A Succubus and a… College Guy? (Chapter 3)

“I think we’re going to enjoy our time together.”

Jack, who had just uttered our collective thoughts, stands above me as I try to remember how to think. I’m laying in a limp heap on the floor, having just orgasmed for the first time since the 16th century. And what an orgasm it had been. According to Miguel, the other knucklehead responsible for it, I had cum for almost a minute straight, something I haven’t done in millennia.

“You alright Mia?” Miguel asks, looking genuinely concerned for me after the pounding I had just received from both ends.

“I’m more than alright,” I reply. “That was the first time I’ve been satisfied in 500 years. Thank you, both of you.”

“Well what can I say, I’m a nice guy,” Jack says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, and Miguel laughs. “Get up, we need to discuss some things.”

My body obeys his command, dragging me off the floor and to my feet. I stand on wobbly legs as Jack motions me to sit on his bed. I plop down on it, thankful for the chance to let my legs recover. “Discuss what?” I ask.

“You,” Jack replies simply. He and Miguel sit on either side of me, although Jack is a lot closer. He puts a hand on my thigh and continues. “We need to talk about how this is gonna work. Obviously, we can’t tell anyone we have a demon in our dorm room. Yet we also have to provide for you. What do succubi eat, anyway?”

“We don’t,” I reply. Both boys look shocked, and I elaborate. “We don’t need to eat to survive. I can still eat things, but it wouldn’t do me any good. My life force is tied to that summoning book. If the book burns, so do I, along with all other demons that are only in that one book.”

Both friends’ faces show a mix of concern and relief. Concerned that I die if the book is destroyed, but relieved that I won’t cost them money for food.

“Do you go to the bathroom then?” Miguel asks, curious.

“Not unless I eat or drink something.”

“Okay, that’s good,” Jack says with a sigh of. “I had no idea how we were going to feed you while you’re here.”

“Um, about that,” Miguel interjects. Both Jack and I turn to him as he goes on. “We need to let her go. We all had our fun, but we can’t keep her here like a pet.”

I’m once again surprised by Miguel’s compassion. I suppose now that I look back at it, I *had* been kept like a pet to my previous masters. Of course, that is all us demons have ever known, especially succubi, given our… profession.

“Let her decide then!” Jack counters. “I’m sure this beats the underworld…”

“Barely,” I retort. However, my snark fades as I consider my choice. My previous decision to stay had been motivated by simple, overpowering horniness, but now my head is relatively clear. I feel pretty certain that they would actually let me go if I asked to be released. Of course, they’d still have the book to summon me at any time, but I’m sure that Miguel would make sure Jack would leave me alone.

I just have to choose. On one hand, I can go back to my home a satisfied demoness, and not have to worry about the ache between my legs getting too bad for a couple years. On the other hand, I could stay with these two, hide out in this dingy dorm room, and have all the sex I could ever want. I have no doubt both of them would be receptive to any advances I made, especially Jack.

“I… I don’t know. I’ve never actually been able to choose when I go back to below before,” I admit. I think for a few more seconds, then come up with a solution. “I’ll stay, on one condition.”

“And what is that?” Jack asks.

“You have to promise you’re not going to treat me like a maid. I’m not cleaning your dorm for you, stuff like that. I’ll pick up after myself, but I’m not being a servant for busywork like I’ve been in the past.”

“Done,” Jack replies instantly. Miguel looks at him pointedly, and Jack assures, “I promise! I’m not going to make you clean up after us or do homework or stuff like that. I can’t promise that you’ll get to leave this room very often, though. We can’t exactly take a bright red girl in leather underwear out in public.”

He has a point. With the widespread shunning and ban of demonic summoning, most of society has forgotten that we even exist. I’d imagine a lot of people would be more shocked than Jack and Miguel were. I might not get to go out very often, but I think it’s worth it.

“Deal,” I reply. I extend a talon and grab Miguel’s arm, and he quickly squirms away and exclaims, “What are you doing?!”

“Signing our agreement in blood, what else?” The boy’s shocked faces make me unable to keep a straight face any longer. I let out a giggle and say, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” The boys relax, and Jack stands up.

“How are we supposed to know that?!” Jack exclaims light-heartedly. He glances at a clock on the desk, and remarks, “It’s getting late, we should get to bed. You tired me out, Mia.”

I grin at his admission, knowing I did in fact drain him as well as I thought. I retrieve my clothes, and follow Miguel when he states that he’s going to go shower. Jack gives me a questioning look, and I wink at him before strutting into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Miguel looks surprised when he sees me, but steps into the shower after telling me, “Use whatever you need, I’m not sure how succubi handle hygiene.” He turns on the water, and I use the noise to enact my still-forming plan. I quietly set my clothes down on the floor, and pull back the curtains at the back of the stall. Miguel is turned away from me, so I silently climb in and shut the curtains again.

Miguel, oblivious, continues testing the water, waiting for it to get warm enough to actually shower with. Feeling cheeky, I tap him on the shoulder and ask, “Could you pass me the shampoo?”

Miguel jumps and whips around to face me, surprised. “Jesus Mia, you scared me!” he exclaims. I put my hands on my hips and smile, and his eyes flit down my body before returning to my eyes. “Uh, yeah, here’s the shampoo,” he says, handing me the bottle. “I didn’t know demons used shampoo.”

“We didn’t until recently. Human inventions have made the underworld much nicer recently,” I reply, taking the bottle and squirting a bit of it’s contents onto my hand. I reach around Miguel with my other hand to pull the device to start the water coming through the actual showerhead. It’s still cold, and we both jump a little. I quickly crank the temperature up, and it gets warm shortly after.

“Now it’s hot!” Miguel complains. However, to me it’s simply pleasant, as I’m used to fire and burning everywhere down below.

“Don’t be a baby, it’s not that warm,” I reply, flipping my hair and arching my back, perhaps a bit more seductively than the actions would usually be. Miguel notices this, but doesn’t comment.

“It *is* hot! It’s already steamy…” Miguel argues. He gestures around, and there is already steam rising out of the tub. I roll my eyes, and reach out and grab his arm. In one smooth motion, I yank his arm so that we switch places. His back presses up against the back wall, and my body blocks most of the water. We’re almost nose to nose now, and Miguel visibly gulps.

“Is this better?” I ask sweetly. “Is this the right amount of… hotness for you?” Without waiting for a response, I lean in and kiss him. He looks surprised for a moment, then relaxes. When my tongue touches his lips, he parts than and lets my own tongue inside. His hands wrap around my back, but one almost immediately begins moving lower.

It slowly makes it’s way down my back to my hip, then around to my supple ass, where he takes a handful and squeezes. I pull my mouth back and smirk, and Miguel whispers, “You really *are* a sex demon.” He playfully slaps my ass at this, and I giggle softly.

“Are you going to let a little hot water hold you back?” I reply. “Or are you gonna keep being a baby…” At this, Miguel frowns and grabs my hips. Before I can react, he gently, but firmly spins us around, so now I’m the one against the wall again. He tenses as the hot water hits his back once again, but that’s all the reaction it gets.

“I’m not a baby, and if you keep this up, you’ll be the one in hot water, if you know what I mean.” I merely smile at his threat, and reach a hand down between us to stroke his hardening erection.

“Not so timid and nice when it’s just us, are you?” I taunt. “Or are you just too horny to hold back?” Before I can go on, Miguel spins me around and pushes me against the wall with a hand on my upper back. I grunt in surprise as my face is pressed against the smooth porcelain, and I shiver in anticipation when Miguel whispers seductively in my ear.

“I’m not going to be nice if you aren’t nice to me, Mia. And you seem like the desperately horny one here. I could tease you until you beg on hands on knees, and there’s nothing you could do.” I gasp as I feel the tip of his manhood rub against my slit, teasing me as I’m held still. I smile at Miguel’s new attitude, and I stick out my ass to grind against his hips.

“I don’t think you’d do that,” I argue. “You’d break and just stuff your cock into my waiting hole before I even said so much as please. You may not be a sex demon, but you’re just as horny as me…”

Miguel wraps his hands around my torso, holding me against the wall while also fondling my breasts. The water cascades over both of us as Miguel leans against me, completely immobilizing me with his own weight. “Only because you’re being such a tease right now,” he whispers, grinding into me.

“Then stop teasing me and just get on with it,” I counter. He stops to consider this, then says, “Fine. But only because I know you can’t help yourself.” At this, he reaches a hand down and guides his cock to my slit, which is wet with more than just water. I brace myself against the wall, and he reaches under me to grab my breasts and squeeze them. Without another moment wasted, he firmly thrusts his hips forward, pushing into me. He grunts as he bottoms out and growls, “Good lord, you’re tight.”

I’m too horny to even protest that he thanked the wrong being. I smile as he finally sinks into me, and I grind my hips in circles on his while he’s buried to the hilt. My hair falls down around my face, creating a curtain that only lets me see the wall in front of me, and our legs and feet. I see his legs tense, and he pulls back to the tip, before pulling me by the breasts back towards him when he thrusts, slamming back into me.

He does this a few times, pulling me into him to meet his thrusts as he gets used to my tightness. When I start pushing off the wall to meet him willingly, he stands still and lets me fuck myself on him. I move back and forth, sliding along his length as he watches. “Damn, you’re a *horny* little hell vixen aren’t you?” he teases.

“Succubi’s lust builds over time whether we like it or not. I bet you were mad for going without for a few years, imagine a few centuries, plus you can’t get yourself off at all,” I declare.

“What makes you think I haven’t gotten any in years?’ he asks indignantly.

“Because it took you all of five minutes to go from, “She’s not a pet, let her go,” to “Let’s have a threesome with her.”

I continue moving back and forth on him even as I argue, untill he grabs my hips and forces me to be still. I whimper in annoyance, irked that he’s making me stop.

“I agreed because you said you wanted it, and your greatest wish in the universe was to relieve your lust. I was simply helping you out,” Miguel says.

“Riiight, your own lust had nothing to do with it,” I say in a voice dripping sarcasm. “You just wanted sex with a hot demon who was too horny to resist, unlike everyone else when they’re around you.”

“Excuse me, am I not allowed to fuck you then? Maybe we ought to just stop right now and send you back. And I’ll have you know, that it hasn’t been multiple years since I’ve gotten any, so you can stop.”

His threat makes me reconsider. I try to overpower his hands by pushing off the wall, but my attempt to go deeper is stopped by an almost smug Miguel. I *could* push harder, but I’d likely knock us both down if I called upon some underworldly strength.

“I’m not saying you can’t fuck me,” I say quickly. “I’m just pointing out that you’re not just motivated by compassion. And if it hasn’t been *multiple* years, it’s probably still about a year then…”

His grip on my hips tightens even more. “So what if I’m horny too? You’re a succubus, your entire existence revolves around lustful people.”

As much as I hate to admit it, he has a point. My entire life has revolved around being summoned by and taking advantage of horny people to satisfy myself. I suppose this is the same thing, just the other way around. I also noticed that he declined to argue with my statement that it’s been a year since he’s gotten any from a human girl, meaning I’m probably right. I decide to let that drop, knowing I’ve won. “Can we talk about this later?” I ask, still trying to push myself further along his cock.

“See, I’m right,” Miguel declares. “We’re both motivated by lust, but at least I happened to care about something other than what’s between my legs. Admit it, you only want to stay because you want me and Jack to fuck you senseless whenever you want.”

“That’s not true!” I exclaim, but we both know that it’s at least partly true. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to satisfy myself, and these two seem more than happy to help me out. In a way, I’m helping them out with their horniness too. It’s a win-win.

“Maybe it’s a little bit true,” I admit. “But I also wanted to stay because you’re not treating like a servant to boss around like every other person who’s summoned me. It’s nice to be treated like a person for once in a millennia.”

Miguel seems to accept this, because his vice-like grasp on my hips softens. “Fair enough,” he says. “You are a person, but don’t complain about me being horny when you seduce me in the shower.”

“Deal,” I agree. “Now can you just fuck me already? It’s awkward talking to a wall.”

I can almost hear Miguel rolling his eyes. “That’s exactly what I-” he says exasperatedly. “You know what, I’m not even gonna comment.” He begins slowly thrusting again, and I arch my back in satisfaction as he finally fucks me again.

The whole bathroom is steamy now, as is the scene in the shower as Miguel slides in and out of me. My breasts jiggle with the movement, and my ass ripples with each impact of his hips. The sound of skin smacking against skin fills the air as I begin thrusting my hips back to meet his with each thrust.

I flip my hair out of my face and twist to look back at him, wanting to see his face. When he sees my seductive eyes watching him, he groans and whispers “Fuck, you’re so hot. Literally and figuratively.”

I laugh at this, knowing that he can most likely feel my internal temperature since his cock is buried inside me. Demons naturally have a temperature that humans would consider a high fever, since we live in such a hot place most of the time. As such, my insides feel particularly warm, even when compared to the hot water running along our bodies.

I merely moan in response as I stand up a little straighter, and it makes his thrusts hit my g-spot perfectly. “Right there,” I plead. He picks up the pace, slamming completely into me before retreating to the tip and plunging back in again. He grunts in pleasure as I squeeze him with my insides, and shifts one hand to grab my breasts again.

I moan again as he begins playing with my nipple, squeezing and tugging it between his fingers as he fucks me against the wall. I reach a hand down and play with my clit, quickly rubbing it as I speed towards my second orgasm of the night. Miguel, despite having just cum in my mouth only half an hour before, grunts and moans in a way that signals he’s close as well.

“Harder!” I cry out, leaning against the wall even more for support as Miguel begins drilling me with all his considerable strength. My hair bounces as he yanks me forward and back along his cock, and soon I reach the edge.

I twist my upper body to look him in the eye as I cum. I moan uncontrollably as I desperately shove my hips against his, my insides spasming as the wave of pleasure rolls through me.

Miguel watches me cum on his cock intently, and groans as my insides milk him for all he’s worth. “Fuck, that’s so good…” he mutters before he too starts to orgasm. He grabs my hips and forces himself as deep into me as he can go before spewing his load, moaning and groaning as he cums into me for the second time today.

By the time he finishes shooting his semen into me, my own orgasm has died down and I’m left smiling and breathing hard, laying against the wall for support. “Good Lucifer, thank you,” I murmur as Miguel pulls out of me. He playfully smacks my ass before declaring, “You’re welcome, that was amazing.”

I giggle and stand upright as Miguel fluids start dripping out of me onto the stall floor before being swept away by the water and down the drain. We both finish our shower, having to start over now that we had made ourselves sweaty with exertion. Or rather, Miguel was sweaty. Being used to the fires of the underworld means even the most intense of fuck sessions never really made me sweat.

We step out of the stall, finished, and Miguel puts on athletic shorts and a plain tee to sleep in, while I wrap a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom. When I do, I see Jack playing on his phone in his bed. When he sees us come out, he hops up and showers as well, although he only takes three minutes, which makes me question how complete of a shower it was.

When he walks out in a similar attire to Miguel, he sees me standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. “Where am I supposed to sleep?” I ask him.

Jack grins and says, “You can sleep in my bed with me. It’ll be a tight fit though.” I roll my eyes, and go to retrieve my clothes.

“Ah ah ah, none of that,” Jack says. “Stand up and drop the towel.” I stand up straight and let the towel fall to the floor as instructed, revealing my freshly cleaned, naked body. He smiles as his eyes give me a once over, then says, “That’s perfect. You can sleep in that.”

I roll my eyes again, but don’t argue as I head over to Jack’s bed. I’m no stranger to sleeping naked in my master’s bed, and I’ve had worse masters request it of me, so I don’t mind that much. I climb into bed after Jack, laying on my side facing him and the wall. Our noses are less than six inches apart, and he grins at the close proximity.

“First time a woman’s been naked in your bed, isn’t it?” I jab.

“First time in *this* bed,” he retorts. He puts a hand around my waist and orders, “Go to sleep. We can figure out how everything will work in the morning.”

Instantly, a wave of drowsiness hits me, and I close my eyes. As I drift off, my last conscious thought is that for the first time in millennia, I’m falling asleep satisfied and excited for the next day of my new summons.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/j5nhvg/a_succubus_and_a_college_guy_chapter_3


  1. I really like this story! I can’t wait for more! Maybe they can go to some furniture/clothes store late at night (to not cause drama in public) and to convince the store owner to believe her, Mia gives him a blow job.

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