Sweet dreams part B

# Sweet dreams part B


Sweat Dreams are made of these


We can dance if we want to.

Part B

Now where did I left off… See Kelley got an easy access dress, The queen is interested in Kelley or Stacey sexually, Nice secluded place for public sex, our chess fight it really loved, and oh Stacey and Kelley traded gown so we can have easy access to Stacey today…. Really? Time for more.

“Will, we need to talk about Meg.” Said Kelley. “Are you sure she is interested me?” “No, it might be Stacey. But my gut is saying it is you. Every since the fight class she has talked about you more than Stacey.” “What should I do if she ask me to go out.” “The same thing if a man would ask you out. If you don’t like him, turn him down. If you like him…well You do not have, to but we ask you keep us informed and be safe.” I give Kelley a hug and Stacey hugged Kelley also.

“We need to get ready it is almost time for company meeting.”

We sit down with me then Kelley and then Stacey. As we are sitting we here Meg coming and she sits down between Kelley and Stacey. “Why did you change outfits?” Meg asked a bit aggressively. “They told me that it was so beautiful that we need to share. I get to wear it tomorrow.”those close by start to chuckle.

“COMPANY MEETING!!” Raymond bellows. This is the final day and it looks to be nice this afternoon. Today is play hard and die trying day. Do not let up and bash them with your entertainment. If you survive you will be Legends and can brag tonight at the Formal.” Go free and play. End of meeting.” “Hey will, you mind if I keep Kelley for gate?” “Well you should ask her, I am her boyfriend, not keeper.” “How about it Kelley, you want to be my Lady in waiting today?” “Um, sure Meg.”

“If you get time remember we will have lunch After chess.” “Ah, Will about Chess I think we need to cut your fight, the show is running long.” “Really? Okay. I take Kelley will be with you during chess? Well afterwards come to lunch with us like yesterday.” “Yea on that..” “Meg we need to talk in private.” “No” “I see, perhaps we need to talk to Raymond then.” “He will side with me, Will.” “Well then the next statement is Leave the grounds. I will do that. Hey Raymond, Meg would like me to leave. Here is my employee pass.” “I never said that Will, stop being a drama Queen and lying about me.” “Fuck you leaving I asked you Kelley and Stacey here. I am the only one who say if you need to leave. Meg, stop fucking things up. Now go get dressed. I might need a Queen Elizabeth but it doesn’t have to be you and that will break your contract and you will owe the faire a pretty penny.”

Meg walks away and I turn to Raymond “This will be shit storm, you know that. It would be better if I left or have a shop taking me on. Wasn’t it you who told me strife makes a show a shit storm?” “Yea but that one is thinking with her nonexistent dick.” I can not reinstate your fight since she is director..” “Raymond” called the sheriff “Why not we make the fight a street fight. Tim and I can be the guards, you can be the director, and everyone can enjoy the funniest fight I have seen in years.” “Works for you three?? Stacey and Kelley are both shaking their heads saying yes. “It is okay with me also, I just want to get threw this day with out unpleasantness.” Boy I wish I knew how bad it was about to get and what the night held.

Well the fun started in 2 hours. I was the MC for Queen’s court and the queen shot me down and put another performer as MC and made me her water boy to the end of the show. We meet for our street fight and evidently the queen heard and purposely came threw before we got there to do a Knighting show. We had to change our lunch plans since the queen wants to use the area. Chess we avoided but I was told she was looking for me to make me her whipping boy. She was not making herself liked by many cast members and she was making Stacey and Kelley’s last day Miserable. The last thing is what really pissed me off.

“Lady Kelley, please smile for me. I feel so bad for you” I walked over to Kelley and Stacey in the back of the globe and give them each a hug and forehead kiss. We were backstage at the Globe getting some water when Mad Meg came in.

“This is for real actors not you sometimes actors. You should leave.” There is a big chalk board that we leave message including the sign indicating when we need to be silent since there a show and the stage is mic and voices carry. It was one of those times. Kelley is on the verge crying and runs out the back while Stacey chase after her. I pick up the chalk and wright “You are an ass, Meg” and I wrote it high enough she could not reach it to erase it and the executioner put the eraser on a high shelf just in case. I walk out and start looking for Kelley and Stacey and almost run over Sam. “I was told to lead you to them. Kelley is balling her head off. What did Meg do to her.” I look at Sam, I think she fell in love with Kelley. Take me to Stacey and Kelley.

I find myself in Mistress Carol’s fairy garden and Maze. I walk over to them and just kneel down and hug them. “I am so sorry that is is what your last day is like.” Mistress carol brings over a glass of iced apple cider. “This helps to relax muscle and nerves.” “will, behind you” “Meg?” Stacey, “Yes,” “is she is street clothes or in costume?” “Street and she is heading this way.” I promised I would accept you Kelley and I also promised to keep you safe. It is time for that. I will be back.” I stand up and turn around and stomp towards Meg.

“You really got some balls to come here. Go back and get in costume and Just leave Kelley alone, she has had enough of your shitty treatment and Stacey and me, yea we are even more pissed off. I will be taking this to Raymond and Pete and I will not make a baseless claim that they would support me since everyone here knows they do.” “I know I been crap and I just wanted to explain..” “Explain what you have crush on her and instead of handling like an adult, you acted like a tween. Look all the cast members who are watching you right now…how many of them look worried or do they look like they are about to jump in and not for you.” The faire owner pete comes up to us. “Pete she needs to leave Stacey and Kelley alone.” “No problem. At the end of the day your contract ends Meg do not expect to work here ever again.” “Thanks Pete I am going over sit with them.”

I came over and several cast members came over to give Kelley and Stacey a hug.

“LADY KELLEY” a joyous voice calls. “Hey Kelley it is Princess Penelope” I say “Lady Kelley, I been looking for you all day. I want to give you a hug. Yesterday was the best after you, Lady Stacey, and Wilbur made me famous at Queens court.” When did I change my name? I lean in and whisper “This is the real pay off of this place. You made a difference in her life. Take it from me that is important or my name isn’t Wilbur fudut. Kelley bust out laughing and reaches to hug Penelope. “I could use your hug, it makes my days better.

We did go back to the retreat and no one trying to throw us out. We ate our lunch and just had a three way hug fest.

After lunch Raymond made sure we did our fight right behind the globe and again I changed it and told no one. When running away I stopped and let myself get caught. Why? well DUH two pretty women. They dragged me off to our hideout and this time it was Stacey who ended up naked. After we get into the hideout and lock the door.

“We are a family…but now the question is are we going to the Formal tonight and in costume if we do?” Kelley says “I would like to and in costume even if Meg is there.” I want to go also Will” says Stacey. “Then we all want to go and in Costume. Lets head back to the hotel and get ready.

Sorry Sponge Bob, 3 hours later everyone is bathed, pampered, get horny, re bath, pampered, dressed, re bathed….Mm yea We almost did not go for the reason…Mm two beautiful and sexy women wearing matching Light Blue Satin Camisole with a matching short robe. If you are interested we took a pair of light blue satin boxer and Velcro the front opening closed so as, I am quoting Kelley here, Mr Happy doesn’t make an Early visit unquote. I would have used Stacey comment here but I doubt you want to hear that if they didn’t Velcro it shut that Stacey and Kelley would spend the entire night on there knees sucking me off unquote. Oh and just to finish off the look, well Stacey found us the perfect foot wear. We were Bearfooted no not bare but bear. Stacey saw them at the Mart of the Wal and got us each a pair to make me more comfortable in my satin boxers and smile.

The Formal dance, as we called it was anything but Formal. It had mellowed as such but going there is satin jammies was actually very conservative. In past year one couple went as a Pregnant Nun and he was a priest with the shortest gown. One years two men dressed up as Satan and Jesus and spent all night making out and several times on the dance board having sex…yea this use to be even more wild but we mellowed it LOL.

The hotel we were staying in is where the Formal was being held so for us it was only a short elevator ride down…..now the southern Baptist couple who wanted to go out for dinner was a bit put off when the teddy bear suggested several really good places with good food with the best prices. They were in there late 30 and I swear the wife kept stealing peeks at the ladies more then the hubby did and I am pretty sure hubby was going to have a long and hopefully hard night.

Get to the convention center at 9:40 and hand our tickets over and promptly take two steps in when the Sheriff and the Executioner stopped us to say hi. They had join forces with another couple and they were the band Village people. It was my turn to not have all the info. I hadn’t noticed the Sheriff and Executioner were gay and planning their wedding next year. We were invited and it was very tasteful but that is another story.

“Will lets find a table, then one can stay and the other two can get food while the third save the table.” My Pretty manger at her most sensible…and really fucking hot with the camisole moves just right and I can see both breast. “I volunteer for the food run..” I see Meg in the corner talking to her ex “And if you don’t mind I will bring Kelley. I don’t trust Meg right now. “Sounds like a plan” says Kelley then she kisses Stacey then me all the while Meg watched. The DJ is a faire goer and he wore his Electric Red and Green Kilt while playing everything from the Beatles to Nine inch nails.

We get to the food and it is a buffet of all sorts of fingers food which we liberally fill our plates and we head back to Stacey who was joined by Raymond and his wife Tina. Each table could hold 6 people and I was sure many people would stop buy to see Raymond and Tina but also Kelley and Stacey (about half way threw conversation I will hear “Oh Will Forgot you were there” lol ) I was proud of the fact that Stacey and Kelley had been so wholeheartedly accept by the faire folks. One point Stacey and Kelsey were out on the floor dancing with the Queens guards when it happened.

“Will, may I sit down and talk with you” “Yes Karen, whats up?” Karen was Meg’s ex and also had been the Queens wine Merchant. “Will I want to apologize to you for you getting stuck in the middle of me and Meg’s fight. You were right she was trying to get Kelley to sleep with her as a “Fuck you” to me. She thought I was sleeping with one of the male guards, I thought about it but I didn’t do it, and well Meg being so driven, she wanted revenge on me and didn’t care who she hurt.” “Let me guess, she just thought I would stand down and let her?” “Got it in one. I am sorry she fucked with you like that.” Not your fault, all hers.” She knows and she knows she burnt her bridge here at the faire for her nu-professionalism. She asked me to come here and ask if she can approach you and say her apology directly. I think it was the note on the board calling her a ass that did it. She understands if Kelley does not want to hear it but she would also like to apologise to her also.” “Apologize to who also” Asked Kelley in a slightly aggressive voice. “Meg does, she want to apologize to me and you. I have not decided to say yes on my side. What about you Kelley?” Kelley lowers head is about to speak. “Heads up my lovely Kelley remember the rules always look eye to eye and always tell the truth. Beside the fire in those green eyes always make me smile.” Now a slightly blushing Kelley looks up. “Will, I think we should listen to her apology, hell let’s face it no one is a perfect and can make themselves an asshole. I look up into Kelley dragon green eyes and smile, “You are right you know. How did you get so smart and I get so lucky to have two smart and beautiful women in my life?” Stacey pops in “As Sam said you are a dunderhead and need us.” “Okay Karen we will meet but it will be here at our table. I been threatened with assault if I move and lose this table.”

Meg came over and apologized to us all. “Meg understand I am glad you apologize but it does not change or even forgive your behavior. I know you are driven and sometimes you loose sight with that tunnel vision and in the end look how it turned out. You are sometimes your worst enemy…but I can accept a friend who fucked up and became an asshole so good luck. I stand up and gave Meg a hug. Then Kelley hugged her and even Stacey did.

Well 10 thirty hit and I have not danced yet and I grab Kelley’s hand and give Stacey a kiss saying the next dance is her. We head out to 80’s synth pop song “Send me an Angel” and we stayed out for “Walking the dinosaur” then we head back for some liquid. We all agreed that while I will not be drinking that the ladies could but they chose to drink Kool aid with me. After a sip we each take turns licking the stain off the upper lip of the others. Raymond and Tina came back and told me that all three of us needed to get to dance together and they will defend the table till we get back. We were not allowed to come back for three songs. We went up and request three slow songs in a row because we wanted a cuddle party. The man in the kilt obliged us ending the set with the song “Lady in Red” it is nice to have two of your best friends holding you and sing at you as you dance.

The formal has other things you can do. Rescu, a ren faire group that collects money to help ren faire performers in times of need such as Medical or even lost equipment, has a table set up with games and items donated for a drawing. There was all sorts of things such Jay and Jack at the amber shop donated a pair of earnings, the one leather shop donated a pair of leather and chain cuffs with a leash for each cuff, oh did I mention they were red leather and blue leather lined with rabbit hair. Without telling the other two we each bought 30 dollars worth of tickets. It turns out there was 110 tickets total and 90 was from the three of us, so no shock we won them. Now the formal has a main dance floor lit by the DJ lighting rig but in the opposite corner was a second dance floor and that is where the three of us spent the next two hours. In the semi gloom no one is really caring what is going on so if you are in the mood you can use the benches there or stand and really enjoy yourself and that was our plan. We found a bench big enough and one was chosen for the center and this time it was me. Kelley sat behind me and made sure to tell me this is payback for Saturday at the faire and she begins kissing and massaging my back and neck. Stacey moves closer and we start making out and every so often I turn my head back and get some kisses from Kelley then back to Stacey. At this point Stacey takes her camisole off and starts rubbing my nipples with it. Kelley purrs from behind me…when did she learn to purr she usually growled, but she purred again right at the base of my skull and that rumbling tingling just shot down to my fingers and toes and back up to my now hard cock. “oh fuck.” I whisper. I pull Stacey close by her hair and kiss her as hard as I could. My tongue is almost all the way down her throat and I hear from her a growl of desire. When did she learn to growl? I loosen my hands hold on her hair and whisper “I want to fuck you harder and make you scream louder than the first time in your room.” “Sorry your not getting that, yet.”

Stacey gets up walks around to Kelley and sticks her tongue down her throat. When she lets go she says “your turn for his tender mercies my sweet sister” and Kelley gets up and I realize now she had also taken off her top but was wearing her bra but as she moved in front of me she opened it letting her beautiful breast to spill down. I just reached out and cup each one and as she sits down I start sucking each nipple making them wet and slippery. That is when I felt Stacey reaching around my waist to my satin boxers and she grabs one side of my Velcro closed slot and then Kelley grab the other side and each pulled and the Velcro came undone and my cock, which has been straining to free itself, pops out. At this moment the DJ start playing another set of slow songs. Kelley wraps her fingers around my cock slowly and as she does she begins to stroke it in time with the music. As she gets to the head she gives a little squeeze.

Stacey was not idle during this. She had been kissing my neck and back while running her hands thru my brown hair. She then whispers “I would not suggest you go shirtless at work or they will see this and then she gives a nibble then full on kisses my back sucking hard enough that I know there will be a hickey and that sensation is now repeated on my front as I look down to a very hungry Kelley just leaving a hickey on my man boob. I am sure they know it but my brain needed to say it. “Oh god damn, I don’t know or even care if we fuck but just don’t stop yet. All I want is more.” Stacey purred from behind, “Good we have no plans to stop yet. Kelley also purred “We have decided that our daddy needs to be the one and only we focus our love on tonight for all the love he has given to us even when we were assholes” Now Stacey says “Or when we made him feel unwanted” Again Kelley, “or tried to hurt him” then both spoke at the same time with Stacey saying, I love you” and Kelley saying “Will, you will always be my best friend and my love.”

A perfect moment was had but like anything it can not last. I am done with Deities they are all bunch of ass holes. Clearly heard over the song is the single name called “STACEY!!!!!!” oh great it is return of the douche bag. Stacey goes ridged behind me and the single word “Chad?” is heard.

You know I am sick of all this shit “Please stay here. I will be back. “What are you going to do Will?” “I really not sure but I have hunch it might be violent.” and I start walking across the way to the idiot who I thought left Stacey and I’s relationship. In hindsight it had to be comical, me topless wearing Bear feet slippers with a pair of blue satin boxers walking across with possible murder on my mind and many friends there this night will definitely bring it up but at this moment I was not laughing.

“Oh look it’s the douche formally known as Chad” “WT F Will what are you wearing? Where is Stacey, have you seen her she supposedly came down here with some hot guy.” Now I wonder who said that. “Want to tell me why you are here and who they are?” I point to the three guys behind him. Just some friends, They decided to come along and kick any weenie asses who stand in my way.” Weenie, how old is he? 5? “Chad go home, you cheated on her and she doesn’t want to see you.” “Fuck you piglet I will leave when I have Stacey. I will put in the car drive her back to New York and make her see how fucking stupid she was. I told her that it was just sex so it wasn’t cheating.”WTFH that is the most idiotic thing any moron has ever said…make a fact you sound like the king of morons now. All hail Chad the fucking moron king” I never really remember it I know I said what I said, chad ran at me and next chad was on the ground bleeding from his nose and crying like a child about being sucker punched.

“Jump the fat ass and let make him an example” said chad. When Chad looked back 8 of the biggest leather clad weenies ever to be born is staring down the 3 guys chad had with him. Now the one thing I feared happened,

“Chad just leave, we can talk Tuesday but just leave, please” and with that said Stacey just starts sobbing. “What the hell are you wearing SLUT!” Oh I see you went Lesbo on me, dating a women..well fuck that okay keep dating and I can watch you lez out, maybe take pics and show them around.” the world that only a few minutes ago was soft and glowing was changing..all can see is a red haze covering the world. Well mistake 2 was made. Kelley yells at chad “Hey fuck wad no one want you hear so leave. Chad had gotten up when Stacey asked him to leave now He started to pull his arm back and he started running to punch Kelley and my legs started running at him then seeing what was happening Kelley started to back away and tripped and Stacy laid her self over Kelley to protect her from chad. I don’t remember anything till Raymond pulled me off chad who face looked a little like raw hamburger and my fist was covered in blood, I am guessing chad’s blood. Party was over. I was cuffed and taken to a jail cell to this was figured out. Chad went to the local emergency room with a broken orbital bone and two missing teeth that he evidently swallowed.

The good thing about faire it attracts a widely diverse group of people. Jay and Jack with the amber shop well they are both licensed Lawyer and were there at the jail 20 minutes after I was locked up. There was 3 state troopers there who testify I was not the aggressor, and the mayor of the town who got me release to conference room instead of cells. I was released an hour after I was detained. Stacey and Kelley brought me clean clothes and allot of hugs and kisses. The hotel wanted to throw the three of us out but the mayor had reminded him that I had acted in self defense and would they like him to call the corporate office and give details of the incident like the fact that this was a private party and staff should have called the police to remove the 4 men.

I lay down on our couch with bruised knuckles. “Will you better not be falling asleep..at least not without us there to join you.” “Nope not sleeping, I need one of your laps for that. I just contemplating my life wondering why it was so bad when I younger. My life now is so much better and entertaining. Kelley walks over and leans over the couch to look down at me. I reach up and start tapping each boob. “Stacey, I blame this on you.” “What did I do?” calls Stacey from the kitchen “He is here bopping my boob around like a cat.” All of a sudden Stacey runs in and lays down beside me and start bopping Kelley’s right boob as I bop her left boob. “Oh brother you two…well if you can’t beat them join them and she fondles Stacey boob and my moob.

“If we are all here who is cooking dinner?” I ask and in unison I hear “You are” Tagged teamed again.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iojl9y/sweet_dreams_part_b