A tale of Fire and Steel

# A tale of Fire and Steel


“The blades sang like the strokes of a hammer on a blacksmith’s anvil echoing in the empty churchyard.”
― [**The Cavalier Club**](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/47465497)Stanley Goldyn,

Oh look the SAFD (Society of American Fight Directors) sent me a form letting me know I need to renew my certs…. Why now?

I look up from the form and realized I should have done this last year when I was on my grace year but that is now almost over. I better call Raymond he is probably running a refresher program.

“Hey Kelley, can you please bring my cell from table, your sister has turned into a kitten and won’t move.” “A little cream and I will move” said Stacey. It will be one of those nights.

I hate to do this but I Have a busy morning and three of us in the bed is not conducive to sleep.” “Well give me a kiss before you go. How about you Stacey are you staying tonight or heading back?” I should head home but I rather not considering I will be spending the next two weeks setting up a new store.

Kelley leans in and kisses me then bends further and kisses Stacey. “All right but I will see you both tomorrow afternoon.” I will BBQ some stakes for Stacey’s going away party. Oh and I invited the Cannels.” Stacey looks at me “The Who?” The Cannels the couple who are deaf and lives next door and has not called the Landlord to evict us for our loud but enjoyable play times.” Oh them.” smiles Stacey.

I will be here by 4:30.” Okay Kelley. Tho you might want to take the umbrella it is getting dark quick.

Kelley grabs the umbrella and heads out.

“It is going to suck with out you here, I won’t be able to get my good morning kiss here or at work, unless Kelley stays over.” “I will be back in 14 days but you better be prepared, I will needs a massage after moving all those skids, setting up racks, stocking merch and prepping the front end office.”

“So what is the letter you got?” asked Stacey. “Oh my stage combat certs are all coming do. I was going to ask Raymond if he has a class coming up so recert.” I pick up my cell and dial Raymond’s number an left a voice mail.

You know tomorrow I am off work as well…” “Yes let’s spend all day in bed making love” purrs Stacey. “Hmm there is that but I was wondering if we can go and shop for a King size bed so no one feels like that they have to leave. Maybe a bigger couch also.” “Well not as much fun as all day love making but..” You rather not lay in a bed with me in public?”

I watch Stacey change from cooling to an instant a hunger. “I know that face. That was the face you made in the cash office. Just before I slided those satin panties aside and licked you off.” “I admit it the thought of you and me getting caught…” She grabs my hand and slides it up her skirt and the freshly shaved smooth pussy lips and the moisture there.

I lean down and kiss her while I slide a finger in pussy while making lazy circles in her wet pussy. Stacey is always responsive to my touch and this time was no different.

“Tell me was it the garter belt or did you just wanted me to eat this sweet pussy?” Stacey just bites her lower lip and made a pouting face. “Your guess” she moans. “Oh I don’t need to guess, you will tell me” I put a second finger and spread the fingers and start alternating forward and backwards.

I chuckle “I will keep it up till you tell” I lean down and kiss her neck as my fingers swirl back and fourth. She glares and then smiles up at me “You don’t play fair….” Faire hmm there is an idea, I have the feather on my hat I could use it to start rubbing your nipples as I start sucking on your clit while swirling my fingers” I chuckle evilly.

Fine you win but if I answer you need to put more than fingers in me.” I was planning to do that anyways so yes I agree.”

“I didn’t want to be caught but I did want you to do me. Licking me was the least I wanted I wanted to feel that cock of yours in my pussy and I was willing to get fired for it.” I lean down and kiss her and remove my finger. As I pull away from this kiss and just whisper Well I am glad you had to wait. I was tired of Matt calling me Billy Bag of doughnuts behind my back and our performance has silenced that, has it not?” How did you know about that?” The same way I got the specific type of security screwdriver to make the dock door not close all the way during the Blizzard that Matt Had to stand there and wait for maintenance in the -10 degree windchill. Can’t you figure out who helped me pull off that stunt?” She looks puzzled then it dawns on her. “RAY!!! LOL” “You got it in one. Ray told me about the nickname and I caught him in the break room referring to me that way…well I don’t get mad, I get even. Remember the confetti golf ball? Ray and Me again. Stacey just bust out laughing.

“God, I am going to miss that laugh.” My cell starts to ring. Crap it is Raymond. I need to take this”

They say revenge is a dish best served cold…They never me Stacey who decided a nice hot and wet revenge was best. She climbs off my lap but gets on her knees in front of me. She slides my shorts down and my cock is at her disposal. Raymond and I are talking about class price and number of slots left all the while Stacey is sucking and popping my cock. One point Raymond actually asked if a light bulb was dropped. Bye the time Raymond hung up my cock was rock hard and hunger for something soft, wet, and hot.

Stacey, you know there is three places we have never made love at. The stove which is gas and its dangerous, the bathroom which is so small you need to walk out to change your mind and…” I point to the empty table.

If you asked Stacey who won the race to the table she will tell you it was me but in all honesty it was her. She Had to first stand up, turn around, and run to the table. Me I had been facing the table and standing, yes she won.

Stacey reaches up to pull her skirt down but I grab her hand and then I turned her around and lift the back of the skirt over her bare ass and I put her left foot on the chair and bent her over the table and I slid in to her slick pussy as my hand reached around and I placed my hand on top of her hand which was on her clit and I start pumping in and out as she is rubbing her own clit using my hand. A few seconds turned into a minute then a minute turned into 10 minutes as I shoot a hot load into her and I can hear her savoring the full feeling it was giving her. I pull out and lift her up and turned her to face me and I start making out with her. What she was not expecting was me when I lifted her and slid her pussy down on my hot cock and I start bouncing her up and down on my cock as I walked around the room. It could have been a minute or could have been hour, I couldn’t tell and in all honesty didn’t care but soon I hear he breath coming in ragged gasps and that moment I feel warm sticky liquid start dripping down my cock and balls. Stacey’s legs are wrapped around my waist and her arms are wrapped around my neck. I can hear every sounds she is making since her head is resting on my right shoulder. I carry her to the kitchen stool and I sit down and can still feel each and every after shock of her Orgasm. She held on as I supported her to her last spasm ended and she lifts her head and looks at me.

“If that doesn’t hold me for 2 weeks..well then nothing will.” “I think I will wait till you are back and Kelley can come shopping for the bed but we will look for a bigger couch so we can all lay on it together.

“why wait?” Well if this is how you are thinking about me on a bed and a possible someone seeing imagine all three of us.” This shiver and the words “Oh God I need that”

Well after some more fun and a nice warm shower (she let me go first for once) we climb into bed with her white satin camisole and shorts and the bright red satin boxers Stacey and Kelly bought for me. As I laying there I realized something in the conversation with Raymond. He had extra spots maybe even one for a sword crazy noble lady.

Next morning I call Raymond and ask If Kelley, a non actor, could take the class. He said sure he has several first timer that she could be match with for the class. I said I want two spots one for me and one for Kelly tentatively to I find out if she wants to. I told him I let him know by 8 tonight.

Talked to Raymond?” “Yes I did Stacey and I had a brainstorm. What two items did Kelley says she wanted from the closet “My corset..and your sword!” “Bingo. I asked Raymond to hold two spot till 8 pm tonight and I will let him know. Now I just have to ask her. There is one thing. Here is closer to the class then her place. She would have to stay here every night for the next two weeks. Will you be okay with that?” “Why ask, I told you I wanted to share you with her.” “I know but this would actually be the first time she and I are possibly intimate without you.” “So what is the problem, Will? We know she cares for you.” “Yes she does but is she in this only for me or does she care about you also?” “You got a big brain in that head, of yours, Use it and if you think it is feeling wrong, stop. Sometimes you are too timid…tho not last night” and Stacey smiles.

Before we leave let me give her a quick call, she should be in the office by now.” Stacey shakes her head and as I make the call she gets close to the phone. “Hello you are talking to Kelley at Human services.” Hey Kelley it is Will and Stacey “A loud kissing sound is heard. Good morning my two loves. “Kelley, remember the letter I got about my fight certifications?” “Yes” “Well the teacher has a few extra spaces open in the class and I was wondering if you would like take the class with the beginners?”

You ever been close to close to a fog horn going off, well that is what is like as I hear “YES!!! PLEASE!!!” There is one thing, the class is about an hour away from my place and nearly two hours from your place. You would not get home till after after 11 pm.” Now if you want you can crash here and the class is two weeks long. Would you want to?” “Can I ask Stacey if I can stay there while she is gone first?”

“You just did and I told Will he is a grown man and you are part of this relationship. You have just as much right to be here as I do.” I hear a small happy sob saying “thank you”.

Stacey hands back the phone to me with a happy smile and a tear running down her cheek. “Okay Kelly we will talk more tonight at the BBQ for Stacey going away.” Stacey start frantically shaking her arms to the Phone. “Kelley hold on Stacey wants to tell you something.” Kelley one night have Will bend you over the table then carry you around while fucking you…OMG!! I came so hard and you need to try it also.”

Have I mentioned today that my life is a little weird?

After shopping, in which we found a wonderful L shaped sectional with two recliners and lounge, I start the BBQ and my neighbors come out the porch and sit down while Stacey is chatting, it seems they did hear us and either turn off there hearing aides or masturbating to us. Not sure which…in all honesty, I hope its the latter. I know I jerk off to Kelley and Stacey making out, why not them?

Next day I dropped Stacey off at the store. I went in and got back to the job of lead cashier after a three day break with Stacey.

“Morning Ray” “hey Will, hear the latest?” The one where Matt and Kim are trying to get arrested for being to loud during sex?” “Umm not exactly. Amy caught them making out in the back row.”

As I head to the cash office I see Kim. I whispered “Kim, 2 things. 1. use the cash office and block the door with a chair back under the door. 2. Where loose clothes, skirts and no panties.” Uhhh my first blush this story.

3 pm hits and I am gone for the day and I pick up Kelley. I lean over and she smiles and kisses me.

“So are you ready for class?” “No.” “Are you ready to spend the night alone with me?” “That is a bigger no.” “Good, I would be worried if you were to eager. When we get back you get to decide where I sleep, in bed with you or on the couch.” If I have to decided I will sleep on the couch. “No Kelley, Stacey was clear you get the bed, you are part of this relationship. I am the only one who sleeps on the couch when it is needed.” “when did you sleep on the couch?” 2 weeks ago when mister monthly came a calling.” “I will think about it.” “Good. I will warn you I probably will not be up long after we get home. These classes kick my but bad. Lots of hard work for me. You will have it better.

As we pull into the Faireground Kelley is confused. “what are we doing here?” Simple the class is being taught on the chess board.” I snicker, “I was keeping that as a surprise. We had stop at a gas station and had change clothing there so I grab my sword bag with my swords, knives, and other weapons and we head threw the side gate just above the chess board.

“Evening Raymond.” “Hey Will, glad to see you made it mate.” “Raymond let me introduce Kelley. Kelley this is Raymond, my drill instructor for the next 2 weeks and over there is Tina his wife and Co Fight captain for Final Joust.” “Hey Will, is this one of the two women people see you around with?” “Glad to see the faire rumor mill is running on overdrive. Yes it is.” “Supposedly they are both your girlfriends.” That is very true…are we playing 20 questions or are wondering if you should be believing the rumors?”

From in front of us a small woman starts running towards Kelley yelling “LADY KELLEY!!!!!” The woman is a bit shorter than Kelley but promptly hugs her. Kelley mouthed the words “Who is she?” I tap this lady on the shoulder, I know who you are but she doesn’t…well not without the rest.” The woman chuckles, “Yea I guess that is true. I smile at Kelley “Kelley this is Meg she is the fight captain for the chess match…oh and you know her better as Queen Elizabeth.”

I have never been so sore after class not only from stretching but smiling and laughs as Kelley met the sheriff and the executioner.

I drive us back to my place and I tell her to shower. I had put clean towels in for her and told her don’t be long Stacey will be calling soon to see how she liked class.

I grab a bag of peas out of the freezer and put it on my sore shoulder and I waited for Kelley to come out and change in to her jammies, an emerald green Satin camisoles and satin shorts just for me to see. She walks over and sits on my lap resting her face on the peas.

I am tired, why aren’t you?” I am I just hide it behind my pain.” Did you enjoy class? I didn’t see much, Raymond was working me hard for my final test.” A big tired smile crossed her face “That was super fun. All the cast members treated me like I was important. The queen actually was my partner since we had an odd number. She is good. “She better be every fight at the chess match she designed and trained them.”

The phone rings and Kelley reaches out with renewed energy and answer it. “Hiya sis. I am sitting on daddy knee” she drops the little girl act “and I am so tired I could not even think straight to have sex let alone do anything. I just decided, if you don’t mind I want him to sleep with me in the bed. I doubt he could even move his cock after the work out they gave him. By the way Her majesty the queen send you her love and she is sorry you couldn’t have join the class. It seems we made a good impression on her about Will. Yea here you go. I am going to bed, when you two are done join me. I think I need a heating pad and you look warm.” I smile at Kelley, “Okay I will be in a bit. Unless you need me to tuck you in.”

I put the phone to my ear. “I bet you are as tired as Kelley or me.” “You know it.” How many trucks are done, 12, we kept up 1 an hour. I left they had the next truck backing in.” Well take it easy I want my very pretty manger home safe and sound so I can snuggle with her and her sister. I will let you go but only after I say one thing more, I love you and you are right Kelley is someone I care for also very deeply.” Then find a night and ride her like you did me 2 days ago.” I hear a very tired giggle come across the phone. “Okay Stacey, you get to bed now or else I will spank you. “Promises, Promises” As I shower I then go put on a pair of blue satin boxer and climb into bed.

“Will…can I…well…?”. I reach over and pull Kelley to me and I here a sigh of contentment as our bodies touch.”

For the next 4 days that was our routine, but Saturday I had off so we slept in. Saturday morning I sneak out of bed to the kitchen to make some french toast with powered sugar and fresh strawberry and scrambled egg. I put the a tray down and I sneak back into the kitchen leaving the tray on the end table and go back for the coffee, muffins, and orange juice. All I can see of Kelly right now is her nose sticking out of the blanket. I take a forkful of egg and waved it by her nose. Her nose started to twitch like a bunny rabbit.

I whisper “Hey little bunny fufu. I made breakfast for you you.” “I don’t want to get up and eat. Not even if that it means we can put on our Garb and go to faire together?”

You think I just electrocuted her awake. “I want to go. But what about Stacey?” “Who do you think told me to do it” She said last night you been working so hard and that we both needed a break, eat up then we can shower and dress, What do you want to wear?” Well duh my blue gown and my red choker…and maybe you.” I lean and kissed her. “As you command”

After showering I pulled out my noble garb. “Ah I thought I could get you into a kilt.” “I am sad to say for me this not a total pleasure day. I have to be at chess. Raymond and myself will be doing the first two parts of my fight as practice. The rest of the day I am your play thing. Is that a blush I see?” I lean and kiss her nose.

At this moment my cell and the land line start ringing. “get that phone, please.” I answer my cell “Hello will knot here. Uh Hun, Yea I understand back forty and three passes. Get to gate muster point. No problem. Talk you soon.” I go to the fridge and pull out the lunch cooler. As Kelley is giggling on the phone. “Yep he is here and off the cell.” It is Stacey.” “Morning, how are you feeling. Tired but happy. Don’t Tell Kelley but I will be home Friday afternoon and I want to see you two take your test.” Good plan. We can not wait to see you Sunday morning. Lots of love. “Stacey be safe and come home soon we miss you here.”

I hung the phone up with my secret. “Now we have had our morning chat with Stacey, we need to get going…Oh and her Majesty told me to tell you that this weekend you and you and Stacey next three weeks will be her ladies in waiting but we need to get moving like right now.”

I have never gotten to faire that fast before and we pick up our employee passes and head for the side gate. To meet up with the court for gate.

You made it in time.” “Yea would have been here sooner but only got the call 35 minutes ago.” Kelley is excited but scared. “Quick question will we be presented at Queens court?” No” okay after gate I will take Kelley with me and I will play gate denizen if its okay. I don’t think Kelley is ready for more than that. Just stay close to me, smile and let me start the talking then jump in. It is easy.”

Every little girl who came threw the gate got to meet my own live lady of the court. At chess she was the queens cup bearer and at Finale in song we were put up on the second level.

“So Kelley, did you enjoy yourself?” All I see is smile then she whispers “That was a bit scary” “Anything worth doing is scary” Faire told us they would wash and do any minor repairs are clothing needed and since we had street cloths with we just changed out and headed home. On the way home the day had been to long for Kelley and she fell asleep in the van. We get home I carried her in and she woke up. “hello sleepy…”I never finished the sentence because her tongue was in my mouth and my hands were busy holding her.

I sat her down on the table and sat on a chair in front of her. Kelley enjoys being physically dominating but being 5 foot 2 she isn’t. She kissing me and I am rubbing the inside of her thigh. I had talked her into wearing one of Stacey easy access skirt and I planned to use it…this is where the F.U. happened. The phone rings and I can see it is the Faire’s number on the caller id.

I need to take this. I will be right back.” I get up and grab the phone. I turn around and Kelley is walking into the bedroom. “Hey Mike, whats up SHIT!! HOW!!!! GOD DAMN IT FIX IT SHE PAID GOOD MONEY FOR IT!!!!!!!!. Hold on let me get her. I fucking can not believe this shit.” I run over to the bedroom and Kelley is packing her bag up.

What are you doing? Wait this is more important, you are needed on the phone. Faire fucked up and the bottom of your gown was on fire. I grab her arm and pull her out to the phone and put it on speaker.

Mike I got Kelley here, the owner of the gown. What the hell happened and what is faire going to fix it? I walk over and sit down pulling a fighting Kelley down on my lap. “We are so sorry Will someone forgot to empty the lint trap and it caught on fire. Kelley’s and lady Sussex dress were burnt beyond repair “I feel Kelley go ridged and I hug her tight and whisper I am sorry for letting them clean it. A bit louder so Mike can hear me “I should have washed it myself.”: Dude we are sorry it wasn’t intentional. Michelle ask if Kelley could come it and be at the costume shop at 7 am. Faire will build her a new gown at our cost.” “It will not bring back the special memories she had with it…” “Will,… I know, blame me I didn’t check to make sure the lint traps were cleaned. We can talk more tomorrow.”

I can feel Kelley crying. “I am sorry I should have sucked it up and brought them home and washed them myself” “Will it’s not your fault.” She looks me in the eyes “I thought Stacey was calling and you wanted to talk to her and you were rejecting me…again.” “I am sorry I should have told you faire was calling”

At this moment the phone rang again and I can see it is the number Stacey been calling from. I kiss Kelley “If I was like that I would be on the phone now, that is her.” Kelley jumps up and grabs the phone and runs back and sits on my lap. “Stacey I am fucking asshole. You and Will deserve better than me.” Stop saying that Kelley you are not an asshole, you are human and made a mistake and right now you are emotional over your loss. Put Stacey on speaker please.” Stacey voice come out of the speaker. “Kelley you made a mistake but we can forgive you. What happened.” asked Stacey. “Faire offered to do laundry and repair services on Saturday night for all three of us so Sunday we just walk in and get our garb on and begin the day. No late night at a laundry for us. Well they washed the clothes but the faire uses natural gas dryers and someone forgot to clean the lint trap and Kelley’s and a faire members clothes were burnt. They say they are UN-repairable “ I squeeze Kelley. “Stacey starts crying “Will hold her tight for me. When I see Kelley I see that smile she had when in the gown and we gave her the amber heart…They didn’t destroy that! DID they!! Kelley says “No I have it here but I ripped it off and broke the clasp when I thought Will was rejecting me again.” I am sure it is nothing that Jay and Jack can’t fix. We will do that tomorrow….I didn’t even think to ask. Do you want to go to faire tomorrow? They offered you a loner gown to they finish yours.”

Oh Crap those dragon green eyes are looking at me. “Will, I want to go to faire with you any time and everyday. That goes double for you Stacey, I want to be with you two who love me even when I am hating myself.”

I am known for getting a boner at the weirdest times. I can see Kelly look down at where she is sitting and she must feel my harden cock because starts to smile a bit evilly.

“Um Stacey” I say “Do you mind if we talk more tomorrow night.” “Why” um I just have this urge to walk around the room with Kelley getting pounded by my cock and making sure my naughty daughter has a cream pie tonight before bed….and maybe one for her day at faire.” “MM sounds tasty, well I guess so but make sure you get some actual sleep.” then the phone goes dead.

Oh Daddy” She purrs,”Make me your fuck toy tonight. I stood up and took her over to the computer desk and I told her to lay across it with only her toes touching the ground. “Now pull open your but cheeks I proceeded to eat her asshole while seeing how many finger I could get in. “Tell me, has anyone been able to put there entire fist in your pussy? I ask with a smile She locks back with those dragon green eyes flashing with a challenge “No Daddy, please do that only to me and not my goody two shoe sister.”

Well unfortunately Kelley was to narrow for my hand to get in, but maybe her sisters will fit. I did go on and let her ride me around the room…I been told by a friend I should buy a sex swing.

Well it was Friday night and it was the final class. Raymond had a few fellow Fight directors come buy to watch and grade people’s techniques. They were also there to make there recommendations to the SAFD if I should be offered membership as a Fight director (no pressure on me) Stacey called me at work to let me know she will be back before I get off work. I called Kelley and told her I had to work a bit late and asked her if she mind waiting for me to pick her up which meant Stacey could clean up in the store’s private shower and change then together we showed up to get Kelley. Stacey hid in the back seat till Kelly got in and she threw her arms around Kelley and Yell “SURPRISE”

When did you get back?” asked Kelley “Oh about 40 minutes ago. I showered at the store and got dressed. We got ahead of scheduled because I wanted to be here to cheer my sister on she beats someone with a sword….Oh and to watch Will also” Can you feel the love?

Well it was time and I sat besides Kelley on my right and I was holding her hand and Stacey was on Kelley’s right holding her other hand. “Okay Loosen up or your fight will look fake. Your partner is experienced fighter and will support you the whole way. We will be rooting you on. I turn a white faced Kelley towards me and I plant a wet kiss kiss with a little tongue “For luck. After the end, no matter what we are going home together and sit on the new couch and just hold each other till bedtime…maybe even fall asleep in each others arms on the couch. Now you got this.” Kelley’s fight was second to go and her and the queen did there fight while trading dirty limericks with each other. She passed of course. The last fight was me. Raymond had decided to do the scene in Romeo and Juliet where Romeo Kills Tybalt just after Tybalt kills Mercutio. In the end, I as Romeo kills Tybalt and lament my killing him for it meant I would be forever separated from my Juliet (as my juliets looked on).

I passed and we all did go home and fall asleep on the couch in each other embraces…but I swear that just before Kelley fell asleep I heard her say that if she was Juliet she would have killed Romeo before she saved Will Knot”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iojjsi/a_tale_of_fire_and_steel