Invasion [part one] [SCI-FI]

Kazaak was inspecting his nyarl raiders as his pilots prepared to jump into the earth’s atmosphere. Nyarl are a nasty bit of organic engineering. Shock troopers cloned from the DNA of the prince himself, though genetically degraded and not capable of using magic. They average 7 feet tall and 300 pounds of lean knotted muscle. They typically have black hair though many simply shave themselves bald. Their faces are somewhat deformed and covered in warts, pimples and rashes from incestuous use of the same DNA, bodies covered in scars from extreme training and regular combat. Wearing heavy armor and wielding a variety of weapons and gadgets they are the next best thing to full blown Vyikrean commandos.

Checking for perfect form in the mirror Annabelle Cortez was finishing her last set of backward lunges. She put back the 80 pound barbell she was using and grabbed a resistance band for donkey kicks. After 3 sets of donkey kicks on each leg she went straight to box jumps. Then an ab routine before she would finish with full body cardio.

Sitting in class trying to understand advanced calculus Stacey Gottsch was furiously taking notes. When the class ended she went with her friend Julia to the university’s pizza joint for food. They talked about class and parties, boys and future goals.

Maria Dickson was teaching English to college freshmen. She ranted for a bit of her own life and then tried to bring things back on topic. Somewhat embarrassed at her lack of professionalism she turns red and tries making a mental note to stop doing such things. Class ends and after the last student leaves she gets her belongings together and heads to the cafeteria for some coffee.

Kazaak allows a wild grin to spread across his face as the countdown to the earth jump begins. Excitement boils in him as thoughts of murder and rape dominate his mind. He is Vyikrean and of the prince’s bloodline, not cloned but conceived by natural birth from the womb of a Vyikrean female. Minor raids such as these are typically beneath one such as himself. But Kazaak loves the primal act of acquisition and the cruel process of breaking and training. Besides, even the prince himself indulges in personal raids for sport from time to time. After the last narl is secured inside a drop pod Kazaak enters his own. The inside lights of the pod display an impressive array of brutal weapons and exotic traps. His eyes dance over them as the possibilities run through his mind.

Anabelle enters the locker room sweaty and breathing heavy. As routine she takes some post workout photos in the huge mirrors within. She takes some to document her progress and many more for Instagram and her friends. She smiles and poses with glee riding her post workout high. Some other girls come in and out rolling their eyes at her. Anabella tells herself they are probably just jealous, and to be fair she is probably right.

Stacey throws out her trash in a nearby bin and Julia does the same. Julia asks her to come over but Stacey, worried about her academics declines. She needs to study. Julia asks to study with her but Stacey declines insisting she prefers studying alone. Stacey knows that if she studies with Julia they will just talk and joke the whole time. Looking defeated and a little hurt Julia relents. The two of them simply walk together towards their rooms.

Maria sips her coffee in the teacher lounge. She has one more class today, English 102, before she’s finished. It’s a night class which doesn’t start for another three hours. She plans on going home to eat then her co-worker Doug asks if she wants to get sushi with him, Carol, and Floyd. Briefly she considers turning them down (adjunct teachers don’t really make enough for Sushi) then tells him she would love to.

Just before the jump Kazaak begins a transformation, made possible through Vyikrean genetic manipulation. The segments of his armor expand allowing his muscles to grow and increase in density. His limbs lengthen as well as his fingers, each one now tipped with talon like claws. Fully exposed his tail sways and coils behind him, venom dripping from the heart shaped stinger at its end. His mouth becomes filled with long razor sharp teeth giving his face a menacing, elongated V shape. His hair grows, Kazaak’s normally shoulder length black mane now falls down to mid back in his enlarged form. His body hair becomes coarser, and his Vyikrean musk now wafts off him in thick layers. Usually appearing as a handsome muscular human male Kazaak is now an eight foot tall monstrosity.

Annabelle’s entire body begins to relax as the warm water from the shower washes over bronzed skin and dark brown hair. She hums softly to herself. At ease in the moment her heart jumps to her throat when a sonic boom goes off, sounding like the loudest thunder she ever heard. Startled and confused, she exits the shower, wrapping her towel around herself and heading out into the locker area, flip flops making wet slapping noises against the bathroom’s tile floor. Walking into the locker area she shoots one of the other ladies there an inquisitive look. The woman smirks back with an expression of “I have no fucking idea”. Drying off next to her locker she suddenly hears explosions as if from an artillery bombardment.

Stacey is so awe struck by the enormous spaceship floating above campus she forgets she was just screaming. Bewilderment turns to excitement, curiosity, then fear, as her mind tries to wrap itself around what just happened. She glances at Julia, who is gazing at it with a look of revulsion on her face. As if the sight of something so ridiculous offends her. *What does one even do in a situation like this?* Large grey cylindrical objects rain down from its underbelly, some smashing through buildings, cars, and other infrastructure when they land. Panic wells up inside Stacey and she grabs Julia by the arm. “WE NEED TO GO!” Panels on each of the cylinders blow outward as large armored humanoids carrying what look like massive firearms rush out. Then came the sound of ear shattering retorts as one of them fires into the general populace turning people into pink mist.

“LOOK OUT!” Carol screams as one of the cylinders crash into the street ahead of them. Doug attempts to maneuver as his car spins out of control towards it. A panel blows off the cylinders side and into his car with so much force the car’s pushed back several meters, tires screeching on the pavement. Maria, Floyd, and Carol vacate the vehicle with haste only to realize an injured Doug was left inside. Floyd goes back to help. Maria’s tries to keep composed though panicked thoughts. *Alien invasion. Holy crap we are so fucked. We’re going to die. A* large armored alien approaches with a smile on its grotesque yet human looking face. Lifting what can only be some sort of gun it aims at the car with Doug and Floyd inside. A loud sickening warble emits from the weapon and within seconds the entire thing is melting. Maria sees Floyd and Doug’s flesh dripping off their skeletons.

Kazaak sets his drop pod to land right in the courtyard between all the main buildings, one of the most crowded places in the whole town, teeming with healthy females. Bursting out of his pod strapped with an arsenal of weapons and acquisition devices, Kaazak lets loose. Overwhelmed with adrenaline he ignores his weapons and tears straight into the masses with his claws. Skillfully and with grace he eviscerates, amputates, and beheads with every swipe he takes. He makes sure to spare the choicest females as he barrels through the courtyard with blurring speed. Within less than a minute he’s killed every male in the huge courtyard, his nyarl closing, boxing in the women. They are subdued with a variety of erotic traps which ensnare and force mind melting orgasms. Strewn about the courtyard spread eagle, hogtied, held in splits, hobbled, and restrained by various other devious methods they writhe in forced ecstasy. Those whose hands can still be moved desperately claw at their snares, driven mad by over stimulation. Kazaak leaves a few nyarl behind to watch over them as he moves on, allowing them to molest and rape as they please while doing so.

Lights go out the moment the explosions started. Panicking, Annabelle curses while she fumbles with her combination lock in the dark. She frantically turns the dial and pulls again and again only for the lock to hold fast each try. She hears more explosions, gunfire, and other wilder sounds beyond her imagination. There are cries for everyone to exit the premises. With regret she gives up on her things. Shivering she pulls the towel tightly around herself and leaves. Through the gym windows there is fire and smoke. She breaks out in a cold sweat, stomach uneasy. While following the throngs in exodus she hears talk of ominous things. Alien invaders. Mass slaughter. Stay away from the courtyard. Women abducted. Women being raped*.* Confused and terrified Annabelle feels unbearably vulnerable in her towel and flip-flops. There’s a sudden frenzy of shouting and a mechanical roar. Some crazy sci-fi looking dude blocks the hall some twenty feet ahead, carrying a giant fucking morningstar*.* Except instead of spikes this one has what looks like rows of crisscrossing chainsaw teeth, like something out of a Mad Max movie. Despite the preposterousness of such a weapon the ogre of a (man maybe?) wields it with martial artist grace. Those caught by it become unrecognizable ribbons of gore. Gaining momentum every swing, the deadly sphere becomes a blurry wall of annihilation. Pure animalistic survival instincts take over. Adrenaline surges through her veins like a nitrous fuel injection as she sprints away from certain death. Annabelle fights to stay afoot in the following stampede, her athleticism probably saving her life. She sees others like the one with the morningstar in connecting hallways One is cutting people down with what appears to be a wicked looking double sided axe. Faint warning signals go off in her head but she is too hysterical to make sense of them. The human stampede floods out through the main exit and entrance of the collages main building, which leads out to the parking lot and city streets just beyond the large courtyard in the center of the school.

They’re everywhere, Stacey and Julia have been frantically running around trying to avoid the chaos but the whole campus, hell maybe the entire town is overrun with those things. Eventually they ended up hiding in a patch of woods by campus housing. Others are hiding with them. Together they listen to everything going to hell around them. All of them are women. Men were lethally targeted first, the distraction from the androcide was the only reason any of them have lasted this long. However… Stacey saw girls everywhere, thrashing and incoherent. First she thought they were going through some kind of torture. Then she noticed how some of them… their eyes would roll into the back of their heads. How they would moan and wail. She noted some of the contraptions. A woman spread out on her back by metal bars in a X on the ground with a fifth phallic looking piece extending down from where the bars crossed, just above her navel and penetrating her sex repeatedly, the woman squirting and squirming in her restraints. She saw things like robotic scorpions attached to various girls, the “stingers” penetrating them not only vaginally but anally and orally as well, some girls having multiple scorpions attached to them. She saw a girl running just a few feet from her swarmed by some type of drones, which lifted her off the ground, tore off her clothes, restrained her hands behind her back, forced her legs into a split, and slowly descended her onto a ten inch vibrating phallic. She was cumming before it even touched her. This last one disturbed her deeply, as she herself could feel some sort of energy radiating off it, making her wet and horny despite the situation and absurdity of such a thing.

Carol and Maria shriek hysterically, watching Floyd and Doug’s fate has them running away like lunatics. They don’t make it very far. Carol’s heels cause her to wobble and fall almost as soon as the mad dash begins. Looking behind her Maria see’s Carol dragged off toward the grass on the side of the road. Not looking where she was going Maria runs directly into something solid. She looks up at a hideous face covered in warts and scars. The avarice in its eyes make her shiver. She attempts running away. Too slow, it pulls her into embrace. Hands roam over her voluptuous body. Hot stinky breath assailed her nostrils. Saliva spills on her neck while it drools. She feels it sniffing her long auburn hair like an animal. She fights back with all her strength but it easily handles her like a doll. The alien rips open her white button up tearing her bra in half. Naked cream colored breasts are exposed to callous groping. Her blouse and skirt torn until they fell around her ankles in tatters, underwear removed and thrown aside. Nearby Carol pleads in desperate shrill screams, her voice trembling and filled with despair. “STA-AH-OP PLA-EASE GO-AHHHWD NO UGH NO HA-EELP!” Maria is dragged to where Carol’s being mercilessly raped. Another alien approaches Maria with a large syringe. Her light brown eyes go wide at the sight of it. They hold her still injecting her in the spine just above her tail bone. She yelps at the painful sting, tears building around her eyes as she feels some unknown chemical being pumped directly into her nervous system. She shudders at the thought of what the homicidal rapists from outer space just put in her, but then… Maria’s pale white body flushes bright pink as warmth envelopes her. Her pupils dilate to the size of quarters. She becomes very, *very* aware of the rough hands on her sensitive soft skin. The *strength* they possess as they effortlessly handle her. Her eyes crawl over the bulging masculine body of the alien raping helpless Carol. She listens to the rhapsody of Carol’s objections mixed with the primal grunts of the alien ravishing her. The sloppy wet smacks as its member… *OMG.* A lusty sound parts her lips, *it* *has* *two*. The second flops around fully erect underneath Carol’s belly as it fucks her, flinging precum every which way. Appearing to be nine or ten inches long they’re ribbed and pulsating. She can smell its heavy musk mixed with the scent of Carol’s frothing pussy. A wild urge to get on her knees burying her face in their conjoined genitalia is only stopped by the alien holding her. In retaliation she wriggles her body and spreads her legs, desperately trying to entice this thing to fuck her. Growling like a beast it throws her into the arms of the alien that injected her. She was so enthralled by Carols rape and the touch of the thing holding her she didn’t even notice it had completely stripped down, both cocks hard, pulsing, dripping with precum.

Black ash and the acrid smell of charred flesh permeates the air as Kazaak slings his heavy disintegrator back over his shoulder and pulls out the electro-laser. Taking less then a split second to aim at the line of police cruisers speeding into the fray he pulls the trigger. In a flash of light that literally blinds those looking directly at it the entire row of cruisers are razed by a lightning bolt. Melting them and every other car to the road, vaporizing everything on or near its path, and causing the asphalt below to boil into toxic fumes. The thunder could be heard miles away. He unleashes a few more bolts of lightning into cars and pedestrians at random. Intoxicated by the carnage he relinquishes his weapon to it’s holder and starts using magic. Flanking those fleeing he raises a hand, gathers his bloodlust and fury then expels it into the terrified masses. With violent wet pops men explode into blood and gore. He’s still sure to spare healthy fit females. He kills men with magic, claws, fangs, and strikes from his tail. His nyarl shepherd the females. Some get away, it’s ok, his nyarl will enjoy hunting them down and ravaging them. The doors of the school behind him burst open as the madden horde his nyarl herded rush out. Sensing the new turret of females he decides to finally let himself loose control. Letting out a horrible roar like cannon fire Kazaak unclasps his armor letting it and his weapons fall. His two massive, foot long, one and a half inch thick cocks become fully erect in seconds. They twitch and jerk with precum frothing from the tips like rabid beasts. Seven rings rib each one. Using his aphrodisiacal precum he lubricates his members as he scans the crowd, his face contorted with lust and fury. He locks eyes with a short light complexion girl with a blond pixie cut. Her cute young face shows a mix of bewilderment and visceral fear at the wild sight of him. Her body is fit and curvy. Kazaak descends on her in a blur of muscle. Delicately without injuring but with voracity he tears her clothes and stings her repeatedly. She bellows animalistic shrieks sounding more like a pig at slaughter than a young girl in her prime. Kazaaks venom is enchanted aphrodisiac, liquid lust produced from a bottomless reservoir of perverse passions. By the time he had exposed her tight now extra-sensitive holes they’re literally begging to be filled. Fluids run down her legs as her vagina endures unnaturally powerful contractions. At the same time her already tight virgin anus clenches then gaps spastically. Her insides arrange themselves to accommodate large insertions. Kazaak telepathically links himself to her, takes a second to appreciate her terror and desperation, then corrupts and dominates her mind. Shrieks twist into loud throaty moans. The girl’s body trembles as her fear is drowned by irrational thoughts of wanting, no, *needing* to be raped, beat, dehumanized and desecrated in the most vile of ways begin to rapture her mind. Kazaak pierces her begging holes simultaneously. Bellowing beastly roars that reverberate through the air making his presence and claim on this female known to all he savages her insides. His strokes are brutish and deep, slamming against her cervix again and again, stretching her vagina before finally breaking through and entering the womb. He has her screaming in pain and pleasure. The girls uncontrollable orgasms massage his cocks. The thrill of desecrating her tight young body combined with the paradox of emotions and feelings in her innocent mind eventually brings him to climax. Potent aphrodisiac cum floods and stretches her womb and bowels forcing a variety of orgasms in the girl. He drops her, twitching and spent, to the ground. Fueled by desire his balls refill in seconds, his sexual appetite far from satisfied he grabs another girl.

Desperation and hopelessness hit Annabelle like a brick wall. Not only had she lost her towel and a flip-flop but her over zealous workout and subsequent flight has reduced her legs to jello. Now she’s running straight through the epicenter of a massacre stark naked, staggering, and exhausted! She’s shook by a primal roar, a feral, animalistic sound she feels in her viscera. With apprehension she turns to look at its source. She sees Sammie, a freshman, being fucked literally senseless by an actual monster. The thing was huge, its size exaggerated further by Sammy’s short stature. Its form looked human, except with disproportionately long limbs, a tail like what you would expect to see on a devil, claws on its hands and feet, and long sharp teeth giving it a dramatic evil grin. Sammy’s face was scrunched up, her eyes dilated and dissonant, her mouth open held in a tight O. Explosions and gunfire brought Annabelle’s attention back to her own need to escape. There are far more of those futuristic guys out here. They have the place surrounded. She considers going back inside but those guys are obviously still in there, blocking off that route as well. People are being blown to bits around her, except some of the girls. Plenty of the women are entangled in contraptions of various sorts. As crazy as it seems they all appear to be having orgasms, of the like Annabelle has only ever dreamed of, albeit in a much different setting. Essentially though her observations tell her she is in a very unsafe place for her well being. Without many options she decides to try and make it to the semi-safety of the parking lot, which has plenty of cars to hide behind. Using bushes, trash cans, light posts, and the densely packed fleeing crowd as cover she makes her way to the parking lot, dodging fire and orgasm machines on the way. Her heart is bursting from her chest as she half ducks half dives behind an SUV astounded to have actually made it this far. She tries to calm down and assess the situation but hears more roars from that monster only making it harder to focus. Poor Sammie! Annabelle tries not to think about it, but what she saw happening to the girl! Feeling queasy and dizzy Annabelle puts her arm against the SUV to try and steady herself. Another roar pierces the air. She stays there, trembling against the SUV for some amount of time, explosions and screams and more bellowing roars from that monster threatening to make her go mad. With effort she forces herself to think about how she’s going to escape. She can deal with the trauma from all this later. Panic sets in as she peers around the SUV, the invaders are moving through the parking lot apprehending those hiding among the cars. A few cars down three girls are being restrained by a lone invader, the only one in that direction. He’s distracted, and beyond him are woods and residential houses. It’s her only chance. Quickly and quietly she sneaks by using cars for concealment. After she passes it by a reasonable distance she breaks into a full sprint, ignoring the rough asphalt and pebbles against her bare feet. She looks back to see if she’s noticed. It seems to be too busy molesting the girls it just wrangled to even notice. As she faces forward though she caught a glimpse of the monster. Now it had two girls, its long taloned fingers wrapped around their throats and using them like fucktoys. For a second they lock eyes. Annabelle’s feels a sharp sinking feeling in her stomach. She hears its roar once again. She looks back again and it’s now gone, the two girls alone on the ground. She hears another roar, louder and closer, behind her. Then she sees it, bounding across the tops of cars towards her at incredible speed. Its eyes are locked on to her. Its two cocks stiff as steel and glistening with the fluids of who knows how many girls it had just raped. Annabelle screams possessed by horror beyond anything she had ever felt before. She’s crying and wailing knowing full well what it’s going to do when it catches her. Making it to the trees she tries telling herself it will be ok, she can hide or evade it somehow. Then powerful clawed hands grab her. She shrieks and pleas as it manhandles her, groping her with hard painful strokes. It makes course throaty sounds that must have been laughter… Then it lets her go. Annabelle runs away screaming for help. She is about to exit the woods and bound across the first house. Suddenly its on her again, crushing her with its caresses. It spanks her hard on the ass with a loud sharp ***smack***, using its tail as a whip. Then she is free once again, stunned and stumbling but moving forward as fast as she can. *It’s toying with me. Like a cat does to a mouse.* And sure enough a couple seconds later she is grabbed by it again.

Maria hits the alien hard, feels the sensation of it’s naked body on hers, its throbbing cocks on her hips and thighs, sees the salacious look in its eyes as it grabs her. It’s too much, overwhelming, she cums, and when it puts a rough explorative hand on her pussy she cums again. She throws her head back as she cums and moans in approval. As she moans she feels its hot breath entering her mouth. It kisses her deeply, but in a violating self satisfying way. A long slimy tongue slithers around her mouth. She licks and caresses it with her own as more undulates into her mouth, filling her cheeks and tasting her gums. Gagging as it forces its way deep down her throat, her eyes water with the effort of choking on it. After a few moments of throat fucking the tongue pulls out, leaving her mouth extra slick and slimy from the aliens thick saliva. Carol stares at Maria with abhorrence. Shocked by Carol’s look of judgment Maria remembers the injection and their situation. Sudden shame fights with her lust and she can feel herself starting to cry. Powerful figures plunge into her pussy, curving into her g-spot. Her sobs become screams as a powerful orgasm rips through her. The orgasm is intense, seeming to never end. It goes on and on, the fingers constantly digging into her g-spot. After what seems like hours but was probably only a few minutes the fingers slid from her pussy. After only a second of relief a cock belonging to the alien who originally captured her enters her all the way to the base. Instantly another powerful orgasm wracks her loins. She is bent back until she is held between the two aliens with her tummy to the sky. Her head is pulled back and another cock is rammed down her throat. It tastes of vinegar and salt. The massive ribbed cock in her pussy brings about a deep vaginal orgasm and re-stimulates her g-spot. Redoubled uncontrollable orgasms ruin her as she is skewered between the two aliens, each one lasting several minutes. Her face is buried in the hairy musky balls of the one face fucking her, his other cock slapping her chin and throat as he thrusts. After a long time the cock pulls out of her pussy, her vagina continues to contract with orgasm. The cock fully coated with her cream pushes itself against her asshole. She can feel the tip of his second cock on her pussy as the one lubricated with her juices presses harder and harder against her backdoor. Painfully it passes her threshold and cocks slide deep into her ass and pussy. After a moment of hesitation he fucks both her holes voraciously. The pressure on her perineum brings even more stimulation to her already overcharged orgasms. The cock in her throat chokes out her screams. Eyes roll into the back of her head while her body convulses. All rational thought is wiped from her mind as the cocks’ penetrations become the center of Marias universe.
