Friendly Threesome Part 1

It was a cool early fall Thursday evening and my good friend, Karly, had stopped by with not only delicious Mediterranean takeout but a great bottle of chardonnay to share with us. After we ate, you’d reluctantly gone back down to your home office to take one last work call. I gave you a quick but warm kiss along with a little ass squeeze as you left us and then she and I cleared the table before topping off our wine glasses and moving to the couch to continue our chat. She was newly single – again – and we always liked hanging out with her, with or without her latest guy. She was sweet and funny and we three would often talk about her latest boyfriend or the newest candidate that she had her eye on. She seemed to really like to hearing the man’s viewpoint from you and I usually learned a thing or two myself.

I asked how she was doing. The breakup was still kind of fresh – it had only been 2 weeks and he’d been the one to break things off with her this time. She simply shrugged. “Yeah, I could feel we weren’t really a long term thing for a while. We had fun together and I don’t regret it. It ended as amicably as possible, I feel. I won’t be surprised if we stay in touch as friends. I hope we both find what we really want, honestly”, she took a sip of her wine and then set it down on the coffee table. “Speaking of what you want – what is that? If you don’t mind sharing, of course”, I added. “I want a full partner – someone who wants to experience life with me, someone who wants to truly know me and appreciates me and lets me in so I can fully know and appreciate him too. Someone who doesn’t want to change me but supports my growth. And someone with whom I have great physical chemistry. I want it all – emotional, mental and physical connection. And someone who makes me laugh, please! I know it’s a long list but I really believe it’s gotta be out there for me”, she finished.

“You two seem to have it”, she went on, matter-of-factly. I smiled and asked, “What makes you think so?”. “Well, there’s a tangible vibe between you two…warm and sweet but definitely sexual too and probably pretty naughty underlying it all. You only have to watch you together to see your connection – you two are affectionate and caring as well as flirty. And from the little you’ve shared, you are very satisfied and happy with Zachary. He seems just as happy with you. It’s really lovely to see and be around. Hence my offer to bring dinner over”, she finished with a little grin. “I needed to be around your good couple energy tonight”. “I guess there’s no hiding it – I’m very happy in my relationship and we are definitely more than a little naughty”, I winked at her. “I knew it!”, she exclaimed and smacked me playfully. Then we went on to talk a little about how you and I feel that communication, truly open communication, is the only way we will stay as connected as we are. “We talk about everything…nothing is off the table. We both listen and we do our best not to judge or get defensive. It can still be a little scary to bring up certain topics, but I can only feel connected if I am open about whatever I’m thinking or feeling. That applies to our sex life and our fantasies…we tell each other what turns us on without holding back. And it turns out that a lot of the same things appeal to us both”, I felt good sharing how our bond worked.

“Well, from some of the pics you’ve shared and the Zach I’ve come to know so far, I imagine he is lot of fun in bed. Do you mind sharing what kind of fantasies you two find arousing? I’d understand if you’d rather not”, she raised her eyebrows while taking another sip, awaiting my response. I hesitated…it was kind of a weird coincidence but recently we’d starting toying with a particular threesome scenario involving Karly. I wondered what she’d think of that but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. I decided to share the fantasy without telling her that we’d imagined her joining us as the third. I certainly didn’t plan on sharing that we were both actually open to it happening if the opportunity presented itself and we all felt comfortable with the conditions.

“We’ve lately been talking about a threesome fantasy – not the typical 2 girls/1 guy scenario you see in most porn, though. More of having another girl watch us, get turned on by seeing us. She watches as he goes down on me, eating my pussy and making me moan loudly…he thinks my moans are super sexy and in the fantasy, this girl would be getting aroused hearing how he makes me moan…maybe even touching herself as she watches us, getting as wet as I am”, I stopped and took a sip of wine to see how that was sitting with her, making eye contact calmly. Her body language told me that this idea was at least intriguing to her. She smiled at me and simply said, “Go on”, in this slightly lower, definitely sexy tone of voice. Fuck…is she trying to tell me that she’s into this…I wonder and I carefully consider what I should say next.

You came back upstairs to find us like that having heard only her last comment. We were both wearing skirts tonight and I noticed that you casually took note of our bare legs tucked up in the soft glow of the fireplace. “Yeah, go on….what are you ladies discussing up here?”, completely oblivious to the subject matter but the immediate silence tells you that something is up. A slow, slightly nervous smile spreads across your face and you ask again, “What exactly ARE you two talking about? Should I leave?”. I am about to cover our tracks but Karly pipes up instead, “No, you need to stay for this. Your wife is describing a threesome fantasy that you two apparently have been discussing and so far, it’s pretty fucking hot” and your head whips in my direction, your cute face turning a pale crimson and your eyes wide with questions and something that looks a little like panic.

“Hey, she asked”, I said, shrugging slightly and flashing you a naughty grin. Then I patted the spot next to me inviting you to join us. I can see you trying to process this as you settle in next to me, cuddling close and getting comfy. I look at you and we make eye contact before you drop a warm kiss on my shoulder. “Well then, you heard her…go on”, you say still looking at me intently with a naughty glint in your dark eyes. I feel my body warm and soften as you lightly caress my feet. My heart rate increases as I realize that this could lead somewhere so I take a deep breath before speaking again.

~~~~~ End of Part 1 ~~~~~

Well, erotica loving Redditors – what say you? Should I write Part 2?



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