This Feeling (part one) [MF] [Male Boss/ Female Employee] [Seduction] [Reluctant Male] [Oral]

I am a cliche. The boss that is attracted to his young, beautiful new employee. I run a clothing store and my job is mundane ninety-nine percent of the time. Dealing with customers and bad attitudes of teenaged shoplifters accounts for most of my work, the other portion is jumping in where needed and paperwork. Endless amounts of paperwork. Every now and then, though, I get to do something that makes me feel pretty good about myself.

This started out as one of those times.

Victoria was a younger employee, but not our youngest by any means. She had just started college and was working here to earn some extra cash as, just like most young college students, she found herself falling short of her budget regularly and a few hundred extra bucks a month made a difference. I hired her on quickly, she was a bright girl with an eager and bubbly attitude, we could use a personality like hers.

I had her working in the lingerie department, she was a beautiful girl and the customers raved about her within her first week on the job. She had an eye for pairing people with items they might otherwise pass up but actually look incredible on them. She was prompt and always attentive to her customers, so when I got word that the lingerie department was empty and a customer needed help, I went to find Victoria.

She often took her break out back on the loading dock, this day was no different as I found her back there, being harassed by a guy a few years older than her. He had her cornered behind the cardboard dumpster, “Hey,” I yelled out.

Victoria looked up at me and her eyes were pleading for help as the guy hovered over her and completely ignored me.

I went down behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, annoyed he spun around and, I’m sure he meant to deck me, but I dodged easily and his hand belted the dumpster hard, causing him to groan in agony, “Get lost, I’m talking to my girlfriend,” he yelled as he grasped his injured hand and tried to shake off the pain of contacting solid metal when he meant to connect with a softer face and much more breakable bones.

“Yeah, your girlfriend doesn’t seem to want to talk to you, so I suggest you leave before I call the cops,” I said.

He turned his attention back to Victoria and her sharp intake of breath as she turned her head away from his attempted kiss told me all I needed to know. I pulled him away from her and threw him to the ground. He had rage brewing in his eyes and every feature in his face. “Stay down, get lost,” I snapped, “otherwise you will regret it.”

The guy got up and lunged at me but, again, I dodged easily and put my hands on his back, pushing him down to the ground before he rammed himself head first into that same dumpster. I looked up to Victoria, “Go wait in my office,” I said. She hesitated but went inside.

The guy got up and ran at me again while I was watching her go in. This time he connected with me and knocked me to the ground with him on top of me. He got a solid punch in before I was able to break his hold on me and get him onto his stomach with his arm twisted tightly behind his back, “The girl didn’t seem to want to talk to you, I suggest you leave her bed and go about your life, asshole. You come around here again, inside or outside of the store, I will call the cops and have them pick you up for trespassing and harassing my employees. Go home and sleep it off and maybe fucking call your girlfriend to talk instead.”

I let him go then got up and went back inside, locking the door behind me. My jaw was tender where he’d hit it, but he hadn’t done any real damage besides a slight split in my lip. I went down to my office and saw Victoria pacing back and forth, biting on her fingernail as she seemed to be in deep thought.

Opening my door startled her and she jumped. I held my hands up and smiled at her, “Calm down, he’s gone. If he comes in the store, call security.”

Her brow furrowed in worry and she approached me, touching the split in my lip as I pulled away from her, “Are you okay?” She asked.

I nodded and wiped a bit of blood from my lip onto the back of my hand, “Yeah, he just caught me off guard once. What about you? That didn’t look like a boyfriend trying to talk to a girlfriend, it looked more like an ex trying to force contact.”

She looked away from me and sighed, “Yeah, you’ve got a good eye…”

“And I’m a good judge of character, it’s why I’m the boss here,” I said with a slight chuckle, “seriously, though, are you okay? Do you need someone to take you home? I can get one of the ladies to drive you. You normally take the bus here, right?”

She nodded, “Yeah, I take the bus. I don’t want to be an inconvenience…,” she started.

I held my hand up, “You think you’re the only employee I’ve had to have ex troubles while on the job? Your co-workers will understand and they will help as others have helped them in the past. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about you in the month and a half of you working here, it’s that you’re very closed off to your co-workers. They can be a lifeline in situations like this.”

Victoria looked uncomfortable as she looked me over, “Thank you, but I will be fine. I’d just like to get back to work for now.”

I looked her over, “You have a picture of him? His name?”

“Yeah, on my phone. His name is Jake Taggert,” she said.

“Go get your phone and e-mail it to me at this address,” I said as I scribbled a note on a piece of scrap paper then handed it to her. “Then get back to work if you’re up to it.”

She nodded, “Thank you.”

Victoria took off from my office and I touched my lip, it was tender, just as the area around it down to my jaw was tender. Mr. Taggert got one shot in, but he made it count. I sat down at my desk and started up the paperwork for an incident report and a moment later the photo came in. He looked like a douchebag, annoyed with his girlfriend taking a picture of them together, even though she was all smiles, he just had a sour scowl on his face.

I cropped her out of the picture and put it on our banned list. I distributed the photo to our security and staff, sporting the busted lip rather proudly and pointing it out when they asked why he was banned. After a while I checked in on Victoria to make sure she was still doing alright.

I was due to leave early, but I stayed on until closing, letting my assistant manager go home early instead. I closed out the cashiers drawers and got everything settled as a few staff members went around to do recovery and clean up a bit. I will never understand why people grab something then put it down halfway across the store when they change their mind on it. Don’t be lazy, take it back and my employees only have to stay ten minutes to straighten up the store, not an hour.

As usual, I was the last one out of the store, locking up behind me before heading over to my car. The warmth of the day had turned chilly and, as I was pulling out of the back lot, I saw Victoria walking towards the bus stop, her arms crossed over her chest, rubbing her upper arms through her jacket. In spite of knowing better, I pulled up alongside her as we were the last two in the parking lot, “Vicky? Do you want a ride home? Or at least to the bus stop?” I asked.

She turned her head towards me, she looked sad, maybe conflicted, but continued to rub her arms, “You wouldn’t mind?” She asked in her softly feminine voice.

I smiled and leaned over, opening the car door for her, “Not at all. I’d rather know you made it home safely than worrying about whether or not your ex was waiting for you along your path home.”

She climbed into the car and I turned the heat on slightly, “Thank you,” it came out so quietly it sounded like she had intended to whisper it.

“Do you want to talk about the ass-hat?” I asked.

She shook her head as I glanced over to her.

I pulled over in a parking space near the front of our store, “I need to know three things and I will drop it. One, are you safe at home? Two, is he a danger to you? Three, where exactly am I taking you?”

“I think so, I don’t know, and I live in the dorms at Weathers Hall. I can direct you to the building once we’re on campus.”

“I lied, is he a student there? In the same dorms as you?” I asked.

She nodded and I sighed, “Do you have somewhere else you can stay for tonight?”

She shook her head and I cocked my head to the side and thought about what I said before I said it, but I still said it, “Would you feel comfortable staying with me? I can drive you back to your school in the morning and I have a guest room with a private bathroom.”

“I…I…,” she was hesitant to answer, like she was struggling to reject me as her boss.

I smiled, “You don’t have to. I just want to make sure you’re safe for the night. I will put you up in a hotel instead if you prefer. I’ve just known guys like that before, they don’t give up easily and you’re too good of an employee to lose to an entitled asshole,” I said.

She nodded, “I…I just need to get some stuff from dorm first? Homework and clothes and such?”

“Okay, I’ll take you to get that stuff then we’ll find a hotel nearby you can stay at,” I said.

She put her hand on my thigh as I pulled out of the parking spot we were in, “I meant staying with you,” she said softly.

My cheeks flushed lightly, I’m sure it would have been worse if another area of my anatomy hadn’t begun demanding all of my blood flow, “Oh,” I said. Her hand lingered on my leg and I caught her smiling and looking away from me as I turned towards her for a moment. She had a peaches and cream complexion with a spattering of soft freckles over her cheeks and chest. Her long, red, curly hair was held in place with a heavy braid that lay over her shoulder. I was trying to not stare at her body.

She’s my employee, I reminded myself. You’re just helping her out for the night. Don’t expect anything, don’t ask for anything. Just order some food and show her the room. She didn’t pull her hand from my thigh until we were at her campus, then she directed me to her dorm building. I went up with her, it was a co-ed dorm and she was afraid of running into her ex along the way. I waited outside of her room while she gathered the things she needed and I took her books from her as we headed back down to my car.

Her things got loaded into the back seat of my car and we got in and left to go back to my house just before ten. Her hand was back on my thigh, rubbing gently up and down my leg. It was distracting and I’d had a hard enough time blocking the tent in my pants while I waited for her at her dorm. Her hand moved closer to my crotch and I shifted in my seat, “Victoria, I don’t think…,” I started.

My breath caught and voice stalled as her hand found my cock through my pants and caressed me lightly. I groaned and grasped her wrist, moving her hand away from me, “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said quietly as I placed her hand on her own lap.

She didn’t try again, instead she looked out the window for the duration of the drive to my house. When I pulled up she turned back to me and smiled softly, “Thank you for this,” she said.

“You’re welcome. I’m going to order some food, do you have any dietary restrictions or anything?” I asked.

She shook her head and we gathered her stuff from my car, “No, I can eat anything except fish.”

“Allergic?” I asked.

“I hate it,” she said with a soft smile.

We got her into my house and I showed her to the guest room then I went to order food. I could have gone with pizza, typical college student food, but I didn’t. I ordered takeout from a nice restaurant and set up my dining room table for the first time in, well, at least two years. The food arrived while she was in the shower, I set us both up plates and put them in the oven to keep warm as I went down the hall to my bathroom, cleaning up the dried blood from my lip and washing my face of the stress from the day.

I swapped out my dress shirt with a t-shirt and was grateful that I typically wore black jeans to work. I just didn’t want to look like “the boss” during dinner. I wanted Victoria to be comfortable with me. I went back out and knocked on her door, “Dinner’s here and ready, come out whenever you’d like.”

I pulled our plates out of the oven and brought them over to the table. I had no idea what she would drink, but I did have a few bottles of wine that I’d been given as gifts when I moved in to this house earlier in the year. I was opening a bottle of white when she came out of the bedroom, her hair was wet and lay in thick waves and curls over her shoulders and back. She had on jeans and a, tight, white cropped sweater with no bra underneath.

My brain short circuited upon seeing her and she smiled with a slight blush to her cheeks as she took in my reaction. I looked away from her and grabbed a couple of wine glasses then went back to the table, “I don’t know…are you old enough to have wine?” I stumbled over my words as she blushed slightly brighter.

“I’m twenty-two,” she said.

I poured her a glass, and scooted her chair back in to the table after she sat down then went over and poured myself a glass and sat down. My hands were trembling and she looked the meal over, “This looks expensive?” She said, questioningly.

“We both had a rough day, a good meal might do us both some good,” I said.

We ate and talked a little. She told me more about the ex and herself. She asked about me, too, which I was surprised by. I told her I was thirty-eight, never been married, my longest relationship was in high school, and yes, I work out regularly. I have a gym in one of the other bedrooms. We had the strawberry champagne cake they sent over with dinner and a few glasses of wine each, though I think I had more than her as I was really fucking nervous and knew this was a horrible idea that crossed ethical guidelines at best, and could get me fired and sued at worst.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” I asked as we cleaned up dinner together.

She looked over at me and smiled softly, “I’d like that,” she said.

“I’ll finish this up, you go find something you’d like to watch?” I asked.


I took my time cleaning up, trying to give the hard-on I’d been hiding all through dinner enough time to rest and settle before I went out there with her again. She had a movie queued up and I didn’t pay much attention to what it was as I surveyed the seating situation and, reluctantly, sat beside her near the arm of the couch. She moved closer to me as she hit play on the flick she’d chosen.

I put my arm on the back of the couch and she took that as an invitation to press herself tightly to me. The movie she’d chosen was a horror flick, so she jumped a few times and put her hands on my thigh, squeezing it as she got into the movie. The line between boss and employee began to blur for me and I put my arm around her shoulder. Her grip on my thigh tightened and she took a deep breath, adjusting beside me as though she were uncomfortable. I started to pull my arm away, but she clasped her fingers from her right hand into mine and pulled my hand back around her, resting it on her waist as she pulled her fingers from mine and titled her head towards my shoulder.

My palm rested along the curve of her waist and I inadvertently began squeezing and rubbing her as a sex scene played on the screen. Her fingers tightened on my thigh and she moaned softly as my fingers slid just under her top. I caught myself and shifted my hand down to her covered hip just after I touched the lower swell of her breast. She’s my employee, I’m not supposed to cross that…

I groaned as her hand rubbed over the outline of my hard cock. She looked up at me, her lower lip caught in her teeth as she surveyed my face. I clenched my jaw and pulled my gaze from her face and tried to focus on the movie. She sat up and kissed me. I winced, my lip still hurt, but her lips were so soft.

She kissed the corner of my lip and I tightened my grip on her hip. Her fingertips traced over the split on my lip and she looked at me sadly, “I’m sorry you got caught up in that,” she said as she pressed her lips to mine again. Her hair smelled like honey and roses…no…just honey, her skin smelled like roses.

I brought my hand up to her cheek and caressed it softly, “I’d step in for any of my employees, Victoria. I think I should go to bed,” I said.

“I owe you…” she started to say.

I shook my head, “You don’t owe me anything.”

She kissed me again and I let her slip her tongue past my injured lip. I didn’t resist as well as I should have, savoring the lingering taste of that cake on her tongue. I caressed her cheek and returned the kiss, even while yelling at myself for it. I felt her fingers on the button of my jeans and I didn’t stop her from unfastening my pants. I was too busy pulling her to me and ignoring the pain of my lip to kiss her deeply.

Her hand was soft on my cock and I groaned as her fingers rubbed along my veiny shaft. She reluctantly pulled her lips from mine, releasing my cock in order to grasp the hem of her sweater and pull it off over her head. Her tits were firm and nipples hard. She moaned as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her breast. I was throbbing and all sense of reason had vacated my brain.

Her hands grasped the back of my head and held me to her as I sucked and tugged on her nipple with my lips and teeth. I lay her back on the couch and started to unfasten her jeans. I had them halfway down her hips when my reason came back to me. “Shit,” I said under my breath.

I looked at her arched body leaning back on my couch, helping me pull her pants off of her, and as much as I wanted her I forced myself to get up and walk away. My dick ached for relief, but I couldn’t have it with her. I was her boss, it wasn’t right.

She jumped up and grabbed me, clasping her hand in mine as I tried to walk away. I started to pull my hand from hers, but she resisted me. I turned towards her and saw her standing there in nothing but a pair of pink satin panties, biting her lip. I was full of sorrow as I looked her over, “I can’t do this,” I said, “I’m your boss…I didn’t bring you here to fuck you, I just wanted you safe.”

Victoria tugged on my hand, “Just…just let me then?” She was practically begging as she slid down in front of me and quickly worked my jeans and boxers down off of my hips, exposing my hips and a neatly trimmed pubic area. She pressed her lips to my hip and continued sliding my clothes down until my cock was fully exposed to her. She was making it difficult to resist her as she moaned and rubbed my balls, her lips closing over the side of my cock as she kissed her way up my shaft.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the arm of the couch as her soft lips closed around the head of my cock and her spongy tongue curved around the underside of my shaft. My hands went to her hair and the back of her neck, though I’m not certain if my intent was to force her down on me harder or pull her away. I settled somewhere in between. Forcing her to stay up near the head of my cock without pulling her fully off of me.

A guttural moan passed my lips and I felt her smile as she pulled against my restraint of her to work her lips partially down my shaft. I throbbed against her tongue, she made me pull her hair as she forcefully pushed herself further down on my cock. My hips pushed towards her mouth in spite of my attempts to protest her want of me. My body was on her side, wanting it, wanting her so badly.

I let go of her hair and gently grasped the sides of her face as I started thrusting my hips towards her lips. Her hands kneaded my ass, pulling me to her a little harder. She took the full length of my cock and I rocked my hips against her lips, “Fuck…” I whispered.

Her mouth began to bob on me and I groaned loud, “Fuck, Vicky, I’m gonna cum,” I gasped as I tried to pull her off of me. She forced herself tightly to me and gently squeezed me in her mouth, milking my cum from my cock as I groaned and leaned over her, holding her head down on me instead of pulling her off like I’d attempted to do at first. I reluctantly pulled myself from her lips and knelt down, kissing her hard before she’d even had a chance to swallow all of my cum.

I honestly didn’t care, I needed her at this point. I pulled her panties off of her, watching the stretchy strings of fluid clinging to her as I pulled the fabric from her body. My lips were on her cunt before either of us really had time to process the progression of our actions. She tasted like thick, slightly sweet, water, a slight musk clung to her pussy as I parted her lips and found the source of her flavor and scent.

She was sitting up, her hands on my head, though I”m not sure if she was trying to pull me tighter to her or push me away from her. Her voice caught as she tried to speak, “You don’t…don’t have to…oh…,” she moaned as my tongue pushed into her and curled to a stiff point.

My thumbs spread her small puffy lips, her clit was engorged and throbbing, a soft pink tone to her inner pussy lips were starting to turn a slightly deeper red at the increased blood flow. Her cunt was mostly bald, save for a small triangle of orange-red pubic hair just on her mound. I pulled my lips from her slightly and licked them, the split on my lip stung slightly, but the taste of her on them was thrilling.

I kissed my way up her body and looked her in the eyes as my fingers rubbed along her clit and down to her opening. I lowered my lips to hers as my fingertips circled her clit in a tight motion, grasping the sensitive organ gently between my thumb and forefinger as I stroked her and pulled my lips from hers. I whispered to her, “Do you want me to stop?”

She gasped and shook her head.

I kissed her earlobe and down where her ear connected to her jaw, “Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

She arched her hips and pushed herself onto my fingers. We both moaned and I began to finger her, rubbing my fingertips along the forward wall of her pussy until they settled into a soft spongy area that made her stomach contract slightly. I watched her body tense and arch as I rubbed her, my thumb on her clit and my index and middle fingers inside, pressing and rubbing her steadily.

Her forehead crinkled and her lips parted slightly. I took the opportunity to kiss her softly as I lay alongside her. “Tell me what you want, Vicky,” I said as I pulled my lips from hers.

“I…I…want to…cum,” she said, gasping between her words.

I pulled my fingers from her body and she whined and pushed towards me but I resisted her forwardness. I put her hands behind her knees and guided her legs back and apart, “Hold yourself like that for me?” I asked.

She nodded, biting her lip, her head tilted so she could watch me as I knelt down in front of her. I rubbed her clit with my left hand, slow gentle movements as I watched her hands tighten on the backs of her knees, pulling her own legs further apart. Her pussy lips spread with strings of fluid between them, a creamy thick fluid around her vaginal opening and a thinner, almost clear fluid towards the front of her slit.

She was moaning softly, her hips pushed her clit tighter to my fingers. I kept rubbing her then pushed my index and middle fingers on my right hand into her, curling them up into that spongy area I’d just left. I kept rubbing her slowly but firmly. Her stomach tensed and her thighs stretched a little further towards her chest. The clear fluid stroked around her clit and the creamier fluid allowed my fingers inside of her to easily slide a little faster. Her back arched and she panted as her body trembled. Her back arched up sharply and she cried out in a long gasping moan.

My dick was throbbing hard and I knew she’d just orgasmed from the fluids coating my hand. My dick quickly pushed into her and she cried out, gasping and squirming under me. I grasped her upper thigh and pushed her leg further back as I fucked her contracting pussy hard. Her body was shivering, her tits bounced with each thrust and I savored the feel of her already tight cunt tightening and clinging to my thick dick.

I was breathing heavily with my lips by her ear and her hands had let go of the backs of her knees once I grabbed her thigh. She lifted herself up on her elbows and watched my dick pushing into her with need, force, and no condom. I groaned and she tilted her head back in ecstasy. I kissed her neck, biting gently on her shoulder as I fucked her a little harder.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered as I felt her release, her cunt tightened on me, milking my dick and her lubricant flooded us, creating a slick slapping sound with each thrust. I wanted to cum in her, God to fill her cunt with my seed, to force that on her was an exhilarating thought, but she hadn’t agreed to that, so I held back until her back arched again and her pussy started contracting on me once again.

It was so hard to resist filling her, but I did, quickly pulling out and stroking myself off onto her tits and stomach. That may have been the most I’d ever cum, coating her left breast and creating a pool of cum in her belly button. I leaned over her, panting, my spent dick resting against her pussy lips.

I was filled with regret as I saw the tears streaking her cheeks, “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that…Victoria, I’m so sorry.”

She wiped her eyes and studied the horror on my face, “You didn’t cum in me,” she said sadly.

I shook my head, “You didn’t say I could and I didn’t want to assume.”

She sat up on her elbows, the glisten of the thick pools of cum on her skin was amazing as it slid down her tit to her stomach, overflowing her belly button, which flowed from the sides into the ripples of her skin that were created when she leaned up, crunching her stomach slightly, “Cum in me next time?” She asked.

“Next time? There shouldn’t have even been a this time, Vicky,” I said softly.

“I can get another job,” she whispered as she laid back on the floor and brought her fingertips up to my chest, trailing her finger through my chest hair.

I shook my head, “I don’t want you to get another job. You’re a great employee,” I said.

She smiled and tilted her head slightly, “Then don’t give me reason to quit, Mr. Reynolds,” she said softly.

I looked her over, beautifully coated in a mix of my cum and our sweat. My lips pressed to hers and my cum smeared between our bodies, “Yes, Miss Victoria,” I said as my lips parted from her, just as softly as she’d said my name.

She had a big smile and a shimmering glint in her eye as I pulled back and looked her over. She stood up with me, though her legs were somewhat shaky, and looked at me, “Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” She asked, a sweet, bubbly lilt to her voice.

I nodded, “Come shower with me and please call me Elliot, not Mr. Reynolds,” I said, my fingertips stroking her jaw.

“Yes, sir,” she teased, her hand grasped mine and I led her up the stairs to my bedroom.

This was a huge fucking mistake, but I was still making it.
