The lesbian with a secret. (MF)

Ever since I was 16, I was attracted to women. I felt so strongly about it that I came out to my parents way back then. The lust I had for women was so raw, so animal. I couldn’t stop salivating at pictures of women and found myself obsessed with internet porn.I was dating an older woman and thought I had the world by the horns. A family that supported me a girlfriend who loved me and friends who would do anything for me… recently however, I turned 18 and everything in my life took a tailspin.

During my 18th birthday, my uncle got a bit too drunk and ended up flooding the 2nd floor when he fell asleep in the shower with the handheld showerhead laying outside of the bathtub. To fix the damage, my father hired some contractors to redo the 1st floor ceiling. And that’s when things got bad…

He was in his early 30s. Rugged features with a heavy 5’o clock shadow. Surprisingly clean cut and “pressed” for a blue-collar worker. He was installing a fan in my room when I noticed him. Typically, men don’t even come onto my radar but he saw my tool (a band) poster and got excited. “I can’t believe you like tool! How old are you , like 15?” I was so triggered. “Excuse me? I literally turned 18 a few days ago” “Oh, sorry. I’m just surprised someone so young is into Tool. I loved playing their covers on guitar. You should check out Maynard’s other projects like A Perfect Circle and Pussifer” “Yea, I know them. I’m not retarded.” He took the hint and stopped talking to me after that. I was annoyed that he was so condescending to me… I kept giving him the “deathstare” as he continued to work in my room. Yet… as I looked at him, something started to happen I’ve never felt before. I started to notice his chizzeled jaw. His muscular build and his surprisinly young and fresh appearance. I got uncomvortable and left.

As the days went on, I continued to see him doing work in our house. I realized anytime I’d walk where work was being done, I’d automatically dart my eyes to see where he is. I didn’t even realize I’d walk past the same spot several times to see if I could catch a glimpse of him.

That night, I was on the phone with my girlfriend and told her about what I was feeling. Expectedly, she got annoyed. As she continued to talk, I realized I totally zoned her out because I began to daydream about this man… this mysterious, obnoxious, rude man. This was bad.

But that night, things went from bad to worse. I had a dream. I dreamt that he broke in in the middle of the night. He came in so loud that everyone came out to see who it was. But he chained the door to their room shut with a chain. As my entire famly and girlfriend was trying to break through the door, he pins me down and slowly takes off my panties as I do nothing. He then slides his sweaty cock into my pussy and begins to ravage me while I moan. The knocks and pleas behind the chained door get louder as everyone tries to stop him but he continues to thrust deep into me with little care for anything. All the while, I’m feeling a massive pressure in my belly and dare I say it… extatic pleasure. The knocks and please get even lounder till finally, I realize it’s my mom knocking on my door. Telling me to get up to get breakfast. What a trippy dream. I get up, I realize I lay in a ~~puddle~~ pool of my own fluids. Jesus Christ, did I piss myself? I lean in to smell it and realize this is surely not pee.

I realized this was no “fluke”. I think I may be attracted to a man. Not just any man… an obnoxious, condescending jerk. I also realized that I could not tell my girlfriend about this. I loved her and I knew it would break her heart if she found out. I must keep this a secret.

That night, I talked to my mom and asked her what it was like to be with a man. She said “being with a man is like having the wind knocked out of you at the best possible time”. Thanks mom, you’re no help! I had to find out on my own… I set out to find out on my own…

On the last day when the guys were finishing their work, I came up to the obnoxious guy and said, “So you know any other bands that i should check out”. “Believe it or not, I actually like a lot of indie stuff now. So check out Silversun Pickups, Metric, Wolfgang. They’re all pretty good.” For sure! Oh and by the way, here’s my number just text me if you think of any more.” I was so nervous giving him my number which I had actually written down on a piece of paper (how 80s) that my hand was shaking. He looked at me super confused…but then I think he got “the hint” and smiled. “Thanks, I’ll do that. Oh by the way, what’s your name?” “I’m Fawn, good to meet you.” “Like the deer?” “Oh my god, you’re such a jerk! No!” Wait… did we just flirt? This was getting too heavy for me. I left without ever asking his name.

Three days go by and I don’thear from him. That saturday night, I’m over at my girlfriend’s house and she’s eating my pussy. I’m TRYING to get into it but I just can’t. It literally feels like someone mushing mashed potatos on my pussy, when suddenly “ding!” a text. I look at the phone laying next to me on the bed and see that it’s an unfamiliar number. I read the text and it says, “Hey Fawn! You should give Deaftones a listen. Digital Bath is my fav.” Omg. It’s him! A wave of relief sweeps over my body. He doesn’t hate me. As I close my eyes and start to imagine that he’s the one eating my pussy and not my girlfriend. I instantaniously get turned on and climax soon after. Gushing fluid all over her face. “Oh wow, I must have did something right this time”. I laugh nervously and say, “You sure did”

It was killing me. I was obsessing over this man… a man whose name I didn’t even know. I thought up of ways I could see him, but eerything felt so creepy. He’d be so creeped out if I just asked him out… I can’t do that… Then something hit me… genius. I text him and say, “Heyy!! Totally! By the way, my fan is a bit wobbly… can you drop by and tighten it up little bit?. I couldn’t believe I was actually trying to lure this man back into my house. But a girl’s got to do what she’s gatta do. Within a few short minutes, I get the worse response I’ve ever gotten in my life! “Sure, I’ll send someone tomorrow to take a look”. Nooo! Not someone, you! Then, another “ding” on my phone. “LoL, just kidding. I’ll stop by after my shift. When’s good for you?” Omg… HE KNOWS! But I’ve gone too far. It doesn’t matter. Now to just pick a time when everyone is out of the house. “Can you do tomorrow instead of today?” “Sure”.

It was 5:00, my parents had gone to Ikea to pick out new cabinates so I knew they’d be gone till at least 8 or 9. Then, a knock. I was so nervous my palms were drenched. I open the door and it’s him. He’s dressed casually, suprer clean cut and he smelled soooo good. “Hey!” “The fan is right back here” (I’m such a dummy, he knows exactly where it is, he installed it). As we enter the room, I had a ladder all set up for him. He sees it and he laughs. “What’s so funny?” “You.” “Why?” “I bolted that fan housing on to a wood stud from the 2nd floor above. An earthquake could go by and it wouldn’t wobble.” I got so red in the face. I couldn’t believe he called me out on it! “And you even put a ladder out. That’s commitment”. I said nothing. I was so embarassed I couldn’t even speak. And then it happened.

He slowly takes my hand and reasures me. “It’s okay. You’re just being you.” It made me feel so much better. I looked up into his big beautiful brown eyes. He then slowly comes into kiss me. OH. My. God. I’ve never though a man could taste so good. I was like a suction cup on his face. I think he freaked out a little.

He then takes total charge and throws me on the bed. It was so much like my dream fantacy that I was instantaniously aroused. I realized I was no longer nervous or embarassed but horny as all hell and couldn’t wait what’s in store. He slowly takes off my t-shrit, maintaining total eyecontact with me the entire time. It’s as if he capture my soul totally and completely. He begins to suck my left nipple and keep eye contact. I never knew I could be on the brink of orgasm with just a simple tit-suck but I was moaning in extacy and he barely got started. Then the next tit came out. Before you know it, I was totally naked. He was still dressed. It was so hot. He then goes to eat my little pussy. His rugged face in my croch created a waterfall of fluid. He extended his tongue and did something my girlfreind never did… he stuck his tongue deep into my pussy. it was the first time I’ve ever been penetrated. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. My body was shaking. I orgasmed instantaniously after 3 thrusts of his tongue. I had to pull his head back for just a moment. “Are you okay?” I nodded. As I lay there, he started to undress. He was down to his underwear when he finally took out his huge cock. He was shaved which surprised me. He takes out a condom and begins trying to put it on. I come close to him, take the condom from his hand and say, “I want YOU inside of me, not this rubber glove”. He kisses me in response and we go back onto the bed. Slowly he inserts his dick into my gushing little twat. It hurts… but in such a good way. Like a bruse you can’t stop polking. He goes in deeper and deeper and I start to feel… totally filled up. My god, is this what I’ve been missing? As he’s in me, he begins to thrust. Slow at first, but then harder and harder and harder. Before you know it, I’m in a half comatose state from extacy as he pile-drives my little virgin pussy into oblivion. I couldn’t talk. I could barely moan. I felt like a ~~deer~~ Fawn staring into oncoming headlights. Totally, and utterly mesmorsized. How could I have been so vulnerable and felt so safe at the same time? I couldn’t undertand it. I didn’t care to nderstand it. I just wanted it to never stop. The more he thrusted, the more I felt an approaching anticipation… Something was about to happen… I felt on the brink… then he yells, “Shit, I’m comming!” And that triggered it. The final thrusts were so powerful that I peaked. An explosion happned in my body. An explosion I’ve never experienced before. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I could literally feel the cum being injected into me inside of my body. I orgasmed so hard from penetration that I didn’t even realize that it was an orgasm. I was expecting a “localized” sensation but this was full body and soul. Wow. After we finished and cleaned up, I hugged him tighter than I’ve hugged any man in my life. I was so thankful for that experience and yet a dark thought continued to play in my mind… “What should I tell my girlfriend?” Hey, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.. but for now, I’m just glad I found out this jerk’s name. Aiden :)
