The Story of J – Ch. 1 – Awakening – Chapter 1 Continued….

She could feel his bulge against her belly. They stood between the cars with their mouths locked and his hands exploring every one of her curves. He pulled his head back, her body tight to his. He took the bottle from off the top of her car and put it to her lips. With one move, she opened her mouth, pushing her tongue forward, as he poured it in.

He smiled. Pulled it away and put it to his, spilling some. She tiptoed up to lick it off his chin. He bent, his mouth meeting hers. She pulled away, bending her head back, opening her mouth, jutting out her tongue, fawning for more.

This time he made sure to pour it straight down. After the third big slug she choked, spraying bourbon up into the air. Coughing, she bent forward.

“Hold it in,” he ordered. “I know you can.”

She looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes, laughing.

“You bastard,” she said laughing. He laughed with her. She burped.

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear, he said. “The delicate words of a fine gentile young southern lady.”

She pulled her shirt up to wipe off her face exposing every inch of herself to him. He moved his hands down, tracing her exposed curves.

She sucked hard, closed her eyes, her head tilting, letting her mind enjoy his touch. Chills. Her skin rippling with goosebumps, she gasped as his hand reached up between her thighs. He bent to kiss her on the nose and lips. She stumbled, her knees giving way, he reached out to right her.

“You need to sit,” he asked with a concerned expression on his face.

She bent her head forward, leaning it against his chest and shaking it from side to side. He pulled her close.

Her hands began the frantic task of opening his pants. Jenni greatest desire was to feel him inside of her. He grabbed her wrists, shaking his head.

“Not here,” he said.

The crackling of shells brought their heads up. A truck pulled up to the front of the store. An old man got out looking their way, then back to the store, the bell announcing his entrance.

She turned back, smiling up at him. Pushed him back, ready to completely commit to his will. With one quick move, Jenni pulled the t-shirt up over her head, tossing her locks up off her shoulder for a brief instance. Long enough though, for him to get a full frontal view of her, naked, pubescent, plump, nubile body. With the flick of her hand, she tossed the shirt backwards through the car window and down to the seat.

“How do you like me now,” she coyly asked, fidgeting, tilting her head and standing naked before him.

He smiled. He pushed one hand up between her thighs and the other around her back. Pushing his mouth over hers, his tongue and fingers pierced her deep within. Jenni’s mind exploded. Her sexual passions had completely taken over. Not caring where she was or what she was doing, she let him take absolute control.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said after they’d come up for air.

With one hand on the bottle and the other round her waist he reached for the door handle. Grabbing hold of the rose Jenni pulled him to the back of his car. She grabbed the back door handle, he put his hand on the window as if to say no.

He pulled her around to the front door. Jerking it aside, he pushed her in and fell in after her. She pushed up on her knees, locking her face to his and her arms around his neck.

Intoxicated with each other, they refused to notice the truck passing by. It’s driver glaring wild-eyed at them as it left. Pulling the door shut, he pulled her down to his lap. Jenni was so giddy, squirming in his lap like a nervous schoolgirl who needed to pee.

She told him where to go, north, then west, to the camp. No one was there. With one hand he started the car, with the other he pulled her close. She took care of everything else; Shifting the gears, tuning the radio, lighting each a cigarette, pulling off his shirt, unlatching his belt, and finally, opening his pants to relieve his bulge.

They passed the fifth of Jack back and forth, each taking one swig after the other. The bourbon and her sexual energy removed her blues and every bit of her judgment.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth and his left elbow resting in the widow, he steered the car in to town. Jenni, with her eyes closed, her legs apart, sat straddling his right leg.

Up, between her cheeks, the fingers of his right hand danced deep within her moisture. She sighed a heavy sigh. Her head dropped to his shoulder. Her left hand played with his stick jutting up between her naked thighs. In her right, she held a cigarette between two fingers while playing with the curls on his chest.

Cars passed. People stared. Neither of them noticed.

Jenni jerked the bourbon to her mouth and gulped as much as she could before pulling it down.

“Save some for me,” he said.

She raised the bottle, jiggling it to show there was still more than half the fifth remaining. She pushed the bottle up, pushing it to his mouth. As Jenni got the bottle near his mouth he shoved his fingers in further. She gasped and bit her lower lip. Her heart raced. They locked eyes. Her head began to clear before she moved it towards his lips.

Stopping for a red light, Jenni turned the bottle up, letting him gulp his fill. She turned around. Climbing over his lap, straddling him. Putting the cigarette in her mouth, she grabbed hold his cock and guided him up between her inflamed lips.

Their mouths locked. She worked her body up and down, finally getting him all the way in. Like a junkie in need of a fix, she had found her drug. The light turned twice before he turned left and headed out of town.

She gave out little whimpers as the car bounced over the curb and down the red clay drive. Jenni had one hand on the ceiling and the other gripping his shoulder. Her brain exploded as the car jolted up and over a dip, slamming her down, pushing the full length of him up inside. Her body jerked. Her brain crackled as a lightning bolt went through her skull. Another dip and another explosion shot through her brain. Her taught breasts jumped in sync with her body. She exploded twice more before his car came to a stop in front of the trailer.

He cut the lights and the engine. Jenni panted and moaned. Their sweat mingled over their skin. Her head sunk against his shoulder and their mouths locked together.

She slowly came around. Lifting her head. Kissing him. She pushed up. He was still so hard. Filling her. She wanted to stay this way, stay connected to him, and keep him deep inside of her. Reluctantly she pulled up, gasping as he slid out. She looked into his face, his eyes, smiling.

Swinging open the door, he grabbed her hand, pulling her out. She tugged back at him.

“Let’s go inside,” he said, pointing his head to the trailer.

“Let’s stay out here,” she disagreed tugging at a belt loop.

She pulled forward, his legs between hers, and started pulling off his pants. He stepped out of his shoes to let her finish. She bent, pushing her open mouth over the tip of his erection and tasting herself for the very first time. Her brain smiled.

Her tongue started to dance over the length as she worked him further in her mouth. With his hand on the back of her head he guided himself in. One quick push and it slipped over her tongue and down her throat. She’s a natural. Jenni closed her eyes. He took his time driving his pelvis at her face.

Pop. Pop. Pop. His balls slapped the underside of her chin. He had her head in his hands. His heart began to race. He needed to slow this down or he’d blow before he wanted. With a delicate determined move he pulled himself from her mouth.

“Ah,” Jenni exclaimed, “I wanted more.”

“Climb in the back,” he ordered, “and I’ll give you all you want.”

Jenni reached over, picked his pants off the ground and tossed them over her shoulder. She then grabbed the bottle off the floor and jumped out.

Standing up on her toes she gave him a kiss. Tugging his hand, Jenni swung open the back door. Dropping down, sliding backwards on to the seat, she pulled him in behind her. He ducked, almost hitting his head and plopped down hard beside her. She gave him a quick peck and climbed on top, giggling, straddling him, forcing him back in.

Her eyes twitched and rolled back in her head. She shuddered and let out a deep gargled breath as she hit bottom. She was somewhere else, he could tell. Gasping deep short breathes Jenni came back around.

He’d seen this before, but not to the degree at which she was. He meant nothing to her; it was the endorphin high she was after. He was only the means through which she received it.

“You enjoying yourself,” he asked.

It took a moment before she answered


“Yeah,” she said, as she flung her head back, tossing her locks.

With one move, Jenni pulled the bottle to her mouth, tilting it up, gulping it in, and then handing it to him. He took a gulp, setting it down, watching as she began to grind her pelvis round and round. Up, down, and around, up, down, around, again. He pulled the small of her back to him causing her belly to come forward as she dropped down.

One hand on the ceiling and the other on his bicep, she rolled her hips forwards and back. Jenni tossed her head back with her mouth agape. She moaned and shuddered again. Grinding harder and harder she couldn’t escape her feelings. It was all too easy. Her sexual addiction had taken over.

Exhausted, she collapsed, her head resting on his chest. Sweat was coursing out of every pore. The tips of her hair were dripping wet and clinging to her body.

He pulled the bottle to his lips. Pulling up, her lips met his, tasting of bourbon and sweat. Her eyes flickering in the dark, he pushed the bottle to her mouth. Bending her head back, opening her mouth and closing her eyes, she let him pour it in. She drank as much as she could before he pulled it away.

With one move he rolled her over on to the seat driving himself in to the hilt. She sucked in hard and squealed in ecstasy. With deliberate moves he began to pound. One, then the next, another, harder, determined to control her deepest desires.

Sweat. Splattering sweat, causing her to slide, her head pushed hard against the armrest. Pushing back, they splashed back and forth. His motion quickened. He arched his back, raising up, gripping her backside hard, he pulled her up, forcing her on to him.

She convulsed. Arching her back up away from the seat. Lightning crackling across the synapses of her brain. Her head was afire. Explosion after explosion ripped across her skull. He pounded her as hard as he could. She screeched, and then moaned low deep guttural convulsing eddies.

He jerked one last time, shoving hard, squeezing her hard, and then collapsing. Her eyes dilated. Her brain in frenzy, Jenni twisted underneath him, digging her fingers in his back. Gripping his skin, she flailed, stiffening, gasping for air, rigid, and then falling limp. She spit sweat. Sucked in hard, blowing out sweat, twisting her head back and forth, her heart and mind pounding.

He turned his head, kissing her on the brow. Her head began to clear. She locked her arm around his neck, pushing him back in, jerking. Breathless she stiffened.

She couldn’t think. He softened inside her. She jerked. Jenni couldn’t breathe, the air around them too hot. She pushed up on his shoulders, wiggling to get herself free. He pushed up, shoving back in hard. She gasped for air; her head flew back, biting hard on her bottom lip. He slammed her once again before jerking himself out. Their juices splattered over her legs and dripped over her belly.

She curled up trying to free herself from the seat, too weak she splashed back down. He climbed out searching for a cigarette, finding them on the dashboard. He pulled out two, lit them, sucking deep, keeping one for himself, handing the other back to her.

Jenni pushed up on her elbows, trying to reach for the cigarette and free herself from the Naugahyde. Too exhausted, she splashed back down on the sweat-covered seat. He flopped down between her legs, reached back, sticking it in her open mouth. She gripped it between her lips, sucking hard, then blowing out, her breath weak, her will gone.

He sat hunched over, his feet on the ground, staring out at the lake. He’d fucked her good. He took pride in it. He’d get to do it again too. She wanted it. He knew she did. There was something about her, something wild about her, like she didn’t care. It made him uneasy, and eager at the same time.

He stood.

“Hey,” he said turning round. “You okay back there?”

“Fuck!” Jenni exclaimed.

“Yes, that’s what it’s called,” he laughed.

Jenni finally had the strength to push herself away from the seat. Pulling herself out with her legs, she scooted to the edge and flopped back against the seat. Looking up through the dark, her eyes able to focus, she found the half empty bottle. Grabbing it by the neck, she pulled it to her lips. She gulped as much as she could down before he pulled it away.

“Hold on there, leave some of it for me,” he said.

She belched. Laughing, she pushed the bottle up towards him. He snatched the bottle laughing with her. Gripping the top of the car doorframe, she pulled herself up. She turned, wobbled, her legs weak from their sex and too much bourbon. She fell straight back, splatting, stretched out in the sand.

She couldn’t contain herself, roaring laughter filled the night. She spread her legs and arms out and flailed back and forth. The sand and dust clinging to every inch of her sweat drenched body.

He was above her looking down, laughing with her. Gripping a handful of sand, she threw it up at him. He turned as it fell against his back. He turned back as she threw the second. It hit him on the side.

“Stop!” was all he could muster.

She rolled over getting completely covered with dirt and sand. He bent, taking hold of her elbow, pulling her up to her knees. The bottle in one hand, his arm wrapped round her waist, he pulled her up off the ground. Half dragging, half walking, he carried her to the lake, splashing as he walked her in. When she got to where she was chest deep, he let her go.

She fell backwards, slipping under the water. He jerked out to grasp her hand, pulling her back up. She spit water, gasped and coughed. He held her round the waist as she came too, wiping her hair from off her face, still spitting out the last bits of water.

“That was mean,” she chuckled.

“Yes it was,” he said, “but you needed it. You’re covered with dirt. You need a cleaning. And besides, the water will bring you back around.”

She hung on his arm, dipping her head back. Holding her nose, she shook her head, rinsing it. Raising back up she pulled up to kiss him, then floated back down. Locking her legs around his waste, she spread out on the top of the water, floating, staring up at the stars. Her head began to clear.

He admired the casual way in which she laid there. Her curves. Her breasts. He reached between her legs, placing his hand in the middle of her back, and pulled her up. She sat draped over his biceps, water flowing off her body staring into his eyes. Jenni wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs dangling and pulled her mouth up to his. They clung to each other for minutes until she lay back on the top of the water, floating.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said.

She could see his lips move, but heard only the muffled sounds of her own heart beating. Her face, breasts and thighs looked to him like little flesh islands breaking the plain of the water. He stepped deeper in. He dipped his head back as the water reached his shoulders. Dropping it beneath the surface to rinse completely.

Keeping one hand in the small of her back, her hair flowing out like wisps of smoke, he glided her towards the shore. As the water reached his waist, bending, he kissed one breast, then the other. A smile drew across her face. Arching her back, Jenni pressed them upwards. His mouth lowered, lingering on one, then the other.

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her up. Her hair stuck flat to her head and shoulders, shining as if lit by the moon. She could feel his passion begin to rise. He bent her backwards and pushed his hands between her legs spreading them. Gripping her cheeks he stabbed, first missing, then getting himself all the way in. Jenni was on a sexual high once again. Her head and chest dropped beneath the surface as he started to pound himself in.

Jenni found herself floating in a state of ecstasy. He bent forward, their mouths locked. His arms around her back and her hard nipples were pressing against his chest. With an arm underneath both knees, he pulled her up out of the water. Jenni locked her hands behind his neck and legs around his back.

With every step, Jenni slid up and down on his passion. One skyrocket after the other exploded in her brain. All she desired was for the sex to never end.

He carried her about half way down the dock and gently laid her down. He sat up squatting between her legs, his knees out in front, feet pointing away from his side. He cupped under each knee pushing her legs wide, forcing her backside off the dock. He pulled her all the way on to his stiffened member and drove himself in.

“Ouch,” she exclaimed, her exposed back scraping against the worn wood slats.

It was time to give it to her, he supposed. His ego got the best of him. He was no longer interested in the sex; he now wanted to dominate her. It was time to give her what he felt she needed.

“You’re hurting me,” Jenni cried.

He reached forward pulling her up. She plopped down on his waist fully penetrated. She gasped. He was in her to the hilt.

“Grab hold,” he told her, round my neck.

Jenni did her best to interlock her fingers behind his neck as he scooped her up from behind. His hands gripping each cheek hard he rocked back, pushing up to a squat. Then, with one quick move he had her up in the air, her legs wrapped round his back. Her head hung back exploding as she began to loose consciousness. He pushed her up letting her drop back down. Jenni screeched as she hit bottom, his thickness piercing her deep within.

He carried her as if she were a rag-doll to the car. A gleeful yelp left her mouth with each step.

He pulled her hands from behind his neck, letting her fall back, guiding her through the open door to the front seat. Jenni, exhausted, layback on the seat gasping for air. Grabbing the bottle from the hood he gave it a shake, a third left. He took a gulp and climbed in. Gripping her elbow he pulled her up.

“Here you go baby, take a drink,” he ordered as pushed the bottle up to her mouth. Whack! His open hand slap stung her face. “Open up!”

Jenni opened her mouth. He began to pour. She tried to push the bottle away to take a break; instead he grabbed her chin, pushing her head back.

“No! No! Time to take your medicine. Come on now drink,” he ordered.

Her eyes watered. The bourbon stung as he poured it down her throat. Jenni gagged, coughing, spewing whiskey as she gasped for air.

He laughed. Something in him had changed to something she didn’t like.

She fell back on the seat.

He pulled her back up, this time pulling her all the way up to his lap, pushing her up, then stabbing her back down. He went in hard and fast. Jenni’s brain exploded.

Turning around, he pulled the gear shifter down, jerking the car in reverse. The move caused her to jerk awkwardly up, and then down. She lost balance and yelped as he pushed all the way in causing her legs to slip out from under. She grabbed hold of his shoulders to right herself. Braking hard, she squealed again. Eyes closed, biting her lower lip, Jenni shuttered.

She pulled her legs back in beside him on the seat, bringing her hips forward, then back. He pulled the shifter down, goosed the accelerator, jerking the car forward. Jenni jumped in response. He braked hard causing her to slide forward, and then pumped the gas moving her back again. The car bucked forward, jerked to a stop, then back forward one more time. Jenni slid back and forth in response.

The car hit the first dip in the road, throwing her up and back down hard. She squealed as she hit bottom and exploded. She couldn’t control it. He kept the car jerking forward from one dip to the next. By the time they approached the highway, her head was resting on his shoulder. He stopped the car for a second hoping she’d regain some composure. When she didn’t respond, he punched the accelerator causing the car to buck up on to the highway and down on the dirt road on the other side. Jenni flew up, hitting her head on the roof before plopping back down. She couldn’t stop convulsing.

Jenni was in total ecstasy. As he goosed the car from one dip to the other she slid up, then dropped back down driving him all the way in. Every time she hit bottom she convulsed again.

He jerked the car to a complete stop, threw it in reverse turning the car round, and bucking it back to the highway. The car lurched forward up on to the asphalt.

Jenni, her head on his shoulder, breathing hard, was dripping with sweat. The breeze through the open widows gave her some relief. He slapped her on the behind hard.

“Light me a cigarette,” he ordered.

Slowly raising her head, she looked around on the seat beside them.

“Up there on the dash, behind you,” he pointed with his head.

As she turned, pulling up slightly, he grabbed hold of her backside shoving himself back in with a quick jerk. “Not that way, lean back and get them.”

A sassy wicked smile came across her face. She leaned back, extending her arms out for the pack. As she got hold, he jerked up in one more time. She laughed as she pulled back up. Jenni drew two cigarettes from the pack with her teeth. A cocky whimsical look in her eye, he jerked himself in again. She lit them, sucking in hard, a billowing cloud escaping her lungs, she handed one to him.

The whole night she’d got away with being the passive one, now it was time for a change. She pushed up, he jerked up to cover the distance and as he did she slammed back down. Her head exploded, but she maintained control. She repeated her actions. Every time she’d push off, he’d jerk upwards, and she’d drop back down grinding her pelvis into him.

The situation was so heated and wild he had to pull the car off the side of the road and stop. Jenni held his head in her hands, both so hot their sweat flowed out of them. She kissed him as the action continued forcing herself down hard and fast. Continuing for as long as she could, she rode him. She was near total meltdown when he began to twitch. He grabbed a cheek in each hand, gripped tight and shoving her hard down.

Holding her there. They exploded together. Their mouths locked on each other’s, groaning and whimpering with each other’s convulsions.

The bottle was damn near empty as he raised it up. He gave it to Jenni. She took one gulp and handed the last of it to him. He smiled.

“She wasn’t half bad,” he told himself, watching the bottle splatter as it hit the asphalt. Not someone you want to get involved with, too loose, though he did enjoy her eager attitude to fucking.

Jenni was half leaning, half sitting next to him as they passed beneath the dimly lit Falstaff sign. He pulled in beside her father’s Cadillac. Cut the engine. They sat for a time in silence before he said something to the fact it was time for him to go. The sun would rise soon and he needed to get back to the base before it did.

“Let’s get together on Friday,” he said.

Jenni shook her head in agreement, not wanting their night to end. She scooted towards the door keeping her eyes focused on his just in case she saw any inclination he was as eager as she was to continue. He reached over to grab his pants off the floorboard, giving her one last parting kiss. She pulled up on the handle, slowly pushing open the door, before stepping out.

“Now, you’ll be here on Friday”, he asked, sliding next to her.

Jenni bent down, her legs straight, butt in the air, her elbows in his window, and her head resting on her arms.

“What time,” she asked.

“Be here for ten, just after dark, and be sure to park around back, out of sight,” he ordered. “I’ll get here just after you.”

With a dreamy gaze, she shook her head affirming his command. He pulled his jeans over his outstretched legs, jerking them up to his waist. She pushed in for one last kiss. He gave her quick peck, then, with one hand on the steering wheel, he pushed her head back.

Lip puckered, Jenni turned, but not before turning round, bending over, and pushing her derrière through the window at him. With every bit of strength he could muster, he came down as hard as he could with his open right hand across it.

Smack, she sprang away, falling forward against her father’s car. Smarting from the slap, Jenni rose contorting her torso to gently touch the burn.

“Ow! That smarts,” she said.

“You get in your car and get out of her before I do it again,” he barked.

She quickly wiggled it one more time his way, taunting him. He jumped across the seat towards her. She jerked the car door open, falling in, squealing as her stinging skin touched the leather.

“Friday, at ten,” he reminded her backing out.

The rear wheels of his car threw up dust and shells as it fishtailed out of the parking lot. Jenni, smarting from the whack, had to drive contorted on her side; her skin would burn for the rest of the day.

The house was silent as she inched the car up the drive. Jenni did a quick over to make sure she’d left nothing behind. She stepped to the edge of the pool and slithered underneath the surface. The water helped to cool her burning backside. The black sky had begun to grey by the time she placed her damp hair on her pillow. The thoughts of her next adventure kept her awake long enough for her to hear the lonesome cry of the five-thirty train as it sped north through the pines.
