Back Room Fights 1.5: Barb vs John (Mixed MMA) [Str8] [MF]

“All right folks, we’ve had a night of great fights so far but I think this last fight will be a real treat. We have a grudge match between a man and his ex wife. The ex wife doesn’t like how his much younger girlfriend has been posting pictures of the two of them on social media. When words couldn’t reach a conclusion the two decided to resolve their differences in the ring. The fight will be MMA style and will continue in rounds until a fighter submits or is out cold. The winner will receive a cash prize as well as twenty minutes to perform whatever sexual act they want on the loser.” Most of the crowd were deep into their cups at this point of the night but still let out a cheer for the terms of the fight. “Now in the red corner. She is 5’8’’, 185 lbs, and 38 years old. Everyone give it up for the newly ex-housewife Barb!”

Barb glared at Claire after what had seemed like a disrespectful introduction. The pale, black haired fighter removed her robe revealing her massive pair of round, slightly sagging breasts. Hugging underneath her large bust and extending down her stomach was a tattoo of a vine with black and white flowers trailing down it. She had kept her hair down for the fight and it even looked recently styled. Barb turned the gaze of her dark brown with a fiery intensity towards her still hooded opponent. She wore only a plain red pair of panties that partially covered her fat ass. Traces of cellulite could be seen running down her rear and on her meaty thighs. She had the physique of a woman who worked out regularly but didn’t care too much about what she ate. She self consciously wondered if the crowd would have cheered more if she had worn the lace panties or the thong instead.

“Now in the blue corner. He is 6’0’’ even, weighs 202 lbs, and is 40 years old. Welcome recent ex-husband John to the ring.”

The brawny, middle aged man removed his robe revealing his fair skinned, hair body. John wasn’t necessarily muscular but everything about him looked wide and powerful. A healthy layer of fat gave him an attractive dad bod. He had short black hair that was beginning to recede, bright blue eyes, and was sporting a neat five o’clock shadow. He was wearing a black speedo that hugged his large ass and showed off his thick thighs. Everyone with a clear view couldn’t miss the massive member that his speedo contained. He cracked his knuckles and stared intensely at his ex-wife, hoping that this night would bring closure to their conflict.

Claire called the two fighters to the middle of the ring for a final reminder of the rules and to touch gloves. The two fighters maintained constant eye contact during the exchange, careful not to gaze at the former assets they had once enjoyed. Barb tensely extended her gloves and John met them with a powerful smack in an attempt to intimidate the woman. The fighters returned to their corners, seemingly unrattled. John tried his best to get a read on Barb. His former wife had always been a little insecure but had become an absolute mess since his affair with Christine and subsequent divorce. She stalked him and his girlfriend relentlessly on social media and Christine could never escape Barb’s gaze at the gym. Words had done nothing to resolve the issue so the two had agreed to fight it out in this spectacle. In the other corner, Barb inadvertently took a quick glance at her ex-husband’s crotch. She couldn’t help but think out how his huge dick had filled her over the years. Barb had been the perfect housewife in her mind. She cooked, cleaned, and romanced her husband with enthusiasm but it did nothing to stop him from cheating. The divorce had caused her to reduce her lifestyle and greatly doubt herself. Beating the shit out of the man across the ring would be good payback for running off with some skank.


The two fighters walked cautiously to the middle of the ring, arms raised high to protect their faces. They circled each other, waiting for someone to make the first move while trading insults.

“Fat pig,” muttered Barb through her mouthguard.

“Look who’s talking,” replied John.

“Your limp cock is way too big to comfortably fuck a real woman”

“I’ve never heard a complaint from Christine.”

With that, Barb lunged forward putting her weight behind a straight right. John mostly blocked it with his gloves as they were forced back into his face. He countered with a right uppercut towards his opponent’s large chest but it glanced off her elbow at the last minute. Barb backed off a step and threw a quick left jab that collided into his face as she retreated. John shook off the jab and marched forward with a combination of right hook, left jab, and right hook again. The first hook went towards the body and was easily dodged. Barb walked right into a jab to the face that snapped her head back. In her stunned state, a right hook slammed into her stomach causing her to grimace in pain. Barb needed to keep in mind that she was fighting a man with almost twenty pounds on her. Even his lighter blows had the power to do damage. She regained her senses and raised her fists once more. She circled to the left as John threw another left jab and circled again, anticipating the right uppercut that followed. Seeing an opening, she launched a straight right that crashed into his eye. She stayed light on her feet, making sure that she did not get backed into a corner. John rushed toward the large woman, potentially shooting for a takedown but Barb once again stepped out of the way and punished his right eye again with a jab. He fell to one knee but his opponent did not seem to be interested in a ground fight and waited for him to rise again. John threw a series of hooks and jabs to keep Barb distracted as he kept marching her down. Out of almost a dozen punches thrown, only a jab managed to get through her defense. She smiled to herself until she felt her butt press against the ropes and realized she was cornered. Against such a large man, the only chance of escape was to fight her way out. Barb didn’t fancy trading blows with John though. He put his weight behind a powerful right hook that slammed into Barb’s face and knocked her guard away. Barb maintained her equilibrium and threw a leg kick that went unchecked. At the same time John threw a left jab into her massive right tit. If there was one thing he would miss from their relationship, it was definitely playing with her boobs. Barb responded with an uppercut that went straight up the middle and clocked the big man on the chin. He stumbled back as Barb pressed forward with jabs and leg kicks. A jab connected with his face under the eye, a leg kick chopped at his calf, and another jab landed to the body. As John raised his gloves in defense, the round ended and the fighters returned to their corners.

John took a big gulp of water, letting some of it run down his hairy chest. The round had felt fairly even to him. Barb had seemed vulnerable at moments and only one of her punches had hurt him. He would have to be sure to protect his right eye as there was some swelling beneath it. He brazenly reached down and started stroking his cock, thinking about what hole he was gonna put it in. Meanwhile Barb towelled off the blood that had begun to flow from a small cut on her cheek caused by that big right hook. She massaged her right tit, hoping that the inevitable bruise wouldn’t be too bad. The round had roughly met her expectations for the fight. She had what it took to win the extra money she needed but John definitely could overpower her. She sipped at some water waiting for the next round.


Feeling the momentum from the end of the last round, Barb rushed to meet her opponent in combat. John barely had time to get his gloves up as a flurry of jabs were thrown his way. His wide arms helped him block all of them as he marched forward into his opponent. With an easy shove, he sent Barb flying backwards onto her ass. It was mesmerizing seeing gravity play with her tits as she fell backwards. Barb quickly scrambled to her feet, not wanting to get pinned down. She threw a kick to her opponent’s body that landed with a satisfying smack as she narrowly ducked her head out of the way of a left hook. She circled to the left and jabbed but John walked through it and threw his left arm around the woman for a clinch. With his right, he intermittently held her in place while occasionally throwing body shots. Barb threw body shots of her own but they were nothing compared to the hooks digging into her belly and boob. John continued his punishment and whispered, “You stupid bitch, stepping into the ring with me was a mistake.” into Barb’s ear. He walked her back into the ropes and pressed his weight against her. There sweaty bodies grinded together as Barb tried to find a better position. She grunted loudly as another punch slammed into her left tit. She threw a knee in response that collided with John’s large bulge, compressing his junk together in one painful moment. He staggered backwards and before he could regain his guard, Barb’s shin crashed into his head knocking him to the ground. The high kick threw Barb off balance as well and she stumbled to the ground after him. She quickly crawled on top of the still dazed man and plopped her fat ass right on top of his face. She leaned backward and threw another punch to the groin for good measure. This cruelty caused John to stir from beneath her. As humiliating as the facesit was, Barb realized she needed to move to a position where she could either knock him out or submit him. As she sat up to transition to a scissor choke, John leaned forward and bit her right where he knew her clit was. The woman screamed in pain and rolled off her opponent as she flailed on the mat. The large, sweaty man easily pinned her to the ground as he transitioned into a dominant mounted position. She tried to buck him off but his weight was just too much for her to overcome. “You’re gonna pay for that,” sneered John. He began punishing her tits in every way he could imagine. He threw hammerfist down at them in a rhythmic fashion as if they were speed bags. Barb moaned in pain beneath him and weakly threw a punch to his groin that was mostly absorbed by John’s thick cock. Unfazed, John slapped Barb powerfully across the face with his right hand while pulling against her left boob. Some members of the crowd could faintly see his bulge growing into a long erection. Barb was still conscious and tried to lift her legs up around John but just couldn’t quite get the angle. He inched forward up her body as her legs flailed behind him. When his groin met the base of her bust, he whipped his 7 inch erect penis and began thrusting it between her round boobs. In three quick strokes he came between her boobs and onto her face. The bell rang ending the round.

John climbed off his opponent and lifted his fists and preemptive triumph. He walked back to his stool leaving his dick swinging in the air. The audience could see it begin to lose its stiff shape but it kept most of its size. His speedo had torn in the process of tit fucking his ex wife so he elected to remove it in the break. The round had been very dominant for him and he was sure this finish was coming soon. It took Barb a few seconds to pick herself up off the ground. She was a mess. Returning to her corner, she toweled off the cum from her face and body but much of it was still clinging to her hair. Her formerly pale tits were red from the impacts they had taken and would certainly be bruised. Seeing her opponent remove his clothing, Barb followed suit, not wanting to be out done. Pulling her panties down her thick thighs, she revealed the well kept bush that accompanied her pussy. She was sore from the last round but a lifetime of cardio kept her confident she could pull the fight back.


The bell rang and the third round began with John throwing a jab feint and then shooting for the takedown. Barb didn’t fall for the feint too hard and manage to sprawl and sink in underhooks. The two were caught in a stalemate as John reached for his ex-wife’s beautiful legs and Barb kept them out of reach. John’s head was caught between her tits in the exchange and he turned his head to bite them to break the stalemate. Feeling him do so, his opponent launched a powerful knee that cracked into his nose. John lost his equilibrium for a moment and Barb released him as he fell to his knees. As he stood back up, blood could be seen flowing from his like broken nose. The two circled each other for some time, now wary of the damage each could inflict and the means by which they were willing to do it. Barb went for a leg kick into a straight left as her opponent countered with a left uppercut to her face. Barb’s leg kick landed hard but the powerful uppercut caused her left to only glance off John’s chin. Barb stumbled backwards as his leg buckled slightly and both their ample bodies jiggled. John pressed forward with a left jab that was blocked by his opponent. He went for a right hook immediately after that caught her in the tit before she could circle away in time. Barb fought through her pain and threw a right jab followed by a body kick, both of which forced John back a bit. John knew that while he had the power, his wife was ultimately the more athletic of the two. If he was gonna win the fight, it would have to be within the next five or so minutes. He started relentlessly headhunting the woman with wild combinations, hoping that one powerful punch would be enough to knock her to the ground. Dangerous haymakers whizzed past Barb as she sidestepped the onslaught. She returned with quick jabs and body shots to stay a threat in the fight. Eventually, a left jab caught her on the chin and she could only barely get her guard up in time to block the right haymaker that came barreling towards his face. She was forced backwards into the ropes. Thinking he had done more damage than he actually had, John put his full weight behind a straight right that would floor Barb if it landed clean. She parried the punch as she stepped to the side. Her opponent’s momentum carried him into the ropes. Seeing an opportunity, Barb leapt onto his back, draping her right arm over his shoulder and wrapping her legs around his torso in a body triangle. She rained down short punches with her left to capitalize on her suddenly dominant position. John stood up straight, carrying the near four hundred pounds between them to the center of the ring. He pounded aimlessly at her thighs with one hand while trying to block punches with the other. Barb sunk in the rear-naked choke and John’s connection to consciousness began to weaken. He fell backwards in a desperate attempt to shake her off and the two fell to the mat with a loud thud. The brunt of John’s heavy upper body fell onto Barb’s big bust and she gasped in pain at the impact. Her grip loosened and John began turning himself around as the bell rang ending the round.

The two glared daggers as they returned to their corners sweaty, bloody, and beaten. Barb sipped at water and was somewhat pleased with the progress she had made that round. Grappling with John still seemed dangerous but he was growing noticeably weaker as the fight went on. She idly began playing with her clit as she strategized for the next round. As long as she didn’t get pinned like she did in the second, victory seemed possible. John breathed deeply in his corner. Barb had stayed quick on her feet throughout the fight and her takedown defense last round had been brutal. He could no longer breath from his nose. Gulping down some water, he wondered just how he was gonna finish the fight.


Both fighters staggered to their feet, bruised and bloody from the previous rounds. John took a cautious approach as his ex-wife pressed forward. She threw a heavy leg kick as her opponent kept his fists high. The impact into his calf caused him to buckle a little as he slowly circled around Barb. He had such little energy left that he needed to wait for the right moment to knock the woman down. Barb through a jab that landed ineffectively against her opponent’s gloves and followed up with a right hook that landed clean to his body. He let out an exaggerated grunt of pain and staggered backwards with his fists lowered. Barb charged forward with a straight right as John sneakily countered with a right uppercut. Both punches landed to the face with a spray of blood and sweat. Barb crashed to the mat flat on her back as John stumbled backwards in the ropes. He came to his senses after a couple seconds and rushed forwards towards his ex-wife with a leaping punch. Still on the ground, Barb threw a desperate up kick that caught John on the chin. He went flying off course and landed hard on the mat about a foot away from her. Neither fighter stirred for a few seconds. Barb started dragging herself to the ropes to pull herself up since her legs still weren’t quite steady. John began to get himself up onto one knee. Barb pulled herself up and many audience members in the front row were lucky enough to get a long look at her body in its entirety. As she turned herself around in time to see her ex-husband stagger to his feet and his dick swing like a pendulum as he wobbled. Neither fighter looked all there as they slowly met each other in the center of the ring once more. Seeing double, Barb launched a right hook in what she thought was the direction of John’s face. It missed and John slammed a left into Barb’s gut. She gasped for air and stumbled forward into John knocking them both to the ground once more. Barb was on top but caught in John’s guard between his thick, hairy legs. His large junk was pressed up against her stomach. She tried to stand back up but John squeezed with his legs, trapping her and making it difficult to breathe. He tried to sit up to land some punches but his upper body was just too heavy for how tired he was. He simply squeezed harder with his legs and Barb grunted in pain. She bit down hard on her mouth guard and began raining down punches on her opponent’s body. The punches started weak but soon John’s scissorhold failed and Barb began raining down real punishment. Eventually, she got back to her feet, gave John a kick in the balls, and then taunted him to get back up. The round ended with John still writhing around on the ground.

Barb returned to her corner looking much steadier than she did in the middle of the round. She looked like she still had the energy for several more rounds if the fight required it. She sipped water as she massaged the red marks on her once pale body. She blew a kiss to some cute college boy in the crowd and then turned to her opponent in disdain. It took most of the break just for John to return to his feet. When he returned to his stool, he guzzled down the remainder of his water and took deep breaths. Things were not looking good for him.


Barb stood up for the fifth round with determination in her eyes. Her opponent was clearly exhausted and as long as she didn’t get caught by the last power punches he had in him, her victory seemed likely. John met her in the middle and immediately went all in on a straight right. His arms were heavy though and Barb kneed him in the stomach as the punch missed. She shoved him away and as he went into the ropes her right hook connected with his face. With only the ropes holding him up and no energy to lift his gloves, Barb pummeled him for the next thirty seconds. Jabs, hooks, kicks, knees slammed into her ex-husband, battering his face in body. One final straight right mercifully ended the barrage and John fell to the floor face first. Seconds went by and with no response from the beaten man, Barb planted her foot on his ass and raised her arms in victory. “The winner by knockout is Barb! What a fucking incredible fight,” exclaimed Claire.

John finally came to on the mat. He remembered little of the end of the fight but reasoned that he had been knocked out. His thoughts were confirmed as he sat up and saw Barb standing above him with a thick, pink, 7 inch strap on dildo dangling between her beautiful legs. She was currently in the process of lubing it in a slow, seductive manner. Seeing him awake, she wordlessly beckoned him toward the middle of the ring. Knowing the drill, John crawled to the middle of the ring on his hands and knees. Pegging had been a favorite of theirs in the bedroom but John was always embarrassed to admit he liked being dominated by a woman in this fashion. He dropped down to his elbows and put his hairy ass up in the air as Barb positioned herself behind him. She started simply by inserting two fingers and massaging his anus as an erection grew between his legs. After a stinging slap of his ass, she began to insert the massive dildo. John audibly moaned as he realized it was much larger than anything they had tried before. Barb started slowly and gently thrusting into the large man and the tight fighting dildo slid in and out in rhythmic motion. As she went on, Barb grabbed tightly onto his hips and roughly fucked him. John and his ex-wife’s cheeks clapped as they both moaned loudly. John muttered, “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” Knowing he was close to orgasm, Barb reached between his legs with an open hand. With one deep breath, John came and a heavy load shot into Barb’s hand. She immediately flipped the man over and sat on his chest. She whipped the dildo back and forth while smearing his own cum in his face and hair. She removed the dildo and set it down next to John’s head. “Did you like getting fucked by your own dick?” asked Barb with an evil grin on her face. Before he could respond, she sat her fat ass on his face and began to slowly grind on it. She took her time with her orgasm. Barb slowly rubbed her hairy pussy into John’s face while teasing and playing with herself for the crowd. Anytime her defeated opponent tried to feel her up with his hands, she slapped them away in disgust. She rode his face with a newfound confidence and jiggled her big round boobs asynchronously in each hand. She moaned softly as she came onto his face. She quickly stood up, picked up the dildo, and walked out of the ring without looking back. The audience cheered and many offered to buy Barb a drink. As John laid in the ring, Claire made her final announcements for the night.

“I hope everyone enjoyed this evening of steamy competition as much as I did. We had some great fights tonight and some hot post fight celebrations. I hope to see you all back next month for a soon to be announced set of bouts.”
