A Week of Slavery (part two) [the sex stuff is in this one] [Brother, Brother’s Friends, Younger Sister]

[Part One](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/it5pp5/a_week_of_slavery_part_one_no_sex_older_brothers/)

After being hit on by a couple of guys, I went the way I’d last seen Ash and my brother heading, which happened to be towards the restrooms. I took a deep breath and went into the Men’s room and caught my brother and Ash mid-kiss. My jaw dropped a little. They’d both had girlfriends throughout high school and college, not once had I ever seen any hint of this being a possibility. Wyatt opened his eyes and saw me standing at the door and pulled away from Ash. I backed up and left the room.

I got it now. Wyatt wasn’t trying to protect me from his friend, he was jealous that I was monopolizing his friend’s attention and affection so freely when he obviously felt he had to hide his own. I went back out to the booth that had our drinks at it and there was a new group sitting in it, frat boy types chugging beers and fondling the two blondes they were sharing between the five of them.

I looked around for another place to sit down and process this, trying to figure out if I’d betrayed my brother by kissing Ash or if he’d betrayed me by kissing him. If I’d known Wyatt was even remotely interested in Ash, I wouldn’t have kissed him like that, so boldly, so completely taunting my brother. I just didn’t know.

I found Libby and Book on the dance floor and told them a drink some guy bought me didn’t sit right so I was going to go back to the hotel before I got sicker. They nodded and pulled Mike over, “Hey, Kaya’s not feeling well, possibly sketchy drink, would you walk her back to the hotel?”

He looked from me to the redhead he’d been dancing with, who’d already moved on to another guy and nodded, “Yeah, alright.”

Mike took my hand and started walking me out of the club. I glanced back and saw Wyatt and Ash looking around the dance floor, most likely looking for me to make sure I didn’t say anything to anyone about what I saw. I wouldn’t have outed them, though. I love my brother and his happiness was important to me.

Mike bumped my hip as we walked, “You okay? You look a million miles away, Kai.”

I nodded but wiped a few rogue tears from my cheeks, “I’m fine, just feeling stupid. You didn’t have to walk with me, you know? I know the way. I’m not a little girl.”

“And I’m not treating you like one. I’m treating you like a friend that might have been drugged and seeing to it that you make it back to the room safely,” he said.

I forced a smile, “You’re a good guy, Micah,” I said.

“A regular knight in shining armor, milady,” he said with an exaggerated bow as he turned and walked backwards ahead of me a little.

“I wasn’t drugged,” I said, “I didn’t even drink anything, I just…wanted to go to bed. It’s been a long day.”

He nodded, “I know, you didn’t look like you’d been drinking anything. I figured it was just an excuse, but honestly, I could use a break from the crowd myself and your excuse gave me an excuse.”

I had a few missed phone calls from Wyatt and texts from Ash, when Mike and I got back to the hotel room. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you for not making me stay.”

He smiled, “It’s your birthday, kid. We should be doing whatever you want, not forcing putt putt and clubs onto you before you’re ready for it.”

We went to our separate rooms and I pulled out my phone. A voicemail from brother denoted the worry in his voice, ‘Kaya, I’m sorry. Call me so I know you’re okay? I found Libby and Book, I know Mike took you back to the hotel. Please don’t do anything you’ll regret in the morning just to get back at me? And…don’t tell mom or dad what I did?’

The message from Ash didn’t try to diminish the situation, ‘Kai…I didn’t know either of you were into me like that. I think I’m just going to go home after I leave here, give you and Wyatt some time to talk it over and work this out between yourselves then tell me what you decide.’

I responded via text to Wyatt: I’m not going to tell anyone. Mike went to his room and I went to mine, no regrets happening here. It’s okay. I get it. I just wish you’d’ve told me you liked him. I wouldn’t have kissed him if I’d known. I thought you were just being overprotective of me. I love you.

Then I responded to Ash: There’s nothing to talk about. You two have been together forever, I’m not going to step between you just to have a rebound fuck after finally showering. Come back to the hotel with your friends. I won’t make it weird.

I sat on the bed and looked in the mirror across from me. Whoever this girl that Ash had fashioned me into for the night, with her perfect curls and loosely braided crown of rainbow hair, sultry makeup and designer clothes and jewelry, she wasn’t me. I tossed my phone onto the bed and started letting my hair down as I watched myself. I felt sad again. I knew it wouldn’t have just been a meaningless rebound fuck, but I needed them to think that’s all I saw it as.

I got most of my hair down, the loose braid going around the crown of my head was still in place and I went over to Mike’s door and knocked on it. He wasn’t wearing his shirt anymore. I grabbed his hand and lead him across the main room and over to my room. He didn’t object or fuss, he just followed me into the other room and I shut and locked the door behind us.

He didn’t hesitate as he leaned down and kissed me, pushing me up against the door. He had beautiful blue eyes hidden behind thick black rimmed glasses. His chiseled jaw and dark hair gave him a Clark Kent vibe, though I don’t recall Clark ever being so forceful in his need to get his dick into Lois Lane before.

I hadn’t been lying when I told Ash I skipped the underclothes he’d sent to me, though it wasn’t because they were uncomfortable, it was just because I didn’t want to wear them. I’d wanted to fuck Ash easily in a dark corner of the club. Micah’s lips on my neck made me moan, but it was his grip in my hair as he pulled me down to my knees in front of him. I got his jeans and boxers down around his thighs. He had a short fat dick and he groaned as I kissed it intimately.

One hand rubbed his hip and the other slid between his thighs as I stretched my lips over the head of his cock. It actually hurt the corners of my mouth a little, but I was grateful for the shorter length because he didn’t gag me when he held my mouth down tight to his hips. Don’t get me wrong, my eyes watered and my mouth struggled to be used, but he barely pushed to the back of my tongue, which allowed me to curl my tongue around him as he rubbed his head along it.

My eyes turned up towards him, he had both of his hands tightly gripping fistfuls of my hair on either side of my head, pulling me to him hard on each forward thrust of his dick. I whimpered and pulled my mouth free of him, though he was reluctant to let go of such a wet hole to rest his dick, he did. He pulled me up to my feet and guided me over to the bed and sat down then pulled me up onto his lap, “I thought you were going to end up with Ash tonight,” he said between kisses, “all of the girls end up with Ash.”

That was the one thing I didn’t want to hear. It killed my excitement. He was right, it was Ash I wanted to fuck, Mike was just convenient. I closed the thought out of my head and guided him into me. I knew I wouldn’t be getting off, but I could still get one of my brother’s friends off tonight. Micah unzipped my dress and pulled it up and off my body as I rode him.

I honestly thought I wouldn’t get off, but he turned me around on his lap and started thrusting up as I came down. His thickness combined with the angle pushed the head of his cock directly against my g-spot in repeated, forceful thrusts as his fingers rubbed my clit. I leaned my head back against his chest and moaned, “Fuck.”

I felt him smile, his lips caressing my shoulder and neck, one hand snaked around my hip, expertly rubbing my clit until I was squirming in his grip. His other hand grasped my breast, lifting and caressing my skin and nipple as he fucked me. I turned my head towards him, my crest was building and he lifted his lips from my shoulder to my lips, kissing me deeply as he groaned. My stomach tightened and my legs curled along his outer thighs as I held my breath and let the pulses of my orgasm cascade through my body.

He smiled as he looked at me, his dick was throbbing inside of me, fighting off the urge to fill me as my pussy squeezed him tightly in rhythmic spasms. He lifted me off of him and lay me down on the bed beside him, he started to stroke himself off over my body, but I sat up and pushed his dick back into my mouth. My hands grasped his hips and pulled him tightly to me as his hands held the back of my head on him. Now he gagged me.

His cum was thick and a little overpoweringly plentiful as he filled my mouth. When he finally stopped pulling me down on him, I was gasping for breath. A thin line of his cum dripped from the corner of my lips and he shakily gathered it on his finger. I parted my lips and sucked it from him. A deep blush and smile crossed his cheeks and he guided me down onto my back then kissed me deeply.

“I need to go back to my room before your brother finds me here and castrates me,” he whispered.

I nodded. Yeah, I needed him to leave my room too. Not out of fear of getting caught but out of knowing I was disappointed I’d fucked Micah instead of Ash.

He put his pants and boxers back on and came over to me again, kissing my cheek and pushing my hair out of my face, “Can I take a picture of you?” He asked, his phone in hand.

I nodded and draped my arm over my face. He took his photographic proof of conquest, my pussy, reddened from arousal and repeatedly slapping against his hips, clearly visible in the photo as I’d spread my legs for him. He kissed my lips then left my room. I sat up and finished unbraiding my hair then I went to the bathroom off of this room and sat in the bottom of the shower and cried as I washed the night off of me.

While it felt like I’d been in there forever, I know it wasn’t very long before a soft rap sounded at the door. Libby’s voice was soft, “Kaya? Can I come in?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I said, “It’s not locked.”

She opened the door and came over to me, “You alright?” She asked as she opened the shower door to talk to me easier.

I shook my head, “I will be, though. Tonight was just a lot to take in after months of reclusive behavior.”

Libby pulled her dress and underwear off and climbed into the shower with me, pulling me up to my feet, “You are an amazing and beautiful girl, Kai. Don’t let your ex ruin your chances of happiness.”

She started washing me off properly, carefully touching me so I knew it wasn’t an intimate gesture so much as it was a caring one. Then she washed her self up and climbed out of the shower, retrieving a towel for each of us before we went back into our room. Wyatt was sitting on my bed when we came out of the shower and I backed up into Libby, nearly knocking her over, “Hey, you alright, Kai?” She asked as she put a steadying hand on my waist and shoulder.

I glanced back and nodded.

My brother looked at me then to Libby, “Can you give us a few minutes?” He asked.

“Yeah, sure,” she said, tightening her towel around her and walking out of the room.

I grasped my towel and Wyatt stood up and led me back over to the bed, “I’m sorry, Kai,” he said softly as he sat me down then sat beside me, looking at me as I looked down at the floor.

My shoulders shrugged almost involuntarily, “I am too. I really wish you had told me. It could have avoided this,” I said.

“I didn’t know,” he said, “Ash followed me when I left, I just wanted to punch something so I went into the bathroom, figuring a wall or stall could take a solid punch and when I turned around and saw him, I reacted. It took us both by surprise. He pushed me away at first. Looked back to the door, I’m guessing thinking about you, then I grabbed him and kissed him again and he didn’t pull away that time.”

I nodded. I really didn’t want to know the details so I forced a smile and looked up at him, “It’s okay. You two clearly have something to figure out together. I was honestly just going to use him as a rebound. I knew he’d be a safe fuck,” I said with a laugh in order to avoid crying.

Wyatt stood up and went over to the door. He opened it and Ash and Libby came in. Libby gathered her things and smiled at me then left the room. Ash locked the door behind her.

Wyatt looked back at me, “I’m not gay. I know I’m not. I don’t think Ash is either?” He asked as he looked to his friend.

Ash blushed and shook his head, “But, neither of us is apparently fully straight either,” he said.

“The three of us are going to share this room, Libby’s sharing with Book and Mike.”

“This room only has one bed, though,” I said as I looked between them.

Ash nodded, “Yeah, but it’s a big bed,” he said.

He came over and sat beside me on the bed, his hand caressed my cheek and he turned my face up to me, “You’ve clearly already washed up. Wyatt and I are going to do the same, do you want to come help us, little sister?” He asked.

I looked to my brother, a curious look on my face as he started undressing, “The three of us?” I asked.

Ash nodded, “Just to see,” he said as he leaned down and kissed me.

I reached over and started undressing Ash, my brother came over and helped me. We took turns kissing him but we touched him together. I clung to my towel as I walked with them back into the shower. Ash reached out to me, grasping the towel in his hand as he untucked it from between my breasts, I tightened my grip on it and looked between them, “I fucked Mike,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

“I know, he bragged,” Ash said, prying my fingers from my towel and letting it fall to the floor in a heap at my feet.

He took my hand and led me into the shower and I stood in front of them as they adjusted the water. Wyatt was about a foot taller than me, while Ash stood about four inches taller than him. I wasn’t sure how to go about this, was I just supposed to touch Ash? Or did my brother expect my affection too?

That question was answered as my brother ran his hand down my lower back and bent over, kissing me softly on the lips. I resisted a little. It felt foreign to me, but Ash’s lips at my ear whispering, “It’s okay, Kai,” as his hand slid over the front of my body set me at ease.

Wyatt pulled his lips from mine and his cheeks were brightly flushed as he looked at me then lifted his eyes to his best friend of over twenty years. I stood between them and curled the fingers on each of my hands around each of their, already throbbing, cocks. Ash kissed Wyatt and they both moaned as I stroked them towards each other. My gaze turned up to them, each one was breathing heavily as I stroked them a little faster. They stepped closer to each other and their dicks brushed against each other as I stroked them.

I licked from the head of my brother’s dick over to the head of Ash’s then knelt down beside them. They turned their lower bodies towards me and I started with my mouth on Ash’s dick, sucking hard and deep until his length choked me then I pulled my lips from him and turned my attention to my brother’s dick. Wyatt grabbed my hair and held me to him as he groaned. An audible gag got him to loosen his grip on me and I pulled back, coughing as thick strings of spit draped from his thickly slicked cock to my panting mouth.

Ash knelt down behind me and pulled me down onto his cock. He was only slightly thinner than Mike, but at least twice his length. I tightened my grip on my brother’s hips as his best friend began to fuck me. I looked up at Wyatt and moaned. He guided his cock back between my lips, rubbing the head of his cock on my tongue as he pushed himself deeply down my throat. I tilted my head to let my brother thrust himself between my lips as I moaned from Ash’s dick pleasuring me deep inside.

Ash grasped my jaw and pulled me off of my brother’s dick, his hand rubbed my throat and grasped my hip as he fucked me then lowered his own mouth onto my brother’s dick. Wyatt moaned louder at the larger, thicker tongue on his member. My brother’s hips moved faster and Ash stopped thrusting into me, so I held my brothers hips and lifted myself up and down on Ash’s dick, dipping down until I got my brother’s clean shaven balls into my mouth

Wyatt gasped and thrust hard at Ash’s mouth as I licked just behind his balls while they contracted. Ash looked up at my brother’s groaning and gasping face while he unloaded his dick into his friend’s mouth, There was a spill trickling from the corner of Ash’s lips and I dragged my tongue up, licking the rogue cum from his face. Ash closed his eyes and groaned as Wyatt pulled his dick back out.

Ash grasped my jaw and turned my face towards him, kissing me deeply and messily, sharing my brother’s fresh cum with me. I happily sought out the coating within his mouth and lapped every cum-coated surface with an eager want. I rocked my hips on him and Wyatt knelt down beside us, his hand rubbed my lightly fuzzy cunt. Before the salon visit it would’ve been a fucking jungle down there I’d been so unkempt, but now my reddish-toned pubic mound was coated in a soft fluffy triangle pointing to my cleanly waxed labia.

Ash started fucking me again and I moaned against his tongue. Ash’s hands grabbed my hips, guiding me on his cock as he fucked me hard and deep. Wyatt’s fingers gently caressed my clit then slid down to stroke his friend’s dick and tight balls towards my pussy.

Ash pulled his lips from mine and groaned loudly against my ear, “I’m gonna cum, Kai, hope up.”

I started to lift myself up but Wyatt grasped my hips on top of Ash’s hands and yanked me down hard onto his friend. Wyatt kissed me then looked at his friend, “Fuck my baby sister, Ash. Fill her with your cum,”

Ash groaned and I was shocked as I closed my eyes and gasped at the feel of Ash’s cock twitching and splashing his thick cum tight against my cervix. My brothers hands groping my hips through his friend’s hands as he rocked me on Ash’s cock. Wyatt kissed me then knelt down and opened my legs up, putting my feet flat on the shower floor on either side of Ash’s legs.

Wyatt kissed my cunt then started licking my clit and sucking on it. I arched my back and Ash watched me writhe, my cunt still spread by his semi-hard cock as my brother ate me and licked Ash’s balls while he did it. Ash’s hands slid up my body, cupping and kneading my breasts in his hand. His lips lingered at my ear, “I like this, Kaya,” he groaned as I started to tighten and release on his cock.

Tears flowed over my cheek as my own brother brought me to an orgasm that made me buck my hips with Ash’s cock still inside of me. Ash groaned and I felt him stiffening again, “Kai,” he whispered as his hand grasped my waist tightly, “Oh fuck, Kai,” he cried out. My brother’s tongue dragging from my contracting to pussy to Ash’s tight balls, then Wyatt pushing his tongue between my cunt and his friend’s dick, essentially rimming my still impaled pussy along with the base of Ash’s shaft. He shot off a second load in me with some quick stimulation and a smile from Wyatt.

Wyatt gently pulled Ash’s dick from me, licking his friend’s shaft the entire way, but when he got to the head of his cock, he waited a moment, pushing his tongue in and over Ash’s dick as he let his friend’s softened dick fall away to be replaced by my brother’s tongue as he cleaned my cunt of his friend’s cum.

Ash’s hands slid down my thighs, his fingers moved between my legs and rubbed my outer labia, pulling the small lips away to give my brother unfettered access to my most intimate parts. I was biting my lip as Ash bit my shoulder and neck and Wyatt’s tongue made me stretch and moan in pleasure.

Their attention brought me to a gentle crest of pleasure and the entirety of my body trembled lightly. Wyatt kissed his way up my body, kissed me on the lips, then he leaned over and kissed Ash.

I looked between them, my brow furrowed, “I don’t know how to feel about this,” I said, my voice almost a whisper.

Wyatt smiled, pressing his lips to mine and I kissed him back. He looked me in the eye as he pulled his lips back from me, “I’m not going to fuck you, Kaya,” he said softly.

Ash had one arm wrapped over my shoulder and crossed down along my chest to the opposite waist as he worked to slow his breathing down, “I don’t know how to feel about it either, Kai,” he said, “but I think it’s clear that all three of us liked what just happened.”

I rubbed Ash’s arm and tilted my head slightly, “Are you two going to fuck?” I asked.

They both shifted uncomfortably before Wyatt shrugged and Ash sighed, “I don’t know,” Ash said, “I never wanted to fuck a guy or be fucked by one before. I kind of want to try it though.”

Wyatt looked me in the eye, “Have you had anal before, Kaya?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Does it hurt as much as I’ve heard it does?”

“It only hurts if you’re too tense or your partner wants it to hurt. Neil liked making me cry, I should have known then,” I said with a sigh.

Wyatt clenched his fist and Ash tightened his grip on me, “We’ll never hurt you, little sister,” Ash whispered to me.

The three of us got up, Wyatt and I left the bathroom together while Ash washed up properly to prepare for more. We stood naked together in the bedroom and I looked at his body. He was a handsome guy, fit, about ten years older than me. He had softly toned musculature, not ripped, but not fat either. His dick was nearly as thick as Mike’s, slightly thicker than Ash’s, but somewhere between Mike’s and Ash’s length.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I closed my eyes and imagined what his dick would feel like inside of me. He was smiling when I opened my eyes again and he leaned over and kissed me, parting my lips gently with his and pushing his tongue across mine. The butterflies took flight and I lay my hand on his hip and moaned against his tongue.

He pulled away from my lips and looked me in the eye, “Neil didn’t deserve you, baby sister,” he said softly, the backs of his fingers stroked my cheek.

I smiled and took a deep breath, puffing my chest out as his hand trailed down my cheek and over my neck then down over my breast, “What made you want to include me?” I asked, my voice slightly muffled by an unexpected gasp as my brother’s lips closed over my nipple, his teeth dragging along it gently before he pulled away.

“Ash,” he said, “Ash said you’d been hitting on him all night and he wanted to pursue things with you. He said he’d been in love with you since before you started dating Neil and had just been waiting for you to wise up about him. He also didn’t want to hurt me and asked if I’d be willing to share, at least the night, with you so he can see if we’re something he wants or just a curiosity. I want to know that too.”

“Yeah, but I’m your sister, I get why you wanted the night with him and his affection, but you’re touching me, kissing me and that has nothing to do with him, Wy,” I said.

Wyatt took a deep breath and started to answer when Ash opened the bathroom door. My brother pulled his hand from me and Ash nodded his head back to the bathroom, “Your turn, Wy,” he said, a slight sharpness to his tone as he stepped out of the bathroom between Wyatt and myself.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/it5roz/a_week_of_slavery_part_two_the_sex_stuff_is_in