Werewolf lust. Werewolf stories part 3 long many part story

She went home the next morning sneaking out of his apartment, hoping he was actually asleep. After she managed to unlock his 4 dead bolts, pull open his 10 time the normal weight massive steel door and some how manage to quiitly force it shut with out making a sound. With cautious haste She quickly runs down the hall to her apartment door throws it open and slams it shut behind her just before she collapses, falling against the door she reaches up and locks the deadbolt. Deeply panting gasping for air she looks down at her naked body, dazed and confused she wraps her arms around herself holding tight. She doesn’t know what to really think or feel in her mind she can’t believe what just happened or why she asked for him to change for her. “I must be out of my fucking mind” she whispers to herself. She can’t seem to gather enough rational thought in her head to what she was actually turned on by a beast, “why doesn’t this freak me out and why did it feel so Fucking good she says to her self in the midst of slamming the back of her head into the solid wood front door. She tries to stand up and move but her legs barley move, all in an instance she can even feel her toes. A single tear runs down her left cheek she starts to grin and loses consciousness.

Suddenly she is awaken by a knock on her door “Jaimie… C’mon Jaimie open the fucking door girl we have fun shit to go do” the voice of one seemingly very excited young woman screaming at the top of her lungs rings through her head. “Fuck I forgot……. Hold on Ashley give me a min I’ll be right there bitch”. She says screaming back. Her legs feeling fine again she jumps up unlocks the deadbolt runs back to her room while yelling “ITS OPEN….ILL BE RIGHT OUT!…..” Reaching her bathroom she leaps to the shower turns it on and goes back to her vanity shutting the door and locking it. She looks at herself in the mirror seeing the red claw marks she received from her first encounter with him. She doesn’t know why she feels so good right night she feels stronger then ever almost invincible, if she knew what being invincible felt like this would be it she thought. She jumps into the shower washes her body as carefully fast as she can but nothing hurts. It’s like shes actually seeing make up some movie geek put on her for Halloween a couple years ago only it won’t wash off this time and she distinctly remembers the pain of each claw dragging its way across her body drawing blood as he used her for his need to mate with a beautiful woman. She finishes washing her hair jumps out and runs to the other door leading to her room. She throws on the first cute outfit she sees and runs to the living room. “Hey what the fuck is up with you”? Ashley barks as right then Jaimie grabs her hand and Yanks her out the door running bro the elevator. Reaching the elevator she rushes in and hits the basement lobby button like 20 times. “Hey EARTH TO JAIMIE…….. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Ashley blasts at Jaimie becoming very irritated with the least amount of info possible and serious excess of haste. Jaime backs up to the the furthest wall away from the elevator door. “Ok” Jaimie breathes out and looks directly into Ashleys eyes, “Ashley!!!! you wouldn’t believe the last 48hrs of my life if I was hooked up to a polygraph, drugged with a secret CIA truth syruem and a gun was pointed at my head over the threat of blowing my fucking head off if I lied” she says taking long deep breaths expanding every inch of her lungs but it’s different then ever before the air tastes sweeter and she can even hear her lung tissue enlarging with every breath. They reach the lobby and jaime books it towards her car as she reaches it she door opens it and jumps in. Ashley catches up and jumps into the passenger door and they speed off. After driving in dead silence for what seemed like forever Jaimie pulls the car over throws it in park and just stares out the windshield. It begins to rain right as Jaimie begins to talk…. “Ashley remember the neighbor guy I told you Tiffany and Sarah about the other day?” Jaime asks still blindly staring our the windshield. “Yeah what about him………OMG” Ashley shrieks “You’re fucking your neighbor aren’t you……? Sooooo he’s not gay huh?” Ashley says fast and with heaps of a sarcastic tone. “NO…..Well kinda we did fuck but this is a little….whats different” Jaimie replys “so…. whats the download then what the hell is going on with you today?”. Ashley demands hitting the dash and lighting up a joint she pulls out of her purse.”the other night I went home after we split apart and I was passing his apartment I herd a noise from outside his front door drunk and just wanting to be fucked or whatever I wanted I knocked on his door and as he opened the door to see who it was I slipped right in and all of a sudden he started to change into something not fucking human……he grabs me like a rag doll and just ripped my clothes off… scratchinge with theses huge knife like claws during the whole thing for some reason I didn’t scream except for when he dug them so deep into my back I started to bleed. He rips off my pants and this guy who I’ve seen over a hundred times so quiet but polite is literally growing to 10!times his normal size….. Hes growing har all over his body and his whole body is changing shape into some sort of wolf like creature when right in the middle not being scared shit less he shoves his massive beast cock right inside me and just starts ravaging me. The whole time I’m scared shit less but it FELT SO FUCKING GOOD I can’t explain it but there I am naked on his floor being taken sexually by a Fuck real live beast and I didn’t actually want it to stop.. his cock felt like it was gonna rip me in 2 and I loved it. He just kept pounding me harder and harder I felt every inch penetrate my body as he used me like his bitch in heat at the dog park. He literally howelled as he shot this massive body filling load up inside of me and I just passed the fuck out Ashley. Ashley just staring at Jaime her eyes wide and jaw drooping to the floor….

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/injukt/werewolf_lust_werewolf_stories_part_3_long_many