Wild Week chapter 11 (FMF fun)

CHAPTER 11 : Saturday

Bill quietly entered the house through the front door, carrying his suitcase. He headed straight for the stairs. Upstairs, the bathroom door was ajar and he could hear the shower running. He put down his suitcase and slipped quietly through the door. He’d had a hard-on all the way home thinking what he was going to do to his beautiful, sexy wife when he got here. He could see her moving through the frosted glass of the shower door.

Grinning wickedly, he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, stroking it a few times to get it fully erect. He walked over and slid the back shower door open. Thrusting his hips forward, he wagged his 8 1/2 inch cock through the open door. “Hey lady, wanna fuck?” he said in a gruff voice. Chuckling, he stuck his head in. The smile faded from his lips. The first thing he saw was a pair of incredibly long, lean legs, topped by a high, tightly-packed little ass. His eyes continued upward over the perfect ass and up the arch of her spine to her face looking back over her shoulder at him. It was Madeline James! They stood staring at one another mutely for a long moment, his mouth open in shock, his mind drawing a blank. Finally, her eyes broke contact. She took a lingering look down at his crotch, then back up to his face, one eyebrow cocked inquisitively and an amused expression coming to her face.

Bill looked down at himself. Seeing his hard cock still standing out in the open finally snapped him out of it. He jumped back, slamming the shower door and backing straight away from it. He was still trying to stuff his uncooperative bone back into his pants as he backed into the hallway. He tripped over his suitcase and his back slammed into the wall, knocking the air out of him. When he finally got his hard-on wrestled back behind his zipper, he picked up the suitcase and walked into the bedroom.

“Hi, Honey.”

Yipes! Bill nearly jumped out of his skin. He spun toward the voice and spotted Gayla seated on the love seat against the far wall. The morning sunlight from the window behind her lit her short auburn hair like a fiery halo. She looked radiantly beautiful, dressed in her jade silk robe, sitting with her legs curled up under her and sipping from a big coffee mug. Bill was sweating. He felt as if he had just been caught. “Oh. H-hi darling,” he said, dropping the suitcase and coming over to her.

“How was your flight?”

“Fine,” he answered, kissing her quickly and sitting down next to her. He hadn’t been sitting for more than thirty seconds when the bathroom door opened and Madeline walked in wearing his bathrobe, her hair still up in a ponytail from her shower.

“I was scared here all alone last night, so I called Maddie to come over and stay with me,” Gayla explained as Madeline came over to sit in the chair adjacent to the love seat.

“I hope you don’t mind my borrowing your robe,” Madeline said, giving a secret smile to Gayla as she sat, letting the robe part to reveal her long bare legs as she crossed them.

“Uh…sure,” Bill muttered, embarrassed by his earlier faux pas. He was afraid she was going to say something about it, but she just sat smiling.

“I’ll leave you two to chat for a moment,” Gayla said, rising and kissing Bill on the cheek. She headed for the bathroom, closing the door up behind her, but not completely.

“Uh…sorry about that before…I didn’t know you were here,” Bill said lamely.

“That’s okay,” Madeline replied, the amused expression still on her face.

What the hell are you doing here? Bill wanted to shout. He was horny as hell and wanted to fuck his wife. He was acutely aware of the hard-on still throbbing in his pants. And her flashing her legs at him wasn’t helping, reminding him of her naked body he had seen just minutes ago. She was definitely beautiful, but to him she had always seemed like a rather cold fish. He wasn’t surprised at all when Ed had left her for another girl, even though Gayla had been outraged. He had never gotten along with Madeline that well, but he was always polite to her because she was Gayla’s best friend. Little did he know that her coldness toward him was due to her jealousy over Gayla.

“It was nice of you to come stay with Gay,” he said, trying to make small talk. Her amused stare was starting to unnerve him.

“Oh, believe me, it was a pleasure,” Madeline answered with a little laugh, making Bill wonder.

She had arrived at about midnight and she and Gay had sat on the couch downstairs and had a glass of wine while Gayla laid out her plan in detail. Madeline had readily agreed. Then Gayla had taken her by the hand and led her up the stairs to the bedroom where they had slowly undressed each other and climbed into Bill and Gayla’s bed. And then she had finally gotten a taste of Gayla’s sweet pussy, after years of silent longing. She was still satiated from the fucking she had gotten from young Billy earlier in the day, so after licking Gayla to an orgasm, she had curled up in Gayla’s arms and gone to sleep. Waking up next to Gayla this morning was one of the most wonderful feelings she had ever known.

And so far, everything was going according to Gayla’s plan. She was very much enjoying teasing Bill, and his flashing his beautiful cock at her had been an added bonus. She had gone completely wet in just the few seconds she had seen it. Now she couldn’t stop her eyes from straying down to the bulge in his lap every few seconds. They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, Bill trying to think of something to say and Madeline enjoying his predicament. Finally, Gayla broke the silence, calling out from the bathroom, “Maddie, why don’t you give Bill that package.”

“Oh, yes,” Maddie said, as if she had forgotten. She reached into the pocket of Bill’s robe and pulled out a small plastic bag. “Gayla said this was for you,” she added, handing it to Bill.

Bill took it from her, curious. It was a bag of hair. He stared at it dumbly for a moment. At first, he thought it was his souvenir of Gayla’s pubes from when he’d had his buddies shave her. He started to reach into his pocket, where he’d kept it since Wednesday. He stopped, realizing that this was a different bag, and the hair in this one was glossy black instead of russet brown like Gayla’s. Black as midnight, just like Madeline’s hair. His eyes widened in shock as he realized and his head slowly turned toward Madeline. She was grinning at him, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling with mirth.

He was still reeling from this surprise when he heard the bathroom door open. He spun his head around, guiltily feeling as if he’d been caught, but the sight that greeted him knocked the wind out of him. His mouth dropped open and his eyes blinked in disbelief. Gayla came striding into the room. Her hair was slicked back, plastered to her skull. Her eyes were heavily mascaraed and her lips were painted dark red, almost black. She wore thigh-high black leather boots with 4 inch spiked heels. Some sort of leather harness crisscrossed her otherwise naked torso, straps coming up from her groin, crossing over her tummy and framing her swaying breasts before going over her shoulders. But the thing that really caught his eye was the big black dildo dangling from the harness between her legs, bobbing and swaying as she walked. It had to be at least 9 inches long. She carried a riding crop in one hand and was twirling a pair of handcuffs in the other.

Gayla tossed the cuffs to Maddie then stood tapping her toe impatiently, slapping the riding crop into her leather encased thigh. Bill didn’t seem to notice as Maddie snapped a cuff on his wrist. He looked up at her in surprise yet offered no resistance as she pulled him forward and locked his hands together behind his back. Madeline pushed him back against the couch, then came out to where Gayla waited in the middle of the room.

“Now, Bill,” Gayla said. “You’re going to do everything Maddie and I say, otherwise you will be punished. Understand?”

Bill nodded eagerly, eyes wide in anticipation.

“Did she give you the package?” Gayla asked.

Bill nodded again. The baggie was still clutched in his hand.

“Do you know where it came from?” she asked. Bill’s eyes darted to Madeline, standing next to Gayla smiling, watching him. “That’s right,” Gayla said. “I shaved Maddie’s pussy. Just like you had those men shave mine.” Bill’s eyes widened a little more. He had always wanted to see his wife with another woman. The thought of her shaving her friend’s pussy sent shivers up his spine.

Gayla pulled Madeline over in front of her. “Would you like to see it?” she asked her husband. He nodded again. “Ask nicely!” Gayla commanded sharply.

“Please, Baby. Please let me see Maddie’s shaved pussy.”

“That’s better,” Gayla said sweetly. She reached her arms around Madeline and untied the sash to her robe. She slowly slipped the shoulders off and let it slide to the floor. She heard Bill gasp as Maddie’s shaved pubis came into view. She let him get a good look before she spun Maddie around to face her. Even with her high heels on, she was still an inch shorter than Madeline. She turned so that Bill could see their profiles, then took Maddie’s face between her hands and pulled her lips down to her own.

They kissed passionately for several minutes, their hands roaming sensuously over each other’s body. Gayla broke the kiss just enough so that Bill could see her tongue entering Maddie’s mouth. Maddie followed her cue and stuck out her own tongue, flicking it over Gayla’s in a playful little duel. Then Gayla pulled Maddie’s head down to her breasts, guiding her mouth to her stiff nipples. She looked over at Bill on the couch as Maddie sucked and licked her big pink nipples. “Do you like that Bill? Would you like to see Maddie suck my cock?” She grabbed the giant dildo and shook it in his direction.

“Yes, please,” Bill croaked.

Gayla pushed Madeline to her knees, grabbing her ponytail in one hand and the rubber cock in the other. She teased it toward Maddie’s mouth a few times, just close enough for her tongue to dart out and touch the big cockhead. Then she slowly pushed the big head through Madeline’s widely stretched lips. Maddie couldn’t get but about 3 inches of the thick shaft into her mouth, but she sucked it like a real one.

Bill was going crazy with lust. This was one of the hottest things his sexy wife had ever done. His aching cock was trying to bust through his zipper. “Let me see you fuck her with it,” he said to Gayla.

Both women turned to face him, looking at him as if he just uttered blasphemy. “Who gave you permission to speak?” Gayla asked coldly.

“Uh…” Bill was taken aback by their withering stares.

“We’re going to have to teach you a little lesson,” Gayla announced. “Maddie, take his pants down.”

Madeline came over and pulled him to a standing position. She unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, bending over to push his pants and underwear down to his knees in one motion. His painfully trapped dick came free finally, standing straight out. She pushed him back onto his ass on the love seat, bending down to remove his shoes and socks, then his pants and shorts. She tossed them aside, then stood over him with her hands on her hips, staring openly at his throbbing hard-on.

Gayla walked over to them, slapping the riding crop into her palm. “Turn over,” she commanded him. “Stick your butt out.”

Bill struggled with his hands still cuffed behind his back, wearing nothing but his shirt. Madeline helped him roll over so his chest was lying on the cushions, his knees on the floor and his ass sticking out. She pulled his shirttail out of the way and planted her bare ass on his back, holding him down and forcing his face into the cushions. She rubbed his asscheeks with her palms. He struggled to turn his head to the side so he could breathe.

WHACK! He lurched in surprised pain as Gayla brought the riding crop down forcefully across his exposed buttocks. WHACK! WHACK! Goddamn! He hadn’t expected it to sting so much. He squirmed under Madeline’s weight, but was determined not to cry out. His rock-hard cock was pushed up against the cushions of the love seat.

“Now that I have your attention,” Gayla said. WHACK! “You will speak when spoken to, understand?” WHACK!

“Yes, ma’am,” Bill said through gritted teeth.

WHACK! “And you’re going to do exactly as we tell you to do, right?” WHACK!

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Good boy,” Gayla said with satisfaction. “Just so you don’t forget…” WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!

Bill had to bite his lip and blink back the water that came to his eyes. It had been a long time since he had been spanked. He had forgotten what it was like. Of course, when he was a kid it had never been like this, him with a raging hard-on while two beautiful naked ladies punished him. He sighed as Madeline rubbed the painful red welts on his backside, taking some of the sting away.

“Now, where were we?” Gayla asked, pulling Madeline off him and sitting her on the love seat beside him. Bill stayed where he was. Gayla kissed her passionately on the mouth. “Do you want our slave to lick your pussy before I fuck you?” she asked Maddie.

“Yes, I think I do,” Madeline answered.

“You heard her, slave,” Gayla said, grabbing a handful of Bill’s hair and pulling his head around. “Eat her pussy. Get her ready for my cock.” She pushed his face into Maddie’s hairless mound.

Madeline spread her legs wide open. Her pussy was already dripping wet and Bill attacked it with gusto. He drove his tongue into her hot honeypot, snaking it in as deeply as he could. She moaned deeply and reached down to spread her pussy lips apart, making her clit pop out. Bill began flicking his tongue over the stiff little button rapidly.

Suddenly, Gayla grabbed Bill’s hair again, forcing his head back, and kissed him hungrily, tasting Maddie’s juices on his tongue. She guided his mouth back to the yearning cunt and followed him in, pressing her face in next to his. Now husband and wife were both licking Maddie’s pussy, their tongues dancing in unison on her quivering clit, making her writhe and moan with pleasure. Then Gayla pushed Bill away. “Sit up there and watch,” she commanded, pointing to the couch beside Madeline.

As Bill got awkwardly into his seat, Gayla rose up onto her knees and gripped the huge dildo in her hand. She produced a tube of lubricant from somewhere he didn’t see and squirted it onto the fake cock, spreading it all over its considerable length. She rubbed the bulbous rubber head up and down Maddie’s spit-slick slit, then slowly began pushing it into the tight passage.

Madeline gasped as the big thing entered her. It wasn’t quite as big as the cucumber Gay had fucked her with the other day, but it was still the second biggest thing she’d ever had in her little snatch. She reached over and grabbed Bill’s big cock, squeezing it tightly as Gayla pushed the dildo in all the way to the hilt. “Suck my nipples,” she ordered in a husky voice as Gayla began to fuck the monster phallus in and out.

Bill bent down and sucked her whole A-cup titty into his mouth, squirming his hips to try to encourage her to stroke his aching prick. He was so turned on he couldn’t see straight. She was the first woman other than his wife to touch him in almost twenty years. And the thought that she and Gayla had been together drove him wild. He’d wanted to get Gayla into a threesome for years, but he never dreamed it would happen today, let alone with her best friend. He worked first on one big thick nipple then the other, sucking them hard, licking and biting them. And then he could tell she was coming by the way she thrashed around and whimpered. Her fist closed so tightly and jerked his cock around so violently that he came also, shooting his cum onto his own legs and belly and her hand.

When Madeline’s orgasm subsided, she pushed Bill off and looked at her cum-covered hand. Giving him an amused glance, she held her palm up for Gayla to see. Gayla stared at it for a long moment, then turned a scathing glare on Bill, who was fidgeting like a little boy caught at being naughty. “So you didn’t learn your lesson after all,” she said in a dangerously soft voice.

“But, I…”

“Not a word!” Gayla screamed, grabbing up the riding crop from where she had dropped it on the coffee table and pointing at him with it menacingly. She appeared to be seething with fury. She got up and began pacing back and forth in front of him while Madeline rose and walked naked to the bathroom. Bill watched the big gleaming cock bob between her legs with her agitated movements. She was still pacing when Maddie returned carrying a wet towel.

“What are we going to do with him?” Maddie asked as she knelt down in front of him and began wiping the come from his body. Otherwise, she ignored him, as if he were a piece of furniture she was cleaning. After all those years she had been secretly jealous of him, she was immensely enjoying dominating him.

“It’s clear that he needs a….” Gayla paused with a wicked smile, “stiffer punishment.” When Maddie had finished cleaning him off, Gayla pointed at the coffee table with the riding crop. “Bend over that table, slave,” she commanded imperiously.

Shit, Bill thought, she’s really gonna flay my ass now. He hesitated, but Madeline grabbed him by the hair and yanked him forward. He stopped resisting and quickly scrambled into position, laying his chest on the table, hands still cuffed behind him. He heard them whispering together and then some other noises, but when he started to look back at them Gayla whacked him hard on the ass again, so he lay quietly, waiting for his punishment.

Shortly, he felt Madeline sit on his back once again, holding him down. The coffee table creaked under their combined weight. She began rubbing his red-welted ass cheeks, then ran a finger down his hairy crack. Suddenly, he felt a cold wetness run down his crack. He couldn’t figure out what it was until Madeline’s finger began spreading the slippery substance across his asshole. It was lubricant.

“Do you remember what happened to me on this table” Gayla asked.

Uh oh. Bill began to suspect what they were planning for him. He started to squirm.

“Answer her!” Madeline demanded, delivering a loud smack to his ass with her other hand.

“Uh…yes, ma’am,” he muttered, distracted by the finger that slid into his asshole.

“You enjoyed seeing those men fucking me in the ass, didn’t you?” Gayla asked.

“Now, wait….” Bill started to protest.

WHACK! Gayla hit him painfully across the backs of his thighs with the crop. “Didn’t you!” It was no longer a question, but he answered anyway.

“Y-yes,” he gulped.

“Didn’t you wonder what it felt like?”

WHACK! When he hesitated to answer, she gave him another lick on his legs, making him jump. “Yes,” he admitted meekly. He remembered once, after anal sex with Gayla, he’d asked her what it felt like. She had playfully offered to show him, to which he had laughingly declined.

“Well, you’re going to find out,” Madeline put in, pulling his cheeks apart with both hands.

He felt the blunt head of Gayla’s dildo press against his butthole. He grimaced in pain as she slowly pushed forward, forcing the latex dickhead through his protesting sphincter. Finally, the head popped through. He grunted, teeth gritted against the pain. Inch after inch of the big rubber dong slid into his ass, filling it more and more until Gayla’s pelvis pressed against his butt cheeks, the full nine inches buried in his ass. As she paused there, his sphincter slowly relaxed and the pain subsided.

Madeline, sitting atop him, watched the big black cock go in to the hilt. She let go of his ass and grabbed Gayla’s big heavy breasts, kneading them in her hands. She kissed her hotly for a few moments. When she drew back Gayla smiled secretly to her. She began fucking it in and out in long, slow strokes. Madeline reached underneath Bill’s body and grabbed his cock. She looked up at Gayla with surprised delight. “God, Gay! He’s hard as a rock again. He loves it!” She stroked his big bone in time to Gayla’s thrusts.

“Let’s turn him over,” Gayla suggested. “That way you can play with his cock while I’m fucking his ass.”

Madeline nodded eagerly and got up off Bill’s back as Gayla withdrew the dildo. “Come on, big boy,” she said, slapping Bill’s ass again. “Onto your back.”

Bill hurried to comply, getting up and turning his back to the low table. He gripped the edge in his cuffed hands and leaned back until his back was on the table, his feet flat on the floor holding his hips up just off the edge of the table. Gayla climbed in between his spread thighs and Madeline stepped over him, straddling his hips. She towered over him with her hands on her hips. He stared hungrily at her hairless slit standing partially open above his upthrust cock.

Madeline watched between her legs as Gayla bent low to reinsert the massive dildo. She saw it disappear beneath his tight ball-sack, his cock seeming to bulge even bigger as his ass was filled with rubber cock. She bent down and ripped his shirt open fiercely, buttons flying in every direction. Grasping his hard-on in her hand, she lowered her pussy until it just touched the bloated purple head. She rubbed it along her slick pussy lips, smiling at the lustful need written on his face. “You want my pussy? You want your cock in my pussy?” she teased.

“Yes, ma’am,” Bill hissed, staring at her shaved pussy. He wouldn’t like to admit it, but having his ass fucked by his wife was incredibly stimulating. Despite having cum just minutes ago, he was getting desperate to fuck somebody, especially his wife’s young friend.

“I don’t think so,” Madeline said cruelly. She released her hold on his cock and stood back up, eliciting a frustrated moan from him. “Perhaps you can convince me with your tongue,” she added, walking up over him with one leg on each side of the table. Reaching his head, she grabbed him by the hair and shoved her pussy into his face. He began licking frenziedly. In no time, she was moaning in pleasure and rotating her hips, rubbing her juicy cunt all over his face.

Meanwhile, Gayla grabbed Bill’s stiff cock in both hands, holding it like a handle as she seesawed the long dildo in and out of his asshole faster. She could tell he was loving it by the way his cock pulsed and throbbed in her hands with each thrust. He was grunting and groaning directly into Maddie’s crotch.

When Madeline felt herself nearing another orgasm, she scrambled back down his body, grabbing his cock out of Gay’s hands. She hurriedly positioned the head at the opening of her sloppily wet vagina and rammed her hips down so hard that her ass smacked noisily into his pelvis. This was enough to send her over the brink and she came hard. She gripped the sides of the coffee table and slammed her grasping cunt up and down on his lance as fast and hard as she could, driving through her orgasm as little cries of pleasure escaped her mouth.

Bill felt his own cum churning in his balls as Madeline rode him furiously and Gayla reamed his asshole faster and faster. He was going to come any second, his entire body tensed and quivering. Suddenly, as Madeline drove her ass down into him, there was a loud CRACK! The leg on the left side of the coffee table gave way, spilling him off into the floor as cups and saucers crashed noisily around him. Madeline was thrown sprawling to the floor and Gayla fell to her side, tangled in Bill’s flailing legs.

As Madeline lay on the carpet catching her breath, Bill and Gayla looked at each other in shocked silence. Suddenly, they both burst out laughing. The master/slave mood was banished. Gayla disentangled herself from his legs, rising to her knees to unstrap the dildo from her hips. She dropped the rubber cock and from somewhere produced the handcuff key. Motioning him to turn over, she unlocked the cuffs. Bill removed his buttonless shirt and tossed it away, stretching his stiff shoulders joints. Gayla pushed him back down and lowered her mouth to his still-hard cock. She sucked the thick shaft noisily, tasting Maddie’s cunt juices.

Madeline raised up on one elbow, laying her head in her palm. She watched the woman she loved sucking her husband’s big cock. She no longer felt any jealousy towards him. Not only had she made love to both of them, she had seduced their teenaged son yesterday. She shivered in the afterglow of her orgasm, admiring the way Gayla could take the entire cock into her throat. She was certainly a better cocksucker than Maddie was herself.

Gayla disengaged her mouth from Bill’s turgid organ. Turning her back to him, she got down on all fours and looked back over her shoulder at him. “Fuck me, Honey. I need it bad!” she implored.

Bill didn’t need to be asked twice. He scrambled to his knees behind her wiggling white asscheeks. Finding her slick seam, he rammed his cock home forcefully, forcing a grunt from her. He slammed his cock into her as hard as he could, giving her a little payback for the punishment she had delivered on him. In no time, she was screaming in orgasm, but he didn’t let up. He continued driving his swollen prick into her faster and faster, holding onto her meaty hips. He felt his own tiny bit of sadistic pleasure as he fucked her furiously.

My God, Madeline thought as she watched through wide eyes, this guy can really fuck! No wonder Gayla never went unsatisfied. He fucked her thunderously through one screaming orgasm and into another. Finally, he threw his head back and groaned loudly, every muscle in his sweat-covered body standing out as he came, emptying his load deeply into his beautiful wife’s pussy. Madeline felt love and awe for both of them well up inside her as they collapsed onto the carpet in a sweating, gasping heap. She crawled over to them as Gayla turned over onto her back, and they all three embraced each other tenderly.

Maddie kissed Gayla. Then Gayla kissed Bill. Then Bill kissed Maddie. Then Gayla kissed Maddie again and they all collapsed into a fit of giggles, kissing and hugging each other.

“God, I’m famished,” Gayla said finally.

“Me too,” added Madeline.

Bill got up, saying, “You girls relax. I’ll go fix you an omelet.” He laughed. “It’ll be my final act as your slave.”

“Didn’t you like being our slave?” Gayla giggled.

“Yeah, it was great,” Bill answered. “But I don’t think my ass could take any more,” he added, turning his red-striped backside to them. They both laughed as he walked out naked, gingerly rubbing his sore cheeks.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ioyspi/wild_week_chapter_11_fmf_fun


  1. I have never been into being dominated, so it is curious that this is as hot as it is. I am even more excited for more.

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