Valerie could not wait for today to be over. There was little worse than having to wake up early on a Saturday, but to have to entertain her dad’s boring, loser work friends was just the shit cherry on top of the three tier shit cake this weekend was already geared up to be. With a groan, and a stretch that caused each of her vertebrae to click in succession, eliciting an almost rapturous groan from her body as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and made her way blearily to the shower.
She stripped off her loose fitting Grateful Dead t-shirt and pulled off her once white, now merely comfortable panties and stepped onto the cold false ceramic of the shower. The vixen twisted the knob and hopped back out of the way of the unyielding frigid spray to give it time to warm up.Tentatively she reached out with her hand paw to check the temperature, the hot water flowing over her rich, burnt orange red fur. Her paws were cuffed in little black socks, and her tail flexed and straightened in delight, the white dipped bulb on the end bristling.
Taking a deep breath, she plunged head first into the stream, her black nosed muzzle seving to divert the water down her face and onto her soft, warm body. Her pure white belly fur matted against her body as her slender fingers ran effortlessly across her body. Her young, lithe form glistened in the water’s flow as she made sure she had soaked every inch of herself before reaching for the shampoo. She worked up a lather and smeared the sweet smelling foam all over herself, up her slender, supple legs, across her tight, yet soft belly. She took extra care to clean her round, pleasant ass and her perky breasts. She really did like her boobs, they were soft and bouncy, not too small, not cartoonishly ballooned. Just perfectly proportional to her petite frame. Standing at only about 5’4’’, it would have been ludicrous had they been any bigger.
Rinsing the last of the suds out of her curly auburn hair, she turned off the shower and stepped out. She shook herself dry, before aggressively assaulting herself with a towel. Finally, she resorted to the hair dryer whose hot breath made her blush as she dried out the space between her legs. She stepped over to her mirror, combed out her hair as best she could, then took the time to make sure her tail was pristine and beautiful. She took great pride in her tail. She delicately applied some black eye liner, making her amethyst eyes glitter out more provocatively, and with a deft hand applied blush to her delicate sloping muzzle, just to accentuate the steadily darkening red fur.
She slipped on a purple bra and matching panties, with a tank top and black booty shorts. She looked herself up and down in the mirror, pleased with what she saw. She tied her hair up in a high ponytail, pulled on a pair of white socks that went up to just below her knees, and a pair of black trainers. Feigning happiness, she bounced downstairs to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, her parents were having breakfast. Her father was a fox, like herself, his ruddy brown coat of fur flecked with silver strands. His utilitarian glasses nestled loosely on his muzzle. He wore a loud, brightly coloured hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts, the shirt hanging open to reveal his not unfit, but certainly no longer lean torso. Daniel Wynn had seen too many years of beer and steak, and it had invariably taken its toll on the man.
Her mother, on the other hand, was the polar opposite. The feline woman was something of a health freak, there was barely a scrap of body fat anywhere on her body. She was only an inch or two taller than her daughter, and incredibly athletic. Where the younger vulpine girl was more voluptuous and demure, her mother was toned, hard and sharp, a figure cut from fine glass. For years her routine had been pilates every Monday, yoga on Tuesday, Boxercise Wednesday, spin class on Thursday, Tai Chi on Friday, and a two hour jog every other Saturday. The woman treated her body like a temple, and while her preening and almost obsessive focus often irritated Valerie. Jennifer Wynn showed the results of her obsession clearly and proudly, finding the most form fitting garments she could encase her body in, occasionally even stealing clothes from her daughter. Today, she had chosen to wear a short sundress that allowed her to show off her toned, slender legs. Her mottled white and orange fir was clipped short and the longer brown hair on top of her head was never allowed to fall past her shoulders.
Both of them sipped cups of tea, but Valerie was relieved to see a pot of coffee, still steaming on the counter. Tea was fine, but in the morning nothing jump started the blood flow like strong, black coffee. She contemplated pouring some whiskey into the steaming black life giver, but decided against it. There was just no way she could get away with it this early in the morning. She’d probably need it later on, depending on how long this snoozefest was supposed to last. Instead she just dropped an english muffin in the toaster, ran a thin scrape of butter over the cratered surface and spooned a sizable dollop of jam onto it.. Her mother scowled slightly at the combination of carbs, saturated fats and sugar, before turning her attention back down to the screen of her phone.
Valerie could hazard a guess what her mother was doing. Her feline tail swished happily behind her while her face remained stoic, almost entirely expressionless. Valerie had known her mother was seeing other guys for a few months now, ever since she saw the pictures she had been sending when she accidentally left herself logged in to facebook on the family PC. It didn’t bother her though, her dad either didn’t know or didn’t care. Besides, it wasn’t any of her business anyway. The arrangement seemed to suir her parents. Her dad got the out of his league trophy, and her mother got to live as a kept woman with a husband who wouldn’t dare cross her.
In all honesty, she was pretty impressed with their setup. When she got a bit older, she could easily see herself taking a leaf out of her mother’s book. She would marry for money and then take her passion somewhere else. So long as no one got hurt, what did it matter?
“Morning honey” her father said ultimately. “Looking forward to today?”
“Not particularly” she intoned, not even bothering to look up at him. From the corner of her eye, she could make out the almost sheepish look of disappointment that crossed his face. Valerie didn’t dislike her dad, not really, but her was often just kind of pathetic sometimes. He let her and her mother walk all over him and while she could undoubtedly benefit from this, she sometimes wished her dad would grow a spine one of these days.
“Now now dear,” her mother said, not looking up from her phone. “This is important for your father, so let’s be on our best behaviour. Your dad has a lot riding on this all going smoothly, so let’s all do our best, OK?”
The fact that her mother clearly had little emotion behind her words let slip just how token a gesture of solidarity with her husband truly was. But then again, this was a business party. If this went well, there would be significantly more money for her father to earn, and by default more for her mother to spend. With a groan and a roll of her eyes, Valerie finished her cup of coffee and slipped her plate into the dishwasher.
The good news was that there was spectacularly little to do to prepare for their guests today. Valerie’s mother was notoriously houseproud, never anything out of place for very long. By half past ten, the whole place was pristine. The first people were supposed to arrive around noon, but her dad did say that a few might turn up early. WIth all the force and conviction of a marine, he donned his apron, took up his spatula and fork, and set off to heat the grill. A little bit before twelve, the doorbell rang.
Valerie slouched her way over to the porch and opened the door. A sweet looking older couple, both golden retrievers, were standing there smiling. They presented a bottle of wine and box of chocolates and announced themselves. Valerie welcomed them, took their jackets and led them into the back garden. They made some banal compliment to the house before making their way over to Daniel with a loud, animated greeting. For the next hour, more and more people turned up, all handed Valerie their coats, palmed off a bottle of wine to Jennifer and migrated out into the garden. They seemed jovial enough, and the smell of the barbecue was beginning to permeate through everything in a way that was simply mouthwatering.
Outside, the men had largely chosen to congregate around the grill, brown beer bottles sweating in their hands as they desperately tried and hopelessly failed to keep the topic of conversation away from work. The women, on the other hand, had congregated around the pool where Jennifer was dipping her toes in the cool water and playing the ever charming hostess.
Suddenly the doorbell rang again. With a groan Valerie got up and trudged over. She barely managed to hide her frustrated eye roll before the door swung open. She felt the shadow being cast before she saw the source of it. Her pulse quickened as she began to track the colossal form before her.
The first thing she took note of was the size of his shoes. Without too much exaggeration, she thought she would probably be able fit her arm all the was to the shoulder. Two sturdy tree trunk legs, each about as wide as Valerie’s torso led up to a monstrous, muscular abdomen, barely contained within the fabric of the cotton white shirt he wore. The short sleeves showed off the oceans of muscle that undulated attractively under his brown furred skin. Finally, her gaze drew up to the long, burly face of the draft horse standing in the doorway, his mane a luxurious black reaching down his back.
In a voice as deep as thunder and as smooth and sweet as caramel he spoke. “Hi there,” he smirked at the small vixen in front of him slightly. “Sorry we’re late.”
Valerie could barely feel her legs as she stumbled back out of the way as the behemoth of a horse bent his head and stepped inside. Valerie was sure she was drooling but couldn’t really bing herself to stop. The horse must have been nearly seven feet tall easily as Valerie found herself craning her neck to see his face, though the gently swishing pendulum she could see just below the surface of his trousers kept her eyes totally mesmerised.
Behind the horse another man entered. He was not quite as tall, not quite so broad, but his matte black fur and aggressively pointed ears made a little whimper escape her lips. The doberman was still huge, just below six and a half feet tall, and a more athletic build than the draft horse, who seemed to be more a pure mass of muscle and flesh. There was a harshness in his smile as he flicked a cigarette butt back out the front door. The two men stood towering over Valerie and she began to feel a little dizzy, the two of them boxing her in almost oppressively, but certainly not unpleasantly.
“My name’s Georgio” the thunderous voice of the horse intoned. “And that’s Duke” he nodded to his canine companion. “I have to say, I never expected Dan’s wife would be such a pretty little thing.”
Valerie could only blush a brilliant red and was grateful that her vulpine fur would disguise the worst of it. The smell of their musky bodies almost overpowered by the cologne they were wearing made her mouth dry and her pussy soaking wet. She wanted nothing more than to be manhandled by these two titans until they were satisfied.
“Why thank you,” a feminine voice chirped up from behind Valerie. The young vixen nearly leapt out of her skin as her mother slowly made her way over to the trio.
“But this fetching little darling is our daughter, Valerie. I’m Jennifer Wynn, it is a genuine pleasure to meet you both.” The cat let out a little purr on the ‘pleasure’ that Valerie was entirely certain was intentional.
Valerie watched her mothers tail flick in pleasure as her feline eyes narrowed on the two men. The doberman stepped forward, kissed her cheek and then allowed her to lead him into the garden. Valerie was certain she saw Duke’s hand slide across her mothers ass as they walked and she knew she did not see Jennifer complain or resist. Georgio remained with her and offered her a strangely friendly smile.
“You know, cutie” he rumbled, the bass of his voice vibrating through every molecule of Valerie’s body. “I’m absolutely parched. Mind getting me a beer?”
Valerie swallowed hard and managed to squeak out something she hoped sounded like ‘of course’. She lightly padded over to the kitchen, opened the door of the fridge and bent in to grab a bottle from the bottom of the fridge. Behind her, she could feel the steady thump of the draft horse pulling closer to her. His scent engulfed her senses as she heard him grunt in pleasure. She could feel his eyes devouring her little frame. She caught her breath and decided to take a risk, wiggling her ass at him slightly.
The horse let out an uncharacteristically predatory growl as she felt his hand cup her tight, firm buttocks. Now that she could feel his hot grip against her body, she could better appreciate the size difference between them. Georgio only had one hand on her body, and yet it easily encompassed both cheeks, his sizable finger grating between her legs. Valerie felt her legs begin to buckle as the horse’s strong finger traced along her dripping entrance. She leaned back against him, exhaling a barely audible moan as his other titanic hand reached around and fondled her breasts. Perhaps today was not going to be as shit as she had previously thought. His thick, strong fingers massaged and carressed her breasts as she parted her knees and pressed herself a little closer against the torso of the horse, the feeling of him manhandling her was totally intoxicating.
Against her leg she could feel the solid trunk of his leg pressed against her. Everything about him was hard, solid, like he had been carved out of pure mahogany. The undulating washboard of his abs resisted her delicately, and there was a constant pulsating warmth that seemed to radiate from him.
Suddenly she felt something twitch by her thigh and she realised she had been mistaken. THat had not been his leg she had been feeling earlier. Sliding and bouncing against her thigh, straining against the fabric of his trousers was Georgio’s massive horse cock. Valerie felt her face flush bright red under her fur. She couldn’t reach the end of it with her fingers. Georgio excitedly felt her explorative paws begin to wander and decided to up the ante. WIth surprising deftness, the horse hooked his middle finger under the gusset of her shorts, pushed her panties to the side, and slid his thick fingers into her up to the second joint. She tilted her head back and groaned in ecstasy, only for Georgio to stoop down into a kiss.
His tongue invaded her mouth with military power and precision, her body offering absolutely no resistance as the brawny stallion locked his lips to hers. Even his tongue was huge, a sliding thick lab of wet, delicious meat that danced like a snake in her mouth. Her own tongue rushed to meet him, colliding and sliding over one another, the taste of his saliva sending her into a heady daze.
Which is when he chose to move his finger again.
Georgio slid his digit out of her body slightly before pushing right back in. Instead of moving in and out of her like a piston the way most of the boys Valerie had allowed between her legs would, Georgio curled his finger in a come hither motion. His firm, calloused finger stroked her insides, grating against her soft, wet flesh. She moaned into Georgios mouth as he increased his pace inside her. He never kept the same rhythm for too long, making sure to keep her feeling fresh new sensations. He changed up his pace, his rhythm, the pattern of where his finger struck. Me moved from beckoning inside her to swirling and churning her body up, all the while his lipase and tongue held her head in place.
At some point the hand that had been kneading her breasts had slipped under her shirt and was now pressing into her bare flesh and fur. In a coordinated assault on her body, Georgio rolled her perky nipple while simultaneously flicking his finger over her clitoris. Valerie bowed her legs, her left foot bouncing involuntarily and uncontrollably as lightning pulsed through her muscles. She moaned, only muted by the stallion’s mouth. She tapered into a high pitched squeal directly into Georgio. Her back arched as she automatically began to pump her hips, grinding herself inescapably against his solid form, her body operating on autopilot, desperate not to let the sensation end.
As her body shivered in orgasm against the monster of a man behind her, the adrenaline began to fade. The dark purple and pink haze the world had taken on began to lift as Georgio extracted himself from her mouth. Valerie had not realised just how long she had been holding her breath, but the swift, sharp gasp of cold air followed by the rush of lightheadedness made her realise she mst have been seconds away from passing out. A single strand of saliva hung dumbly from her lip and dripped onto her shirt. She gazed blearily up into Georgio’s deep, gentle, brown eyes. He withdrew his hand from her body, glittering with the fluids he had just pulled from her body.
With a smile, he presented his glistening finger to Valerie. Without a moment’s thought, the vixen clamped her lips around it, the familiar sour, semi-bitter taste of her own arousal mixed with the sharp tang of sweat from his finger tips. She shamelessly slurped voraciously on his digit pulling deep into her throat, up to the knuckle. Georgio grunted in approval as he slid down her throat with nothing even resembling a gag reflex. With a smack of her lips and a satisfied gasp, Valrie pulled the finger out of her mouth.
“So,” Valerie asked, her breath gradually becoming less ragged, her senses returning to normality. “Still want that beer?”
Georgio chuckled slightly, and nodded allowing the girl to fetch the beverage accosted this time. He yanked the top of the bottle off with his teeth, chugged the entire bottle and gently placed the empty vessel on the counter top with a sigh.
“Right then,” his earthquake voice rumbled through Valerie. “Why don’t you take me somewhere a bit more comfortable and we can pick up where we left off. You got yours after all,” He leaned and breathed hot in her ear. “Isn’t it only fair that you help me get mine too?”
Valerie swallowed hard and then nodded, a smile spreading across her face. She skipped on ahead of him, leading him through a side door into the study. Valerie’s parents kept a rather impressive study. There was a small couch and wingback chair, floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with all manner of volumes. It was their multi purpose room, the couch pulled out into a sofa bed, and there was enough floor space for Jennifer to do whatever aerobics or yoga she could possibly want. There was a window out into the back garden, but the curtain was almost permanently closed.
Georgio delicately patted Valerie’s head as he looked down at the shivering, nervous vixen.
“Do you want this?”
The question came out of nowhere. There was no expectation in it, no demand, no coercion, no force. There it was again, the same certain gentle calmness, a kindness in his manner that seemed to put Valerie at ease. This wasn’t foreplay, this wasn’t an attempt at seduction. Georgio was genuinely gauging if Valerie was willing to go through with this. With a slow but confident nod, Valerie gave her consent.
Georgio unbuttoned his rich, black trousers letting them fall to the floor. Valerie instinctively dropped to her knees and loosened the laces on his Armani shoes. She deftly removed them and pulled off his socks and trousers carefully, leaving them balled up by the couch. Georgio slowly unbuttoned his shirt, letting it drop behind him.
He truly was an astonishing of a male. He was noble, regal even. His abs resembled an overfilled ice cube bag, clad in dark brown fur. His shoulders were broad and sturdy, firm muscles shifted like coiled serpents under his skin. The heat that radiated from him was positively overwhelming, and the scent of him was absolutely captivating, a heady mixture of sweat, cologne, masculine musk, and raw unrelenting desire pounded Valerie’s olfactory senses.
The taste of herself still lingered on her tongue, the thought of his finger in her mouth excited her all the more. Georgio sat on the couch, crystal white trunks holding in a truly magnificent sight. She gripped the waistband and pulled, sliding the white underwear off of his body, revealing the absolute python penis bouncing in front of her face. Valerie’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. He was as long as her forearm, and maybe half as thick again. The base was the same luxurious milk chocolate brown of the rest of his fur, but about halfway up the ridged, veiny shaft the colour shifted to a bright, strawberry ice cream pink. The tip was rimmed with a thick, wide ridge. As she breathed on it, she saw the thick head swell and flare. Her vagina quivered at the thought of that happening inside her.
Valerie rested the cock, this monument to masculine virility, across her face, inhaling the faintly sour musk. She salivated hungrily, her jaw hanging open as she inched forwards towards the stallions bulbous beautiful balls. She raked her tongue along their corse furred skin, the salty taste of sweat sending sparks through her lips and her tongue as she fondled the gelatinous globes. She rolled his testicles with her tongue, her lips closing around them in a tight but soft kiss. His cock bounced excitedly on the top of her head as she encompassed both testicles, relishing in their weight, enjoying how full they were. She adored the feeling of having these potent balls in her mouth, Georgio’s cock obscuring her view. Her entire world was made up of Georgio right now, his look, his feel, his scent, his taste, the sound of him breathing and grunting around her.
She slavered all over his scrotum as Georgio groaned ecstatically. Valerie reached up and began to stroke the behemoth penis above her head. She felt Georgio’s balls tighten in her mouth as she sucked them, gently at first but gradually increasing the pressure. Some boys couldn’t handle too much sucking down there, but Valerie guessed that Georgio could probably cram his nuts into a vacuum cleaner at full force and still be fine. The angle was awkward for her to jerk him off, and she couldn’t reach the tip from where she was, but he felt so strong and solid in her hand, grunting approval as the vixen stroked his shaft eagerly.
Valerie extracted the now soaking testicles from her mouth and gasped audibly. She loved balls, especially ones like Georgio’s that less resembled the fragile sperm generators taught in sex ed, and more looked like a pair of oranges crammed into a purse. Drool made her chin glitter as she smiled stupidly up at Georgio. She was completely entranced by the stallion and no longer even had the vaguest pretence of agency. She was intoxicated with pheromones and endorphins and wanted to think of little more than how badly she wanted the contents of those perfect balls flooding her uterus, a stud knocking her up like his personal breeding mare.
But there was work to do before that. She had enticed his sperm with a taste of her body, now to worship the monolithic member above her. Flashing Georgio an almost stereotypically vulpine smirk as she flexed her long pink tongue and scraped it from base to tip, tasting the smooth, salty skin of his cock, her soft tongue moist with saliva leaving a glittering trail along his shaft.
As she reached the tip, she felt the log of meat in front of her tighten as the head swelled and flared in the manner characteristic of equine males. The bright pink head flowered wide and brilliant, like a blooming rose before her. She leaned forward and kissed it, the faint bitter taste of precum leaking from the inviting black slit in his perfect, pink rose. Her eyes narrowed as she deeply inhaled the masculine scent of Georgio. She tilted forward, running her flexible tongue along his slit, invading his body causing him to groan and slightly buck forward. Valerie gave him another foxy smile as she slid along the side of his cock. She wanted him to squirm, she wanted him desperate. She had him entirely at her mercy and that made her only more enthralled with him.
Her tongue moved more aggressively, dancing like a stripper across the pole of Georgio’s cock, her lips planting gentle kisses along the shaft as her tail flicked lazily side to side. She arched her back to keep her rear in the air as much as possible. One of her hands stroked his shaft, and the other massaged his balls elegantly and gently. Her earlier reticence and hesitation had completely disappeared, now all she wanted was to worship this cock before her.
After slipping the flat, throbbing head one loyal, devoted kiss, Valerie opened her soft, satin pink maw and slipped her muzzle around it. She could only fit the first third of his dick in her mouth comfortably drooling over it with a predatory hunger that could only be sated with a mouthful of meat. The horse cock flared comfortably against the roof of her mouth. Every breath she took had to struggle to pull oxygen in around the musty shaft in her mouth. He swelled delightfully in her mouth as she slid her head back and forth, savouring the feel and taste of Georgio.
She moved comfortably, pulling the colossal cock to her lips, then back as far into her mouth as she could. Georgio started stroking her hair, grunting with each slobbery squelch as she slurped intently on his dick.
“Fuck me girl, your mouth feels like fucking velvet. You get a lot of practice with this?”
Valerie pulled back her head, her tongue sliding gracefully along the mottled pink shaft before dancing up to the swollen flat head.
“I get some, but never with someone so big.” She chuckled weakly before swallowing as much as she could into her mouth.
The wet, gasping slurp of her devoting herself entirely to the service of the dick was only cut through by Georgio groaning and grunting, muttering phrases like “good girl” and “just like that”. Valerie slurped the first third of the monumental penis while her hands glided along the shaft, pumping regularly, coercing the semen just trapped in those bulbous balls out to play. Georgio grabbed a fistful of the vixens hair and she squealed delectably around his girth.
With a yank he pulled the small slut right down on his cock, the swollen head pushing as deep into her throat as he could fit. Valerie was surprised at first. She had never felt her mouth and throat so full before. Georgio pushed her head further and further down his shaft past the pastel punk section of his dick and onto the less used brown flesh further down. He pressed against her throat as Valerie grasped at the air unable to breathe through his member. She began to choke, her eyes rolling back into her head as her senses were filled with nothing but Georgio’s cock.
She tried to cough, but her throat was too fill, all that came out was an almost apologetic splutter of bubbly saliva. Her tail stood out on end, tears steaming unbidden from her eyes as the horse inched deeper and deeper inside her. She was scared, starting to panic, but part of her adored this feeling. She was totally in Georgio’s control, her life hanging in the balance, his to end or extend as he wished. She started to go limp, allowing whatever was going to happen next to just happen.
Georgio chose then to withdraw from her maw, his cock glistening and soaked, stings of sticky saliva bridging the gap between her lips and the cock. Valerie gasped, cold air raking through her throat, shocking her lungs. She coughed violently, tears running down her cheeks as she gulped down as much air as she could.
Georgio just smiled at her as she cleared her eyes and gazed up adoringly, panting heavily. Georgio stood, and Valerie dropped backwards, kneeling sitting on her calves. He stroked her hair as his cock swung in a pendulum motion, hypnotising her as she followed it. She was desperate to have it back inside her.
“Did you enjoy that sweetheart?” Georgio said as he reached down. The dulcet resonance of the stallions voice echoed through every fibre of her being, Her very molecules came alive feeling his voice pulse through them as she just dumbly nodded.
“Now, my little sweetheart, I’m going to put it back in your mouth now. This time I’m not going to stop, I’m pushing it down your throat until I’m done and it’s going all the way into you, do you understand?”
All Valerie could do is whimper “Yes please.”
Georgio reached down and deftly removed her top. He pulled her top off of her perfect body, letting the discarded fabric fall to the floor, her nipples getting rigid with excitement. Georgio stroked her hair, his thumb reaching down to invade her mouth which she greedily started to suck. Georgio gripped the back of her head and tapped her nose with the tip of his cock. Instinctively her mouth opened and he lapped the swollen head on her tongue before pushing forward into her mouth.
He was much more rough with her this time around. Valerie started trying to keep pace with her neck, but had to stop, allowing her mouth to just act as a sleeve for Georgio to milk his cock with.
He pushed deeper and deeper into her throat and Valerie started to raise her hands in protest. It was too much, too thick, too long. There was no way she could possibly fit the whole thing in. Then, with a grunt and a push, she felt something give way as the wide, flared horse cock pushed down her throat. Her body went limp as the shaft slid all the way down her throat. Her nose was pressed against his marble abs, her throat unyieldingly stuffed. She could have sworn she could feel him fucking straight into her stomach. She gagged against his girth, but that only served to excite him further, tightening as he thrusted in and out, giving a peristalsis effect that caused him to audibly groan for her.
He clamped his second hand on the back of her head as he mercilessly fucked her face. She gagged and tried to spit up on him as he ravaged her, but his monumental cock created too tight a seal that nothing had anywhere to go but back down. Her vision when black and stars swirled inside her skull as Georgio slammed her head into his torso over and over and over again. He was relentless and savage. She couldn’t breathe, her legs bucking sporadically as the stallion violently used her throat.
Georgio groaned and hissed through clenched teeth that he was going to cum. Valerie clamped her hands firmly on his buttocks, mostly just to have something solid to hold onto, but there was some subconscious need to cram as much of him into her body as possible. Georgio held her in place, her cheeks bulging and her throat completely stuffed with horse meat. She felt him swell inside her throat tensing as she growled through his orgasm. She felt the hot, sticky semen spurt from the cock like water from a fire hose. It was endless, a geyser of thick, potent sperm flooding down her throat and straight into her stomach. She couldn’t even really taste it he was so far down her throat, though the bitter, salty savour did subtly snake its way up.
Georgio held his volcano dick in her throat for what felt like an eternity. Her claws sank in to the firm meat of his ass. Her eyes rolled back as she began to feel the effects of being oxygen starved for so long. And still he poured more and more semen into her. She could not believe that there could be so much, it was like his balls were generating gallons of cum and then pumping every single drop down her gullet.
Eventually she felt him start to soften, the flared swollen head shrinking in her throat as the solid rod of horse flesh became a lot more flaccid. He withdrew from her gradually, his grip on her head loosening as he did. He pulled the now slackened rose head out of her mouth and cool air flooded down her neck. Valerie gasped and wretched as at last there was new air in her lungs, but thankfully she managed to avoid vomiting.
Georgio dropped backwards onto the couch again, his beautiful brown fur now matted and sparkly with sweat. He let out a satisfied sigh as he stretched out across the couch. Valerie collapsed against his leg, his soft yet still intimidatingly sizable cock nestled on her face, drips of salty white cum still fell onto her exposed breasts. They lay there for a moment in rapturous bliss.
“That was,” Valarie managed to choke out. “Absolutely incredible.”
She heaved long, heavy breaths, her neck starting to feel less like it was exploding. Her whole body was shivering, her face was a mess and her pussy was totally soaked.
Georgio just smiled at her. “I have to say, sweetheart, I’m rather impressed. Not many can throat me to the hilt, and believe me when I say that quite a few have tried.”
Valerie just smiled and locked a drop of cum from the tip of his now almost comically floppy dick. “Well it certainly wasn’t easy. I felt like I was swallowing a flag pole for a while there.”
Georgio just laughed as he tenderly stroked Valerie’s hair. “You know sweetheart, I’m rather parched. Be a dear and fetch me another drink won’t you?”
Valerie staggered to her feet, pulled her top haphazardly back on and made her way out to the kitchen. Once there, she saw Duke propped up against the island with his back to her. He was gripping the worktop tightly and almost looked like he was in pain. As she watched, he suddenly loosened up and let out a groan. Then Valerie’s mother was there, stood in front of him, wiping her lips. She saw Valerie and flashed her a wickedly feline grin as she buttoned up the top two buttons of her blouse and gracefully padded her way past the still dumbfounded Valerie.
Valerie had always known her mother was a cheat, but she had no idea she’d be so brazen about it. Then again, she had herself just finished getting skullfucked by the biggest stallion she had ever seen, all while her father was entertaining other guests outside.
Duke smiled hungrily at her as she walked over to the sink.
“So, you’re Jennifer’s little kitten are you?”
There was something in his tone that immediately put her on edge. Where Georgio had been kindly, welcoming and warm, Duke was harsh, sharp and domineering. His scent was more pungent, and despite just having had his cock drained by her mother, Valerie had no doubts about the dobermans intentions towards her. She knew he was mentally undressing her, not that there was much left to the imagination at this point, and she didn’t know exactly how she felt about that. It could be the hurricane of hormones swirling around her brain, but speaking to Duke made her asshole clench and her pussy ache. She was scared of him, and she kind of enjoyed that feeling.
She felt Duke press up against her, his tight, wiry, muscular frame engulfing her, occupying her space. He was nowhere near as titanic as Georgio, but he was still bigger than her by a significant degree. While Georgio had the physique of an adonis, Duke was built like a college athlete in his prime. His were muscles built for purpose rather than for show. Not an inch of him was wasted, every scrap of his body seemed to be optimised to an immeasurable degree.
His grip wasn’t overly tight, yet it was still like stone around her arm. His black fur bristled and his thick masculine aroma pervaded her senses. The pheromones he was giving off left her brain swimming in sensual desire. The image of her mother wiping her lips post felatio flashed through her mind and while she should have been disgusted, it only served to make her more intrigued. Her mother wouldn’t settle for anything less than magnificent, and if he was good enough to make Jennifer Wynn so recklessly risk her marriage, how truly amazing must he be?
She felt his hand squeeze her ass lightly and her heart rate rapidly increased, She thought she wanted to run, to break free from this devil dog. But every time she inhaled she took in his scent and it made her knees weak. She wanted him to take her, to feel his hand paws around her neck and his thick knot sealing him inside her pussy. He scared her and aroused her in equal measure.
The combination of endorphins, hormones, pheromones and raw unabated lust was too much to bear. She turned in his arms, his fingers gliding effortlessly from her perky round ass to her now saturated pussy. She looked up at him pleadingly as his fingers slipped into her. She let out a yelp as he curled a finger inside her. He withdrew and ran his long, wide, pink tongue across his finger. He grinned at her as he lapped every drop of her off of his hand.
“Well, you’re certainly as sweet as you look kitten. You know,” he pressed his body fully against hers, pinning her to the countertop. “I never got the chance to thank your mother for treating me so well earlier. Perhaps you could take a message for her?”
The dog dropped down to his knees and with the cruel intent of an assassin, he pulled down her shorts and panties in one fluid motion. The scent of her arousal swelled through the air, the perfume of feminine lust undeniable. Duke inhaled audibly and deeply, a bestial growl escaping from him as his eyes narrowed. He lunged forward, his hands gripping her buttocks firmly as he shoved his face into her pussy.
His tongue was rough and dextrous, unfurling like a red carpet inside her, opening up long and wide, scraping against her walls. Her jaw dropped and a low pitched groan echoed out from her as she grabbed hold of the counter to avoid just collapsing under the force of Duke’s amazing tongue.
The doberman’s nose was pressed right against her clitorism twitching with every lap of his canine tongue sending jolts of energy through her body. He was voraciously devouring her, his tongue rolling and twisting inside her forceful and intense. She’d been with girls before, she’d been with experienced girls before, but Duke was earring her like he did this for a living. His lips smacked and puckered as he slurped the leaking juices cascading from her body. He pulled her closer, his hot breath tickling her thighs as his tongue excavated as much of her vagina as he could.
Her legs started to vibrate as he relentlessly savaged her pussy. Her throat released a raspy, gurgling croak of pleasure as her hands latched onto his head and shoved him as deep as she could force him. Her whole body began to convulse, ugly grunts jumping from her body with every full body shudder. Her knees bowed like her tendons were made of rubber as all of her muscles tensed, orgasm tearing through her body like a full broadside.
She fell back against the counter as Duke got to his feet. He cupped her chin delicately, her eyes barely open as she panted into his face, he smirked then kissed her deeply, his tongue still flavoured with her as it snaked its way past her lips toward her throat, She sucked it thirstily, wanting the feeling to never end.
Duke broke off the kss and wandered off. Valerie thought he thanked her but to be perfectly honest her brain was only really working at about thirty percent efficiency at that moment, so she couldn’t really remember what year it was. Eventually, she scooped her shorts back on though she first extricated the sodden panties within. She chucked them in the laundry hamper, poured herself a glass of water and downed it. She went to the fridge, grabbed a beer, popped the top and headed back into the study.
Valerie nearly dropped the bottle when she walked in. In the study were Duke and Georgio, both entirely naked, making out with one another. Both men grabbed and caressed each other, lips locked and eyes closed in passion as their tongues rolled over each other. Georgio was sat on the couch, cock in hand, stroking all the way along the shaft. The rigid shaft looked even more impressive now that she could see it more clearly. Duke was kneeling on the couch, his toned, firm body stretched taught as he leaned over the stallion. They didn’t seem to have recognised that she was even there, and Valerie was too enraptured in the sight of these two god-like men all over each other to really make a difference.
Georgio opened his eyes and caught a glimpse of Valerie staring slack jawed while Duke gyrated on top of him. The horse smiled wickedly and beckoned to her. She stood still for a moment as the doberman registered her as well.
“Close the door on your way in, kitten, now let’s have some fun.”
I would jump at the chance to play with any of them
Where can i find more stories in this style?