“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Five of eleven [MF. Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


After two weeks of living on Midwood Road, Ben Jacobs wished more than ever that he was back in the city. His mother had at least managed to make friends with Sharon Thompson, but other than the few other stay-at-home mothers in the neighborhood there was no one around during the long hot days. Without a second car he had no way to get into town when his father was at work, which seemed to be always, and Ben hadn’t been able to find a summer job.

He missed his girlfriend, Billie.

He was sitting on the front steps of the new house with his laptop one morning when C.J. loped across the lawn from next door. “Your mom home?” C.J. asked.

“She’s out shopping somewhere,” Ben answered. “What’s up?”

C.J. flipped the pastel green envelope he held in one hand and rolled his eyes. “Mom’s got me passing out invitations to some ladies yard party of hers. What you doing?”

“Looking for a job.”

C.J. glanced at the laptop. “Online? Nah, man, you got to look in the Gazette.”

“The what?”

“The Greenleaf Gazette. It’s something called a *news*-pa-per.” C.J. drew out each syllable in mock exasperation. “You’re in 1955 here, McFly.”

“You’re shittin’ me,” Ben muttered. “So, like, what are you doing this summer?”

“Pick-up jobs. Light moving, some landscaping for people I know. See, I got an athletic scholarship to State in September, with an interdisciplinary major lined up, and I figure this is my last chance to kick back and take life easy for a long time.” C.J. paused as if weighing an idea. “Hey, I’m headed up to the Stewarts’ place in a couple, to haul off some furniture. You wanna help?”

“Sure,” Ben replied.

“Cool. I’ll get the car.”

C.J. returned a few minutes later, riding shotgun in an ancient green drop-top Camaro. His mother was at the wheel. Sharon waved cheerfully to Ben.

“Hop in, kid. I figured I’d tag along. I ain’t seen Ruth in a dog’s age. She kind of lives out in West Bumfuck.”

The Stewart estate made the oversized homes and large lots of Midwood Road look like rowhouses by comparison. Ruth Stewart embraced Sharon warmly in the driveway and led them all into the big sunroom of the main house.

“I’d get my Keith to help y’all, but he just can’t bring himself to miss swim practice,” she apologized. “This is his last season as team captain, so…”

Ben hoped that the others didn’t notice the hard-on straining his jeans as he watched Ruth move about the room pointing out items that she wanted to have carted out to the barn for storage. The middle-aged redhead’s riding pants and crop top accentuated every supple curve of her lush figure; Ben’s mind wandered off into fantasy, and he barely heard a word that she said. Older women turned him on.

In the last couple of years, Ben had become helplessly aware of how vibrant and sexy his own mother was. Her casual displays of physical affection made him uncomfortable now, and he found being alone with her increasingly difficult. Now, Greenleaf was turning out to be a veritable Milfsburg of women just as beautiful and as appealing as Melissa Jacobs. Ben only hoped that when he finally met some girls his own age that they took after their mothers.

“Ben, why don’t we go upstairs?” Ruth asked abruptly.

“Huh?” Ben said. “I’m sorry…what?”

“Were you even listening, young man?” she teased, tapping him lightly on the chest with her forefinger. “I just said that while C.J. brings the old pick-up around from the barn I can show you what I want to have moved in the bedroom.”

“Oh! Okay, sure!” Embarrassed, Ben followed Ruth up the stairs, his gaze unconsciously fixed on her high, round ass.

Sharon and C.J. watched them disappear, looked at one another, and then both burst out laughing.

“How long we gonna give ‘em?” C.J. asked.

“No longer than we have to,” Sharon snapped. “Your slutty mama wants her some of that new dick.”

“You are one insatiable bitch.” C.J. swept Sharon up into his arms and kissed her. Her sandals slipped off of her feet as he effortlessly held her dangling nearly a foot above the floor. She instantly grew wet between her legs.

Sharon adored her son’s complete physical domination of her. She lived in a nearly constant state of sexual arousal these days, knowing that at any moment he could take her in any way that he wanted to…because she also knew that he was completely devoted to her in ways that no other man ever would or could be. She would always be safe with Connor, and sexually satisfied as well.

A few minutes passed before a low, deep moan echoed through the hallway above them, followed by another, followed by Ruth’s girlish giggle. Sharon and C.J raced upstairs to the master bedroom. They stopped dead in their tracks at the doorway, astonished at what they found.

Ben Jacobs and Ruth Stewart lay together in the four-poster bed. Ruth, clad only in blue panties, cradled the teen’s head in her arms, holding him tightly to her full white breasts. She stroked his dark, wavy hair soothingly.

Ben was spread-eagled on his back, naked, his wrists and ankles bound to the polished oak bedposts with an assortment of silk neckties. “They’re Milt’s,” Ruth snickered. “You know, I threw most of his stuff out when he split. But then, I thought I might find a fun use for these. You know what an artsy-craftsy girl I am.”

“Let me the fuck out of here!” Ben shouted. He didn’t look at all frightened, just mortified at being tricked and at being helplessly exposed this way.

A wide grin split C.J.’s face. “Dude, you should see yourself right now.”

“Help me out, man,” Ben pleaded.

“Aw no, not me,” C.J. said, backing away and sitting down in an overstuffed chair. He looked solemn in the way that only someone trying to stifle a belly laugh could look. “Sorry, bro. I do NOT argue with this woman. Not with neither of ‘em. You’re on your own here.”

Sharon’s gaze roamed admiringly up and down Ben’s lean body, coming to rest on his rising, stiffening cock. “Ruth, how in the hell did you manage this?”

“Oh, you know how horny teenage boys are,” Ruth laughed. “A smart woman can talk one into playing almost any game, if he thinks he’s going to get some ass.” She reached out and teasingly bopped Ben on the nose. “And you will, lover,” she promised him. “Don’t you worry, you’re going to get all the *pussy* you can handle today.”

Ruth slid one freshly pedicured foot along Ben’s cock. She winked at Sharon. “Look at this prize,”

“Jesus Christ.” Sharon stared in disbelief. Now fully and gloriously erect, Ben’s prick was nearly as long as her son’s and at least as thick. Of all the many men she’d fucked, not one had come nearly so close to matching C.J.’s endowment as Ben Jacobs.

He twisted and squirmed as Ruth tickled his balls with her toes. “I do believe he’s a virgin,” she giggled.

“Am NOT!” Ben objected.

The truth was that Ben and his girlfriend Billie Hopkins had made it together three times, all within the two weeks before his family had left the city behind for Greenleaf. Each of those occasions had been quick and furtive screws, standing in the stairwell landing above the Hopkins’ third-floor walkup apartment after midnight, Billie in her jacket and t-shirt with her jeans puddled on the carpet at her feet, Ben with his trousers around his knees, and both of them praying that neither her parents nor the creepy guy in 4B would hear the noise and come out into the hall to investigate.

Ben suspected that 4B didn’t interrupt because he liked to watch through the peephole in his front door.

Billie was the only thing Ben truly missed about the city.

“Untie me NOW,” he demanded, his handsome features set in a determined scowl.

“You are adorable,” Sharon whispered. She leaned forward to place one finger on his lips. “It’s no good, Ben. I’m afraid you’ve fallen into the clutches of a couple of deranged sluts and we aren’t going to let you go until you’ve satisfied us. So, just relax and enjoy.”

Surprisingly, a half-smile spread across Ben’s face. “If you just turn me loose, we’ll both enjoy it a lot more,” he said confidently.

“All in good time.” Sharon slowly unbuttoned her sleeveless blouse and shrugged out of it, never taking her eyes from Ben’s magnificent prick. She unhooked her bra, letting her big tits spill free. When she eased her shorts and panties down over her tanned thighs and Ben saw her hairless, tattooed crotch his cock surged and, incredibly, swelled even larger.

“Oh God, I’ve got to have that thing in me,” she pleaded with Ruth. “Let me go first. *Please?”*

“Well…since you found him for us, I guess it’s fair that you get the first fuck,” Ruth conceded. “I’ll have to find some way to console myself.” She slid out of bed and sauntered over to C.J. “How about it, dude?”

C.J. glowered up at her. “How about you get naked and suck my cock?”

“Yes, sir!” Ruth said with a gleeful twinkle in her eye. She quickly stepped out of her panties and then pulled off his boots and jeans. On her knees between his thighs, she captured the head of his prick in her lips and playfully swirled her tongue around the fleshy knob, paying special attention to the sensitive skin just behind the rim.

Sharon mounted Ben. She tugged on his shaft, positioning him at the entrance to her cunt. She eased herself down on to his velvety smooth, swollen cock knob. As soon it touched her pussy her sex lips parted, and her welcoming hole swallowed at least a third of his prick at one go.

She clamped her knees tight on either side of his hips and rode just the first few inches of his cock for a while. Her earlier suspicion was wonderfully confirmed: Ben filled her as fully as her son did.

*This is what it’s all about,* she thought giddily. She shuddered deliciously as Ben’s iron-hard young prick inched upward into her always-ready fuck tunnel, triggering little shock-waves of pleasure all throughout her belly.

Getting a new guy’s cock into her for the first time was a peak experience and one she always savored. Ben once again reaffirmed her experience that very young men were the best fucks.

She moved her pelvis in small circles, slipping ever lower on his shaft until the globes of her ass rested flat on his thighs. Flexing her inner muscles, she gently squeezed and released the pressure of her pussy walls around his shaft. Ben’s eyes rolled back under his lids. He gasped and bucked beneath her as she repeated the exercise several times.

If she kept this up Sharon could suck the jism from his cock with her cunt just as surely as she could with her lips and tongue. She’d conquered more than one brash teen lover this way, training them to fuck to her tastes. But those were not the lessons she wanted Ben to learn, today.

“You like that, sweetheart?” she murmured. Ben nodded breathlessly. “Good. See, Ruthie and I’ve got educated pussies. We’ve got such a lot to teach you, Ben.”

She cupped her breasts and offered them to his slackly open mouth. “Lick my nipples, lover.” Ben did as she instructed. “Uh-huh…bite down, not too hard…Ooooh, yeah, like that, just a nibble. Now suck me. Nurse on Mommy’s big titties.”

At those words, Ben immediately arched his back, driving up hard into her cunt, as she’d hoped he would. She whispered to him, urging him on. “Mommy loves your big cock, Ben. Give it to Mommy…make Mommy come!”

*“Fuck!”* Ben roared, going wild. He lurched and thrashed and strained against his bonds. Sharon grabbed hold of his shoulders and held on tight, riding him like a bucking stallion.

Meanwhile, Ruth had climbed onto C.J. in his chair and laid upside down atop him with her thighs resting on his shoulders, her belly pressed against his chest and her tiny pink pussy just inches from his face. She slowly slid her mouth up and down his fuck-rod, marveling as she always did at how a prick could be so soft and yielding against her lips and yet so hard and powerful at the same time.

C.J. flicked his tongue across her clit. She moaned around his cock and quivered with excitement. She moved her head steadily up and down, stopping now and then for a moment to suck just the tip of his dick and enjoy the flavor of his pre-cum before again deep-throating as much of him as she could.

She watched the couple on the bed as she sucked, her lust stoked higher by the vision of her closest friend initiating a young lover into their ever-growing circle of studs. The total immersion with which Sharon fucked, the way every muscle of her lithe, lush body rippled while she rose and fell on Ben’s cock, entranced Ruth. Ben’s cock was so big around that Sharon’s labia rolled outward, clinging to the shaft whenever a few inches of it emerged from her cunt.

“Pay attention, woman!” C.J. slapped Ruth hard on her ass, sending delightful vibrations through her. He traced his tongue up and down her slit, dipping in between her pussy lips to lap at her streaming juices, easily driving her to the verge of orgasm.

Chastened, she devoted her full attention to orally massaging his prick. Up and down, up and down…There was no experience in the world that thrilled Ruth as much as sucking a man’s cock. She had discovered that decades ago, between her own father’s knees. Every man was different, and any man was satisfying.

Ruth looked forward to finding out what Ben Jacobs’ jism tasted like.

Sharon fucked her captive stud with wild abandon. Knowing that she was putting on a show for her son and her best friend added to her excitement, and she rode up and down Ben’s throbbing fuck-pole in a heated frenzy.

Sharon loved a big cock in her cunt just as much as Ruth loved to suck one. As she’d confided to Ben’s mother Melissa, she’d always been sex crazy, but her lust for C.J. and her embrace of son-fucking had finally stripped away the few fragile inhibitions she’d once clung to. So many days and nights of being drilled by that forbidden ebony rod had transformed her into a woman who would do anything in pursuit of a fuck.

Her pleasure grew and she felt herself hurtling toward a tremendous orgasm. She squeezed her pussy around Ben’s cock for an instant every time he was all the way inside her, bringing him along with her, setting the pace of his fuck strokes without his realizing it.

She was ready now.

She reached down behind herself to play with Ben’s balls. She ran her fingers up and down the seam of his nut sack, fondling and stirring the big firm eggs for a few moments, then her hand resumed its journey downward, sliding past his scrotum and up between his ass cheeks.

Sharon circled Ben’s asshole with one fingertip and then delicately slipped it inside. That was all it took. The sensation was so new to him and he was so sensitive to any stimulation at this point that the first touch there pushed him past the point of no return.

“Goddamn!” he screamed. “I’m coming! Fuck…fuck…FUCK!” He clenched his teeth as the first shots of jism spurted from his prick. Sharon plunged down to meet his thrusts so that his whole cock was inside, spraying jets of hot ball-juice up into her.

Sharon shrieked out loud. This was the moment she yearned for, the sensation of a new man unloading into her for the first time. She shuddered from head to toe, her whole body convulsed and anguished cries exploded from her lips. “Me too, Baby! Me too! Fuck, I’m there! I…ah—ah—aaaahhhh, yeeessss!”

Ben’s cock jerked and pumped inside her, volley upon volley of his jism warming her deepest reaches. She collapsed onto his chest, squirming and moaning and holding onto him as they came together.

“You’re a natural wonder,” Sharon whispered when she’d caught her breath. She was barely able to get the words out. Young Ben Jacobs looked calculatingly up at her through hooded eyes.

“Untie me,” he barked. Sharon grinned and undid the first of the knotted neckties. It took some concentrated effort to free him. Once upon a time, Ruth had mastered the Ten Essential Knots for Girl Scouts.

“I suppose you’ve got some questions,” Sharon said slyly as she worked at the remaining knots.

“Just one.” Ben rubbed at his wrists. “What does my mother know about this?”

“You mean, about this afternoon?”

“Any of this stuff.”

“Well…” Sharon began, but C.J.’s bellow interrupted her.

“Take it *all*, bitch!”

Sharon and Ben both turned to see Ruth thrashing atop C.J., holding onto his big thighs with both hands as he bucked his hips upward. He couldn’t force more than half of his enormous cock into her throat as he pumped what seemed an endless fountain of jism into the helpless middle-aged woman’s belly. She gulped and swallowed frantically. Gobs of cum spilled out of the corners of her sucking mouth and ran down his prick onto his balls.

“Connor, you’ll choke her!” Sharon shouted.

“Hell, Mrs. Stewart loves this,” he replied smugly. Looking at the familiar cum-drunk daze in her friend’s eyes, Sharon knew that it was true.

C.J. held Ruth securely in place with one big muscular arm, her tits mashed against his hard belly, while casually working three fingers between the flowering lips of her wet little cunt. His thumb expertly massaged her clitoris and her entire body jerked crazily, like a puppet whose strings were being pulled at random. Violent tremors ripped through her frame as her orgasm overwhelmed her. He kept on playing with her pussy and a few seconds later she came again, and then again.

Sharon flushed with new heat from head to toe. “Excuse me a minute, honey.” She patted Ben on the leg and went to crouch next to Ruth. She stroked away the perspiration-soaked strands of dark red hair that clung to her friend’s cheeks and kissed her forehead soothingly.

Finally, Ruth raised her head to release C.J.’s still-dripping cock from her mouth. Cum dribbled from her lips. The two women kissed passionately for a while, then Ruth broke away and gazed dizzily at Sharon.

“So much cum,” she moaned. “How can there be so much? How much can he—”

“I don’t rightly know,” Sharon admitted. “But he always has as much as I need.” She leaned forward and whispered into Ruth’s ear “I’ll bet you that Ben’s got a couple more rounds in him, too.”

Still lightheaded, Ruth peered past Sharon to see Ben Jacobs relaxing on the bed looking amused and far too pleased with himself. His big cock still stuck up like a flagpole, glistening with the mingling of his jism and Sharon’s pussy cream. Ruth’s eyes widened. She wriggled free of C.J. and made her way unsteadily to where Ben lay.

“Careful,” Sharon warned her. “That one’s nobody’s fool.”

Ruth shrugged. “You mad at me, darling?” She snuggled up next to Ben, trailing her fingers playfully up and down his chest and stomach. He didn’t reply, just reached for her waist and pulled her close, one hand seeking out the warm wet cleft between her legs. She stroked his shaft. “Such a lovely big fellow,” she said softly.

Sharon stood looking into her son’s fierce eyes for several moments, then lowered her eyes demurely.

“Mouth or pussy?” she offered.

“Clean me up,” C.J. growled. “Then I’ll fuck hell out of you.”

Ben stared incredulously at the mother-son couple as Sharon bent to lick and suck ravenously on C.J.’s hard-on, preparing to fuck her son. Ruth was pleased to see Ben’s cock grow even stiffer, fresh pre-cum oozing from the slit.

“Shocking, isn’t it?” she whispered, gently biting his ear. “A mother, fucking her own son? It’s like us small town moms have no morals at all, isn’t it? We might do anything. Anything you can imagine. Anything you want…”

“Shut up.” Ben abruptly took hold of her shoulders and pushed her over her onto her back. He mounted her, spread her legs, and placed her ankles on his shoulders while positioning his cock just inside her swollen pussy lips. Ruth squealed joyfully. “Oh yeah! Do it to me, stud! Let me have that big fucker up my little hole! Oh, oooooh, do it, fuck me, do it!”

Ben grabbed one discarded necktie and stuffed it into Ruth’s mouth. “I told you to shut up, whore.”

Ruth spit the silk cloth out with a wicked laugh. She wrapped her legs around Ben’s hips and pulled him to her, humping her pelvis up to meet his every thrust.

She glanced at the antique brass alarm clock on the nightstand and smiled inwardly. Her son Keith was due home in just over an hour, and she looked forward to taking on a trio of teen cocks.

The sexual education of Ben Jacobs was just beginning.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iuguj4/the_mom_next_door_another_tribute_to_1980s_porn