A Mentor [Part 3] [MMF]

As Jayne disappeared through the sliding door Tom turned his attention to me and asked how a dumb fuck like me ended up with a girl like that? He made fun of me all the time like that at work, it was just us guys being guys. I laughed and said honestly I have no idea. He told me a girl like her deserved a real man and I was going to have to figure it out pretty quick. I laughed again and toed the leg of my BBQ. Tom started to explain to me the difference between a gas and charcoal grill and why charcoal was better. It actually did make sense.

Jayne came back out with a beer for me and she had a bottle of whiskey as well.
I don’t like whiskey so trying to avoid it I asked about the girls. She said they’d had a long day and she’d just tucked them in bed for the night. Tom inspected the whiskey and apparently approved. But playfully Jayne grabbed it back, pulled the cork and started chugging it! I cringed watching and even Tom’s eyes widened. When she finally tilted it back down her cute facial features screwed up in a look that let us know the taste had finally hit her. Tom congratulated her and stepped forward to pat her on the back. He told her he’d never seen anything like it, while he was rubbing her shoulder. She was blushing and said something about getting the job done quick and easy. I was feeling sick again watching Tom

As I was watching this all I couldn’t help but notice my erection again. I was throbbing in my pants. I had to be turned on by Jaynes dress. Tom was back to flipping the burgers and he and Jayne passed the bottle back and forth a few times. Feeling a little out of place I tried to join in… I grabbed the bottle from Jayne and took as big of a swallow as I could. It burned like fire going down! I scrambled for my beer to chase the liquor and finally met relief with a few long pulls from it. Eyes watering and throat still burning a bit I looked up to see Tom laughing at me and my wife looking at me half surprised and half “aww your so cute.”

Once the burgers were done Tom got a call and walked out on the lawn to take it. Jayne told me she could see why I looked up to him so much. He was definitely an Alpha male. I asked her if she thought he was being flirty with her but she hadn’t caught those vibes. She told me if I noticed him crossing any lines to just tell him to “back off buddy.” And although I told her I would, that seemed way outside my comfort zone. Couldn’t she just tell him to stop if it came to that? Anyway we finished dinner soon after (the burgers were actually better than I could have made).

The bottle of whiskey had reappeared and we were all three sitting out next to our little fire pit now. My head was already spinning, I’m sort of a light weight. Jayne had had a lot more than me and was starting to slur her words. Tom was showing no signs of being drunk yet at all.
But Jayne was loosening up quite a bit. To my horror she casually brought up to Tom that I thought he was flirting with her. Tom looked at me with something in his eyes that told me I wasn’t the smallest of threats to him. If he was in fact flirting with her there wasn’t a damn thing I would do about it. But he chuckled, he looked back at Jayne and asked what she thought as he reached out and pulled her dress strap that had fallen off her shoulder back into place. Again that sick feeling in my stomach. This time she seemed uncomfortable, it was like she realized it for the first time. Relief washed over me. And was quickly replaced with gut wrenching awkwardness when she told him we’d agreed that if I thought he was crossing a line (she emphasized this part as if I should be speaking up about the dress strap) that I just needed to tell him to back off. Amusement flashed across his face and he turned to me. So you’re going to tell me when I have to stop then is that right?

I stuttered a yes my head still swimming from the whiskey. There was an unspoken challenge in his voice and he was quite honestly intimidating. He reached out and rested his hand on Jaynes bare thigh. Is this too much? Jaynes eyes widened and she looked at me. Pursing my lips I shook my head no. Why did this all have to be up to me?! His hand slid around and inside her thigh, how about this? Jayne was visibly shocked again and she looked at me again with an almost pleading look. I froze though. I couldn’t speak up. Everything inside me was screaming to stop this, whatever it was but I was too much of a coward to say it. Jayne was begging me with her eyes to stop it. She was waiting for her man to step in and put a stop to this but I couldn’t. And when she realized it. When ducked my head slightly, hurt painted her face. I tried not to look her in they eyes. I was ashamed. She knew I couldn’t protect her or stand up to Tom. I hurt her and she did the only thing she could at that point. She hurt me back.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j4dg18/a_mentor_part_3_mmf


  1. very hot. The story line conveys the mixed up thoughts and feelings of the realization that an alfa knows your a cuck.

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