A Week of Slavery (part four-the end) [brother’s friends] [MMFF] [group sex] [exhaustion] [MF] [brother’s best friend] [Caught] [Oral] [vaginal] [loving]

[Part Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/itts71/a_week_of_slavery_part_three_incest_siblings/)

A tiny whimper escaped my lips and Ash kissed me, “Nothing happens without your permission, little sister. Do you want them?” He asked.

I don’t know why, but I nodded. He smiled and lay me back on the bed, “Don’t cum in her pussy,” he said as he looked from Book to Mike. They both nodded and climbed up on the bed beside me as Ash climbed off. Libby climbed next to me and started kissing me.

“You know you’re our little sister too, right?” She whispered to me as her fingers traced over my body.

Book and Mike were both taking in my body, their hands slid along my shape and squeezed me here and there as Libby took her time, calming me and readying me for them with her tongue and fingers. “We just want you to know we love you. We want you to be happy and to feel loved and appreciated,” she said.

Libby lead the other two guys in how to use my body, directing them on how to kiss my clit, how to curve their fingers perfectly inside to make me drip with want, even how to kiss my neck to make my whole body tense and shiver in their grips. My body felt like jelly as Book pushed his dick into my cunt and my legs rubbed along his sides, needily gripping him even though I felt like I wasn’t capable of such control over my limbs. Mike had my head leaning over the side of the bed, I could see Ash and Wyatt sitting in chairs off to the side, watching their friends have their way with me repeatedly.

Mike choked me with his dick over and over again, each time more of the thick mucous at the back of my throat coated him. He could barely get his dick deep enough, but standing over me with full control of my head and this open angle, his dick slid deeper than it had earlier that night. I gagged and choked on his cum and Libby pulled me away from him and lifted my head up onto her lap. She held my jaw open and taunted Book, urging him to mix his cum with Mike’s in my mouth and on my face. He stroked off and I felt the thick streams land on my cheek, lips and tongue. Libby caressed my cheek and jaw, her hand came away coated in the cum of both her boyfriend and his friend and she eagerly sucked it from her fingers and palm.

She lay me down on the bed and dipped her tongue in my mouth, scooping out the cum she’d asked me to not swallow. I got a resurgence of energy and grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to me, kissing her deeply and shoving my cum coated tongue past her lips, slathering her in them. Libby hungrily kissed me back, her knee pressed against my cunt as she began to grind herself on my upper thigh.

I squirmed against her and whimpered. My clit was swollen and throbbed with need and she was such a different experience than the guys. She took her time and gave me a certain want to see me fulfilled that made her lips linger and her teeth bite down a little harder on my flesh. She knew just how rough and gentle to be to evoke the maximum sensations from me.

A firm bite on my neck as her knee pushed hard against my clit, then a soft kiss and bite on my lower lip as her hands closed firmly around my breasts. Then she released my body and pushed hers tightly to mine, her larger, soft tits pushed against mine. The boys all watched her expertly please my body as she urged me and taught me how to give her that same pleasure. I sucked on her nipple as she stroked my hair and held me to her breast, then I clamped my teeth down gently, just enough pressure for her to feel the slight pain of it mix with the pleasure of my pointed tongue flicking at the tip of her nipple.

Libby moaned and guided my lips down her body until she was kneeling over me and my mouth and hands greedily took every drip of fluid from her cunt in soft moans as I drank her. My teeth bit her outer labia, which were barely existent, fully exposing the larger inner labia that I licked and tugged. Looking back on it, I felt like I was watching myself please this beautiful woman, like some goddess of a lesbian invaded my body and rocked the older girl to pleasure over and over again. I’d never been with a girl before her, so it was all new to me, but it felt so fucking natural.

It was hours between Ash and my brother fucking me and Libby finally collapsing beside me, kissing me softly with her arm curled under my back, her hand caressing my tit as it curved back around my body. Ash approached me, my eyes were barely open and he smiled as he looked at me then thrust his cock back into my pussy. He could have fucked me, but honestly, just his dick pushing into me set my pussy off into spasm after spasm. My eyes rolled back in my head and I leaned back. He held me, pulling me up onto his lap then climbing up into the bed.

My head was on his shoulder, my knees bent on either side of his hips, and he stroked my back and my hair. His lips tickled my ear as he whispered so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him, “We have to talk tomorrow, for right now, just rest.”

I nodded and pressed my lips into his neck. I quickly drifted off to sleep in his grip. When I woke up I was in my brother’s SUV with my head against Ash’s shoulder. His hand was gently stroking my hair. The vehicle stopped and I closed my eyes again, pretending to be asleep as I heard Ash say, “You guys go ahead and get us set up, Kai’s going to want a purple ball so set her up, Wy, I’ll get her face cleaned up and we’ll be right behind you.”

The doors slammed shut and laughter drifted away as Ash nudged me, “You can stop pretending to be asleep,” he said.

I turned my head to look at him, he was smiling softly as he wiped a few rogue tears from my cheek, “Are you over the temper tantrum or are we going to go through your entire birthday party with you looking like we kidnapped you?” He asked.

I crinkled my nose, “You did kidnap me,” I said quietly.

“Yeah, but you don’t have to look like we did,” he retorted.

Had it been just a dream? It felt so fucking real. I looked at him and tilted my head, then climbed over his lap and kissed him passionately. He tried to push me away but I refused to be denied and felt his dick throbbing beneath me as I began to grind on his lap.

He grasped my jaw and pulled me away from him, “Kai, what the fuck?” He asked.

I started to tear up, feeling rejected. I started to get off of him and he grabbed my wrist and held me there, “You’re like a sister to me, you know that, right Kaya?” He asked, his thumb stroking over the back of my hand.

I nodded and wiped my eyes of the fresh tears threatening to fall.

He pulled me back to him in a tight hug and rubbed my back as I cried on his shoulder. I’d never been the bold one and he knew that. I was always the pursued, never the pursuer.

“It’s okay, Kai,” he whispered to me.

“I just want to go home,” I sobbed.

He pulled me off of his shoulder and stroked my hair behind my ears and down my back, “One game. Just play through one game with us and I promise I’ll make them take you home after, okay?”

I nodded and wiped my eyes with shaky hands, “Can I stay with you for a little while?” I asked, again, being unlike myself and bolder than normal.

He furrowed his brow and looked out the car window towards where my brother and his friends disappeared, “How about if you beat me, you can stay with me for a few days, but if I win, you have to leave your house every single day for a month?”

I shook my head, “If I win, you have to do everything I say for a week,” I said.

“And if I win?” He asked, his hand tightened on my hip slightly.

I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I’ll stay at your house and clean every single day for a month and I’ll have dinner ready when you get home. I’ll even bring you a lunch to work every day, fresh and hot,” I said.

He nodded, “Alright, deal.”

I started to climb off of his lap, but he held me there for a minute and looked me in the eye, “What?” I asked, reaching up and feeling to see if I had something on my face.

He leaned over and kissed me, guiding me down onto the bench seat, “We’ll talk about this later,” he whispered as he grabbed a wipe and started cleaning my face.

We played through and I played the worst game of putt putt in my life. Every bad stroke made Ash smile a little, but I wasn’t sulking or upset, I was smiling and laughing with my brother’s friends, though slightly distracted as I thought about the dream I’d had. I jumped when Libby tucked my hair behind my ear and she tilted her head curiously, “You okay, Kai?” She asked.

I nodded. I couldn’t exactly say, ‘Well, I mean, I had a dream I fucked every single one of you over the course of hours in an expensive as fuck hotel room until my thoroughly fucked and exhausted body passed out in Ash’s arms while fully impaled on his thick cock.’

“Just lost in my own thoughts,” I said.

Ash approached me after we turned in our putters and such to the main desk, “Wyatt’s going to come to my place to watch a movie with me tonight, ask to tag along, he won’t say no to you.”

I nodded and did just that, even begging and saying I was having fun and didn’t want to go home just yet. My brother agreed to it easily, he seemed relieved that I wasn’t sulking anymore. He talked to Ash and got the okay from him then we dropped the other guys back off at their houses and Wyatt called mom and told her he and Ash were going to take me to a movie because I was having fun and he wanted to encourage that. Mom was just as for it as Wyatt was.

Apparently I’ve been a fucking drag lately.

We ordered pizza, Wyatt begrudgingly let me have a few drinks with him and Ash and we watched a couple of old horror movies. I was lying with my head on Ash’s shoulder and my feet tucked under my brother’s leg, keeping my toes warm. Ash had his hand lying on my stomach as we watched the movie and Wyatt cleared his throat when he noticed Ash’s fingers sliding under my t-shirt.

Ash pulled his hand from me and put it on the back of the couch instead. Halfway through the second movie, Wyatt fell asleep and Ash slid his hand over my side, “Come with me,” he whispered as he pulled his arm from around me.

I waited for him to get up then carefully pulled my toes out from under my brother and took Ash’s hand as he led me into the kitchen. Once we were in there he looked back out into the living room to make sure Wyatt was still asleep. Satisfied that he didn’t wake up, he pushed me back into the kitchen and looked me over, “Okay, it’s time to talk about that kiss earlier.”

“What do you want to know?” I asked.

“You went from screaming and crying to get away from me to sitting on my lap and kissing me in the span of a half hour. Were you trying to play me? Get me to…to what?”

“I wasn’t playing you, and I wasn’t getting you to do anything. I just…I had a dream while I was asleep in the car and was a little confused when I woke up,” I said.

“That wasn’t a confused kiss,” he retorted.

“I wasn’t confused about the kiss. I was confused about how I felt about what happened in the dream,” I said.

He moved closer to me and tipped my head up to him, “And what happened in the dream that made you want to kiss me, little sister?” He asked.

The same butterflies I felt in my dream fluttered in my stomach now. I put my hand on his waist and slid down in front of him to my knees. My hands trembled as my hands slid across the waistband of his jeans to the button. I waited for him to stop me, but he didn’t and I pulled the metal through the loop of fabric and closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his zipper sliding down as I tugged it.

He put his hands on the kitchen island behind me as I looked up at him, “You’re not going to stop me from showing you?” I asked.

Ash shook his head and I hooked my fingertips in his boxers and pulled them down with his pants just enough to uncover his cock. I admired him. He wasn’t exactly how I’d dreamed him. In the dream he was circumcised, looking at him now I watched his cockhead emerge from the sheath of skin covering it as I gently stroked his shaft. My tongue ran the length of him, flicking upward as I reached his tip.

He was watching me and nervously glancing at the door as I began to work him into my mouth, a soft moan escaping my own throat as I lifted my tongue and sucked on him. One of his hands moved from the counter to the back of my neck, massaging me gently as I tipped my head back slightly to allow his dick deeper into my mouth. He closed his eyes and pushed his hips gently towards me.

This felt so much better than the dream. So much gentler, calmer, less hurried. No brotherly distraction or having to share. I felt his hand slide up to my jaw, his fingertips curled just behind my ears on either side of my head. Ash pulled me to him and I dug my fingernails into his hips as I gagged slightly. He started to pull back and I pulled myself back down his length.

My eyes watered as I forced the head of his dick into the back of my throat. Ash groaned and pulled himself back, his dick was dripping with my saliva as he pulled free of me and I gasped. He grabbed the back of my neck with his left hand and the back of my thigh with his right, lifting me up onto the counter in front of him. He kissed me hard as his hands ran down my body, settling on my jeans. He unfastened them and I lifted my hips as he yanked them down and off of my legs.

I pulled my shirt off, throwing it into the nearby sink and he dropped his shirt to the floor beside us. I sat on his kitchen counter in my bra and panties. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply, his upper lip tugged at my lower lip and his hands grabbed my ass and squeezed my cheeks. He chuckled slightly as he dragged his lips across mine then sank his tongue into my mouth.

Ash pulled my ass off of the counter and slid his hands into my panties, sliding them down my legs enough to sit me back on the counter and pull them completely off of me, dropping them onto the kitchen floor with my jeans. He started rubbing between my legs. His thumb pushed into me and he bit his own lip as he felt the wet tightness that was my cunt.

I moaned softly and he grasped my thigh and pulled me close enough for him to rub the tip of his cock through my slit. My head tipped back and I took a deep breath as his cock pushed into me. I lifted my legs and put my hands on his shoulders as he pushed a little deeper into me. His hands slid from my hips and up my back. He felt so much better than he had in the dream.

His hands slid back down to my hip, one grasped my ass and pulled me fully to him, the other started rubbing my clit. He brought his lips down to my ear and whispered, “Take your bra off?”

I let go of his shoulders and quickly unfastened my bra, sliding it across the counter as I leaned back on my elbows. His hands grasped my hips and started really fucking me. I arched my back and he brought me over my building crest as he watched my breasts bounced with his forceful thrusts into my cunt. I lay back on the counter, gasping and writhing in his grip as I cried out and put my hands on top of his on my hips as my legs squeezed his hips.

Ash pushed me further up onto the counter and climbed on top of it with me until my head was leaning back, slightly off the opposite side of the island. My hands were on his hips and his fingers grasped the opposite edge of the island. We’d stopped trying to be quiet and now my own needy whimpers, his breathy grunts, and the wet clapping of our bodies against one another was all I could hear as I saw my brother groggily rubbing his eyes as he made his way to the kitchen, towards us.

I could have stopped Ash, let him know Wyatt was about to walk in on us, instead I gasped and lifted myself up to kiss Ash before begging as I felt his cock push deep and twitch inside of me, “Don’t pull out, just fill my cunt, please,” I whispered to him as I clung to his body.

Ash’s hands grasped me and held me to him as I whimpered and gasped, squirming against him as he grunted. I felt the warm rush of his cum coating me then heard my brother’s still somewhat sleepy voice, “What the fuck, Ash!” A chiding tone lingered just behind the groggy haze as he roughly pulled Ash off the counter, and me. Ash fell to the ground with a loud thud.

“Stop it,” I yelled as I grabbed Wyatt’s arm, preventing him from advancing on Ash.

My brother turned to me before quickly averting his gaze and taking his shirt off and throwing it at me, “Cover up, would you?”

Ash found his underwear and stood up, though he was favoring his right side, putting his underwear on as he backed away from my brother, “Wy, it’s not…,” he hesitated as he saw Wyatt seethe, “I’m not just fucking using her, okay? I wouldn’t do that and you know it.”

I held Wyatt’s wrist as he tried to pull out of my grip, “I’m not a little girl,” I said.

Wyatt pushed me and I nearly fell off the back of the island. I grabbed the edge and dropped my brother’s shirt, “Christ, Wyatt, Ash made me smile for the first time in months,” I snapped at him.

My brother looked at me, “By being his fucking whore?” He yelled at me, yanking his hand out of my grip.

I looked down to the counter and he grabbed his shirt then pulled it over my head, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that,” he tried to say before I raised my hand and pushed him away from me.

“You can go out and get your dick wet with any pretty thing that passes your way without a second thought. I can’t even risk going to a club and dancing with strangers because of the risk of someone using an almond based product. I’m lonely, Wy. I haven’t left the house in months because I didn’t see the fucking point. I can’t make careless connections. I can’t be a fucking whore, no matter how much I might want to be,” I said.

I shook my head and looked at my brother, “I fucked your friend because I trust him. I can connect with him without worrying about dying. I know Ash won’t hurt me, just like you know it. This bullshit protectiveness of my body…it’s not for my benefit, it’s for yours and it’s hurting me.”

Wyatt looked from me to Ash, who was now standing behind me, “I think I should go,” Wyatt said.

I nodded and took a deep breath as Ash pulled me back to him, “I won’t hurt her,” he said to my brother.

Wyatt nodded, “I know. I didn’t actually think you would. I just…lost my head for a minute, I’m sorry.”

My brother turned to leave and I pulled his shirt back off of me and handed it to Ash, “Give it back to him?” I whispered.

He took it out to my brother and I hopped off the counter. I found Ash’s shirt and put it on and leaned against the island then waited. A smile lingered on my face as he came back into the kitchen with me.

“Is that really why you haven’t left the house?” He asked.

I nodded, “A handshake with the wrong person could end up killing me. How am I supposed to live like that?”

He took my hand, “I love you, you know?” He asked as he pulled me into a hug.

My hands curled along his sides and I nodded.

“I don’t mean as a friend, Kaya. I mean I love you. I’m in love with you. Have been for a while but I didn’t pursue it because I didn’t think you’d be interested and I was afraid of how Wyatt would react if I tried for you,” he said as he stroked my hair down my back.

“Is that why you’ve been single the past few years?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled then kissed the top of my head and said, “This dream you had…me and you were together?”

I laughed, “Me and you, and you and Wyatt, and me and Wyatt, and me, you and Wyatt together. Then me and Book, Mike, and Libby at the same time…and I won the putt putt game, which meant you had to do everything I wanted for a week. You threw the game so I could have control of you. Subconscious feeling, I suppose?”

“You weren’t kidding about the wanting to be a whore thing were you?” He asked with a chuckle.

I pouted, “I can’t control my dreams.”

“I was caught off guard in the car. You’ve never looked at me like that before and I…I thought you were trying to get out of the birthday outing,” he said.

A smirk settled across my lips, “I’ve looked at you like that before, I was just too young for you at the time so you shrugged it off as a dumb high school crush.”

“You threw the game today didn’t you?” He asked.

I smiled, “I really wanted to stay with you. Having you as a slave for a week just didn’t seem to compare. Now, let’s go to bed?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said as he took my hand and led me up to his bedroom.

We spent the night in his bed but we didn’t sleep a wink. There was a lot of cuddling and touching each other, a little talking, but mostly cuddling and fucking throughout the night. He stressed that he didn’t want us to be a part of the bet, he wanted us to be official with the bet just being a fun bonus.

What got to me, though, was he didn’t try to hide us around any of his friends. He didn’t try to hide me from his co-workers or our friends either. He really wanted us to be a public, fully on display couple.

Well, when I showed up at his office with his lunch he hid me from his co-workers a little as I spent half of his lunch hour either spread out on his desk or under it, sometimes both. One of the perks of being the boss is when your girlfriend shows up giving off the aura of being desperate for a fuck and leaves with a big smile on her now glowing face, no one questions you about it.

My brother came around on the idea of me dating his best friend once he saw me curled up on Ash’s lap, smiling as he rubbed my back and kissed my fingers. I loved him, but the more important aspect for my brother was that he saw that Ash loved me. I think there was a small part of him that was afraid Ash would just see me as a cute young conquest and he’d have to cut contact with his best friend in order to protect me from getting hurt.

We still makes bets, trading dominance in our relationship over stupid wagers that we could easily win or lose at our leisure. I spent a week sending photos of myself to him, he spent a week begging me to let him cum. He spent a month washing my hair and caring for my body, I spent a month wearing whatever he asked me to wear, from fancy dresses to just a pair of red stilettos.

I’ve come a long way from being the mopey little shut in that needed to be kidnapped to have a fucking birthday party with friends.

My mom has always seen Ash as another son, but she took the longest to adjust to Ash being my boyfriend. She felt like it was incestuous, and maybe there was a slight bit of that feeling in play with him still calling me little sister when he wants me to be extra weak and compliant to him.

The butterflies haven’t gone away and I hope they never do. However, I’ve no doubt if they faltered to flutter, a wager of a week of slavery for one of us to the other will fix it right up.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iu06gc/a_week_of_slavery_part_fourthe_end_brothers

1 comment

  1. That twist confused the shut out of me at first. I was like what the hell. But really good start with a good ending. 10/10 would nut to again

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