Nymsya – Chapter 7 & 8 (COMPLETE)

In a few days, Nymsya used what little influence she had around the castle and through little suggestions, managed to hold a hunt the prince would be a part of. Thankfully for her, it wasn’t that hard. Offer here, handjob there, a coin over there and suddenly there was a hunt being organised. It was almost scary to see it rolling.

The prince, his personal entourage and several older male guests would be joining the hunt and the prize… was some weapon or something else that Nymsya had no interest in. Her sole interest was in the prince.

Of course even during the hunt he would be protected by his guards. Crossbows were a far too common weapon in these lands and it didn’t take a marksman to plant one in the right spot and disappear in the woods.

But then, she wasn’t a marksman. She wouldn’t need a crossbow.

As the hunt started, all the participants fled off into the woods on their horses. She took off on foot from behind the castle. She walked through the woods like a ghost. It was a little known fact that succubi, the demons of attention could also swing it the other way and become unnoticeable at times.

Several times, a rider or two would pass right by her, never noticing her.

Finally she was deep in the woods enough that the sounds of the hunt were gone. She dropped her garments until she was only wearing a thin white veil, covering her body.

She sat upon a rock and began meditating. This far away from the princess she could employ her powers into more than just small illusions. She extended her will through the woods until she came upon the prince. She pulled him closer to herself. At the same time, she made distractions for the horses and men of his guard. A fox here, a branch knocking another one off over there, horse panicking and turning around for another…

Soon, only the prince was continuing, following a strange ‘intuition’ in his mind.

Nymsya hopped off her rock when he was close enough and walked towards him. He emerged from the trees and his eyes quickly darted to her.

“Maiden…in the forest, what is going on?” he asked, oblivious. Oh this would be easier than she thought.

“My lord, save me!” she pleaded with weak voice “I was abducted by bandits but just managed to escape with my skin and nothing else!” she said and came stumbling towards him.

The prince quickly jumped off his horse and approached her carefully “What bandits? Where have they gone?”

She stumbled again and fell on the ground about a foot away from him “I..I don’t know. They talked about going off to a town over the hills a … and. and s-s-s-sell me” her voice broke down as she pounded at the floor with her fists. Tears stained her young looking face.

The prince looked in the direction she came from briefly and seemed to mark it in his mind and then came to her and bowed down. He wrapped his arms around her to console her “Don’t you worry, you are safe now. Everything will be all right. ”

She stopped sniffling “No it won’t be” she chuckled and then her claws came up to his neck. One of her hands impaled itself into his belly, the other grabbed his head and she bit with her full force into his throat, tearing it out with her teeth. Blood came oozing out, spoiling her dress, skin and the ground around her.

The horse stood in terror. It wanted to run away. It was terrified of what was happening but it couldn’t move an inch. She held it magically in place.

She held the dying torso of the prince under her and continued tearing out flesh off of his neck and chest, until he finally stopped breathing.

She stood up and dragged the corpse behind her towards the horse. She stuck a leg of the groom to be into the stirrup of the terrified horse and made sure to wedge it in. Then she leg go of the magic holding the horse. Instantly it shot out, galloping into the woods and carrying its former owner away.

But that would not be enough.

She used her magic to lure the three guards her way too. She laid in the pool of blood when they arrived.

Concerned, one of them jumped down to her and began looking for wounds on her supple, barely covered body. He didn’t find any and she pretended she could hardly breathe. He picked her up and walked over to a nearby stone, the one she was meditating on earlier. The others dismounted and approached her too.

Slowly her magic worked with the stone and the men began to feel warmth. Pheromones delivered through their noses began turning their moods. She weakly reached up and pulled one of them to her and began kissing him. He didn’t resist.

Soon, his hands explored her skin. The others reached out too, patting her legs and arms while she kissed one of them. Clearly, they either didn’t mind the blood or weren’t even aware of it.

She pushed the one kissing her away and pulled another in to get his turn. The former’s hand fondled her blood covered chest, while the other reached down to touch his crotch.

Again she repeated it and began kissing the third. She felt how the two began kissing her belly and thighs, absolutely overcoming with lust.

She moved her hands to the crotch of the man she was kissing. Of course his cock was hard as rock. She reached inside his pants and pulled it out and as if on command, she felt two more fleshy parts hit her thighs.

She pulled him towards her head and the other two followed. The one she was holding straddled across her chest, while the other two stood around her.

Three cocks flopped onto her face and she kissed, licked, jerked and rubbed all of them. She also kissed ballsacks and squeezed asses as she continued to entertain them.

Soon her lips and nimble tongue weren’t enough and she was pulled to the edge of the stone by her legs.

One of the cocks slammed inside her pussy, while the other two started taking turns on her mouth. She could hear moans and feel the warmth of the cocks spreading inside her.

The guard inside her pussy was quick and came. Another one filled his place. He grabbed Nymsya’s thighs and flipped her over. Her legs found purchase on the ground. His hands landed on her ass with a loud slap, spread her cheeks apart and his member got pushed inside her. Meanwhile her head was grabbed and a cock was showed down her throat. The two had her in a bind and roughfucked her into the pleasure land.

In the end, when all three have come, they collapsed next to the stone, spent. They wanted to get up, but couldn’t. They were drained. She slowly slipped off the stone and bowed next to one of them. She grabbed a dagger he had attached to his thigh and stabbed him in the stomach. Then she went to the other two and stabbed them in various places too.

For all anyone knew, they argued, fought and killed the prince while killing each other in the process.

Anyone besides her of course.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/iswnab/nymsya_chapter_7_8_complete

1 comment

  1. Nymsya was back in the castle. The hunt was ending but nobody has seen the prince yet. Nobody dared to even suggest something might be off.

    Nobody found his corpse either.


    She had walked her way through the halls right towards his and the princess’s room. She had given instructions to her subordinates. They were to stay in their room and wait for a signal. All except Amy. Amy had a special, more long term task.


    She entered the preliminary room and passed by a guard. He didn’t stop her. He even welcomed her.

    “Welcome back from he hunt sir. Was it good?” he asked. This wasn’t strange for her. For she had the prince’s form on herself.

    “Aye, caught two bucks and five foxes!” she boasted and passed by him. She had no idea about hunting, but that seemed like an unreasonable amount.


    She entered the bedroom. It was empty. As she hoped it would be. She needed to prepare herself for when the princess entered. She would have just one chance. Unlike the guard, she would see through her disguise and likely protect herself with magic.

    She began drawing a ritual. She’d have to bind the princess in place before trying anything else.


    Eventually, the door opened.


    “Hello princess” Nymsya smirked






    “What are we waiting for, let’s fuck her brains out!” Jim the guard exclaimed and smacked Garry across the face.

    Garry did not falter

    “We are not to disturb her.” he told the dimwit for a millionth time “Mistress ordered it. You were here when she said it!”


    The guard seemed to have gotten it through his thick skull this time and just muttered to himself.

    His eyes flicked to the young couple at the other side of the room. They were up in each other’s arms and kissing obsessively. They weren’t making it easier for him.

    He looked back to Amy.

    She was kneeling in the middle of a magical circle. Naked. By studying her closer, Jim could see that she still had the thick candle impaled in her pussy. Her moaning wasn’t making it any easier for him either.


    He sighed and tugged on his erect cock some watching her. He enjoyed the sight of her erect nipples and how her skin shivered as she moaned.

    His eyes went back to the young ones. He could see cum coming out of the girl’s pussy. The other cook apprentice must have came in her good five times since they’ve been stuck there.


    And yet he had not came once.


    He stood up again. He made a step towards Amy and Garry again barred his way.

    Jim growled and hit Garry across his face with a fist. “Let me get to her, I’ll only use her a little” he bargained.

    But the stableboy wouldn’t budge. “No!”


    He knew that mistress ordered them. He remembered it. But he didn’t know why they had to listen so much. And even the memory was slipping.

    He pushed the stableboy hard and saw him almost fall over. He was about to push harder but then two sets of younger hands grabbed his arms and pulled him back.

    Jim growled and struggled against them, freeing one hand. He grabbed one of the wrists and freed his other one. But by then Garry was punching him in the face. He used his hands to cover himself, only to feel his legs give because his knees were kicked into.

    Image of the mistress giving a command was completely gone by now.

    Jim pulled out a knife out of his boot and stabbed the stableboy into a leg. He swiped at the hands grabbing him and felt the spray of blood over his face. He stabbed and slashed until the younger duo wasn’t touching him. He turned back on the stableboy who was still in his way. He slashed across the boy’s throat, but didn’t watch him fall down. He pushed past him towards the prize. Towards Amy.


    He stepped forward and slowly stroked his cock erect. Soon, his cock would be finally in the warm paradise that was her mouth. Just a couple steps more. Just then, Amy’s moans broke and her body twitched as she finally reached an orgasm.

    As she trembled and shivered, a purple light erupted around her and suddenly she was gone.

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