“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Eight of eleven [MF, FF, Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


C.J. backed away from Melissa warily—a comical sight, given that he was twice her size. “I didn’t know they were gonna do that,” he insisted with quiet urgency. “Honest.”

“You just sit down there and hush, young man.” She shoved his broad chest lightly. He sat down hard on the wet stone at the water’s edge. “I’m not through with you.”

She braced her small hands on his big thighs and leaned toward him in the water, her face inches from his cock. He was still half-erect, despite all the commotion. Understandable enough—he was, after all, standing amid a crowd of naked women, all of whom he probably fucked often.

Melissa blew a puff of warm air across the upper surface of his prick. It stiffened visibly and began rising again. She extended her wet tongue, swiping it across his cock knob and then circling the rim. She flicked the tip of her tongue at the sensitive skin on the underside of his shaft, just behind the head.

“Goddamn…” C.J groaned. A little spurt of clear seminal fluid squirted from his cock-slit. Melissa pursed her lips, greedily sucked up the tasty liquid, and then returned to tongue-teasing the tender spot. She pressed her lips against his warm flesh while lapping at it. Soon she had him leaking enough pre-cum to fill her hand. She spread it liberally all over his prick, and then started sliding both hands up and down the massive, veiny fuck-shaft.

The celebratory laughter of the onlookers had subsided, replaced by occasional hushed whispers. Melissa knew that all eyes were on her. She ignored them, sparing only a concerned sidewise look at her son.

She was both pleased and relieved to see Ben’s eyes locked in clear fascination and excitement on the spectacle of his mother sucking another man’s cock. Despite her fury at Sharon’s practical joke and her determination to prove something to these people, what her son felt for her right now was the most important thing in her world.

She concentrated on C.J. again, tongue-bathing the entire length of his prick, adding her own saliva to the lubrication of his pre-cum. He lunged upward, futilely attempting to spear her mouth.

“Stop playin’ around,” he. hissed. He tangled his thick fingers in Melissa’s hair, trying to push his cockhead between her moist lips. “Damn it, suck me off.”

His impatience didn’t intimidate her. Rather, she was. She stopped what she was doing altogether and lifted her face, looking directly up into his eyes. “How much do you want it?”

C.J. stared at her dumbly, mouth half-open, lost for a reply.

“Not used to this, are you?” Melissa winked slyly. “Yeah, you’re a bit spoiled. Most of these bitches will do whatever you want, just to get a taste of this great big dick. Well don’t you fret, Hon…I’m going to suck you like you’ve never been sucked in your life.” She gave his cock a few playful licks. “But, you know what? I’m really not in a hurry. Not at all.” She returned to working her tongue over the spongy surface of his cock crown. He twisted and bucked, unable to sit still. Without warning she nipped at him with her teeth, causing him to shriek in a way that provoked scattered laughter from the onlookers. She moved her left hand down to fondle his heavy balls, bouncing and rolling them between her fingers, occasionally sliding her index finger back to tickle his asshole.

“I-I can’t take this,” C.J. muttered through gritted teeth. “*Please…*”

Melissa would have liked to tantalize him for a while longer, but her own growing desire to suck cock overcame the satisfaction of continuing to toy with him. At last, she slid his cock-head into her mouth. “Mmmmm,” she sighed, closing her soft lips to envelop his engorged bulb, savoring the taste of him. He groaned as she swallowed almost half of his thick fuck-shaft. Exhaling through her nose, she eased downward until his enormous prick-head lodged in her throat.

Melissa felt C.J.’s hands push down on her shoulders. She shrugged him off brusquely and he snatched them back. “Sorry!” he exclaimed. She ignored his apology, but she was secretly pleased. It was clear that no other woman had asserted herself to him this way. Such aggressive sexuality certainly wasn’t to be expected out of quiet, cautious Melissa Jacobs.

But then, Melissa herself had almost forgotten that, long before she’d met and married Tom Jacobs, she’d been a very different woman.


Melissa Taylor’s parents were both doctors in practice at New Derby City Hospital. Their schedules afforded them precious little time with their only child but did provide her the advantage of a private education. So, every day for four years she took two trains and a streetcar from their Northtown brownstone to the prestigious Stonehall Academy of Arts. For the first few terms, she characteristically kept to herself. She made no close friends but excelled at her studies.

In her final year at school, her Honors Renaissance Literature professor took a personal interest in her.

Hannah De Winter was a tall, elegant woman who invited Melissa around to tea at her apartment. She beguiled the solemn, bookish young woman with stories of her early life in Europe and of her passionate romance and marriage to a young composer. When Melissa finally met Liam De Winter he was just as Hannah had painted him: darkly handsome, charismatic, and decades younger than Hannah.

Hannah was not jealous in the least of the obvious attraction between her student and her husband. On the contrary, it was at her instigation that Melissa and Liam first fucked. Then Hannah fucked Melissa, and then Hannah and Liam and Melissa fucked all together, and so they continued through autumn and winter into spring.

“You are insatiable,” Hannah would tease, stroking Melissa’s dark hair lovingly while teaching the teen to suck her pussy in just the way she preferred. Hannah taught by example. She ate Melissa’s cunt for hours, sometimes bringing her student to climax a dozen times in an afternoon, and at other times denying Melissa release until Liam would return from his studio, strip down and plunge his rampant cock into the madly squealing teenager.

When the time came at last for Melissa to apply to college she at first resisted the suggestion that she consider prestigious but geographically distant schools. She was unwilling to give up the all-consuming intimacy she’d shared with the De Winters. But Hannah not only encouraged her star pupil to spread her wings and venture forth into the world, she very nearly insisted upon it.

Melissa’s first weeks away at university, their affectionate exchanges of letters and calls became less frequent. She returned home for the holidays, anxious to reunite with her lovers, only to discover that the De Winters had quickly moved on to “adopt” another fresh, promising young student in her place.

Shattered, Melissa retreated back into her shell of emotional isolation. She buried herself in her studies and finished college in three years, marrying a nice guy who proposed on their third date. Tom Jacobs was not an emotionally available man, which suited her fine. She was done with that kind of intimacy. She knew he was a rover, as well, but she’d learned as well not to expect true loyalty from the partners she took to her bed. Her instructors had been the very best.

Their only child became her life’s focus. With Ben, of course, there could be no sexual passion and therefore no betrayal. She let no one else into her heart. And so she’d managed her life until the morning that she’d first crossed paths with Sharon Thompson.


“Hey, you gotta see this!” a male voice called out. More party-goers joined the spectators at the edge of the water; Melissa was aware of smartphone cameras clicking and flashing, recording her performance. She did her best to block them from her consciousness. Her whole body trembled with excitement and the effort to throat all of C.J.s cock. She’d already swallowed more of him than she had the first time she’d sucked him off, more than she’d seen Sharon manage. Her left hand held firmly to the four or five inches of his shaft that were not yet inside her. She was determined to take all of him, this time.

She moved her head down again, her lips tightly hugging the beer-bottle girth of his cock. He was deeper inside her than any man had ever been, his cockhead halfway down her throat. She forced herself to relax and follow her breath, afraid that if she thought about how much fuckmeat she had in her she’d panic and choke.

“You can’t do it. No one ever has.” C.J.’s tone was meant to be boastful, but Melissa saw the boyish disappointment in his eyes.

She came up for air and then swallowed him again. When she reached her previous limit she bobbed up and down slightly, working up some momentum. *Just a few inches more…* Her advance slowed to a crawl. Still, with every bob of her head, she managed another fraction of an inch.

“You’ve almost got it,” C.J. whispered urgently. “You can do it…”

Her lips mashed against his belly, the short wiry hair of his crotch tickling her nose. His cockhead was at the bottom of her throat!

“She did it! Oh sweet Jesus, she did it!” Sharon blurted out in astonishment.

A peculiar pride welled up in Melissa, born of the knowledge that she had accomplished what no other woman had. She’d bested Sharon, Ruth Stewart, and the whole slutty lot of local sluts.

But far better than that, Melissa adored having her throat stuffed full of hot cock.

She lifted her head, dragging her lips up the long trunk of C.J’s prick while flexing her tongue along the underside. Her mouth and throat were already adjusting to his size and soon she was plunging her face up and down, up and down, swallowing his entire cock on every stroke. At the top of every repetition, when she held only the tip between her lips, she lavished it with kisses and sucked more pre-cum from the slit for lubrication.

C.J. lurched and pounded his fists helplessly against the hard stone. “Aaannnhhh!” he yelled, arching his hips. Melissa reached for his ball sack, feeling it swell. The muscles of his thighs and belly contracted and his breathing quickened. Then he came, his pulsating cock shooting stream upon stream of hot, rich jism straight into her belly. Melissa rose up and clamped her lips tight around his cock crown right behind the rim, forming a perfect seal so as not to waste a drop of the potent liquid that continued to flow and fill her mouth. She gulped greedily, pumping his cock with both hands, craving all the cum that he had to give.

At long last C.J. collapsed on his back, completely drained. Melissa wiped her lips on her arm and stood up in the water. She turned to face the crowd. The entire party had come out to watch. Her triumphant eyes met each of theirs in turn, finally settling on Sharon’s bewildered face.

“You other sluts might want to lock up your sons,” she drawled. Then she climbed onto the grass and strode past the silent, staring crowd without acknowledging them further. Without as much as a glance backward, she called out “Come on, Ben.”

Ben was still in the Jacuzzi, staring at C.J.’s heaving, gasping form as if mesmerized. At his mother’s voice, he shook himself alert, retrieved their discarded swimsuits, and caught up with her halfway back to the pool.

“That was awesome,” he exclaimed. “I mean, you were fantastic! You should have seen the way they looked at you when you were—…”

Melissa spun on her heel to face her son. “What the hell were you thinking?”

Ben looks stricken. “I didn’t know they were watching!” he objected. “I didn’t know!”

“That makes it all better? You just cooked up this whole scheme with them to fuck your own mother!”

Ben looked as if he’d been punched in the face. Melissa immediately regretted her tone. “I thought you liked it,” he mumbled.

“I—that’s not the point,” She said more calmly. “We hardly know these people. Why would you trust—”

“You wanted us to fuck,” Ben interrupted, defiant now.

Melissa was stunned. “What?”

Ben’s lower lip quivered. “I know you, Mom. You think I don’t pay attention to you, but it’s *all* I do. You are so sad. And Dad is a dick.”

His words hit Melissa like a sudden summer squall: unexpected, frightening, but exciting. Despite herself, she felt the corners of her lips curl upward.

“I didn’t understand, before…but when Sharon and Ruth—that is, after I was with them, I got it. They’re happy,” Ben stressed. “They’re glad they’re who they are. I want you to be happy, and I want us to…to…”

“Oh, damn it, Champ.” Melissa’s voice melted. She hugged him close, her breasts pressed flat against his chest. Taking his hand, she nearly dragged him the rest of the way to the house and down the back hallway until they found an empty bedroom. She threw her arms around his neck then and kissed him hard, tackling him onto the unmade bed.

“I’m so hot, baby.” Melissa guided her son’s hand down to her slit. “Feel how wet I am? That’s what sucking cock does to me.”

“I could tell,” Ben whispered. “You kept playing with yourself the whole time.”

“Didja like watching? How does it feel to have such an awful whore for a mother?”

His answer was to push one thigh between hers, parting her legs and sliding his erect cock up until it grazed her pussy lips. They wrestled in the sheets for a few moments; she got him onto his back and straddled him.

Someone rapped on the open door. “Got a minute?” Sharon asked in a chipper voice.

“Go away,” Melissa muttered without looking away from Ben.

“Girl, you are in my bedroom.”

“Fine.” Melissa climbed off of her son. “What do you want?”

“Um…I sort of owe you an apology.”

“Sort of. Goddamn it, Sharon, everything can’t be a joke all the time.”

“Yeah. I messed up.” Sharon sat on the edge of the bed. She put a hand on Melissa’s. Melissa didn’t respond. “Thinking back, the first time I was with Connor was pretty…intense. We weren’t exactly sport fucking.”

“I’d imagine not.”

“So, uh, what we did was pretty creepy and I’m sorry.” Tears of contrition welled up in Sharon’s eyes. Impulsively, Melissa reached for her and hugged her tight.

“Kiss and make up?” That familiar impish gleam flickered across Sharon’s features.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Come on, Mom.” Melissa felt Ben’s arms encircle her waist, his hard body pressed against her back. He drew her down to lie with him again. Sharon clung to her friend and followed them down. She kissed Melissa’s face and neck, mouth roaming over her breasts and then tracing a path down to the brunette’s moist, inviting pussy.

Melissa’s juices flowed. Sharon’s cheeks brushed lightly against her thighs, and then the blonde’s soft open mouth mashed against her fuck-hole. She cried out as Sharon’s tongue snaked deep inside her, lapping up her pussy nectar like a hungry kitten.

“Turn around,” Melissa murmured. “I want to taste you.”

Sharon obeyed quickly, presenting her own hairless mound for Melissa’s exploration. Melissa first very lightly rubbed the folds of Sharon’s pussy. She eased her friend’s sex lips apart and used an index finger to play with her clitoris. Then she probed between Sharon’s labia with her tongue, gingerly licking the long folds of her sex.

The women mirrored one another, each lapping at the little pink buds of the other’s clitoris and each pushing their pointed tongues in and out of the other’s pussy in perfect rhythm.

“Fuck me, darling,” Sharon sighed. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…”

Ben pinched and rolled his mother’s nipples between his fingers, sending ripples of excitement through her belly. She couldn’t remember her tits ever being as engorged as they were now, with her son pulling and playing with them. Sharon’s talent for pleasuring pussy drove her wild, but it wasn’t enough anymore. She yearned to have her son inside her again.

As if reading her mind, Sharon suddenly withdrew her mouth from Melissa’s pussy. “Let me help,” she said. A moment later Melissa felt the hot satiny dome of Ben’s cock nestled at the entrance to her vagina. Sharon grasped his prick and guided him into his mother’s eager opening, planting wet little kisses on his cock and all over Melissa’s pussy mound. “So lovely,” she whispered. “Oh, darling, your pussy’s stretched tight as a drum around your son’s gorgeous cock.”

Ben pushed almost the entire length of his prick into his mother’s pussy channel in a single slow, steady movement, completely filling her. His hands moved up to cup her tits. He kissed her between her shoulder blades, his wet lips navigating the little hills of her spine. Then he started pumping his cock in and out of her clinging fuck tunnel, slowly at first and then gradually picking up the pace as he sensed her body relax and match of his own.

The sound of bare feet padding along the hardwood floor caught Melissa’s attention. She looked up to see C.J. standing over them all. He grinned at her and touched a finger to his lips. She watched him stealthily settle into bed behind his unsuspecting mother.

Without warning, C.J. grabbed hold of one of Sharon’s ankles. She cried out in surprise. He pulled her leg up, draping it back over his shoulder so that she was helplessly wide open to whatever he chose to do to her. Then he slid one huge hand between her thighs, a few inches from Melissa’s face. Realizing his intention, Melissa sucked on his thick fingers, lathing them with her saliva. The span of his hand was so wide that he was able to insert three fingers into his mother’s dripping pussy while pushing his thumb into her anus.

Every muscle in Sharon’s body seemed to contract and then stiffen at once. She appeared to have come instantly just from having both of her holes penetrated by her son’s fingers. He rocked his hand back and forth and wriggled his fingers inside her, provoking her strangled gasps and squeals of delight. Because Sharon’s mouth was still pressed to the juncture of Melissa’s pussy and Ben’s cock, her muffled outcries sent exciting vibrations radiating through the brunette’s pelvis.

When C.J. finally withdrew his hand, Melissa groped between Sharon’s thighs and got hold of his steel-like fuck-rod, lining it up with his mother’s snatch. A beatific expression settled on Sharon’s face as she realized what was about to happen. “Oh, honey…here I was afraid maybe Melissa had drained your tank for a while.”

“You know better’n that, Mom,” C.J. said. “I’m always ready when you want me.”

“When I *need* you.”

His hips flexed and he sank his cock all the way into his mother’s pussy. “Yes!” Sharon moaned as he pumped into her. With each deep thrust, his ball sack slapped against her vulva. Melissa tried but failed to catch one of his balls in her mouth, gave up, and just glued her lips to the top of Sharon’s slit, where she used her tongue to both pleasure her friend and stimulate C.J.’s cock as he pistoned repeatedly into her overheated cock tunnel.

From the frenzied way she squirmed and shook, Melissa guessed that Sharon was coming every third or fourth time her son buried his prick all the way in her.

Melissa had no idea how much time passed as the four of them made love. All sensations merged into one. Sharon sucked her so avidly and Ben so completely filled her pussy with every thrust that with each orgasm she felt her individual awareness dissolve further into a continuum of ecstasy. Her emotions had whipsawed all evening between anticipation, lust, shame, betrayal, and forgiveness…up until this moment when Sharon and Ben and C.J. had become parts of her own body and soul, no separation between them.

Ben withdrew until his cockhead almost slipped out from between her cunt lips, and then slammed back into her a final time. He could hold back no longer. His cock jerked inside her and he filled her depths with spurt after spurt of hot creamy son-cum. She climaxed with him, shattered into consciousness.

The world faded away. Melissa drifted, her face still snuggled up between Sharon’s legs. Sweet, sweet Sharon…and Ben, her beautiful Ben, holding her close to his heart. C.J.’s deep, steady breathing was a lullaby.

She didn’t know how long she’d dozed before she was abruptly shaken awake by Ruth Stewart. Sharon was already out of bed, hastily slipping into a short kimono and knotting the belt.

“Cops are out front,” Ruth said.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iy70jx/the_mom_next_door_another_tribute_to_1980s_porn