The Graduate [MFF]

It was May and high-school graduation was upon us. Having turned 18 the previous month, I was excited to finally be an adult and out of school. College wasn’t for me; I’ve had enough studying and wanted to get out to see the world! Perhaps a stint in the Peace Corp would satisfy my wanderlust. Yet, not everyone approved of my yearning to go out on my own. My boyfriend, James, wanted me stay in our hometown and support him while he began college. Despite caring for him deeply, I felt that he was a bit delusional in thinking I’d stick with him after high school. He had plans for marriage, I had plans to find myself.

In the week leading up to graduation, James wouldn’t stop talking about HIS plans for OUR future. I was sickened by it. The last straw came when he showed me the kind of house he wanted to buy with me. I couldn’t take it anymore. On graduation day, I broke up with him. He was devastated. I felt bad momentarily, but when I saw him cry, I lost all respect for him. In the weeks that followed, he wouldn’t stop messaging me and leaving voice messages. It was getting out of hand.

One day, to clear my head from the drama, I decided to take a walk. Walking down the running trail, I herd someone call my name; “Fawn! Hey Fawn!” the voice yelled. I turned around and saw Mr. Stevens, my 11th grade math teacher. With him was a woman, presumably his wife.

“Oh hey Mr. Stevens, what are you doing here”

” Me and my wife love to keep fit, so we run down this trail all the time.”

“That’s neat”

“So the word on the street is that your class is graduated! How does it feel to be an adult and out of school?”

“You know… it’s not as different as I thought it would be”

“Yeah well, just wait. Before you know it you’lll be wishing you were back in my 3rd period math class. By the way, this is my wife Kathy.”

Mr. Stevenson’s wife was incredibly young looking with large voluptuous breasts that were popping out of her athletic tank-top. . She didn’t look much older than me which made me wonder how old Mr. Stevenson was.

“Listen, now that you’re out of school and over 18 we’re allowed to share our Social Media with each other”

“Oh my gosh, that’s right! Umm… I guess you have Facebook?”

“Facebook? How old do you think I am Fawn? Lets do Instagram”

I was incredibly surprised that he even knew what that was. I examined him closer to see how old he may be. (Damn, I’m so bad at this). In doing so, I inadvertently began to notice things about him I’ve never noticed. His athletic physique, large muscles, chiseled jaw line. “Wow” I thought… “his wife must be one satisfied lady”. He was the exact opposite of my boyfriend. Strong, confident, assertive. As the feeling of jealousy began to take hold, Kathy, his wife interjected and asked for my Instagram as well.

“Hey, we’ll all be friends online now”


With that, we all parted. As they both ran away from where I was, I followed them with my eyes. I noticed how fit both of them were, how positive the energy between them was. I couldn’t believe it. I was actually attracted both of them. I quickly looked through Kathy’s IG feed and couldn’t believe it. She had 630,000 followers. Most of her pictures were in bikinis and lingerie; she was a full-blown Instagram model. Now I felt jealous of Mr. Stevenson for having such a sexy wife. For a split second I pictured them having sex while I watched. “Oh my gosh, that would be so hot”. DING! A noise had snapped me back to reality. It was another message from James, “Baby, please…. I love you. I’ll do anything to have you back”. Ugh, I was so disgusted I could vomit.

Weeks passed and James was still unrelenting. I was trying to enjoy my summer vacation in peace but his pestering made me totally frustrated. “It’s just easier to get back together than to deal with this bullshit” I thought. Against my better judgment, I capitulate to his whiny pleas. Needless to say, James was overjoyed and went back to the same ol’ routine of talking about things I had absolutely no interest in. My life was a disaster… until one day, things took an interesting turn.

I was with James at my house on a Saturday night; watching an old episode of The Office. Suddenly, “bzzzz”. My phone buzzes and I realize I have a DM message on Instagram. I wonder who it could be… I open and see a message from non other than Kathy Stevenson, Mr. Stevenson’s wife. My boyfriend is so hypnotized by the television screen that he doesn’t even notice me playing with my phone. Subsequently, I feel safe to check.

“Hey Fawn, John (Stevenson) was telling me what a good student you were last year in his math class. I just wanted to thank you so much for being one of the few students who didn’t fool around and make his job harder than it had to be. Oh and by the way, I loved your body when we met the other day.”

I was so flustered having read that. “What the hell does she mean by that?” I thought. “Is she implying that she’s attracted to me?… No, it couldn’t be. Girls just say that to each other. She’s a fitness girl so it’s normal that she would compliment me on something physical like that. After all, unlike James, I do work out.” Then suddenly, another “bzzz”. My heart starts to race. I look at the message and see:

“We should hang out ;)”

At this point, my face is totally flustered. Thank god James is so into this stupid TV show that he’s not noticing the mini-panic attack I’m experiencing in that moment. In the same time, I start to feel so aroused. I’ve never been with a woman before and the thought excited and aroused me. It had even previously crossed my mind. But James was a God-fearing man and wouldn’t entertain even the slightest thought of me being with another girl. (Despite most guys his age being totally into it). With a trembling hand, I begin to type:

“Umm… sure, I guess that would be cool. Where/when?”

I press “send” and wait with anticipation. A few seconds go by and another “bzzz”. I look;

“How about tomorrow? Can you host?”

Oh my gosh, she wants to come here?! She’s totally being sexual right now. I can’t believe it. My heart was racing so fast, even James noted, “Hey, do you hear that ticking sound?” “No, I don’t. Let’s keep watching” I said as I typed out,

“Sure, can’t wait. My address is 123 Main Street. I’m free at 2”


“Perfect, see you then ;)”

And with that, my fate was sealed. I had made plans for what i thought would be lesbian sex with my former highschool teacher’s hot wife. Yet surprises still lurked around the corner.

After we finished watching The Office, James had to go home.

“I’ll stop by tomorrow around 2”

“I don’t think that’s a great idea. I have some stuff to do tomorrow”

“Like what? You’re not going to college and you didn’t even join the Peace Corp yet. What could you possibly be doing tomorrow”

I was so pissed in that moment, I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, “I’ll be having HOT LESBIAN SEX while you jerk off in your sad corner you fucking loser cuck!” but my cooler head prevailed and instead I said, “I’m just going to be cleaning my house. I don’t need any distractions”

“Fine, I’ll give you your space”

The next day, I was extremely anxious. A million thoughts were racing through my brain. “What if this is all a mistake? What if she just wanted to actually hang out? I mean, she looked so young, maybe she’s only 22 or something and needs a friend” As 2 o’clock approached, my anxiety was overwhelming. “Bzzz”, “Oh my god, she’s texting me! But it’s only 1:30 is she early? I look down and it’s mom.

“Honey, dad and I will be home late tonight, we’re going to visit my sister Peggy after work.”

Damnit, it’s just mom. Soon, 2 o’clock hits. A knock on the door and cold sweat starts to drip down my forehead as I open the door. To my amazement, it’s Mr.Stevenson. Behind him, I see Kathy catching up to him from their car.

“Mr. Stevenson, what are you doing here?”

“”I thought you were expecting us! We thought it would be great to give the fresh new graduate her graduation gift!”

As he’s saying this, they’re taking out a decorative bag and a large box of candies. “Oh my god.” I thought. “They’re literally just here as wholesome friends who wanted to show a kind gesture to their former student” I felt so embarrassed. I couldn’t believe that I thought I was going to have lesbian sex with Kathy today.

“Hey guys, I’m so glad you’re here. Come in!”

As they walk in, I notice something odd. Kathy is wearing a long trench coat despite it being relatively warm outside. We sit down, exchange pleasantries and chat for a little bit.

“You have a great house” says Mr. Stevenson

“You sure do” says Kathy. “How about a tour?”

“Always wondered what the room my least hated student looks like”

I laugh and oblige to show them around the house. Finally, we enter my room.

“Wow, this is bigger than I expected.” says Kathy.

Suddenly… something felt off. I looked at Kathy and Mr. Stevenson and see them both looking at each other with a sly smirk. I’m a little scared but their radiant attractiveness continues to quietly arouse me like a ever-so-soft dog whistle. Kathy takes a step closer to me and says,

“Fawn… you didn’t think we came here just to give you some chocolates did you?

“I.. uhh….”

Kathy takes her hands and releases the bunny-ear knot of the belt on her trench coat. As it releases, the trench coat opens up to reveal an e maculate body in thigh-high stockings and a bra with exposed nipples. The full lingerie costume. She takes my left hand and slowly rubs her vagina with it and moans as she does it. I become instantly wet. Then, Mr. Stevenson steps up and begins to kiss Kathy. The image of a hot couple making out drove me wild. In that moment, something took over. I approached both of their faces and began to kiss both of them at once. A three-way kiss ensued while I took my right hand and began to rub Mr. Stevenson’s hard cock over his pants. It was clear; THIS was my graduation present, not those damn candies. Outwardly, I remained quiet as we progressed through foreplay, but internally I was ecstatic. I wanted them both so bad and now I got to have them at the same time. Just the thought made my pussy secrete fluids faster than a faucet leaks water. Within a few moments, Kathy was eating my pussy while I was sucking Mr. Stevenson’s hard pulsating cock. It was pure ecstasy. Sweat was dripping down my tight little body. Kathy didn’t skip a beat and licked the sweat beads from off of my perky little tits. Watching Kathy eat my pussy made me ravenous for hers. I couldn’t help it. I threw her down and began to eat her pussy as if it’s the first time I’ve seen food in years. I wanted it so bad. While I ate her pink, shaven little pussy, Mr. Stevenson mounted me from behind. At first, there was a jolt of pressure and then pure pleasure as I realized he just penetrated my tight little asshole. In and out he thrusted. His masculine grunt made my pussy ooze. This couldn’t get any better I thought. But what lay in store was something more than anyone could have expected.

Unbeknownst to me, James, being the weak, worthless man he was could not keep himself away. Despite being told that I didn’t want him to come, he decided to come “check up on me” anyway. He arrived a little past 2:30, at which point, I was already deep into the sexually explosive experience with Mr.Stevenson and his wife. He knocked on the door an there was no answer. He rang the doorbell and still no answer. (By that time, I was being rammed in the ass so hard and eating pussy so intensely, an atomic bomb could have gone off and the only think I would have cared about was Mr. Stevenson coming inside of me while Kathy sucked out his cum from my asshole.) Finally, out of frustration, James checks t see if the door is open. It was. He hears something upstairs and slowly moves up towards my room to investigate. He pushes open the door to my room and sees: Mr. Stevenson ramming my beautiful brown little asshole while I eat his hot wife’s wet pussy. James is stunned.

“What the fuck?” he exclaims.

Everyone stops what they’re doing and looks at him. Mr. Stevenson is deep in me and I break eye contact with Kathy to look in James’ eyes. His eyes were totally devastated. Truth be told, I’ve never had sex with him. I always lied about being a virgin while fooling around with guys. Subsequently, this blatant display of raw sexuality overwhelmed his sense and his brain went into overload. We held eye contact for a solid 10 seconds as I gazed deep into his soul. His soul that yelled, “How could you do this to me Fawn?” But I didn’t care. He was a loser that offered nothing to me but drained emotions and resentment towards him and everything he was about. After 10 seconds, I broke eye contact with him and went back to vigorously eating Kathy’s bald, beautiful little pussy. As if James wasn’t even there. Mr. Stevenson took my cue and continued to thrust everso lustfully into my tight little asshole. Kathy moaned, Mr. Stevenson grunted like a wild animal. I was drowning in pleasure and ecstasy. James stood there and the three of us continued to do as we did without even acknowledging his existence. He wasn’t sure what to do. Too much of a pussy to do anything and too much of a voyeur to leave. He’d rather be cucked than to leave his precious Fawn. And still Mr. Stevenson thrusted and thrusted while I devoured and devoured Kathy. The ecstatic buildup began to climb as James started to softly cry. “What a fucking loser” I thought. Finally, as if approaching a cliff, I knew the orgasm was coming “Ohhh myy fucking goooddd” I began to yell. “Harder, hard, fuck me harder!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Fuck that tight little asshole Mr. Stevenson. It’s your hole. It belongs to you fuck it!” My yelling really must have turned Mr. Stevenson on because he thrusted even harder than I thought possible. Until finally, he climaxed and came deep into my asshole. The hot wet cum was so warm, i could feel it in my insides. I couldn’t bare it longer. The moment he came, it triggered my own anal orgasm. My body began to shake as I burried my face and tongue deep itto Kathy’s pussy. The sudden thrust of my tongue inside of her instantly made her cum as I could tell by the way her body was shaking. It was awe-inspiring. A 3-way orgasn. All while this little cuck watched and cried like the little loser he was. Yet the best part was yet to cum. (Pardon the pun).

In a rage of passion, Kathy crawls over to where Mr. Stevenson is and begins to suck his dripping cock. She then turns to my gaping little asshole that’s dripping his hot cum. She leans in and starts to suck the cum straight out of my asshole. As she’s doing it, I’m moaning with pleasure. All the while James continues to stand there. Still watching. Finally, Kathy comes up to my face and kisses me with the hot cum still in her mouth. We begin to make out as hot cum from Mr. Stevenson drips down both of our mouths until finally.. we both swallow our portion. Exhausted, we all flop down on the bed. Still completely ignoring James. In fact, we forgot he was there. Then, “boom” we hear the door slam. I look around and realize it was him. He had finally left. “Oh thank God” I said out loud. “He was a bigger pain in the butt than Mr. Stevenson’s cock. We all laughed. What a great evening I thought. And now, I have a new way of dealing of unwanted boyfriends. Hopefully, I’ll never hear from him again.


1 comment

  1. Great story. You should post a follow up. James was annoying…like dude get a hint. ? I loved how she kept going, even through he walked in…kuddos to her, and following what her pussy wanted. Lol ?

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