[Ff] or [Fm] [Second Person] The Changing Room [Anal] [Oral]

This is another of my experiments with Second Person perspective. I’d appreciate feedback on how well it reads.

You can feel the sweat clinging to your body as you stop the treadmill. It has been a long workout, and you’re feeling it. Your endorphins are still trying to cover it up… but you can feel the tiredness in your limbs and your core. You look forward to a shower, and to cooling off in the lobby. But first, you have responsibilities to fulfill. You wipe down the treadmill you were just using… and then use the same towel to wipe the sweat from your brow.

You turn around… and you see her jogging on one of the other treadmills in the room. Her name is Raven, and you met her on the first day you came to this Gym. Fitness is her religion, and she visits its temple daily. She tends to arrive for worship when you’re cooling down, and you’ve talked with her a little. She must have come in early, today.

Raven is jogging on the treadmill, wearing a Sports-Bra and a pair of tight leggings. Her long black hair is drawn back into a ponytail, and she’s watching you with dark brown eyes. You wave at her, and she waves back. Your path to the changing rooms takes you past her… and you think you see a smirk on her lips as you pass by.

The endorphins are fading fast, now that you aren’t exerting yourself. A dull, but pleasant, ache is starting to settle into your bones. You know that you pushed yourself today… and that you’ll be paying for it once you stop moving. You pass by the Weights Room, and see the usual suspects through the glass door. The Gym Rats are working to bulk up. You pass by the Studio, and see a Yoga Class through the window on the door.

Your thoughts wander to Raven as you reach the changing rooms. You talk to her for a few minutes every other day… but you don’t know much about her. She seems nice, though. She’s always happy to give you a few fitness tips, or make small talk about the newspaper headlines. You’ve realize that you’ve come to look forward to your little chats with her… and you’re a little disappointed that you won’t be having one today.

You chose this gym because you’re a shy person by nature. The Changing Rooms are individual. Each room has a little metal bench in it, with a shelf overhead to put your bag on. The floors are slightly sloped towards a drain at the center, because each room is also a slightly oversized shower. You collect your bag from the lockers in the hall outside the changing rooms, and walk down to the changing room at the far end of the hall. You almost never have “neighbors” while you’re getting the sweat off your skin.

You step into the room, close the door, and toss your bag up onto the shelf so it won’t get wet. Then you step over to the shower, since it can take a minute for the hot water to arrive. Your hand closes around the knob just as you hear the doorknob jiggle. You forgot to lock the door behind you. Your breath catches in your throat, your panic and embarrassment preventing you from crying out. Your head whips around to the door… and you see Raven standing in the half-open doorway.

You can’t help but stare at the statuesque woman that just walked in on you. She’s a few inches taller than you, and she’s picked up a deep tan. Her right arm is hidden behind the door… but you can see the sleeve-tattoo on her left arm, black feathers. She still has her earbuds in, attached to the old iPod strapped to her forearm. She looks you in the eye… and winks. You know that her arrival wasn’t an accident.

You understand that Raven has made a silent proposition… and there’s two ways that things can go. This can either be a hilarious accident… or something much more interesting. A handful of seconds pass by as you think about it. Then… you find yourself nodding at Raven. She smirks, and then she steps into the changing room and closes the door behind her. You can hear the lock pop closed. You won’t be interrupted again.

“Turn it on,” she says, quietly.

You turn the knob for hot water… and the shower begins to splash against the concrete floor. A handful of ice-cold droplets hit your skin before you can back away. You step away from the shower. The room is large enough for you to stay dry… but you’re forced to stand close to Raven. She places her bag on the metal bench, and then she turns to look at you. She’s still smirking, clearly pleased with herself for some reason.

“Now we can talk without being overheard…” she says.

You can’t quite find words to reply. The situation feels strangely surreal… as if you’re dreaming. If you are, then you don’t want to wake up. Sharing a shower with Raven is the stuff of your fantasies.

“I’ve been watching you…” she says, “I came in early to… see you. I… I’ll be honest. I want you. I’ve been watching your sexy little ass bounce on that treadmill for a half-hour… and… it does things to me.”

You feel a warmth begin to bloom between your legs… accompanied by a dampness that has nothing to do with the shower. You think you know where this is going… and you can’t think of a single good argument against it.

“You’re nice…” she says, “I enjoy our little chats… but… I… I need something more. It has been too long for me, and based on the way you’re staring at my tits… I expect it has been too long for you, too.”

You blink, and force yourself to look up and meet Raven’s eyes. Her smirk is slowly turning into a grin, and she lets out an evil little chuckle. Your eyes are drawn away from hers by movement… and you see Raven hook her fingers under her sports-bra. You look up at her face with a surprised expression, and she winks at you.

“I’ll show you mine,” she says, “if you show me yours.”

You freeze for a moment… and then you remove your top. You stand before Raven with a bare chest for a moment… and then you toss your top up onto the shelf. You’re a bit surprised that you managed to hit what you were aiming for. Raven lets out a giggle… and then she lifts her Sports Bra and her tits pop free. Raven’s breasts are just large enough to fit in your hands… and they’re very perky.

Raven steps forward, and cups your cheek in her right palm. Her left hand begins to run through your hair, and she stares down at you with those deep brown eyes. You let out a little sigh of relief… mixed in with a little bit of pleasure. It feels wonderful to be touched.

“Go ahead,” Raven says, “feel them.”

You palm Raven’s breasts, and give them a gentle squeeze. Raven lets out a little sigh and then she says, “Rougher.” You grope Raven’s tits, delighted by the softness and firmness of her flesh. She lets out a little moan of pleasure, and smiles down at you. Something tells you that a kiss wouldn’t be appropriate. It’s too… romantic for the situation. You know in your heart that Raven isn’t here to make love… she’s here to fuck you.

“Alright…” Raven says, a slight sadness to her voice, “as much as I’m enjoying this… we have about twenty minutes before a shower attendant gets worried about how long the water has been on. We need to get this party started.”

You feel Raven’s grip tighten on your hair, and she guides you over to the metal bench. She bends you over it, and you place your hands on the stainless steel. Then she says, “There’s a toy in my bag. Get it.”

You open her Bag… and find a strapless dildo sitting on top of her clothes. Your breath catches in your throat. Now, you know that this isn’t just something Raven decided on the spur of the moment. She’s been planning to fuck you. For a brief moment, you think you know how a deer feels when it sees a mountain lion prowling around. You grab the object, and hand it back to Raven.

You hear a shuffling of cloth behind you, and then Raven lets out a very happy noise. Then she says, “I’m going to use you, now. Try to sit still for me… and try to stay quiet.”

You plant your hands on the bench, bent over for Raven. Your heart is beating a mile a minute, and your breathing grows fast. You feel Raven’s nails slide across your skin as she slips her fingers under the waistband of your shorts, and drop them and your undergarments halfway down your thighs. Then you feel the silicone press against your hole… and slip inside.

You let out a moan of pleasure as Raven’s cock slips into you. Your legs try to turn to jelly on you… but you hold it together. Raven stays hilt deep in you for a few seconds… and then you feel her slip something plastic into your ear. You realize what it is as Club Music fills your ear… Raven is sharing her earbuds with you.

Raven waits for the beat to drop… and then she begins to time her thrusting to the beat of the music. You try to hold yourself still for her, and you try to stay quiet. You succeed… at first. Your body is still tired from your workout, and the dull ache in your bones is starting to mix with the pleasure. You find yourself humming along to the beat in your ear, almost perfectly in tune with the beat in your hole. You hear Raven’s breathing growing faster… rougher. It sounds almost animalistic.

You start to lose control after about a minute. Your humming begins to turn into moaning, and your legs start to turn to jelly. You find it increasingly hard to be still for Raven, and she soon gets tired of your failure. You feel her breasts press into your back, and her hand close around yours… pinning it to the bench. Her other hand lands upon your throat… but she doesn’t squeeze. It’s just a reminder of who is in charge… and you find it strangely… hot.

Raven’s head almost rests on your shoulder. She whispers in your ear, “Be quiet. Sit still.”

She continues to fuck your hole… but she’s quickly falling out of pace with the beat. You can feel how much she needs this, how much she needs you, and it makes the burning between your legs even stronger. Relief is coming… thankfully. But it’s getting harder to control yourself. What you need is fast approaching… and your body is turning to jelly. Your moaning is getting louder.

Raven’s hand tightens a bit around your neck. Not enough to stop you from breathing… but enough to remind you to be quiet. You whimper pitifully, but you want to moan like a whore. Then you hear her voice in your ear, “This is your fault. You and your sexy fucking ass in those tight little shorts. It does things to me… makes me hungry.”

Your breathing grows faster. Your whimpering grows more pitiful. Raven’s breathing grows ever more bestial. You feel your climax approaching like a runaway train, and then it hits you. You’re sent over the edge, and Raven’s hand clamps over your mouth to muffle your inevitable scream. She keeps using your body as you ride out the orgasm… and she only pulls out once the last aftershock has faded away. You feel like you want to collapse on the bench… but Raven doesn’t let you.

Raven pulls you away from the bench, and pushes you down to your knees. Then she walks around you, and dangles her strapless mere inches from your face. She wraps her hand around her fake cock’s shaft, and removes it… letting out a pleased little whimper along the way. She tosses it aside, and then she grabs your head with both hands and pulls your face up into her cunt. You try to lick her pussy… but you’re not in control. Raven humps your face, smearing her arousal across it, for a good half-minute. Then she lets out a deep moan of pleasure and begins to tremble. She hisses a word, “Yesss~.” Unlike you, she’s able to hold herself together as she rides out her orgasm… keeping you pinned to her cunt the whole time.

Once she’s done, Raven releases you from her cunt. You gasp for breath… and look up at her with a strange mixture of emotions. You don’t understand what you’re feeling… but you know that you want to feel it again. That must be clear on your face… because Raven is smiling down at you with a look of triumph upon her face.
She asks you a question, “Can you come into the gym at this time tomorrow?”
You nod… not quite coherent enough to manage any verbal response.

“Good,” she says, “we’ll do this again. Now get on your feet… we have about ten minutes to shower and get out of here.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ins89c/ff_or_fm_second_person_the_changing_room_anal_oral