A Mentor [Part 2] [MMF]

Once we were back in the car and rolling again I pointed out to Jayne that I thought she had a new admirer. She laughed a little but insisted she was sure he was just a nice older man. I’m not sure if it was her innocence or what had just happened but my dick was rigid in my pants. Had it been that way since that man had been hugging her? The rest of the trip was uneventful and soon we were in Kansas.

I’d only had a day to help unpack before I had to report to my first day at work. The boss was not what I expected. He sat behind his dirty desk inside his “office” which was basically half of a single wide trailer, taking long drags off of a Pall Mall. Barely taking the time to greet me he slid some paperwork to me and told me I’d be with Tom today. Before I could ask where I’d find Tom his phone was ringing and he was waving me out the door.

Outside in the dirt lot I looked around for any signs of Tom. It didn’t take long. Here was a white Silverado pulling up with a man behind the wheel that looked like he came straight out of an old western. He was tall, built thick with a short cropped salt and pepper beard and thick eyebrows. He slid to a stop and waved me over to him. I walked to his window sticking my hand out to shake way too early and didn’t even make it to him before he was gesturing to get in the passenger side. I looked like an idiot.

Tom turned out to be my mentor he taught me the ropes and was actually pretty understanding with my lack of experience. The work was hard and he wasn’t lenient with me but over the next few months I started to feel less like he was carrying me and more like a part of the team. I’d talk to Jayne about him and how much he was almost like a father figure to me. She was just happy that this whole thing was working out. She told me to invite him to dinner so we could say thanks. I had no idea how my life was about to change.

Friday night came and Tom followed me back to our little house after we finished up work. He was dismissive about coming to dinner but when I hounded him enough over it he finally caved. When we got there as we walked in, my jaw dropped. I hadn’t seen Jayne dressed up like this for years. We’d been so busy with kids and pregnancy I guess I hadn’t realized how long it had been since she had an excuse to wear one of her tiny little sundresses.

She was gorgeous tonight. All smiles hair woven in a loose braid over her shoulder. Her dress fit like it was made just for her. Breasts held tight against her chest. Hips and butt squeezed with fabric leaving little to our imaginations. Tom smacked the back of my head and pushed his way past me. He apologized to Jayne that I didn’t introduce him. She smiled, clearly delighting that she wasn’t the only one trying to teach me manners. He smiled back at her, something I’d rarely seen from him. And there was something else. A spark in his eye. He looked… determined. I nervously apologized shaking out of my trance and quietly asked what we were having for dinner but they were already talking about something else and I don’t think they heard me. Jayne was giggling about something while Tom was half smiling staring intently in her honey eyes. I felt odd. Like I wasn’t even there. Just watching from some unknown place.

I spoke up a little louder this time asking again about dinner and didn’t realize until it was done that I’d interrupted my wife from whatever she was saying to him. Tom sharply glared at me. The same way he would at work when I did something I should have known better about. I reacted the same as I would at work, I apologized. Jayne looked at me a little odd but I really had no words. Tom shook his head and asked her to continue. This felt weird. I had a slight sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tom eventually excused himself and searched for the bathroom. And I went to the living room to greet the kids. Jayne went back to what she was doing in the kitchen a few moments later she called out that she needed the meat cooked out on the grill.

I loved BBQing and so I slowly put the girls down and headed for the back door to fire up the gas grill. To my horror Tom was already there poking the grates with my spatula and taking the plate of burger patties from my gorgeous wife. He looked… he looked like he belonged there.
Apparently Jayne had already given him a beer. And he was currently telling her why gas grills just don’t taste as good as cooking over charcoal and hardwood. She knew I liked gas grills better but she just smiled and listened to him. When he saw me he told me that next time we should all come over to his place. That he would show us what a real, “cookout” was. Before I could answer Jayne said we’d love to. This was all feeling out of my control now. Jayne turned and walked inside and Tom bent his head to admire her bare legs as she walked away. I was feeling lightheaded at this point…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/j3f95y/a_mentor_part_2_mmf

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