Today I was caught by my Store manager on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.

Today I was caught by my Store manager on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.


I was working for a sporting good store as the head cashier and I had a wonderful manager named Stacey. She was 2 years younger than me with short black hair, I wonderful penchant for flowy skirts and sundress, a cute tight ass, Love of tight sweaters and Blouses, and had a fiance. I feel madly in love with her but because of her boyfriend the best I could hope for would be to become good friends.

Stacey was a little naive so I took great joy in teasing her and on occasions causing her to give one of her famous full body blush (even arms, legs, breast, and back).

Most of the cashier were female and of the 4 lead cashiers I was the only male so in the cash office the ladies thought of me as just one of the girls. For you guys who have never been in this situation it meant I got to hear all of the ladies darkest secrets, every fantasy, and everything they want the men in their lives to do. In the same vain I also lets some of my own desire free such as the fact I love women who like to wear satin and I loved the color of light blue.

Our story takes place as I am counting cash trays for the cashiers and prepping the deposit for the armor truck and somehow the talk was once again on our newest cashiers bad luck streak with dating. I swear this woman could screw up sex with a prisoner who has been in solitary confinement for 6 years.

Stacey was listening but she was pretending not to be listening, or so I thought.

I had noticed Stacey was rubbing the back of her pleated loose fitting skirt with a petticoat in it to give it the look of a cupcake top. The skirt was cotton and a light grey skirt and I was wishing it was my hand rubbing her but. She had been on on Vacation the previous week and I figured she gotten a bit of burn and all I knew is I want to be rubbing some first aid cream on her but well some form of cream.

Matt the assistant store manager came in to take the cashiers to the front for opening while Kim, the manger for clothing and Stacey’s apartment mate, came in.

Stacey looks at Kim and said in an angry voice “I think the straps are twisted and look at my ankles I look like a snake shedding its skin (around the ankles the stockings were a bit baggy).

“This thing is supposed to keep the stocking up and why is it giving me a rash on my but?”

I figured it out in an instant what the problem was and said

“You can always tell Chad to wear the garter belt and stocking himself” (Chad is her boyfriend.)

She looks over her shoulder and is a bit irritated she had forgotten I was in the room. At this point she gets up and turns her but toward me and pulls her skirt up just enough to show the top of the stockings and said

“If you think you are so smart, Prove it. I can not get them undone!”

This was my first mistake. I casually reached out and undid the metal clasp with both hand, but in the process sliding the clasp up and stocking up to release tension on the strap at the same time I just stroked the back of my hand up the back of her soft and silky leg. Naturally she jump from the accidental touch and I rolled my chair away when I saw her jump and a look of anger from her. Even when she was mad at me she was so beautiful.

I apologized and explain how this clamp worked and suggested her and Kim go to the bathroom to fix it. I also explain to tighten up the garter using the little buckle like you did with a bra. The next thing she said I think was deliberate to get back for the touch when she told me she did not need to wear a bra. Well it was time to plan another night of cold showers for me) as I thought about those unrestrained perky boobs.

Before the deposit can be put in the deposit bag the store Manager needs to count it so I called Amy over to count it. Amy was our store’s General manager. She had the body of a Model and was firmly in the love of her life with Her partner Michelle. Amy was wearing her favorite White pants suit.

Amy did the count and told me she was heading up to wait for the armored car guy. After she left I was getting my own drawer ready to go to the front when Stacey and Kim came back. It seems Kim was unable to fix the straps. Stacey is frustrated. I sometimes wonder if Kim could undo the latches but was trying try to fluster me with helping my very beautiful Manger with her garterbelt which would involve having my hands up her skirt.

Kim walked out with a smirk and Stacey looks at me and says

“Kim couldn’t due it, so please help me fix this snake Will.? Please I will owe you for your help”

When she ask me I have to say yes.

I got Stacey to turn around and to pull up her skirt so I can see the straps but in doing this she raised the skirt up a bit to high so that her pink satin panty covering her her tight ass was visible under the white satin garter belt. Why did she have to wear satin? If she had listen at all in the cash office she would have know I have this whole kink with women wearing satin. This job is now 100 times harder since blood was heading south. My cock was now throbbing so hard and was swelling.

I can see the strap she had been rubbing was twisted so I gave her a warning I was going to touch and one by one I got the four straps straighten and tighten up and done.

I told her to turn around and this was where I knew would be the danger zone. Graze a satin covered ass was understandable but grazing that satin covered area in the front was asking for a knee to the face. I did fight with the thought that it might be worth the knee to feel her pussy slit but the pain of knee stop that idea. I hate pain as a rule

I first did the outside garter on each leg because I was afraid of knee in the face so I then slowly slide my hand up her skirt all the while keeping distance to anything and I untwist the first one and re-snap and tighten it up. At this point the left leg looked normal. At this moment I could have sworn I could smell her musk from a wet pussy but unlike me who is freak she is a respectable young women who would never do anything to hurt her boyfriend.

As I slowly was raising my hands up under the skirt trying to keep away from a possible knee to my face, a sound exited Stacey that could be only describes as a purring moan and now I know I am smelling her musk from a wet pussy but I just need to finish before her scent drives me to do something stupid.

I finished tightening up the last strap and those stockings clung to her leg and gave me the most unbelievable pleasure in my cock. I was sure my underwear has precum soaking it and I need to hit the bathroom to relive this pleasure.

I look up at Stacey and this sweet naive young woman is looking down at me as if I was a piece of cake and she was starving woman.

I smiled up and say

“There you go, legs that sparkle and tempt. Tell Chad he owes me a beer.

Stacey is still staring at me and I can see her quivering as she stepped back and sat on the edge of her desk and let her skirt drop.

My name was called in that same purring moan “Will Knot…I owe you and I want you to have the prize for for your wonderful work!”

“What Pizza and root beer?” I smile up at her since that or her homemade cookies were what she paid the cashiers with for good work.

“If you want… or you an eat me, like I want you to do.”

She stood up and pulled up her skirt to her waist and revealed the pink satin panty revealing the dark spot which could only be from her sopping wet pussy. Oh god now my level of hornieness hit 9000 (yes I am geek deal with it)

She sat on the desk as I sat down into the rolling chair and rolled to this delightful treat. I inhaled her musk and my cock, which is already painfully erect, and tenting my Khakis, seem to grow another inch in response to my Managers offer.

I leaned in inhaling her scent and pulled the wet satin panties to the side revealing that my Pretty manger kept her lovely pussy shaved bare. Since Stacey had put the panties on before she put the garter on she was unable to take them off.

My tongue just slides up her slit licking giving me a taste of this amazing hot and sweet wetness. As my tongue hit her clit, Stacey on her elbows looking down her belly to me just moans like a contented kitten. I find that she was so horny that she kept grinding her pussy and her clit on my mouth. She only lasted a few minutes, but oh those marvelous minutes, since she had no sex in over several months since her boyfriends last visit where he asked to break up (something she had not shared with any one).

I told her if she wants easy access to the bathroom or a man the panty needs to be over top of the garter belt. I was fixing that when I was on the last garter when Amy, Kim, and the armored truck guy walked in and the first thing Amy see when she opens the door is me on my knees both hands up under the front of Stacey’s skirt. Stacey is bright red all over and for once in my life I was probably blushing every bit as much as Stacey was.

I tried to explain to Amy but nothing came out of my mouth. Standing behind Amy was Kim and she had the biggest crap eating grin on her face (turns out she hated Chad and thought Amy would be better off with anyone, especially with me who actually loved Stacey).

Once the deposit was done Amy, Stacey, and myself went to Amy’s office. Instead of a lecture we were told never to do that in the store again. Even after I gave a cover story I think Amy knew I was lying but she wanted to have some blackmail on me, since I was the eternal smiling joker of the store and she was due for a prank.

Stacey and I went back to the Cash office to get my drawer and to head to the front. Once the door closed Stacey turned around gave me a wet kiss and whispered in my ear “I will return the favor tonight at my apartment. Be prepared.”

“What about Kim?” and Stacey looks at me and said “I was only child and I never really learned to share.”

It was my turn to blush since that was not what I meant.

If you want more than this little tease just let me know, there are some real stories and some fake stories I have with her and her best friend Kelley.
