“The Mom Next Door” – another tribute to 1980s porn paperbacks by Tad Overdon – Chapter Three of eleven [MF. MMF, Incest]

# “The Mom Next Door” by Tad Overdon


The LED sign in the main parking area at Oakmore Valley Resort read “Oakmore Welcomes the Regional Broadcasters Conference.”

The convention had already been in full swing when Tom Jacobs had arrived this morning. Nearly overwhelmed by the logistics of jumping into his new job with so little preparation, he was relieved to find that Amber Harvey, the resort’s events coordinator, had everything well in hand.

Tom was surprised that at just twenty-three years of age Amber was able to execute the responsibilities of that job with such confidence and efficiency. On a personal level, he was delighted that she was also a knock-out: tall and slender with long, shapely legs and silky auburn hair which tumbled down past her shoulders.

“Are you finding everything you need, Mister Jacobs?” Tom looked up from his desktop monitor to see Amber standing in the doorway of what now was his office.

“It’s a lot to take in all at once,” Tom replied. “I’d have liked to have had some kind of hand-off from Stewart. You’d think the man was running late for a space launch or something.”

“Let me have a look?” Amber walked around to Tom’s side of the desk and tilted the monitor up slightly for a better look. “Oh, the website,” she sniffed. “Corporate manages that. It’s very, uh, corporate.”

“Generically charming,” Tom agreed. “Nice golf course, picturesque bungalows, swans on the lake.”

“The swans are ‘shopped.”

“I guessed. So…Oakmore’s a pleasant place, but nothing here accounts for our level of bookings. And if I can’t figure out where the magic lives, you’re not going to have time to get used to having me around.”

“That *would* be a shame,” Amber murmured. She regarded Tom quizzically as if sizing him up. He couldn’t tell whether her interest at that moment was more professional or personal but found that he didn’t mind either way.

“Oakmore’s most effective marketing is what you’d call ‘word of mouth,’” she began cautiously. As she leaned across to grab the computer mouse her right breast brushed lightly against his cheek and he discovered that she wore nothing under her white jersey knit stop. “We’re secluded. We’re discreet. And the employees and staff are ready to serve our guests’ every need and desire.”

With two mouse clicks, Amber brought up a grid view of the main hotel’s security cameras. She gave Tom another questioning look and said, “Don’t freak out, okay?”

Another click, and a single camera feed filled the computer screen. It was captioned “CM001: Regency Ballroom B.”

The partitioned ballroom was set up for a large luncheon, but the event in progress looked more like an orgy in full swing. Tom’s first impression was of a lot of bare breasts and dicks hanging out. People were seated at tables or milling about in various states of nudity. Near the camera, one naked man was chatting with a woman who wore nothing but a blouse open to her navel and a short red skirt. His free hand was up under her skirt, feeling her ass, while she smiled and fondled his cock in return.

At a nearby table a pretty blonde was seated on the lap of a buxom redhead, their bare breasts rubbing against one another’s as they kissed. At the next, a leggy young brunette in a charcoal grey suit was knee-riding a middle-aged executive type. His pants were around his ankles and she was jacking on his hard prick with both hands. Kneeling on the floor next to them was a woman who looked like her twin, rocking back and forth while the executive explored her bare cunt with a thick middle finger. Judging by the beatific expression on her face, he was good at what he was going.

“It’s the pre-awards luncheon,” Amber explained. “According to the schedule, they’re holding the final vote for ‘Female Newscaster of the Year’ later this afternoon. Looks like there’s still a lot of campaigning going on.”

Tom just nodded mutely. He watched in fascination as dozens of couples fucked and sucked like mad in the ballroom: in chairs, on the floor, and on big round folding tables that had been swept clean of any utensils and food.

Amber quietly perched on the arm of Tom’s leather executive chair, leaning against her new boss and keenly watching his reaction. “Let’s get a better view,” she suggested, touching a function key on his computer. The camera feed was instantly mirrored on the big-screen television mounted on the wall opposite his desk.

It was too much to take in all at once. Tom focused for a few moments on a smiling woman lying in a clear area of the brocaded carpet while three men surrounded her, jerking off until they showered her with cum from her toes to the mane of black curls framing her face.

A short, thirty-something brunette danced naked on a raised speaker’s platform at the front of the room, doing high kicks like a showgirl, displaying her big tits and pussy to the appreciative crowd. Her audience applauded and shouted encouragement.

“I know that face,” Tom exclaimed. “That’s Mikaela Ruiz. The GCTV network anchor.”

“She’s the keynote speaker, and one of this year’s organizers, too.” Amber explained, her cheeks reddening as she added: “I worked closely with her on all the arrangements.”

A man stepped out of the crowd and onto the platform with Ruiz. She looked him up and down frankly, a toothy grin splitting her face as her eyes lit on his erect cock. She sank to her knees, beckoning him forward.

Another man joined them, then another. Soon the most well-known newswoman in America was surrounded by half a dozen male colleagues, some as famous as herself but several that Tom didn’t recognize. These were older men, probably network higher-ups. Mikaela Ruiz showed no favoritism, demonstrating that she regarded any hard cock as worthy of her most devoted oral attentions, as she sucked them each in turn.

*What have I gotten myself into?* Tom marveled, as the full import of it all sank in: *I’m the manager of a sex resort.*

He was shaken from his reverie by Amber’s hand gently stroking his erection through the fabric of his trousers.

“Milt usually liked me to take care of him while he reviewed the feeds,” Amber explained nonchalantly. “Do you want me to stop?”

Tom stared into her guileless green eyes for a long moment. He gave a short shake of his head.

“Awesome.” She knelt in front of him to undo his belt and unzip his trousers. “Well then, let’s see what we…Oh! Nice. Looks like you’re not *too* put off by our little secret.”

Amber started out by just playing with Tom’s cock a little, pressing it up against his belly and releasing it to spring back toward her face, meeting it with a quick dab of her moist tongue-tip. Then she started stroking the shaft with one hand, nesting it in the V of her thumb and forefinger. She cupped his balls in her other palm. They were nicely full, promising her a treat.

She kissed the underside of his cock, up along and then around the shaft, her tongue darting out between her parted lips to bathe it in her warm saliva. She slipped her lips over the tip and sucked his fuck knob into her mouth. Tom was not too big, a little above average, certainly not a challenge for someone who gave head to as many guys as she did in a week.

Christ, she was good! Tom was already on the edge of coming. He could scarcely believe it. He’d been sucked off by women with decades more sexual experience than Amber Harvey who were not nearly as talented. He groaned and clenched his teeth, gripping his chair’s armrests and fighting to hold back. He wanted this to last as long as possible.

“How can you even do that?” he said with astonishment. “Your mouth is so small.”

Amber released his cock for a moment. “Oh, I can get bigger things than this in all of my holes,” she boasted. “Would you like to try my pussy?”

Tom stared down at her in disbelief. He glanced toward the office door, wondering if Amber had locked it…then wondering if that even mattered, in this place.

“Maybe…maybe later, thanks,” he stammered. “Just, uh, just keep doing what you’re doing.”

“Sure thing, Boss.” She swallowed him more quickly this time, slick as his cock was with the mixture of her drool and his pre-cum.

Tom Jacobs had no moral scruples about cheating on his wife, Melissa, and he never had. He considered himself to be happily married and a good husband, but he conveniently confined the definition of that to his ever-increasing earning power throughout the years of their marriage. He provided exceptionally well for his wife and son—well enough that Melissa had been willing, if reluctant, to put her marketing career on hold when the Oakmore opportunity had arisen for him.

Like many other men, Tom simply told himself that he was entitled to a little R&R as a reward for his hard work. He had to admit that he got a charge out of the risks involved in combining business with pleasure and balling the occasional coworker, client, boss, secretary, intern, etc.

Still, he wasn’t sure it was smart leadership to start right off on his first day in a new assignment by boning the admin staff. He was the boss, after all, not everybody’s pal.

Amber’s cock-loving mouth presented a persuasive counterargument in favor of a more collegial managerial style.

Tom sank further into his seat, slowing his breath as best he could, trying to distract himself with the computer video so as not to come too quickly. On the big screen, Mikaela Ruiz was demonstrating the poise and confidence of a real professional. She had her arms around one guy’s neck, standing on her left leg with her right raised high and wrapped across his back just above his buttocks. He penetrated her while licking and sucking on her tits. At the same time, she twerked her ass against the erection of an older man who held her hips from behind. When he pushed his cock-head into her anus she threw her head back, opened her mouth, and wagged her tongue like a stripper working the crowd.

Mikaela was a polished performer and had an intuitive sense of how to look her best for an audience.

This was not helping Tom to delay his orgasm. He hurriedly switched to another camera feed labeled “CM023: CLUBHOUSE.”

Now he was looking at the bar and restaurant of the resort’s golf club. A bevy of young cocktail waitresses moved from table to table. Probably all local girls like Amber, they looked and moved like runway models. Their uniforms consisted of black halter dresses with plunging necklines and ruffled hems ending halfway down their buttocks. They wore black spike heels but neither stockings nor panties.

The pretty young server waiting table nearest the camera was a willowy brunette who couldn’t have been more than eighteen or nineteen. She took a pen from behind her ear to scribble on her order pad as the soft-bellied middle-aged guy sitting alone at the table spoke inaudibly to her. The waitress paused in her writing, raised one eyebrow knowingly, and stepped forward to straddle his lap. Unzipping his trousers, she brought out his stiff, pudgy cock and lowered herself onto it. The man pulled her close and yanked down her dress straps, pinning her arms at her sides. He sucked on her gumdrop nipples while she rode him with a lustful smile.

In the dim smoky light of the bar, Tom could make out similar action at other tables.

Tom gave up and looked away from the screen, down at Amber’s lovely bobbing head. He tried to think. Did corporate headquarters know what was going on here? If they did, then they certainly wouldn’t have chosen Tom Jacobs at random to replace Stewart. They must have had faith in his discretion as well as his capabilities and willingness to improvise and carry on.

But it was unlikely that they would have sent him out here with no preparation and not even a word on the down-low about the special requirements of this operation.

All right then, Corporate probably didn’t know or, at the very least, chose not to look too closely into the mouth of their unlikely gift horse. In that case, Tom could see no good reason to rock a very profitable boat. He could certainly suspend judgment until he’d learned a lot more about how all this worked.

He was glad he had the advantage of experienced and motivated staffers here at Oakmore. Amber Harvey was proving herself an immediate asset.

For her part, Amber just wanted to start off on the right foot with Tom. Sex was her favorite way to break the ice. She continued slurping and sucking on Tom’s prick, lapping at his sensitive cock flesh with her wet, hot tongue. His cock felt good, sliding in and out of her mouth…but then, every cock did.

She reached back to pull her skirt up around her waist. She always wore suspender pantyhose on the job, because she liked having easy access to her pussy for both personal and professional reasons. A bare pussy meant she could more efficiently satisfy special guest requests, and as a bonus, it was easier for her to play with herself.

She worked a finger into her naked dripping pussy and then brought it up to toy with her erect, throbbing clit. Tom might have to fight his own body, to prolong their first encounter, but lucky Amber could get herself off as many times as she liked.


Amber had first discovered and embraced her rapacious sexuality during a long summer spent with her uncles Max and Jimmy.

Six years ago her father had gone off on a world cruise with his new second wife. Margot, who was half Burt Harvey’s age, had convinced him to leave young Amber behind in Greenleaf.

“It’s sort of a…an extended honeymoon,” Burt had apologized to his daughter. “And anyway, you need to finish your senior year. You’ll be fine here. Work hard, make Daddy proud. I’ve asked your uncles to check in on you.”

Max and Jimmy Harvey were more than happy to keep an eye on their favorite niece. But Burt had critically underestimated the extent to which his younger brothers resented him and his success.

They had their reasons.

Burt was the first-born son of farmers who’d scraped together only enough money over the decades to send one of their three sons away to college. He’d done well at his studies and had returned to town to take a junior executive position at the First National Bank of Greenleaf, where he’d worked his way up to president in record time.

He’d then dumped Amber’s mom, his loyal wife of twenty years, and married shapely young Margot who worked in the bank’s auditing and accounting services department.

As Burt had ascended in his career, Jimmy was left with the thankless job of managing the family farm for their widowed mother while Max eked out a living maintaining the town’s small fleet of police and service vehicles. In Burt’s extended absence they saw their chance for some payback.

Amber had her own resentments and her own plans as well. She invited her uncles to move into the townhouse with her**.** Amber got lonely real easy.

She had happy memories of their first night together in the house, the three of them snickering conspiratorially while Max picked the locks on the wine cellar door. They all sat on the marble floor together, each with their own bottle of some pricey *who-le-fuq-cares* vintage champagne. She got giddier and giddier, and the guys got bolder.

Eventually, Uncle Jimmy hoisted her over his shoulder and carried her up to Burt and Margot’s bedroom, followed by Max.

Amber soon got Max and Jimmy naked. She modestly wore her blue cotton tank top, white ruffled ankle socks and nothing else while riding one of Jimmy’s legs, grinding her wet pussy against his hairy thigh. He gently held her cunt wide open while Max played with her clitoris and slipped a couple of fingers inside her, finding her G-spot and driving her mad. Both brothers enjoyed mouthing her puffy nipples through her saliva-soaked shirt.

“Get your hands real slick, kid,” Jimmy taught her, rubbing her palm over his pre-cum leaking cock crown. She got the idea and did the same thing to Max with her other hand. She felt clumsy that first night but over time she learned to jack them both off with finesse, making a game of getting them to shoot at the same time.

While one teased her tits the other would lick her labia and suck on her clit. That was an incredible sensation, entirely different than she’d imagined in all the times she’d fantasized about it happening. Max’s tongue felt a mile long, slithering up inside her. It felt *so* much better than even his talented probing fingers had.

After an hour of being eaten out this way, Amber was lying in the center of the mattress squirming and panting and begging for them both to fuck her.

Jimmy won the coin toss and got on his knees between his niece’s thighs. As wet as she was, he was still afraid he’d hurt her and began by just rubbing his erection across her cunt. By that point, she was desperate for her first fuck and in no mood to wait. She reached around and grabbed his ass to pull him inside her. She came right away. Jimmy lasted only a dozen fast strokes that first time before shooting his load inside her. She didn’t mind, since Max was at the ready as soon as his brother pulled out.

The three of them fucked for most of the night, with Jimmy and Max taking turns in their demanding niece’s pussy.

From that night forward Amber slept sandwiched between her uncles, often awakening after midnight to find their hard-ons poking into her tummy and buttocks. She would drowsily lift one leg and decide which cock she wanted first in her seemingly always-wet pussy. Then they taught her to ass-fuck so she didn’t have to choose anymore. She learned that she had stronger and more frequent orgasms when one cock stretched her rear fuck-hole while another performed a thorough internal massage of her sensitive pussy channel.

The events of that summer awakened not only Amber’s limitless sexual hunger in Amber but also a boundless curiosity. She spent many hours online, looking for new techniques and combinations to try out. One memorable afternoon she discovered some rimming videos and soon had Jimmy and Max side by side on their backs, legs raised, while she snaked her wet little tongue in and out of their assholes until they shot geysers of semen into the air. All agreed that the experiment was a great success.

Burt and Margot returned home after three months to find the townhouse trashed and Amber long gone. She’d moved out to live with Jimmy in the ancient wood-frame house on the Harvey homestead. Mother Harvey had been remorseful in the end for the way she and her taciturn, stubborn husband had shortchanged their two younger sons, and she’d deeded the farm to them both shortly before dying. There was not a thing that Burt Harvey could do to run them off the property.

Amber spent many of her nights at Oakmore these days, but when she did go home she still went home to the farm, where Jimmy and Max both awaited. Owing to her many sexual adventures with resort guests she’d become the most sexually sophisticated of the Harvey clan, and she often had new games to teach her uncles.

Margot, meanwhile, had long since dropped the name “Harvey” and moved on with a wealthy regional bank manager named Gantt. Gantt kept his wife but was kind enough to set Margot up in a lavish city *pied-à-terre* where she frequently entertained him, along with his business associates.


“Gonna come! Oh fuuuck —” Tom panted, twisting in his chair. His breath came in gasps and his cock jerked and throbbed in Amber’s hot mouth.

*Not yet,* she thought frantically. She slowed her sucking and stopped working her tongue around his prick in hopes of delaying his orgasm, but she was too late. The first spurts of his hot cum splattered the roof of her mouth. All she could do was clamp her lips in a snug, wet seal around his shaft and swallow for all she was worth. Warm jism fountained into her mouth.

Tom’s cock pulsated between her lips as he kept on shooting long spouts of ball juice down her throat. She gulped greedily, refusing to let him slide out of her mouth until she’d lapped the last droplets from the flared rim of his cock knob.

The sheer volume of Tom’s tasty jism assuaged Amber’s disappointment at being deprived of a long, leisurely afternoon cock-sucking session. She already liked him a lot better than Milt Stewart, who had accepted her attentions with an irritating air of entitlement. Tom, by contrast, was an enthusiast. To her way of thinking, that was a key ingredient of teachability.

She stood up, smoothed her skirt, and asked brightly, “Is there anything else I can help with, this afternoon?”

After Tom regained himself and straightened up his own clothing, he had Amber walk him through Stewart’s cryptic client notes and custom booking code system, as well as some more mundane administrative details.

“So Oakmore hosts sex conventions,” Tom summarized, still absorbing it all. “Groups with deep pockets and the need for absolute privacy buy out the entire facility for a few days or a week. Elite professional organizations, business and political groups, swingers clubs —”

“As a rule, we don’t book swingers events,” Amber interrupted haughtily. “Those freaks love to Instagram their bullshit. Discretion, Boss. Always discretion.”

“Right…” Tom idly clicked through a few more camera feeds. One showed the fitness center sauna, where two middle-aged babes with lush figures were lying on their backs on a long cedar bench humping their pussies up and down on the cocks of Luke Gable and Bobby Tilson, a couple of bellhops he’d met earlier this afternoon.

“If all this goes on in the public areas, I can only imagine what the show’s like in the guest suites,” Tom mused.

“Mr. Jacobs, we don’t spy on guests in their rooms!” Amber looked genuinely shocked at the suggestion. “That would be an invasion of privacy.”

“*Whatever* was I thinking?” Tom said wryly, eyes fixed on the big screen.

“This is just a standard hotel security system.”

“In HD. And stereo.”

“We do safety and security monitoring,” Amber insisted. “Event rooms, hallways, entrances and exits…”

“The sauna?”

“Uh…I guess that *is* kind of a grey area.”

“I’d say so.”

“Mr. Jacobs—Tom—is any of this a problem for you?”

Tom considered the question for a few moments. “No…” he replied at last. “Not in the least. It’s great, actually. Except…I don’t understand…how do you keep this a secret, locally? Why are the mothers and fathers of Greenleaf not at our gates with torches and pitchforks?”

Amber smiled and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Oh, you sweet, simple city mouse.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/isimou/the_mom_next_door_another_tribute_to_1980s_porn