The Maiden’s Tale (part two-the end) [Fantasy setting] (Mf) (mf) (watching) (oral) (painful) (faked virginity) (pregnancy)

CW: Spoiler for story – >!Torture of male genitals that lead to murdering him!<

“My father and your mother were friends once,” he said with a sigh as he stroked my arm.

“Your mother was a goddess, she was radiant with darkly colored skin and jet black hair that fell in long tight curls. Richly violet eyes and just the softest, warmest embrace you could imagine. In many ways you are her physical opposite and your father’s mirror, but I think she chose to create you that way. You embodied her favorite parts of each of them,” he said, stroking his hand along my neck as he relayed information I should have known.

“Your father was the kindest man I’d ever known. Brilliant, too, but sadly gullible to fears. My father convinced him that the Gods would come for you because the child of a goddess and human could not be allowed to live, as Gods were selfish and would be jealous that she chose a plain human over one of them. They worked together for over a year to devise a way to keep you safe. In that time I was at your side, on protective duty under the guise of one child entertaining another while your mother watched over us both and our fathers toiled on their secret project.”

“My father was a clever and cruel God. Something your father didn’t discover until it was much too late. My father was in love with your mother and repeatedly tried to get her to leave you and your father behind. She refused. He was jealous of the attention she paid you and threatened to kill you unless she agreed to have sex with him. She agreed to it. Physicality for her was largely meaningless. He bargained your life over and over in trade for her affection, but she finally told him that she wouldn’t do it anymore,” the sun was rising in the distance, casting a slight glow upon us as the water rippled with the breeze blowing through the garden as he told me the side of the story I never knew.

“My father gave her one more chance to succumb to his advances but she refused. She had hidden you in an armoire along with me before my father came into the room, and she had shown me where to hold my hand on your spine to keep you quiet and still until my father had gone. She thought he would go searching for you and it would buy her the time needed to take you and your father and leave. Instead of looking for you he slit her throat and I watched a silvery liquid pool beneath them as he held her in an embrace. I could see his mouth as he spoke to her, but I couldn’t hear his words. His fingertips stayed pressed tightly into her spine. I didn’t know what he was doing then, but I learned over time. He had notes that made it seem as though your mother’s body were an instrument that he intended to master. He used that knowledge and their time together to make her death pure agony. Emotionally and physically as he confessed he’d tired of her body anyway and his eye had turned to you.”

“He had your father arrested for your mother’s murder claiming he’d been jealous after catching my father and your mother in bed together. The thing of it was that your father wasn’t jealous of him. He understood your mother’s needs and didn’t confine her to only his bed. He knew my father had been enjoying her and he didn’t care because she seemed happy and you were safe from the Gods at my father’s house. Your father’s wife was a goddess, he shared her with her believers every day.”

“My father intended to keep you and raise you to be the lover your mother refused to be. I smuggled you and your father out of our home and he promised he would send help for me after he got you to safety. He never did, so I assumed he never made it to safety with you. You were about 6 at the time. I was 15 but still looked 10 and was often treated as a 10-year-old would be. My father found out about my hand in your father’s escape with you and I suffered greatly for it for centuries. I promised him I would find you and return you to him to end the torture.”

He sighed and looked me over, “Now, I’ve found you, and I can’t return you to him. I know what he’ll do. He drilled it into my head since I was a boy and the only reprieve I ever had was sneaking into his chambers late at night and studying the journals he had on your mother. I thought I should know how to please you for when your father sent for me.”

He stroked my cheek and ran his finger over my lips, “The only reason your family was even there initially was because our parents were making arrangements for you and I to be married eventually. Then my father descended into lust for you, knowing he could train you to be subservient and willing to please him at every turn. My mother kept his torture of me in check and eventually he tired of her reigning him in and killed her in front of me. It got worse for me after that. I watched him kill thousands of girls in his pursuit of you. He was looking for girls with dark skin and violet eyes, to him you were your mother’s mirror, not your father’s. I question if he ever actually looked at you or if your mother convinced him that you appeared different than you were for your own safety.”

He sat up next to me and began getting dressed, “I’m going to return home and tell him you died shortly after your father escaped with you.” He stopped and looked down to the rock we sat on, “I wish I had left with your father that night. He asked me to go but I said he needed a distraction to get you away. That’s when he told me he would send help for me after and I hoped for that for over a century before I accepted that he had been unable, or unwilling, to, for whatever reason.”

He forced a smile and kissed me, then pulled his shirt over his head, “I wish things had been different between our families. I think I would have enjoyed being your husband.”

A sad voice caught our attention, “I sent for you many times but the people I sent never made it to you,” my father said softly.

Beck and I both turned our attention towards him and my father removed his cape and draped it over me as I sat up on the rocks. He held his hand out to Beck, who took it solemnly, “I sent for you daily for decades, warriors, priests, warlocks, wizards, even bards and hunters. I sent men and women, young and old. Your father was a God. He saw through their facades and boiled their blood, flayed their skin, and committed unspeakable horrors upon them. I had so much blood on my hands…then I got word that you had begun rounding up girls across the lands with violet eyes and I assumed he’d broken you. I am sorry I failed you,” he said.

Beck put his hand over my fathers, “Is this a glamour? Your father has to have been dead for many centuries over by now.”

I shook my head, “Not a glamour. A spell he taught me. It’s on his grave and the grave of an adventurer I cared for at the end of his life. Father died when I was 16. I went down the mountain into town to get a doctor, but no one would come back with me. They threatened to burn me as a witch, actually, so I retreated back to the mountain and the first rumors of a fair maiden in need of rescue took hold in the village. He comes back every year from sunrise to sunrise starting on the day he died. It’s really him, or his spirit at least.”

Beck looked to my father, “That wasn’t me. He stole my image to do awful things while I was chained in his dungeons,” he said.

“Why’d he release you after all this time?” my father asked.

Beck looked to me, “To retrieve her,” his gaze turned back to my father, “I’d rather die than willingly walk her into that trap.”

“So stay here with her. Keep her safe by staying with her,” my father urged.

Beck shook his head, “I can’t,” he turned around and showed both me and my father his back, deep old scars striped across his flesh from shoulder to hip, but just beneath the surface of scar tissue at the center of his back, a faint ‘43’ glowed. “I have just over a month to return home with her. I’m hoping that saying she died will cull his lust and save my life.”

“He won’t believe she’s dead unless you bring him proof,” my father said.

Beck looked to the ground and nodded, “I know.”

“You’re going to kill a girl aren’t you?” my father asked.

Beck nodded, “What choice do I have? Return your daughter to a sadist? Allow him to continue his murderous hunt for her across the lands? Or kill one final girl and present her body as the child that died so long ago.”

“The body needs to be decayed that long, it would be nothing but dust,” my father said.

Beck shook his head, “Your wife didn’t decay. My mother did, but your wife is as beautiful as the day she died. He would likely expect Lore’s body to be the same.”

“Killing a girl would mean she decays,” my father countered.

Beck retrieved a small silver blade from a pocket in his boot, “Not if she’s preserved with the blood of a goddess. He kept it in the glass case with her body. A replica rests there now. I’m hoping to use it on him while he’s distracted with the body I bring him.”

I put my hand on Beck’s arm, “Is there a reason you’re treating me like a child?”

“What?” he asked.

“Not once have you asked my input on this endeavor. Just assumed I needed protection. I’m not a 6-year-old anymore,” I said.

My father smiled at me, “This is the task I raised you for. Do you remember what I told you child?”

I nodded, “Show him that I am my mother’s daughter, and have mastered my father’s scorn and skill.”

Beck held his hand up, “I’m not delivering you to my father…”

“I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to deliver your father to me in a way he doesn’t realize is a trap,” I said.

Beck looked to my father, “I…” he started, but my father nodded.

“She’s not a delicate flower. My Lore is a force to be reckoned with. Trust her and you two may be married yet,” my father said.

I looked to Beck, “He told me about you. Not what you looked like or your name, just that I was supposed to marry the boy who helped us escape. He regretted I’d never gotten to grow up with you like our mothers planned. We have until sunrise before my father has to go. Learn the plan from him then find me after he’s gone. I have to prepare.

I watched my father and Beck from the window above the garden. They both occasionally glanced towards my room, but I retreated in time to go unnoticed. My preparation was simple, I just didn’t want Beck to know the details of my end of the plan. He only needed to know his part. I slit the base of my palm and slid a thin flat blade with intricate scroll work just beneath my skin. My mother’s blood was silver, my father’s red. Mine was a rose-gold tone, quite beautiful actually, and necessary for part of the plan to work.

It took the better part of the day, cutting and stitching weaponry just beneath my flesh in various areas. I healed quickly and all of the weaponry was thin and flexible, leaving just the lightest imprint upon me if you grasped me tightly over the intricacy of the spells etched into the metal. I only had one task left and my father was nearing the end of his day. I gracefully interrupted them and requested Beck’s assistance with the final piece of preparation. My father nodded and sat by his gravestone, waiting for the sun to rise, a smile on his face as he simply knew I planned to deviate from his approved method slightly.

Beck followed me up to my room and was amazed by the view onto the garden and mountain, “Don’t you want to say goodbye to your father before he leaves?” he asked.

I shook my head, “Our goodbyes are temporary, he knows he will see me again and if he doesn’t, he knows how to end his confinement in the grave to be reunited with my mother and I,” I said. “What I want is for you to relieve that ache you left in me yesterday.”

“I can’t, Lore. It doesn’t seem right to leave you in that condition when I know I won’t ever see you again,” he said.

I looked him in the eye, “You can, and you will, so he doesn’t,” I said.

He tried to smile but he just looked sad. He nodded solemnly.

I pulled him down into a kiss then smiled at him, “He’s not going to kill you. I won’t allow it.”

“He’s a God, forgive me if I have my doubts that this plan will work,” he said.

“What is a God but an entity with believers?” I asked. “Believe in me and get others to believe in me along the way and I become a Goddess, which is something he cannot prepare for.”

He caressed my spine just as he had the night before, manipulating my body to the maximum levels of pleasure and I accepted him fully. It felt very mechanical at first, simply going through the motions to appease me. I burned for him and he stopped being resistant as my body warmed his. He wanted to be angry and sad, that both my father and I were willing to risk my life for a chance to dispatch his father. But my intensity and desire to do this excited him. I gave him hope to be free of his father and to be with me. He relieved my ache a few times, then helped me prepare the last step, carefully placed stitches that would heal over the course of the journey so his father would believe me untouched by another man when his son delivered me to him.

We left shortly after sunrise. Across the land he took me to suffering villages, where I helped them and received prayers of thanks. I felt their praise and I hated that we couldn’t celebrate the small victories when we camped at night, but I made due with sleeping in his arms. We made it back to his father’s estate with 5 days remaining on his timer. As we’d discussed he threw me at his father’s feet and turned to leave.

“Wait,” his father said, “Her skin was supposed to be dark.”

Beck shook his head, “No, that’s why you never found her. You have your prize, may I leave?”

“Don’t you want to beg me for your life, son?” he asked as he bent down to me and lifted my chin towards him. He was a large man, muscular, handsome, but cold as his fingers touched my skin.

“No. I’d rather die at this point. I asked for release from the torture, remember? I didn’t specify it had to be my life,” Beck said as he walked away.

“I didn’t say you could leave,” he boomed at his son, who stopped, his shoulders hunched forward and his head dropped slightly.

Beck looked at his father, “May I leave, father?” he asked.

His father shook his head, “No, come here,” he demanded as he motioned with his other hand.

He lifted me to my feet and looked to his son, “Did you fuck her?” he asked.

Beck shook his head, “She wasn’t mine to take,” he said.

“Undress her,” he demanded.

Beck scowled, “Undress her yourself. I did what I said I’d do, I delivered her to you, now end me or release me, please?”

The larger man looked his son over and nodded, placing his hand on Beck’s wrist, “Undress her and watch and I will release you and allow you a turn.”

“Why do you take such pleasure in torturing your own son?” he asked the larger man.

“Do you not want to know what it would have felt like to be her husband?” he responded.

Beck approached me and began unlacing the corset of my bodice. I didn’t fight him at all. I looked to the larger man, “May I ask what I’ve done to catch the eye of a God and his son for betrothal?” I asked.

The large man nodded, “I am Draugh, your mother was my intended but she was taken before that could come to pass. You were to be my son’s through her wishes. Upon her demise, it stood to reason you should be mine and a new wife could be found for my son.”

Beck’s fingertips trembled as he stood behind me and unbuttoned the back of my dress, the light cascading touch sent a wave of pink flush across my chest and face. I hoped Draugh hadn’t noticed as I watched Beck’s reflection in a nearby mirror, a slight smile told me he noticed my reaction to his touch.

“Shouldn’t we be married, then?” I asked. “Before having me, I mean?”

He groaned, “It’s a formality we can see to later,” Draugh insisted.

I held my dress on me, “You’re a God. Can you truly ask me to damn myself for your impatient pleasure?”

“Fine,” he sighed. He looked to Beck, “Fetch the…”

I interrupted, “You’re a God, sir. Can you not marry us yourself with your son as witness?”

He nodded and looked to Beck, seemingly taken aback at my forwardness, “Would you forsake all other Gods in favor of remaining at my side as my wife, Laurette?”

“I would,” I said. “And you, Draugh, shall you forsake anything to have me at your side as your wife?”

He smiled, “What would you like me to forsake, my dear?” he asked.

“Children,” I said. “I do not want them and would prefer you bed another to create them. Would you grant that forfeiture to me?”

He scowled for a moment, “Is that the only thing you wish?”

I nodded, “I cannot enforce it as I’m sure you know my parentage and undoubtedly can trigger that opportunity at your leisure, but if you grant me that, I will accept my place as your wife in every other aspect with glee,” I said.

He tipped his head down for a moment, “Very well, but I reserve the right to change my mind at any moment,” he demanded.

“Of course,” I said with a slight curtsy.

He motioned toward Beck again, who began removing my dress from my body. Oh, how I loathed clothing and rejoiced when he peeled it from my suffocating skin. I breathed deeply, my chest rose and fell as I stretched against the air, “How may I be of service, sire?” I asked with my head tipped down slightly.

He looked me over, then approached me, pressing his palms to my breasts and just grazing me, “Have you ever pleased a man before, darling?” he asked gently.

I shook my head, “Father kept me hidden from the world until your son found me. I tried to please him but he refused me,” I said as I tipped my eyes up towards him, “Am I displeasing to look upon?” I asked.

He shook his head, “Not at all, my son was just being loyal to me,” Draugh glanced toward Beck, who was looking to the ground and clenching his jaw. “Beck, prepare her body for me,” he commanded.

Beck scowled, “What do you mean? She’s naked, what more do you need?”

He pushed his son down to his knees in front of me, “Have you never bedded a woman? Spread her legs and moisten her with your tongue and mouth. Unless you prefer I harm her when I take her?” he said with scorn.

Beck started to guide me to the floor and his father stopped him, “No, keep her on her feet, standing over you,” he said.

He maneuvered me until he had one of my legs over Beck’s shoulder and his son’s mouth on my cunt. Slow gentle licks and kisses placed upon me. I closed my eyes and swallowed hard as he spread my body to him and licked back and forth across my opening, slicking me with his spit for his father’s use. I wanted to grab the back of his head and hold him to me, but I refrained, nervously biting my lip and looking away from him in blushing embarrassment.

His father grabbed me after a few minutes of torturous licking from Beck, pushing me down onto my hands and knees, facing his son as he moved behind me and made me scream when he roughly tore into me. I was breathing heavily and gasping, my blood dripped to the floor beneath me and I cried out as I averted my eyes from Beck. His father grasped my throat and lifted me, forcing me to look at his son while he fucked me from behind.

I hated how tortured Beck looked, his brow was furrowed, his jaw clenched, his hands balled into fists. I reigned in my tears and the pain of it and renewed my resolve to the plan. It had to be believable, but I also needed Beck in full focus. I cringed a few times as his father had no technique, but the same gifted endowment of his son. He was a messy fuck, no wonder my mother didn’t want him.

For a man that studied my mother and the capabilities of pleasure her body was capable of, he didn’t even attempt to employ what he’d learned. He just came in me and threw me to the ground with a mix of my own blood and his grey-toned cum leaking from me. I was breathing heavily as I attempted to stand, but only managed to kneel before I leaned my upper body back to the floor, sharp pains shot through me and Beck watched me fight through the lingering discomfort as his father admired my blood on his cock.

I could see the restraint in Beck dwindling as he wanted to come to my side and comfort me. I took a few deep breaths and stood up, “Draugh?” I asked.

He turned towards me, amazed that I was standing, my blood trailed down my inner thigh and seeing it seemed to excite him anew, “Yes, my dear?” he asked sweetly.

“Are you familiar with how my mother’s body worked?” I asked.

He smiled, “Very, darling. Why do you ask?” he asked.

“Do you not want me to please you like she did?”

His smile turned into a smirk as his eyebrow ticked upwards, “Are you capable of that, you’re only part of your mother, you know?”

I nodded, “My father said I was,” I walked over to him and ran my fingers down the center of his spine, “he used to soothe me when I cried, just here,” I pressed my fingertip into his spine just beneath his skull, “and here,” my other hand danced gently along his vertebrae above his pelvic bones, “he said I glowed just like my mother and it made him smile,” I offered.

He licked his lips, “Your father touched you like that?”

I tilted my head to the side slightly, “You say that like I shouldn’t have sought his comfort,” I said.

“Did he only touch you like that?” he asked.

I nodded, “I can’t do it myself. Would you comfort me like that? It was so long ago when he died and I’ve longed for it,” I said. My father had taught me my anatomy, but not in the way I suggested. He only wanted me to understand what was going on if someone happened upon me and was able to unlock my ability to reproduce, he didn’t want me to be unaware of that risk, so he drew the diagrams and created tools that allowed me to feel the sensations on my own, though I never fully explored it as he warned me I would remain open to it until the process was completed, so I needed to be certain I wanted that responsibility before taking that step.

It was the reason I pushed Beck to mate with me. I knew I needed to have sex with his father to make it seem as though I wanted a life with him and simply never knew how to find him. If I fucked him without accepting a mate, since Beck had completed the process of opening me to reproduction, then my mate would be his father and I didn’t want that at all.

Draugh caressed my spine gently, his fingers were hesitant, as though he were actually afraid of harming me with this level of intimacy. I arched my back towards his hand and curled my fingers against his chest as he watched my body react to his touch. I was in tears, letting him believe it was in ecstasy, but in reality I saw Beck watching me as his father caressed me in ways similar to how he had when he first touched my spine. He knew my reactions were involuntary, but I knew it still hurt to see me respond to a monster so needily.

Draugh lifted me up and pushed into me again, more gently this time. His eyes were on Beck, who was looking to the ground and trying to bite back the tears brimming in his eyes. I kissed him and got his attention off of his son and back on me, moving my hips down over him as he worked the erogenous points of my spine. I was about to pull one of the blades from my palm when I felt an arm around my waist, pulling me away from Draugh.

Beck pinned me to the ground and pushed into me. I cringed and looked to Draugh, I was prepared to see Beck killed before I could get loose from his grip, instead his father smiled and let him fuck me. He said nothing as Beck lifted me from the ground and pulled me up onto his lap so he could run his hands along my spine. I was crying and shivering, a flush cascading across my skin from head to toe as Beck brought me to an almost painfully needed orgasm in a way I wasn’t sure his father was capable of. I clung to him, spasming on his cock for nearly an hour before I regained any sense of composure.

He looked horrified as he pulled himself free of me and dropped me to the ground. He closed his eyes and cringed, prepared to meet his father’s wrath. Instead, his father put his hand on his son’s shoulder and squeezed gently, leaning down to whisper to him. Beck’s jaw clenched and his head lowered. I touched his hand as his father touched my cheek.

His father let go of his shoulder and stumbled back slightly, releasing the light caress of my cheek as well, Beck shook his head, looked at me, then got up and left the room.

I lay on the ground, my heart was racing and uncertainty set in, but I knew I had one chance at this, any hesitation opened us up to failure. One mistake and I’d kill the wrong man. A quick prayer and I had to hope it worked. Draugh groaned then grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet roughly, “You’ll be in my bed tonight, Laurette, and I believe I will breed you after all, since I know you’ve already been opened to it once recently. My child will easily eradicate my son’s.”

“Lore,” I said, distractedly.

“What?” he asked as he looked towards me.

I looked him in the eye, “My father called me Lore,” I said as I slid the blade from my palm through the center of his throat with ease, until it hit his spine. His blood was black, but it shimmered like mine. He gurgled and I guided him to the floor and began removing the other weapons from my body, opening small wounds all along me to do so, “Do you know why he called me that, Sire?” I asked as I placed a blade in his inner thigh, one just beneath his navel, one beneath his chin and up through his tongue, another severed his scrotum from his body and one slid easily into his cock from the head to the base, essentially splitting the inner workings cleanly in half but still fully enclosed within his skin.

I knelt down beside him and pushed the last blade through his ribcage and into his lung, “It’s because he gave me all of the knowledge available on you. Including some that only my mother had. He also taught me how to reverse certain spells, so that little trick you did, when you grabbed Beck’s shoulder and transferred bodies? Did you find it disorienting when you saw your own hand pulling me to my feet? Your own voice speaking to me?”

Beck came back into the room, just as I’d asked him to in the prayer, “Lore?” he asked as he looked to his father’s body, grey rippled throughout his skin as the pain was elevated to horrific levels.

My face and body was smeared with his father’s blood laced with my own. “Before I end this, Beck, tell me the last word my father said to you,” tears were streaming down my cheeks. If I was wrong, I’d just done irreparable damage to Beck in his father’s body and his father will have won. He hesitated and my heart rate quickened as I looked up to him, fear evident on my face.

“Fire,” he said, “The last thing he said to me was fire.”

I smiled and pushed the blade deeper into Draugh’s lung and leaned down to whisper to the God, “I know how to make your death agony too,” I kissed his cheek and his eyes went wide as my fingertip caressed the lower right side of his neck. A flash of flames began to leak from the wound closest to my fingertip. Beck placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently as I backed away from Draugh’s mutilated body. We watched his father writhe and burn until there was nothing but a pile of ash and blades left on the floor. Even without a body, he would never stop burning. I turned to Beck, “Did you come to bed the maiden or slay the witch?” I asked nervously.

He smiled, “What if I’ve come to bed the witch and slay the maiden?” he asked.

I relaxed, “I wasn’t sure the switch worked.”

“It worked, when I realized I was back in my own body I wasn’t certain what I should do, so I left before he had a chance to switch us again,” He said.

“What did he whisper to you?” I asked.

“That he would rip you apart in front of me before he ever let me touch you again,” he said quietly.

I looked to the scorch mark on the ground as the ash began to fade, “I don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” I said.

I turned to Beck and focused on his back,lifting his shirt and pulling at his skin to see if the faint number was still visible at all. “Do you feel okay?” I asked.

He nodded, “If you’re asking if I feel like I still have an expiration date ticking down, no. I think it might have transferred to his body when he swapped us, and didn’t transfer back with me because he wasn’t the one that switched us back.”

“How did he know you got me pregnant?” I asked.

“What?” Beck replied.

“After I switched you back, he knew I was pregnant by you. Does he get your memories when you switch?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I do get little piece of his thoughts as we switch. It’s possible I was worried about you, and the baby, and he caught that as we swapped,” he said.

“What did you get from his memories during the switch?”

“I’d rather not say?” he hesitantly said.

His skin was soft as I gripped his hand in mine and tugged him slightly, “Please?”

“He was going to use my body to hurt you, knowing I would try to stop him in his body,” he said, “then he was going to switch us back and have me killed while he looked like the hero for protecting you.”

“Come home with me?” I asked as I looked back to the scorch mark. I still didn’t feel safe here.

He smiled then kissed me, his fingertips grazing my spine just like the first time. I moaned and looked him in the eye, I was full of sorrow in spite of the tease of pleasure, “You want to stay here, don’t you?” I asked.

He nodded, “It’s my home. You’re safe now, you can stay too. We can marry, raise our baby, do some good in the world…”

“Can we return to my home for the day my father comes back?” I asked tearfully.

He nodded, “Of course, I do think he should know you’re safe. He’s been away from your mother for so long to tend to you.”

I tried to smile, “I know.”

“Was it too easy?” He asked as he pushed my hair out of my eyes and looked to the mark where his father’s bodyhad burned.

I nodded, “Can we stay at my home for a little while until we’re sure?”

He smiled, “And what of those adventurers that seek to bed the beautiful young maiden?” he asked.

“My husband can chase them away, he’s a demi-god you know,” I said as I looked him in the eye.

“Do you have a husband still?” he asked, “Should I be jealous that you married my father?”

I shook my head, “Technically your father asked if I would forsake other gods to be his wife. I said I would, I didn’t say I did forsake them. You, however, I gladly do forsake all other Gods and Goddesses and their children to be at your side as your wife,” I said.

He smiled and ran the back of his hand over my jaw, “And I do gladly forsake the same and anything else you want me to to be at your side as your husband,” he said just before he kissed me.

I pulled back to look at him, “My dad told me all of your dad’s weaknesses,” I said softly as my hand trailed down his chest, “Do you share them?” I asked.

My fingertips trailed over his stomach and I watched him tremble, “I…I don’t know” he said as he blushed, “that night with you was the first time I’d ever been with someone.”

I smiled and raised my hand to grasp his, lifting it to my lips, I began to bite and suck on his wrist gently. He leaned his head back and moaned loudly, “Fuck, I think I might have the same weaknesses…” he groaned.

I laughed, “Oh, that’s not one. I just like doing that.”

He pressed his wrist to my lips again and I sucked on his skin, just at the base of his palm, a smile on my lips as I looked up to him, “I like you doing that too. What else do you like doing?” he asked softly.

I stood up and pulled him to his feet and motioned to the door, “Lead the way and I’ll show you,” I said.

He tugged me gently and led me through the halls until we came to a room decorated for a child, “It was my bedroom when I first met you, it never changed, but unless you’d like to fuck in the dungeons it’s the closest thing to a bedroom I still have here.”

We spent a few nights in his home, then returned to mine. He keeps saying he wants to go back to his father’s estate, but then he brings me to the rocks at the springs and relishes the way my body moves in the water with him. I think he secretly likes my home better, too, and doesn’t want to admit it. My father met our child, my mother did as well. We brought her body back to my home and she now has the same enchantment upon her grave as my father and the adventurer. I discovered that when they aren’t visiting, they are together somewhere else and they’ve assured me and Beck that Draugh still burns in the afterlife, judged to burn one thousand years per every wrong he’s ever committed. The adventurer still visits, though he was sad to learn I’d married and had a child in his absence. He and Beck have become friends and he’s essentially our son’s uncle at this point. Though, I do wish he’d stop teaching the boy magic as our son is full of mischief as it is.

I think Beck discovered he enjoys the solitude of just the three of us and hosting the occasional visitor with a meal and warm bed, I’ve stopped seducing the visitors, though. I don’t feel the need to as they don’t know what I am and don’t know how to make me pulse with desire like Beck continues to do. Some nights we just explore our weaknesses together. It’s intoxicating to watch his body tremble in pleasure before I ever even mount him. He’s been toying with my spine, stopping just before opening me to reproduction, our boy is three, I think he’s hinting that he’d like another child. We have the ability to care for another child and want for nothing on the grounds.

Tonight I will ask him to finish the process again.
