A Rough Day and Night (M/F, wrestling, domination, teasing, knockouts)

A Rough Day (and Night) {M/F, fiction, brutal, knockouts}

I yanked the front door closed behind me. It slammed shut and I trudged through the entry way, emerging into the living room. Elena sat curled up on the couch, a book in her lap. She looked up with a smile.

“Hey, baby,” she said, putting her book on the small, black coffee table in front of her. I grunted in reply and collapsed face first onto the couch. I felt her hand run through my hair.

“Rough day at work?” she asked, gently massaging my scalp.

“Yeah,” I replied, taking a deep breath and rolling onto my back. I put my head in Elena’s lap. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

“You’re really tense,” she said, a concerned look spreading over her face as she started to gently massage my traps.

A short, bitter laugh burst my lips. “Yeah – I’m tense. You know that case I’ve been working on for the last two weeks?”

Elena nodded, listening intently.

“My motion for summary judgment got dismissed because the new paralegal didn’t attach the exhibit like I told him to last night, so now we’ve either got to file a motion to vacate the order to dismiss or go to trial.” I sat up, my voice rising with frustration. “So Rachel was all over me, ‘You’re the attorney, it’s your responsibility.’ I understand that, but I told Jimmy to put it in last night before I left. He says he has no idea what happened. Must have been flirting with the receptionist again.”

Elena crawled onto my lap, straddling me.

“Then I go to get my lunch from the fridge, and someone’s eaten it. So I had order Wendy’s for lunch. Then I call in for my hearings in the afternoon and the damn hearings team screwed the pooch on that one and actually scheduled it for yesterday, but put it on our calendar for today, so our motions were dismissed because we didn’t show.”

My wife nodded understandingly, her fingers undoing my tie.

“Then my drive home takes an hour and twenty minutes when it should have been thirty because some dummy rear-ended a semi-truck and caused a six car pile-up.” I exhaled loudly. A little smile spread across Elena’s face as she unbuttoned my shirt.

“Something funny?” I snapped. Elena smiled and kissed me.

“I know something we can do to help you unwind,” she whispered, slowly grinding her hips back and forth on me.

“Yeah?” I asked back. I sighed. “I’m not sure I’m in the right head space for sex right now, I need to blow off some steam first.” Elena pulled her tight black tank top lower, showing more of her gorgeous breasts. She kissed me again and I could feel myself getting harder.

“I can help you with that,” she said in between kisses. “I can help you blow off some steam.”

“How so?” I asked, closing my eyes, feeling her lips dance with mine.

“Fight me,” she said.

“Come on, babe. You know I don’t take it easy on you,” I said, but Elena started grinding on me harder. She pulled my shirt open and ran her hands up and down my chest.

“I know you don’t,” Elena moaned. “It’ll be good for you. You’ll feel so much better after. Come on, babe. Fight me.”

“Do you not remember what happened last time?” I asked. My dick was rock hard.

“I do,” Elena moaned, biting her lip, her hips grinding harder and harder against me. “I remember every awful, terrible thing you did to me. How you beat me up. Knocked me out. Fight me if you’re not a pussy.”

I grinned and kissed her. Five minutes later, we were in the boxing ring in the garage. My wife straddled me as I sat on my stool in the corner of the ring. She was expertly wrapping the hand wrap on my right hand.

“You’ve been practicing,” I observed. I shifted my gaze from my hands to look up and down Elena’s stunning physique. A red triangle bikini top struggled to contain her breasts, while black athletic shorts hugged her generous ass. She smiled and gave me a long, slow kiss.

“You’re making a big mistake,” I murmured to her.

“I don’t think so,” she said with a giggle.

“I’m trying to give you an out,” I said, kissing her again. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I’m a big girl,” she said, starting to rub her pussy against my dick. “I can make my own decisions. Besides, why would I pass up the chance to kick my husband’s ass after his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day?”

I laughed and kissed her neck. She moaned and attached the Velcro on my handwrap.

“All done,” she whispered, running her hands down my bare chest to my red board shorts. Her hand found my already hardened dick and she ran her hand up and down the shaft. “Now fight me.”

Elena stood up and sauntered to the other side of the ring. Her shorts barely covered her ass, her strong legs gracefully carrying her across the ring. I stood up and moved the stool out of the ring.

“Time limit? Rules?” I asked.

“No time limit. No rules. We fight until the winner’s done with the loser,” Elena replied, leaning against the ring post in her corner, wrapping her arms around the ropes.

“Don’t be stupid,” I warned, approaching the center of the ring.

“Don’t be a pussy,” Elena retorted, walking towards me.

“I love you,” I whispered, Elena’s face now inches from mine.

“I know,” she replied with a wicked grin.

I held out my fists. Elena raised her own, covered tightly by black hand wraps. We bumped fists and backed up a few paces, settling comfortably into fighting stances. We circled each other, looking for an opportunity to strike. Elena darted forward and threw a sharp leg kick that landed with a crack just above my knee. I winced and rushed forward, wrapping her up in a clinch. I easily pushed her against the ropes. Her eyes widened in fear.

“No, no, no!” she yelped. I hesitated for a second. She kneed me in the balls. White hot pain overwhelmed my senses. I clutched my nuts and dropped to my knees. My face rested against her stomach.

“You’re too easy,” she laughed. “You’re so dumb!”

I felt like I was going to puke. She grabbed me by the hair and angled my head so I was looking up at her. She slapped me, the blow landing with a crack. She giggled, leaned over and rubbed her tits across my face. My wife pulled her hand back to slap me again, but I raised my hand to block it. Instead of slapping me, she quickly kicked me in the nuts again. An agonized cry burst from my lips, and I fell face down onto the mat.

“Do you ever learn?” I heard her ask, standing above me. She put her foot on the back of my neck and pressed down. Anger built inside me. She wanted to fight dirty? I could fight dirty too. With a growl, I pushed Elena’s foot off my neck and launched a punch that landed directly between her legs. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream of pain, her eyes bulging. Her knees twisted inwards and she clutched her womanhood. I slowly stood up, rising to my full height. I towered over her. I threw a vicious left hook that connected cleanly with her chin. Her head and torso twisted with the impact of the punch, her arms sent swinging by the momentum of the blow. I grabbed her by the throat and shoved her hard into the corner of the ring. The ring echoed with the impact of her back against the ring post.

I didn’t want to give her a chance to strike back. I followed her into the corner and threw all my weight into a thunderous overhand right. She ducked under it, slipping behind me. My punch’s momentum carried me into the corner. I whirled around, just in time to catch a sharp jab to the nose. The world careened in my vision as my head snapped back. I covered up my head with my forearms, absorbing a few more punches. I pushed forward – I needed to get out of the corner. I felt her punches peppering my forearms. I winced as a punch landed squarely in my ribs. Despite her best efforts, I was too big for her. She couldn’t keep me in the corner and we stood toe-to-toe in the center of the ring.

I lowered my forearms. Elena bounced from foot to foot in front of me, her breasts rising and falling with her motion. She threw a furious lead hook. I rolled under it and shot a right straight into her rib cage. She winced. I followed up my shot with a fast lead uppercut that connected with her jaw. Elena stumbled back a few steps.

“Is that all you got?” Elena taunted, wiping away some drool that had leaked out of her mouth as a result of my punch. I grinned and faked a kick towards her pussy. Elena took the bait and dropped her hands to protect her vagina. I stepped forward and snapped Elena’s head back with jab. I ducked below a wild lead hook, connected with a right to her gut, slid under a straight right, and popped her hard in the gut with a lead uppercut. Elena curled in on herself in response to my punch, and I straightened her back up with an uppercut to the chin. She staggered, clumsily stepping back until her back hit the ropes.

“Is that enough for you?” I teased.

A grin snuck onto Elena’s face, replacing the pained expression she wore. “I thought you said you had a bad day, babe,” she panted. “Doesn’t feel like it to me.”

I laughed and stomped towards my wife with bad intentions. She put up her hands. As soon as I stepped into range she threw a hellacious uppercut. I dodged to the right and cracked her with a hard rear hook to the temple. Elena collapsed against the ropes, reaching out and holding onto them to keep from dropping to the mat. I didn’t give her a chance to recover. I slammed my fist into her stomach. Her abs hadn’t been tensed to receive my blow and my fist sank so deep into her gut I felt like I could have grabbed her spine. I felt her hot breath on my chest as my punch vacated the air from her lungs. Elena let out a pitiful groan, doubled over, and dropped to her knees, her arms wrapping around my legs to keep from falling all the way to the mat.

“Does that feel like I had a bad day?” I smiled, grabbing Elena by her hair.

“That . . . feels more . . . like it,” she wheezed.

I pulled her back up to her feet and wrapped my left arm underneath her right armpit. I pushed her left hand over the rope and grabbed her wrist with my left. Her arms were immobilized and my right was completely free.

“I did have a really, really bad day,” I growled.

“Then do something about it,” Elena breathed, her face a strange mixture of pain and arousal.

“With pleasure,” I retorted and slammed my fist in her stomach. I felt her abs warp around my fist and she let out a pathetic moan. I followed that punch up with three more to her stomach. Each one bent her over and pulled a groan or a grunt out of her lips. Her hardened nipples poked through the thin material of her bikini top. I threw a hard punch into her breast. She gasped in pain, then buried her face in my chest.

“Aww,” I cooed. “Did that one hurt?” I gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Elena glared up at me. Her mouth twisted and I heard her hocking up saliva.

“Don’t you dare,” I chuckled. Elena smiled sweetly. Then she spit directly in my face. My next punch connected cleanly with her chin. For the next minute, my fist battered her stomach, her tits, and her head.

“When are you ever going to learn?” I panted, taking a deep breath. “Pissing me off never works out for you.”

Elena’s head hung low, her chin resting on her chest. A weak moan was emanating from her mouth.

“Some man you are,” she whimpered. “Beating up a woman who can’t even fight back.”

“Do you want to fight back?” I asked. “Be my guest.” I let go of her. She dropped to her hands and knees. I walked slowly to the center of the ring, then swung around to face her. She was slowly climbing to her feet, using the ropes to puller herself up. She finally made it to her feet. She started walking towards me, swaying unsteadily on her feet.

She raised her hands and walked into range. She threw a weak jab that I easily parried, followed up by a lead hook that bounced off my abs. She left herself wide open to a right straight that dropped her to a knee. She got back to her feet immediately, but she was shaken.

“You’ve got to do better than that,” I mocked. Elena glared at me and threw a sloppy haymaker that I easily avoided. My uppercut to her breast was more accurate. Her breast bounced with the impact of the punch, her nipple slipping out of the top of her bikini. She let out a strangled scream and clutched her damaged breast.

“That’s not doing it,” I chided. “Do you need some help? Here – I’ll give you one free shot.” I put my hands behind my back and tucked my chin down to my chest. Elena approached warily. Her shoulders drooped, and a thin sheen of sweat now coated her skin. She loaded up and threw everything she had left into a rear hook. She didn’t have much left. I angled my head so the punch landed on my forehead rather than my temple and flexed my neck as hard as I could. Her punch landed with almost no power. I was much larger than she was, and she was already exhausted by the beating she’d been taking. I smiled at Elena.

“That’s it?” I teased. Elena was crestfallen. She dropped her hands and exhaled sharply in disappointment. I launched a kick that slammed into her pussy. Her eyes went wide and she grabbed her vagina, then dropped to her knees.

“No, no, no. You said you wanted to fight. You can’t fight from your knees,” I said, grabbing her hair and pulling her to her feet. She growled and threw a few wild punches. I slipped and rolled, easily avoiding the lazy strikes. After I landed six punch combination that started on her stomach and ended with an uppercut to the jaw, she dropped her hands completely, swaying drunkenly on her feet.

I could have ended the fight any moment I wanted to. If I had been feeling kind, I may have. I didn’t. My day at work had really been awful. So I toyed with her. Played with her. Humiliated her. I danced back and forth in front of her, daring her to throw a punch. When she gamely tried to hit me, I would dodge her strike and hit her with devastating combos meant to hurt, not finish. I targeted her boobs and body, with a punch to the head every so often to keep her woozy. Every punch that landed earned a delicious moan from her lips, an agonized look of pain. Her trash talk stopped. I watched her defiance wilt and wither away. She was reaching her breaking point.

After another hard uppercut to her gut, she stumbled forward, wrapping me up in a clinch. Our bodies tangled together, slippery with sweat. My arms encircled her waist, hers draped over my shoulders. I nuzzled her neck, then kissed it.

“Oh, shit,” Elena moaned, but not in pain this time. She turned her head towards mine and kissed me on the lips. I pulled her into me, our lips pressed firmly together. My hands slid down to her ass and I grabbed it roughly. Elena inhaled sharply and her eyes rolled back. I pulled back from the kiss and looked my wife deeply in the eyes. She gave me a weak smile, her eyes filled with love.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I know,” she whispered back.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured.

“For what?” Elena asked, a look of concern spreading across her features.

“For this,” I replied, driving my knee into her solar plexus. A loud grunt exploded out of my wife’s mouth and she clutched her stomach, doubling over. She looked so betrayed. Her head fell right into the path of my oncoming left hook. It landed with a crack that echoed off the walls of the garage. My right fist drove her head violently in the opposite direction, sending a plume of sweat and saliva spraying across the ring. Elena rocked unsteadily on her feet for a second, her eyes defocused and wide. My uppercut finished her. She fell like a tree, crashing into the mat with a dull thud.

Complete silence reigned in the ring for a few moments. My wife lay sprawled in the middle of the ring, motionless. Her tits rose and fell with her shallow breath. Her eyelids were locked open, her brain having been shut off so quickly it hadn’t sent the command to close them. I could only see the whites of her eyes, her irises rolled back into her head. I knelt beside her and closed her eyes. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her motionless body to the corner of the ring. I sat in the corner and hoisted her body onto mine, her back against me. Her head rested against my chest. I stroked her head and kissed her on the back of the head. I waited.

Around ten minutes later, Elena stirred. She blinked her eyes a few times, and looked around. She started to sit up, but I pulled her back down.

“Where do you think you’re going, babe?” I asked, wrapping my legs around her torso. I felt her body tense up and she tried to stand. I snaked my arm in front of her elbows, but behind her back. She was trapped. Elena started thrashing from side to side. I tucked my head close to hers to prevent her from head butting me. I started kissing her neck, and my free hand went between her legs. I heard her moan softly and her tensed muscles start to relax.

“You like that?” I whispered in her ear, giving it a little bite. Goosebumps appeared on her neck. She turned her head towards mine and we kissed. She started gyrating her hips against my hand. Her ass grinded up and down my dick. She leaned her head back and sighed with pleasure. I kissed her neck again, then bit it softly.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she moaned, grinding even harder against me. I raised my hand that was rubbing her vagina and slapped it hard against her clit. She arched her back and let out a howl of pain. I bit her neck a little harder and slapped her pussy five more times, each blow earning a louder yowl of pain from my wife.

“Come on, baby,” Elena whimpered. “You beat me up enough.”

“No,” I whispered, slapping her pussy again. “I haven’t.”

I slowly dragged my hand up her body. I balled it up into a fist and slammed it into her stomach. I heard Elena’s breath catch as my fist landed. I raised my fist and punched her stomach again and again and again. I could feel the impact of my punches through her body. Elena squealed and squirmed in my grasp, trying to escape.

“Where you trying to go?” I growled in Elena’s ear. “Huh, babe?”

“Come on,” Elena begged. “You’ve got to be feeling better by now. You beat me up enough. Please!”

“Aww,” I whispered softly. “I remember you saying the fight goes on until the winner’s done with the loser. Did getting knocked out make you forget?”

“Oh shit,” Elena whimpered, her eyes rolling back in her head. I felt her ass slowly start to grind against my dick.

I opened my palm and ran my hand up my wife’s stomach. Elena inhaled sharply in anticipation. I slid my hand onto her breast. I felt her nipple poking through the thin material of the bikini top.

“Oh God,” Elena moaned, arching her back. I kissed her neck again, then crushed her tit in my hand.

“SHIT!” Elena screamed. I felt her instinctively try to push my hand away, but her arms were securely trapped.

“Oh no,” I mocked, releasing my grip on her breast, then clamping it shut again. “Does that hurt?”

Elena wailed in agony. I released my grip on her breast, sliding it over to her other boob.

“Baby, don’t do it. You don’t have to do it, please don’t do it,” Elena begged, her face twisted by fear. “Come on, baby, don’t!”

“Don’t do what?” I whispered, gliding my finger in a circle around her hardened nipple.

“Don’t hurt my boobs, please!” Elena whined, desperation in her voice. She tilted her head to look me in the face. “Please don’t hurt my boobs, baby, I’m begging you!”

“I’m sorry. I really am. But I need this,” I murmured, frowning with faux sadness.

“No,” Elena breathed with frightened eyes as my hand slowly wrapped around her boob.

“Yes,” I nodded, squeezing as hard as I could. Elena screamed. I drank in the sight of my wife’s suffering. Her face, her screams, her body’s contortions – it was intoxicating, addicting. I held my grip for about ten more long seconds, then released. Elena moaned, breathing heavily.

“Shhh,” I hushed my wife. “It’s ok. I’m here.” I kissed her neck again, and she threw her head back and moaned. I balled my hand up in to a fist and drove it into her breast. Elena howled in pain and jerked from side to side. I raised my fist and slammed it into her tits, again and again. Each punch landed with a thud and drew a short, staccato cry of agony from my wife. I continued battering her breasts until her struggles started slowing down.

“No, no, no,” I chided, gently slapping my wife’s face. “No zoning out allowed. I need you here for this.”

“Baby, please,” Elena begged. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

“I know. I know it hurts,” I said in the most comforting voice I could muster. I kissed her gently, slowly on her lips.

“Then don’t hurt me anymore,” she pled. “You can stop. You can let me go. Please.”

I paused for a second, acted like I was actually considering her request. I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

“I should let you go?” I asked. Elena nodded eagerly. “Ok, I’ll let you go. You have been through a lot.”

Elena sighed with relief. I felt her body relax against me. “Thank you, baby,” she breathed.

“On second thought,” I said with a grin, “I think I’ll keep beating you up.” I ground my knuckles into her breast. Elena wailed in pain and despair. Tears formed in her eyes, and I felt her body wracked by long, ragged sobs.

“Baby, don’t cry,” I cooed, twisting her nipple, then pounding my fist hard into her breast. Elena sobbed pathetically.

“Why are you so mean to me?” Elena wept. “I’m your wife. Why do you want to beat up your wife?”

“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. “But I do know you make such amazing noises when I do. And these tits,” I said, slapping each one, “they deserve it.”

Elena cried, big tears running down her cheeks, her lip quivering. I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

“I did have a really bad day,” I said, crushing a tit in my hand. “But you have really improved it. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Don’t knock me out again,” Elena begged. She knew me well. I had a tendency to thank her and tell her much I loved her before finishing her off.

I chuckled. “I don’t think you’re in a position to tell me anything, babe.” I punched her hard in the breast again, drawing another pathetic moan from my wife. I undid the string on the back of Elena’s bikini top.

“Oh shit,” Elena breathed. She started grinding her ass against my dick again. My hand found its way between her legs. Elena moaned loudly. Her shorts were wet with desire.

“I love you,” Elena moaned, rubbing her pussy against my hand.

“I know,” I murmured back.

I slid the bikini top’s string around her neck like a garrote. Elena’s eyes went wide with fear. I looked deeply in her eyes and kissed her, slowly, passionately. I released her arms and with my newly freed left hand, pulled the bikini top tight around my wife’s throat. My wife’s eyes grew even wider and her face reddened. She started gagging. I pulled tighter. I grunted with exertion, still staring deeply in my wife’s eyes. She tried grabbing at the bikini top wrapped around her neck, but it was wrapped too tightly. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, her struggles began to fade. Her irises dilated, then one hand, then the other dropped uselessly to her side. I kissed her again. I heard a faint moan emanate from her throat. Her eyes rolled back completely in her head. I kept pulling the bikini top tight. I wanted to make sure she was really out. Some saliva started leaking out of the corner of her mouth. About fifteen seconds later, I felt a spasm run the length of her body. Her hand twitched erratically on the mat. I gripped the makeshift garrote tight for about ten more seconds, then released it.

I slid the bikini top from around her throat and tossed it out of the ring. I put a finger to her jugular vein. She still had a pulse. I took a deep breath and leaned back against the ring post. I ran my hands up and down her bare chest, kissed the back of her head. I squeezed her breast. She didn’t budge. I continued massaging her tits and giving her gentle kisses on her forehead and lips. When she still hadn’t moved after ten minutes, I rolled her body off of me and slid out of the ring. I dragged her out, then hefted her body up and tossed her over my shoulder. I carried her into the house.

When she finally woke up a few hours later, she finished me in a completely different way. But that’s a story for another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j62jvg/a_rough_day_and_night_mf_wrestling_domination

1 comment

  1. Wow I absolutely love how long you kept choking her despite her already being asleep, these are some great knockouts!

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