Life Gets Better: Part Four, (Part One of Two) [MFFF] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Anal] [Busty] [Enhanced Boobs]

Amanda sat on the couch as Brian cleared his throat. He began to tell her the events that had happened to start with getting into the car. He told her how he carried her up the stairs. Then he told her about the conversation with Rebecca.

“Well,” Amanda shrugged as she sat back. She tilted the bottle up as she took a swig of the water. “I will have to say she was both right and wrong.”

Brian shook his head. “I went into the bathroom, and the door was open,” he stammered as he looked at her.

“I don’t even remember taking a shower. Let alone leaving the door open,” Amanda admitted.

“I went into your room,” Brian said, “I touched your chest.”

“Not like it’s the first time,” Amanda shrugged.

“What?” Brian asked.

“You have come into my room before, right?” Amanda asked.

“No!” Brian shook his head.



“Wow, well, I am surprised,” Amanda said as she folded her arms. “I thought you would come into my room.”

“Why would I?” Brian asked defensively.

“You like big boobs. I thought for sure you would try to sneak a peek,” Amanda shrugged. “I mean, I have.”

“What?” Brian asked.

“You’re not as much as a light sleeper as you think you are,” Amanda smiled. She eyed his groin area as she smiled. “Stacy was quite right. Even when you’re sleeping, it’s quite impressive.”

Brian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Here he was feeling guilty for something he had done, while she had done nearly the same thing. “When?” he asked.

“A few times,” Amanda said. She was saying it as easy as if it was normal. “Even tried to coax it a little.”

“What?” Brian asked.

“Seriously?” Amanda asked. “You’ve never felt any of the times I have sucked it rubbed it against my tits?”

“No,” Brian shook his head. He would’ve remembered any of those happening.

“Good,” Amanda laughed. “Because they never happened.”

Brian stared at her in disbelief. “I got you good though, didn’t I?” Amanda smiled.

“Yes,” Brain said relieved.

“I know what you did last night,” Amanda said, standing up. “It wasn’t that hard to put together. I woke up with some of your cum on my chest. You being a tit guy and Stacy telling me how much you liked to tit fuck.”

“Sorry,” Brian said as he watched her walk into the kitchen. She washed out her water bottle and put it in the dishwasher.

“For?” Amanda asked. “Being a male, liking big boobs, having a tit fetish?” Amanda shook her head. “It’s natural. What I am mad about is that I didn’t wake up.”

Amanda made her way back to the couch. “That’s what you’re upset about?” Brian asked.

“Hell yeah,” Amanda nodded. “I am not joking when I said I have peaked at your cock while you were sleeping. The rest I was just kidding. Never sucked it, never touched it. But I have wanted to, but you always stir or open your eyes.

Brian smiled. “I didn’t know that.”

“Since you have seen mine,” Amanda said as she stared at his crotch. “It’s only fair.”

Brian nodded. It was a reasonable thing to do. He slowly stood up, then grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled them down. Amanda stared at his dick semi-hard from their conversation. “Well, now that’s a cock!” Amanda replied.

Brian began to pull up his pants. “Wait,” she said as she continued to stare. “Okay,” Amanda nodded as Brian pulled his pants up to his waist.

“If I didn’t have to take Rebecca to her interview. As well do a few photos shoot today,” Amanda smiled. “The trouble we would get into.”

“Funny,” Brian said. Brian knew from watching a few of her cam shows covertly, under a made-up name, she had no intention of sleeping with her roommate.

“What do you mean?” Amanda asked.

“I am your roommate. And that’s how you like it,” Brian said, quoting one of the conversations she had with her regulars that watched her daily.

“Ah,” Amanda said nodding. “Deathstrike125 is really you!”

“What?” Brian shocked at her calling out his screen name.

“You use that same name for your character on that online game you play,” Amanda laughed. “I said that to throw you off. As well as some of the idiots that ask the same question over and over.”

“So, you…” Brian began to say before Amanda rushed forward. She planted a kiss on his lips. Amanda pushed him back on the couch into a lying position.

“Does that answer your question?” she said, staring down at him as she straddled his stomach.

Brian nodded. “I…” he began to say before she started kissing him again. She guided his hands toward her chest.

“They are here by the way,” Amanda smiled, looking down at him.

“I didn’t know,” Brian asked his hand still on her chest.

“You really thought Stacy had told me to keep girls away from you?” Amanda said as she looked down at him, her long black hair draped over him.

“Yeah,” Brian nodded.

“Well she did, but not to the extent I had taken it,” Amanda smiled. Brian held her around the waist then squeezed her tight ass. “Thought you liked boobs?” Amanda smiled, looking back at his hands.

“I like a nice ass too,” Brian shrugged.

“You know who has a sweet ass?” Amanda smiled, sitting up with her legs on each side of him.

“No,” Brian said, staring up at her.

“Rebecca,” Amanda smiled. “Plus, she loves anal!” Amanda said, nodding her head.

“Why do I get a feeling that you’re setting me up for something?” Brian asked.

“Well,” Amanda said.

“Spit it out,” Brian said.

“I never spit. Just for the record,” Amanda said. “Rebecca and I have been dating for a few weeks now.”

“So, that’s the person you said you were dating in your last cam show?” Brian smiled.

“Yes, and she knows that I have feelings for you, and that’s the real reason I wanted you two to meet,” Amanda smiled.

“You are one sneaky little…” Brian began to say.

“Bitch,” Amanda finished as she got off him. “Now get ready, we have to take Rebecca to her interview.”

“You’re very bossy, do you know that?” Brian said as Amanda went into her room.

“Yes, I know you just have to deal with it,” was the reply he got.


“So, the two of you?” Rebecca asked from the back seat.

“Yup,” Amanda said. She reached over and grabbed Brian’s hand. “Meaning the three of us.”

“I told you,” Rebecca said as she nudged Brian’s shoulder.

“You could have said it another way,” Brian said.

“Not my decision,” Rebecca smiled. “When do we get to concrete this relationship?”

“You mean when do we get to fuck each other?” Amanda laughed as she looked in the rear-view mirror.

“Yeah,” Rebecca said. “I haven’t had a dick inside of me for three years.”

“What?” Brian asked. “I thought you said your ex-boyfriend used to fuck you in the ass to wake you up?”

“Yeah, that was just over three years ago,” Rebecca smiled. “Been dating women ever since.”

“Apart from Julio fucking my mouth those few times. I haven’t had a dick inside me in…” Amanda said as she was trying to remember.

“Jason?” Rebecca asked.

“Holy fuck?” Amanda said, nodding her head. “Yeah,” Amanda said, looking back at Rebecca. “Jason, that’s nine years? I am practically a virgin.”

Amanda and Rebecca both laughed. Brian just shook his head. Rebecca got a text as she was reading it her face went from smiling to angry. “It’s Mike,” she said.

“Who is Mike?” Brian asked.

“Her little brother,” Amanda said.

Rebecca called her brother back, and the conversation didn’t sound like it was going right. Suddenly Amanda made a turn down a street.

“Tell him we will stop by his place before we go to your interview,” Amanda said.

They made a few turns here and there. Brian noticed they were heading towards the old warehouse district. He hadn’t been to this part of town. It was filled with abandoned warehouses. It looked like it was a ghost town. They turned into one of them. Rebecca got out of the car first and ran inside.

“Mike is a bit unhinged,” Amanda warned Brian. “He is a metal artist. Sometimes he lets things bother him a bit too much, and if he isn’t taking his meds on time, it can be bad.”

Amanda led Brian inside. They found Rebecca talking to a tall, muscular man who was wielding a blow torch. “Who the fuck is this?” Mike said.

“Just a friend,” Rebecca said. “Well more than a friend actually.”

“Wow,” Brian said, looking around there were statues and pieces of art made entirely of metal. “You did all this?”

“Yeah, they are pieces of shit,” Mike said as he returned to what he was doing.

“Bullshit,” Brian said, getting close to one.

“What?” Mike asked.

Rebecca and Amanda looked over at Brian. Brian winked at both of them. “I said Bullshit,” he repeated.

“This is some good work,” Brian said as he went to another.

“What do you know?” Mike asked.

“I know Clavitsky and Duronov didn’t make the metal giant a 3D work,” Brian said as he pointed to one of the pieces. “I know Ginom, failed to make the weeping widow hold the baby in both hands.”

Mike stood up and walked over to Brian. “You know other metalworkers?”

“Of course,” Brian said. “My old boss had these books in his office.” Brian shrugged. “When I got bored with his constant chatter. I would read them just to block him out.”

“That’s why I do this. It blocks…” Mike began to say.

“The bullshit,” Brian finished.

“Yeah,” Mike nodded. “The bullshit,” Mike smiled.

“Ever thought of selling any of this?” Brian asked.

“No one wants to buy any of this from a ….” Mike began to say.

“A fanatical artist,” Brian finished.

Mike again nodded with a smile. Rebecca and Amanda stood next to each other smiling.

“Mind if I?” Brian asked, taking out his phone. Mike shook his head. “Now to find the forum that I remember seeing. There it is, and voila posted,” Brian said.

“No way,” Mike said, looking at Brian’s phone. “Take a picture of this one.” Mike rushed to one of his works. “Oh, and this one.”

Brian looked at the two girls. “I might be here a while. Come back and get me.”

They both nodded and left the two men alone. Brian spent the rest of the day organizing the mess that Mike had called an office. He even found a few places that wanted to buy some of the pieces. When the girls returned, they found Mike in a much better mood.

“Sis!” Mike said as he rushed at her as they entered. “Two of my pieces are getting sold today, and someone is picking them up tomorrow morning.”

Brian entered from outside. He had taken out the last of the trash. “And he has an office. I just have to get him a computer and a few accounting programs, and he will be all set.”

“No,” Mike said. “We will be set. I can’t focus on numbers they make me. Well, they aren’t right for me. Can you do it? I will pay you, especially since you’re the one that got me started.”

“Absolutely,” Amanda said. “He was looking for a job.”

“Then, we are partners,” Mike smiled.

Brian shook hands. He left Mike to continue working with his next piece. Rebecca hugged Brian so tight that he thought she would crack one of his ribs. “Thank you so much,” she said as she let go. “I have never seen him this happy.”

“I have two cousins with mental illness. Both of which despise being treated like they have a handicap or feeling like people are using kid gloves around them.” Brian said.

“Well you got a job,” Amanda said as they got into the car.

“Yeah,” Brian smiled. It was a job he didn’t mind. Finding buyers and negotiating prices seemed comfortable to him. As well as dealing with numbers again, it felt natural. “It’s already dark?” Brian asked.

“Yeah,” Rebecca said, leaning forward. “We had to take Mandy here for her first professional photoshoot.”

“Oh yeah,” Brian asked. “How did that go?”

“Terrible,” Amanda shook her head.

“She is lying, it went terrific,” Rebecca said.

Amanda smiled. “They asked me to come back next week.”

“How did the interview go?” Brian asked

Rebecca picked up a magazine. It had a woman in a bikini on it. “I am starting at the bottom, but I got the job,” she said excitedly. “I get to proofread some of the stories, but they liked the story I gave them, and soon I will be able to publish my own stories and conduct interviews with actual models.”

“We should go out and celebrate,” Brian said.

“No way,” Both said together.

“Throughout the whole day all I have been thinking about is sex,” Amanda said.

“Same,” Rebecca said.

“We are going to go straight home, and you sir have some dicking to do,” Amanda laughed.

Brian sat back in his seat. “Okay, do I have a say in this?”

“Nope!” they both said in unison.

Brian barely made it into the door of the apartment building before they were all over him. Rebecca kissed him deeply as Amanda plunged her hand down the front of his pants.

“Guys,” he tried to say, but Rebecca grabbed his face and kissed him again.

They made it to the elevator. As the door closed, Amanda pushed his head down between her tits. He felt like he was going to suffocate between them. After a few seconds, which seemed like minutes, he pulled away from her chest only for Rebecca to do the same.

“I think he likes that,” Amanda said.

Brian smiled. He didn’t just like it. He loved it. They turned the slight corner leading to their apartment. Rebecca stopped first. Brian turned to look at what she was looking at, standing by their door was Stacy.

“Hi,” she said.

They made their way slowly towards her. Brian hadn’t heard from her since the last phone conversation. She had spoken to Amanda, and from the gist of the conversation, it seemed that she wasn’t coming back.

“Can we have a moment, please?” Stacy asked.

“But..” Rebecca began to say.

“Sure,” Amanda interrupted. She pulled Rebecca into the dark apartment. The door slowly closed.

“Well,” Stacy said, clearing her throat.

“Nice ring,” Brian said, looking down at her finger.

“Yeah, it is nice,” Stacy nodded, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You cut your hair too,” he said. He had loved her hair when it was long.

“He likes my hair short,” Stacy said, looking down at the floor. “I…”

“Don’t,” Brian shook his head. “I get it. You guys have a history. We were great in bed. The two of you are…”

Stacy grabbed Brian and kissed him hard, pinning him against the wall. “I was going to say. I am back in town for a while, and I want you.” Stacy said as she pulled away.

“What about your husband?” Brian asked.

“I showed you what we agreed to, right?” Stacy asked. She held his hand as she opened the door to the apartment. “He knows exactly where I am and what might happen.”

“And he is fine with it?” Brian asked.

“Not really,” Stacy shrugged. “I told him he could screw his old girlfriend if he wanted to,” she smiled. They sat down on the couch. “I came to tell you a few things. And if you’re okay with them then…” she turned and eyed the bedroom.

“Okay,” Brian said.

“Michael got a job offer,” Stacy said. “Which will take us away from Chicago.”

“How far?” Brian asked.

“Denver,” Stacy said with a grimace on her face. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s the whole Scarlett thing again.”

“Crossed my mind,” Brian replied.

“It won’t happen,” Stacy said. “I know words mean jack shit to you now. But I will prove it. If you still want to.”

They stared at each other for a while before they heard a loud moan come from Amanda’s room. Then another followed it. “Looks like they already started,” Stacy smiled.

“I think they started a while ago,” Brian said.

“Let’s join them then?”

“No, not yet,” Brian said as he got up.

They went into his room. Stacy laid down on her back, taking her top off. “How did you know?” Brian asked as he stripped.

“I know you,” Stacy smiled as she took off her bra and threw it to the floor. “Plus I missed it.”

Brian straddled her chest as she held her massive tits apart for him. She slapped them together and clamped her arms across them as he slid his dick between them.

Brian missed fucking his favourite tits. He held onto the headboard as he fucked them as hard as he could.

Stacy looked up at him as he gave all he had. She smiled as he got close to cumming. He fucked them as hard as he could, looking down at her impressive chest. His dick barely peeked out from underneath them. Stacy’s phone rang. She freed one hand up to reach for it.

“Hi,” she said, looking up at Brian. “Already?”

Brian knew it was Michael, and he couldn’t care. All he wanted was to cum. He let go of the headboard and held her tits as he slid his dick between them.

“Are you asking?” Stacy said, smiling at Brian. “Okay, Brian is doing his favourite thing to me right now.”

Brian nodded; he tried to hold on for a few more strokes. “He is going to cum soon. Do you…” she said before putting down the phone. “He hung up.”

Brian pulled his dick free from their tit prison. Stacy sat up as he aimed his cock at her face. Stacy took each shot of his cum onto her face. “Missed that too,” she said as she wiped her finger across her face.

“Do you have to go?” Brian asked.

“Yeah,” Stacy said. “But first I have to do something.”

She got up and walked to the door. Brian followed behind her. They both walked towards Amanda’s bedroom door. Slowly Stacy opened it. “It’s been a long while since I been with a woman,” she smiled back at Brian.
