Back Room Fights 2.2: Michael vs. Maggie (Mixed Boxing) [Str8] [mf]

“All right everyone, this upcoming match is a mixed boxing bout between two returning fighters. The bout will take place in three minute rounds until a fighter is knocked out. The winner will receive a $2000 bonus and receive oral from the loser. Now introducing our fighter in the blue corner. He has a record of 0 wins and 1 loss. He is 5’11’’, 159 lbs, and is a 22 year old college student. Please welcome Michael back to the ring!”

Michael removed his robe revealing his cute, lean body. Today he was wearing a tight fitting pair of briefs that clearly outlined his large dick. His eyes were playfully determined as he stared across the ring at his still hooded opponent. He moved his brown hair out of the way of his eyes and bounced back and forth on his feet in anticipation of the fight. He didn’t like to be in the losing column but the hard fought match against Brooke last month had not been embarrassing. He had enjoyed eating her juicy pussy but hoped to get sucked off instead this week.

“Now in the red corner,” announced Claire. “She holds a record of 1 win and 0 losses. She stands at 5’9’’, weighs 169 lbs, and is a 27 year old software developer. Everyone give it up for Maggie!”

Maggie removed her robe revealing her relatively lean upper body and her thick, muscular legs. She had small, perky tits with cute little pink nipples. This fight, she was wearing a pair of white panties that were riding up her firm round ass. She stretched and flexed for the crowd as she waited for the fight to begin. Maggie was curious how she would do in a boxing match where she couldn’t use her devastating kicks. Nevertheless, she had the weight advantage going into this fight and was still riding her confidence from the last fight against Jia. She tied her curly hair up into a bun in a final preparation for the fight.

Claire called the two fighters to the center of the ring for a final reminder of the rules and to touch gloves. Michael maintained eye contact during the exchange but found himself fantasizing about looking down at Maggie’s pretty pale face and into her sparkling blue eyes as her lips were around his cock. An erection began to grow during his daydreaming and Maggie couldn’t help but notice. As she returned to her corner, she began to regret choosing oral as the reward for this fight. She would have loved to be filled by the cock a younger man as she rode him. She sighed as she settled for the fact that she would just have to ride his face. Michael was unsure of his chances as he returned back to his corner. Maggie’s powerful legs were intimidating even if she couldn’t use them in the fight. She was clearly an athletic woman and had proven herself against Jia even if that hadn’t been the hardest of fights. Michael did not want to lose two in a row so he was determined to fight smart.


The first round began as the two fighters walked to the center of the ring with their gloves raised to protect their faces. Maggie was the first to attack, throwing a lightning fast combination of two quick jabs followed by a right hook. The jabs bounced harmlessly off of Michael’s gloves and he was able to step out of the way of the hook. He fired back with a quick right hand but Maggie easily parried it and countered with a right hook to the body. It landed with a solid smack as the two fighters separated and there was a brief pause in the action as they circled. Michael initiated the action this time with a left hook aimed towards his opponent’s head. She blocked it with her gloves and fired back with a left jab that he ducked under. He came back up with a right uppercut that clocked Maggie on the chin and sent her stumbling backwards. Both combatants had shown their ability to evade and land shots intelligently already. Not wanting to be over eager, Michael kept his defense up and walked Maggie back a few steps. A somewhat stunned Maggie noticed herself being backed into a corner and feinted with a jab. Michael put his gloves up to block but was instead embraced by Maggie in a clinch. Michael was surprised just how easily she was able to walk him backwards as she drove into him using her strong legs. He threw short body shots but his opponent powered through and pressed him into a corner. As she broke from the clinch, Maggie caught Michael below the eye with a right hook but he quickly put up his guard in response. Maggie laid on the pressure, swinging wildly with a series of hooks and uppercuts. Most shots bounced off Michael’s gloves but enough were getting through to hurt him. Wanting to create a better opening, Maggie jammed her right hand into Michael’s gut causing him to gasp for air and weaken his defense. A swift uppercut followed it that connected and sent Michael down to one knee. 1….2….3…. Michael was cognizant of his situation and was merely being patient. 4….5….6…. He couldn’t win the fight by just covering up. 7….8 Michael was back up on his feet ready to fight. Maggie marched over to meet him and went for the same fake jab and clinch combo that had worked before. This time, Michael stayed light on his feet and circled out of the way. Seeing his opponent off balance, he shoved her hard into the ropes. Maggie lost her footing as she stumbled forward into the ropes and was met with a vicious right hook as she turned around. Her head turned from the impact but she stayed conscious and countered with a left hook to the body. It landed hard against her opponent but he had already prepared another right hook that crashed into Maggie’s face. She was barely still standing as a third and final right hook sent her to the mat. 1….2….3….4….5…. Maggie suddenly began to stir. 6….7…. She quickly popped up back to her feet, seemingly a bit stiff but ready to fight. Michael and Maggie stepped towards each other ready to trade shots. Michael threw a jab that snapped into Maggie’s face but she returned with a straight right that compressed Michael’s nose. Her opponent ducked under a follow-up jab and countered with a left hook to her tiny right tit. A bell rang to end the eventful round.

Michael returned to his corner and reflected on the past three minutes. He had started out painfully slow but was beginning to find his moments as the round went on. He drank water and took relaxed breaths during his break. He felt that he had hurt Maggie more than she had hurt him that round but that didn’t help his battered face feel any better. Maggie sat in her corner trying to come up with a strategy to win. Clinching allowed her to control the action of the fight but finding openings for it might prove difficult. She still refused to resort to low blows in the ring. The area below her left eye was already beginning to swell. With the pace the two fighters were setting, it seemed like someone would be between the others legs sooner rather than later.


The second round began with both fighters seemingly recovered from being knocked down in the previous rounds. Michael started the action with a powerful jab that broke through Maggie’s guard and made her step backwards. As she tried to circle away, he caught her in the body with a digging right hook. She cried out from the pain but stayed on her feet with her gloves raised. She fired back with a leaping right that had her weight behind it. It crashed into Michael’s temple and sent him staggering across the ring. She rushed towards her wobbly opponent eager to finish the fight. As she stepped in to throw an uppercut, she was met with a wild right hook that cracked her across the chin. Her uppercut missed as she now stumbled back. Both fighters were in trouble but Maggie was able to duck under one of Michael’s hooks and tie him up in a clinch. Michael could feel his opponent’s nipples become hard as their sweaty bodies pressed together. She walked him up against the ropes and tried to release the clinch. Michael held onto the back of her neck with his left hand and drove body shots in Maggie with his right. The short shots started out relatively weak but grew to be damaging as Maggie was trying to separate. She eventually found space to launch a left hook into Michael’s temple that forced him to release her. Her opponent stepped forward and seemed to wind up for another right hook to the body. Maggie lowered her guard so the shot would glance off her elbows. Instead, a left hook slammed into her jaw and she collapsed to the canvas. 1….2….3….4….5….6…. Maggie began to move to get up. 7….8….9…. There were no ropes nearby to help pull herself up. 10. Maggie was still on one knee when the count ended. “The winner by knockout is Michael! Congratulations on your win!” exclaimed Claire.

Maggie sat on the ground disappointed in her loss. She stared across the ring to where Michael was excitedly flexing for the crowd. The tall woman removed her gloves and mouth guard and then began crawling over to the corner where Michael was celebrating. She knelt before him submissively as he turned to face her. Michael removed his own gloves and mouthguard and then knelt down to give Maggie a lingering kiss on the lips. Maggie felt passion well up inside of her and was extremely attracted to the lean young man before her. She wanted to please him in any way she could and to have him return the favor. He pulled away from the kiss and bit her lip briefly. He slowly pulled down his briefs showing his tight ass to the audience behind him. His long, 6 inch dick was still somewhat flaccid as it flopped out of his underwear. Maggie smiled with delight as she took it in her right hand and began stroking it. With her left, she grabbed a handful of Michael’s ass. His dick swelled to its full size as she stroked it. Her former opponent reached down, undid Maggie’s bun, and began playing with her pretty curly hair as she pleasured him. With his dick now fully erect, she wrapped her lips around it while still stroking with her right hand. Michael moaned with pleasure. He locked his brown eyes with Maggie’s gorgeous blue eyes and stared at each other lovingly. Deciding she wanted more of him, Maggie placed her right hand on his ass as well and took the full length of his cock in her mouth. She deep throated him with vigorous passion as Michael began to go weak in the knees. “Oh god yes,” barely escaped his lips as he orgasmed into Maggie’s mouth. She swallowed the heavy load and stared up at the man smiling. She stood up and the two embraced in another passionate kiss. He gave her big ass a playful smack and she returned the favor. “Find me later tonight,” whispered Maggie in his ear as she turned to leave the ring. Michael watched in awe as her beautiful backside walked away from him. He soon followed and the crowd cheered for the victorious fighter.


1 comment

  1. Awesome! I would have loved to have seen Claire knocked out cold. Great fight! Can’t wait to see where this series goes!

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