forest smells like damp moss and pine needles. We sigh and giggle with relief. This feels better, I think to myself, as we start walking and you loop your arm through mine. Privacy at last…

We walk down the road, and about a block away from the house, I feel you slow your pace and come to a stop in front of a cluster of trees. It’s dark; there are no street lamps and the neighborhood is quiet except for the crickets and the distant hoot of an owl. We release our linked arms as you turn your body to face me. I’m confused, but I wait quietly. You say nothing, but gaze meaningfully into my eyes and I feel the familiar tingle of our intuitive connection. In the darkness, our eyes are aglow with anticipation and desire. I feel the corner of my mouth curl into a mischievous half-smile and raise one eyebrow in silent question. In response, I feel your hand reach out and ever-so-gently intertwine your fingers through mine.

You’re standing achingly close now. I can hear your breath as it quickens, and I’m convinced you can hear my heartbeat pounding in my chest.

Suddenly our lips are touching and I’m kissing you. You’re kissing me back and everything is happening in slow motion, the sensations magnified a hundred-fold. We feel the world around us shimmer and dissolve as our pillow-soft lips melt into each other, gently at first, then with increasing intensity. I drink in your smell and your taste and feel your chest pressing into mine as our arms slowly encircle each other’s waist and pull our bodies close together. It’s one of those moments that feels so heavenly and sweet, I want to stop time, capture it in my memory so I can savor every detail and never forget.

Each kiss feels deliciously drawn out. Our awareness is laser-pointed and all-encompassing. A dizzying current of warm vibration spreads from our mouths down the backs of our necks, travels through our spines and down into our bellies. Our lips disengage as we sigh and take a moment to steady ourselves, but our faces linger close enough to share breath.

When our mouths meet again, I feel your lips part and the tips of our tongues tentatively greet each other, slippery and warm, surrounded by the cushion of our lips. You taste like ginger tea, sweet and tangy and a little spicy. Still, our world moves in slow motion. The glowing warmth in my belly intensifies, and I begin to feel a wildness inside me ignite, hungry and passionate as a dragon awakening after a long slumber.

My hand finds its way under your hair to the nape of your neck as I lower my lips to the side of your throat, just below your jawline, and hesitate. In my mind’s eye, I see a fleeting image of a vampire leaning over its beautiful prey, and I imagine I can sense the blood rushing through your veins just beneath the surface of your skin. You can feel my breath on your ear and the warmth of my lips brushing against your neck. You shiver. My other hand finds your breast and caresses you through the fabric. I feel your nipple stiffen and a low moan escapes your lips as your body relaxes against me. Our breaths are coming faster now, almost synchronized, and time seems to speed up a little as our arousal heightens.

Our hands are eager explorers, wandering over the curves of each other’s bodies, grasping and pulling, stroking and scratching, as our lips travel from mouth to neck to collarbone, lower and lower with each breath. I bend down and lift up your shirt, revealing your milky-smooth belly and pale, soft breast. I gently cup it in my palm and lower my face to your perky nipple, holding it in my mouth stroking it with my tongue.

You reach down and lift off my shirt, leaving me topless and exposed, my nipples hard from the cool night air. It’s too dark for anyone else to see us, but the thought of being outside naked with you excites me even more, and I quickly remove your shirt too as we kiss again. You take my breasts in both your hands. We tremble and sigh in unison, and I glide my other hand down underneath the front waistband of your pants. My hand finds its way between your thighs, and I can feel you so warm and wet through your panties. I gently move my flat palm back and forth across the surface of the fabric, feeling your hips move back and forth against me, feeling the curve and contour of your pussy under my fingertips.

Things are moving faster now. I sink to my knees, look up at you with a small smile. You return my smile, so I slide your pants and underwear down to your ankles. You stand above me looking down, your eyes heavy-lidded in pleasure as I sprinkle soft sweet kisses across your lower belly, inner thighs, hip bones. My hands move up your thighs and circle around to firmly squeeze your round butt. Every now and then my lips pass fluttering over your pussy, barely grazing it with my hot breath, teasing and making you wetter than ever. Finally, I pause with my open mouth hovering over your honeypot, feeling the heat of it on my face. I place my mouth over it gently and slowly, pressing delicate kisses into it and all around it, tracing the tip of my tongue up and down, sliding it between your inner lips and making little circles around your precious pearl. I hear you draw in a shuddering breath, and let out a long full moan, your head thrown back and your hands grasping my hair, burying my face against you as your hips rock back and forth.

The dragon inside me is now wilder and more awake than ever, and I moan into your pussy, tasting your sweetness as it runs down my chin. Now your hips are grinding against me harder and faster, your cries are getting louder as I slide a finger inside you, moving it slowly in and out to the flow of your hips. I take your clit into my mouth, cradling it on my tongue like a sweet seed of pomegranate, and start sucking in rhythmic pulsations, continuing to slide my finger in and out, in and out. I can feel your pussy start to grip me tighter and tighter, your back is arching and your legs are beginning to quiver. I feel your pussy throb as you climax, and your moans of ecstasy echo into the trees.

Finally I release you. Satisfied, I stand, and we collapse into a tender embrace, showering gentle kisses across each other’s necks and mouths and bare shoulders. Slowly, so slowly, we recover our faculties, once again become aware of our surroundings. We fumble to find our shirts in the darkness, get dressed, and look into each other’s eyes, grinning from ear to ear. No words can describe the blissful spell we’re under, so we silently make our way back to the house, holding hands, lost in the glow of each other.



  1. Woah thats really good! I love the writting, especially when things get heated, it has such a well flow and beautiful wording.

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