“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Seven of eleven [MMF. MF, FF, Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


The text read simply “cu sun pm XX.”

Melissa was surprised that such an offhanded communication from her son could evoke such a range of conflicting emotions in her.

She was saddened that she wouldn’t see her son at home this evening. The text meant the kids had found a place to crash at the beach, as they’d hoped.

She felt guilty that she’d been hoping he would send her a message like this one.

She felt horny, because Ben being gone for the night meant that she could attend the late evening get-together at Sharon’s that the blonde had described euphemistically as her “ladies yard party,” after all.

She arrived at Sharon’s just after sunset. Her neighbor greeted her clad in yoga pants, sandals, and nothing else. She held a mostly-empty glass of red wine in her hand.

“We’re all out back.” Sharon hugged Melissa. “Everyone’s dying to meet you. Especially the guys.”

Melissa found herself blushing. She also found herself overdressed for the second time at Sharon’s, and this time she was wearing only a black triangle bikini. She immediately ditched the top.

About a dozen people were out in the back yard, some in the pool itself, all of them naked and most of them engaged in some form of sexual activity. Women were blowing guys or fucking out in the open on blankets or couches. A slim, silver-haired older woman was on her hands and knees in the grass, sucking off one partner while a second thrust in and out of her cunt in rhythm to rap blasting from the outdoor sound system.

The males were all young adults or in their late teens. Most of the women appeared closer to Melissa’s age, or older. The apparent exception was a couple sitting together on a lounger, furiously making out. The guy might have been a school friend or teammate of C.J’s. He was with a striking young woman who wore her hair in a half-shaved pixie cut and dyed an electric fuchsia. She was heavily tattooed and sported nipple rings and a clitoral piercing, easily visible as she reclined open-legged while her partner finger-fucked her hairless cunt.

“At least one of these kids has a girlfriend,” Melissa said dryly. Following her gaze, Sharon laughed loudly.

“Honey, that’s Alice and Bobby Tilson. She’s his mother and she’s, like, forty-five.”

“No way.” Even at a second glance, Alice appeared to be in her twenties. There was not a trace of sag to her full breasts or to the pert ass that squirmed and bounced energetically against the chair webbing in response to Bobby’s deft exploration of her pussy.

Melissa let out a morose sigh. “Damn…why are all the women in this town so—so *perfect?*”

“Beats me, Mel. Maybe it’s something in the water.” Sharon laughed. “Except, who fucking drinks water? Anyway, you’re not exactly a poke in the eye from a sharp stick. All I hear from Connor all week is ‘will Melissa be at the party?’”

“He’s here?” Melissa asked, embarrassed at her own inability to hide her excitement.

“Yeah. Disloyal little man-slut that he is,” Sharon said out of the side of her mouth.

Melissa colored again. Since she’d first fucked Sharon’s son the three had gotten together twice more. The easy sexual intimacy she shared with her blonde neighbor nourished a part of her nature that she’d long suppressed in the service of a traditional marriage. Yet as much as she was coming to love Sharon she feared that she couldn’t hide the fact that the focus of her desire was C.J.

“There now, don’t you go takin’ me serious,” Sharon cautioned. “Around here, a jealous mother would miss out on an awful lot of Grade-A prime dick. Whatcha drinkin’?”

“What you’ve got looks good.”

“See, you do have a sense of humor.” Sharon tripped off in the direction of the wet bar.

“So, you’re Ben’s mother.” Melissa turned to see a gorgeous redhead with sea-green eyes. “Ruth Stewart.”

“You…know Ben?” Melissa shook hands but felt her stomach tighten.

“Oh, he’s been to the farm to hang out with C.J. and Keith a couple of times. Great kid. Kinda broody in a cute way.”

*Don’t be naive,* Melissa told herself. All at once, she feared that she couldn’t fit in with Sharon’s crowd at all. Her emotions were at war. At one moment she was excited at the prospect of letting her sexual urges run wild in this village of unapologetic sluts, and in the next, she was full of suspicions and protective of her son.

She wasn’t blind to the contradiction between her distrust of Ruth’s motives and the fact that she’d come here this evening hoping to fuck Sharon’s son again. But her self-honesty had limits, and she hurriedly rejected the thought that her wariness of the redhead was not a motherly concern at all, but jealousy. The mental image of Ben fucking other women came too quickly and too often to her these days and always left her near panic.

“Here go.” Sharon handed Melissa a glass. “Ruthie and I go way back. We humped our way through the senior class and half the faculty in high school and—Hello? Earth calling Mel…” She snapped her fingers in Melissa’s face.

“Huh? Oh! Sorry, I was just…thinking…”

“You are *so* Ben’s mom,” Ruth said with a coy smile.

“All right, Girl…” Sharon took Melissa’s arm, turned her, and gestured out into the darkness beyond the pool deck. “Last I saw, Connor was out at the Jacuzzi. Alone. Go git ‘im.”

“She’s got a date.” Sharon and Ruth’s laughing voices trailed away behind Melissa as she wandered out into the darkness alone. She was too horny now to care what anyone thought.

It was a moonless night. The only illumination beyond the pool deck was cast by footlights set into the ground on either side of the long stone walkway leading out into the yard. Guided only by the path and the sound of flowing water ahead, after a few hundred feet she came upon the Jacuzzi so unexpectedly that she nearly slipped over the rim into the water.

Before her was a grand spa, set into the ground and surrounded by an artful landscape arrangement of rough-hewn granite boulders. At the far edge, a miniature waterfall bubbled and tumbled down several sculpted rock terraces into the pool. The landscaping effect was that of a natural mountain pond.

Lights hidden in the stone illuminated the bushes and shrubs surrounding the spa, but the water was dark. Her eyes searched the surface to no avail. She suddenly felt very alone and a little creeped out by her isolation.

“Mrs. Jacobs?” C.J.’s baritone rumbled out of the darkness to her right.

“Oh!” She stepped down into the warm flowing water and waded toward the sound of his voice. Then she saw him, dark and looming, with his big shoulders and torso and his head of short curls outlined by the dim blue glow of the lights behind him. He held out his arms and drew her close. Her moment of anxiety faded as she pressed her face into his muscular chest. He was completely naked. She felt his erection pressed against her tummy.

“Let me get out of these,” she whispered, pulling away from him to slide her bikini bottom off and toss it onto a nearby rock. When she reached for him again in the darkness his powerful hands closed on her waist. He kissed her hair, her ear, and down the side of her neck. His left hand tugged at her stiff nipples while his right crept down to the gap between her thighs.

“Oh God…” she moved her hips to grind her mound against the giant cock that she’d dreamt of ever since their last encounter. She reached down and grasped the iron-hard shaft, guiding it forward and up until the head grazed her cunt.

Melissa felt like she would split in two as C.J. entered her. She pressed her open mouth to his and their tongues danced as her hips bore down against his, determined herself to take as much of his huge prick as she could on the first thrust. She’d lived in anticipation of this moment for days on end and to finally experience him so completely filling her fuck-hole once again was indescribably sweet.

She still could not take all of C.J.’s cock. She moved with him inside her, rising and falling and working more of his rod up inside her with every repetition.

“So fucking good…so fucking *big*…”

She was already close to coming when he suddenly lifted her off of his cock and set her down in the water, handling her as if she weighed nothing at all.

“What are you doing?” Melissa whispered. There was no answer. Her feeling of isolation returned, but with an added edge, the gnawing hunger of her empty, wanting cunt. She reached out, groping in the dark, and after a few confused seconds found him again.

This time he spun her to face away from him and pulled her close so that his cock pressed into the crease between her buttocks. His hands wandered over her tits and belly, stoking the fires inside her still higher.

She raised her ass and pushed backward, trying to get his prick into her cunt again, but he turned slightly to elude her. “Don’t tease!” She grabbed his hips, holding him in place and easing back until she felt the satiny, smooth firmness of his cock crown probing her slit.

The teen stud’s knob stirred between her pussy lips but he didn’t move forward, continuing to play with her nipples and clitoris. He was even gentler than before, taking his time, driving her mad.

“I need your cock in me,” Melissa implored. “Give it to me, please…”

“Are you sure, Mom?” a male voice whispered—not C.J.’s, but Ben’s! Melissa’s heart stopped, and she froze in place.

“Ben? What—Oh my God!” she cried out. She regained herself enough to try to rise, but her son circled her waist in his arms, holding her gently but firmly on his lap. All her squirming and struggling only succeeded in rubbing her tender, aroused pussy against the enticing hardness of his prick.

C.J. sat on the stone edge of the pool a few feet away, nearly invisible in the darkness, doubled over with laughter.

“You tricked me, you bastard!” Melissa accused. Sharon’s son just kept laughing, much too pleased with himself. “Oh God, oh—Ben, what are you *doing* here?”

“What are *you* doing here?” Ben said. “Looking to get fucked, huh? Well, I’ll sure fuck you, Mom…that is if you want me to.”

“I thought you’d gone off with your friends!”

“All my friends are here, Mom. Most of their mothers are fucking them right now, except for the ones who are fucking someone else’s son. You know, like you been doing with C.J.?”

Melissa was stunned speechless. Ben kept kissing her, touching her. She knew that she should make him stop. He’d stop if she asked. He was her son; he might be disappointed and even frustrated but he’d still listen. He’d obey her.

Instead, she returned his caresses, hesitantly at first but with increasing urgency born of quickening desire. Fucking C.J. had brought her to the brink of orgasm. She needed relief. This all seemed so inevitable, now, even natural: a horny woman and a handsome, virile guy. And goddamn was she horny.

Despite what she’d have sworn minutes before were her strongly held beliefs, and no matter her lifetime habits of guilt and repression, this felt right.

But it *wasn’t* right. She wouldn’t fuck her son. She *couldn’t.* But neither could she stop herself from touching him, wanting him, moving against his body…

“Just relax, Mom. This is a good thing. Nothing bad is gonna happen, I promise.”

“Relax? Don’t you tell *me* to—stop, damn it! Honey, please! We can’t…we…can’t…”

“We kinda already are, Mom.”

Melissa’s labia parted and her pussy opened reflexively for Ben as the tip of his cock entered her. Her heart and mind were in turmoil, but her body could not lie. She was even more eager for him than she’d been for C.J. mere moments ago. Every cell in her body craved penetration by her son.

“You really want to stop, Mom?” Ben asked earnestly, anxious as ever to please her. “Tell me what you want.” Before Melissa knew what was happening she was kissing him violently.

“I-I want…*you*,” Melissa murmured, acting purely on feminine mating instinct now, her behavior driven by the primal sexual urge engulfing her. She could focus on nothing other than her need for his hard cock. “I want you to…fuck me, Ben. Fuck me.”

Melissa instinctively arched her hips and pelvis as her son’s cock spread her wide and thrust into her dripping cunt. She got her second shock of the evening: Ben was at least as big as C.J.!

“Oh, Christ!” She bit her lip and fought back tears at the commingled pain and pleasure caused by her son’s penetration. Minutes ago she’d been riding the biggest prick she’d ever encountered, which should have prepared her for this. But Ben’s cock actually felt thicker than C.J.’s.

“Go slow, baby,” she gasped. “You’re so big oh sweet Jesus you’re big!” Her son’s enormous prick was stretching her cuntal opening beyond its previous limits. He entered her patiently, triggering nerves inside her sex channel that no man had ever touched before. Jolts of pure carnal delight raced through her like electrical shocks. She gyrated on his shaft, churning the warm water of the spa and making it splash over her tits and face.

Ben buried his face in his mother’s damp curls, kissing the nape of her neck. With his hands on her hips, he worked his cock into her with short, steady strokes. He didn’t want to hurt her or even to cause her any discomfort, and he’d learned the importance of going slow from Sharon and Ruth. Not that they seemed to need it themselves at this point, accustomed as they were to taking C.J. on as often as they could. They’d coached him, at length, in the hope that Melissa’s first fuck with her son would become the very best of memories for them both. Or so they’d claimed.

Whatever their motivations, Ben had appreciated their concern. He’d enjoyed every minute of their coaching.

C.J. watched with keen interest for a while and then waded through the water to stand before Melissa. She nodded in answer to the unspoken question in his eyes. Arching her back, she offered him her breasts. He lowered his face and closed his lips around one of her nipples. His tongue flicked over the little nubbin, working it into a stiff rubbery dart. He rubbed his teeth lightly against the sensitive skin, nipping at the delicate flesh.

Melissa shrieked. Her pussy muscles responded to the stimulation of her tits by contracting hard, which drew an appreciative groan from Ben.

She’d never been with two men and wondered with mounting excitement how far they all would take this. *There are no rules,* she realized joyously. *We can do anything we want.*

Then another thought occurred to her: Ben and C.J. worked so effortlessly in tandem to please her that they must have shared a woman before. Who would that have been—Sharon? Ruth Stewart, Alice Tilson? All of them? She realized then that she might well be the last woman at this party to have fucked her son. Strangely, she felt a sting of hurt pride. She twisted her head to look at Ben behind her. Her pleading eyes met his.

“You’re mine,” she told him in an urgent whisper. “You belong to me.”

He kissed her again, with a ferocity that left her breathless. “Okay, Mom. So you’re not, like, upset, now?” he asked. “We’re good?”

“We are *so* good, baby.” Delightful tremors shuddered through her as his cock slipped ever deeper up into her vagina. “We are *fine.”*

Melissa reached between her legs to feel Ben’s cock sliding in and out of her. When she fondled his nut sack, his hips lunged upward and his thighs slapped against hers under the water. She ground her buttocks against him and felt the hot flesh of his balls against her pubic mound. Her son was all the way inside her pussy!

*I’m fucking my own son!* The thought drove Melissa wild. She twisted and writhed and cried out, throwing her head back and running her hands through her long, loose hair as she rose and fell on her son’s cock, surrendering completely to the overwhelming passion pounding through her like a storm tide.

Her violent thrashing was impossible for C.J. to keep up with. He reluctantly let go of her breasts, stood up, and took hold of her shoulders. Melissa found herself staring at his towering erection, several inches from her face. Leaning forward, she took his prick in both hands and guided the head to her mouth. “Mmmmm…” She closed her soft lips around the rim of his fuck knob, savoring the warmth and texture of his hard flesh filling her drooling mouth.

These were the most exhilarating moments of Melissa’s life. She felt complete, in a way she never had before. Free of fear or shame she floated in a cloud of bliss, lost in her pleasure and overflowing with feelings of love for Ben, for C.J…and for Sharon. *I get it now,* she mentally affirmed, as if her friend were there with her. She felt closer at this moment to Sharon than to anyone in the world—except, of course, her son.

Ben pumped his cock in and out of his mother’s pussy faster now. His fingers dug into her taut stomach muscles as he struggled to hold on to her through her increasingly frantic undulations. She’d become a pure sexual being, instinctively matching her own humping rhythm to his thrusts while managing to keep her full lips clamped around C.J.’s cock. Her cunt muscles relentlessly squeezed and sucked Ben’s prick. He shook from the strain of trying to hold off his orgasm as long as possible.

A sweet, mounting tension grew in Melissa’s loins, signaling her approaching orgasm. She bounced faster on her son’s lap. “Play with me,” she mumbled around the cock in her mouth. “Play with Mommy’s pussy.” Ben’s right hand quickly moved to her clitoris, rolling and pulling gently at it. She peaked.

“Ah—oh Baby, I’m coming!” she squealed.

“Yeah, yeah…come for me, Mom.”

Melissa howled. She flung her arms around C.J.’s neck, clinging to him for support. The contractions of her cunt rippled outward until she shook violently from head to toe. “Oh no…oh God…I can’t…stop!”

She climaxed in waves, each stronger than the one before. She was sure that she was dying, that the intensity of the spasms surging through her would tear her to pieces. She was ready; she cared for nothing but the ecstasy of that moment, coming on her son’s throbbing, driving cock.

Ben slammed all the way into her gripping pussy one last time and froze. With a low, deep growl, a sound that she’d never before heard him make, he came. So tightly were her inner membranes stretched around his mammoth fuckmeat that she felt every quivering pulse along his shaft as shot after shot of hot cum pumped into her depths. The thrill of her son ejaculating inside her set off yet another round of contractions deep in Melissa’s cunt.

After what seemed timeless ages, the exquisite tremors inside her gradually began to diminish and Melissa fell back limply against Ben’s chest. He cradled and held her.

She waited, dreading the return of the familiar, infernal noises in her head: the endless inner chatter, the litany of s*houlds* and *shouldn’ts*, *musts* and *musn’ts*, *why didn’t yous* and *maybe somedays* that had dogged her from her morning shower to the moment sleep took her every evening, for as long as she could remember. She braced for the shame.

There was nothing. The only noises were the soft sounds of their breathing, the musical burble of the little waterfall, and the applause…


Melissa sat bolt upright just as the overhead yard lights came on. She threw up an arm to shield her eyes against the sudden glare. When her vision adjusted she saw half a dozen party-goers standing around the stone rim of the Jacuzzi. The women and their young studs laughed and applauded and whooped and hollered. Several of the guys had their phones out and were snapping away, recording the action.

Sharon and Ruth stood at the water’s edge right above Melissa, grinning down at her.

“What the fuck!” Ben shouted.

“What the hell are you doing?” Melissa demanded, furious. “How long were you watching?”

“Aw, we mostly just got here,” Sharon assured her. “Mostly.”

“We weren’t that quiet. We could’ve set off a bottle rocket without y’all noticing,” Ruth giggled.

“You knew! You planned all this!” Melissa glared at C.J. and then straight at Sharon. “You set me up!”

Sharon tried to hide her guilty smile by looking away, down at the water. “Like the man said, yank that Band-Aid clean off.”

Melissa was about to tell the blonde whom she’d considered a friend just what a conniving, faithless, scheming slut she was.

Then inspiration struck. She had a better idea.

“Good one.” Melissa laughed along with them all. “You sure got me. Okay…you want a real show? Watch this.”

She turned her back to the crowd and advanced on C.J.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iwy3fm/the_mom_next_door_another_tribute_to_1980s_porn