A mother’s lust, Part 2 [cuck] [Fdom] [MmF] [inc]

Thanks for the positive feedback on Part 1.

Here’s Part 2. :)


There was a long, long pause in which Dan’s face just seemed shocked to stillness, though his mouth worked minutely as if he was trying to form words.

Jenna, concerned, released his hands, rose, walked over to the bar near the back window and poured two fingers of his favorite scotch into a heavy tumbler, then returned, sitting, and pressed the glass into his hand.

“Drink this, Dan,” she ordered. “You’re scaring me, honey.”

Dan looked down at the glass in his hand, seeming not to know what it was, then raised his haunted-looking eyes to hers before raising the glass to his lips. The amber-colored liquid was gone in four swallows, and she watched her husband sit back against the couch cushion, color now suffusing his face in hectic splotches, as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and breathed heavily, eyes watering.

Moments went by in which she watched him carefully, watched him recover himself slowly, his eyes rising to meet hers and then skidding away. His hand was shaking as he leaned forward to place the tumbler on the coffee table, the heavy glass making a skittering sound due to the shaking of his hand.

“Oh Jenn … you’re not joking, are you?” he croaked, looking at her, still with that shocked, dismayed look on his face.

Doing her best to remain calm, she looked back at him, seriously, avoiding touching him now, knowing he needed more time.

“Yes, baby … very serious,” she nodded. She paused, then went on, more control and authority infusing her voice. “Remember what you’ve told me, over and over, since this first began. Since *you* first brought it up. You wanted to be a cuckold. *My* cuckold. You wanted me in charge.”

She watched him, noted that he was at least listening now, some of the color returned to his face. In a softer tone, she continued.

“You told me you’d always love me, always be there for me, no matter what,” she reminded him. “You told me to be in charge, remember? To ‘own’ my sexuality? Do you remember how long it took us to get comfortable with our new roles? All that trial and error, the mistakes we made?”

He was nodding now, slightly, the alcohol seeming to have helped.

“Yes,” he croaked, then cleared his throat. “Yes, I remember.”

“And do you remember the day we ordered your chastity cage? Again, that was something *you* wanted. To seal our love and your place as my cuckold. Do you recall that?”

His face suffused with color again, and he dropped his eyes as he nodded.

“Yes, mistress. I remember. But-” he raised his eyes to hers, pleading. “Michael? Our *son*? How did it even happen??”

She sighed and leaned back against the couch too, crossing her long, tan legs, shaved to a smooth sheen, her sexy heel jiggling slightly.

“Well, I hate to say it dear, but it was your fault.”

His eyes widened as he looked at her, and not even her control or his training could keep the outrage out of his voice.

“*My* fault?” he shouted, sitting up straighter. “How on earth could it have been my fault?”

She paused, eying him, a little balefully.

“I’ll forgive that outburst, Daniel. Given the circumstances. But from now on, please use a more respectful tone. When you’re patient and calm, I’ll tell you.”

She watched him once again control himself, and slump back into the cushions … watchful, waiting.

“That’s better,” she said. She raised her arm to the cushion and looked at him. “You’re in charge of our recordings, correct? The DVDs and the digital recorder? It’s your job to record and edit and maintain our private collection, correct?”

He nodded again … then sat up straight, aghast once again.

“Oh my God … oh, holy shit,” he gasped. “I left the camera plugged into the flat screen in the den. Mike was here in June … he stayed a few nights while he was helping us clear out the garage.” He put his face in his hands, leaning forward. “Oh, dear god, Jenn, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not,” she replied quietly, wanting him to focus. “Had he not seen what was on that camera, none of this would have taken place. I wouldn’t be so very, very happy now.”

He raised his head and looked at her, clearly struggling with questions. The first that he uttered was probably the most obvious.

“What did he see? I can’t … I can’t remember what I had on there.”

“It was the time with Marcus and Darren at the Mayflower, when we went to D.C. in March.”

His eyes grew wide again, and he knew he was picturing what she was: A long recording, almost two hours in total length. She and Dan returning to their hotel, Daniel filming while she got off the elevator with the two handsome black men they’d met through Tinder, Jenn’s fit body stunning in a bottle-green, form fitting dress, black hose and heels. They’d been laughing and giggling, and she’d opened the hotel room door for all of them, Daniel following them in, shutting the door … then turning and panning the camera to show Jenn already sandwiched between the two men, one kissing her and caressing her hips while the other stood behind her, unzipping her dress.

What had followed had been a memorable evening, almost all of it recorded: Jenn on her knees for both men at once, dressed only in a sheer, lacy black bra and thong set, black thigh-high stockings and garter belt, and black heels. Jenn sucking both men’s impressive members. Jenn on her hands and knees on the bed, while Marcus took her from behind and she sucked Darren. Jenn riding Darren, her feet, now bare, placed on either side of the slim young black man for support, her hands braced on his chest as she’d pistoned atop him, the excellent-quality camera capturing the liquid wet sounds of her passion as she’d ridden him, and the man’s deep groans. Jenn on her back as Marcus stroked an impressive load of semen from his gleaming cock down into her waiting mouth, her moaning with pleasure as she savored and swallowed. And finally, of course, Daniel on his knees at the foot of the bed, Darren now holding the camera, between Jenn’s parted thighs, one hand caressing her breasts as she lifted her messy, cum-dripping cunt to his eager mouth, Daniel’s other hand on his now-freed cock, stroking, as he’d eaten the sperm of her two lovers from her, Jenn lovingly petting his hair and head and telling him to be a good cucky and to get every last drop.

Daniel raised his face from his hands, eyes haunted, face crimson.

“Michael … Michael saw all that?” he whispered, his voice almost a squeak.

“He came down for a snack after we went to bed, and turned the TV on. You’d apparently left it on Aux, and he simply hit play on the remote,” she said softly, trying to ease him. “He wasn’t snooping, honey. You know him better than that.” She shifted, feeling her nipples harden again. “He watched it. Then watched it again, he confessed to me later. Then he masturbated to it.” She squeezed her thighs together, remembering that conversation. “He waited almost a week, then he emailed me. He wasn’t disgusted or mad or anything … but he was certainly curious.” She smiled gently at him, and felt that it was safe enough now to take her husband’s hand again. “He had so many questions. We emailed back and forth for days. Then he called me. You had already gone up to bed. We talked for hours.” She paused, then lowered her voice, and said softly: “We masturbated together over the phone while we talked. While he told me how much he wished it had been *him* in that video.”

She saw Daniel look at her, such a complex mix of emotions on his face that her heart again went out to him.

“Shhh, honey. It’s okay. Think about it — who could we trust more? Who loves us both unconditionally? He is such an amazing man. So mature, even at 23. So kind and caring.” She felt the tremble in her voice. “And such a good lover, honey. You wouldn’t believe it. It’s something natural in him, I think. And yes, honestly, the fact that it’s *me* that he gets to fuck, that too.” She felt the moisture in her underwear, the uncomfortable tightness of the cups of her bra against her hardened, sensitive nipples.

She saw his flush, saw how hard he was breathing, and gently released his hand and ran it down the front of his trousers, her own heart beating harder.

“Oh baby … this excites you. Doesn’t it? Oh Daniel, I so hoped it would. I can’t explain to you how amazing it is, being with him,” she purred, her excitement clearly driving his. “That amazing body of his, that smile. Those hands and his so-familiar laugh and face and tone. It’s like …” she shook her head, unable to express it. “It’s *perfect*. Each time better than the last. The absolute most amazing connection I’ve ever had.”

He sat there, unable to speak, seeming to tremble. Perhaps mulling that last proclamation, she suddenly realized, and wondering about his own position. But she didn’t recant, merely watched him.

Finally, he worked his mouth, croaked:

“How …. how did it start? How many times?”

She felt the first blush of embarrassment then, looking at him.

“Well … two days after that phone call, I went into the city, to his place. He kept begging me. I kept trying to resist.” She paused, delicately cleared her throat. “Do you remember last month when I said I was going to hang out with Donna and Peg?”

He nodded, watching her.

“I went directly to Michael’s, honey. I’m sorry I lied. But both of us were just … just so crazy. He opened the door and I was in his arms before I knew what was happening. He stripped me right there in his kitchen and we fucked on his kitchen table.” She shuddered, remembering. “Oh Dan … it was so good, so perfect. Like we were meant to be together that way.”

Her hand stole down to her leg, sliding the leather skirt top up slowly, looking at him.

“He came inside me. He didn’t even ask, and I didn’t stop him. I *wanted* him inside me. I know you don’t understand — you can’t — but it was simply the most amazing, the best thing I’ve ever felt.” Her hand revealed her stocking top and garter straps as she slid the skirt up, and she uncrossed her legs, cocking one heel on the edge of the coffee table. “Then we just … well, we did it all,” she sighed. “I was there for four hours and we barely stopped. I came so many times I lost count.” Her hand now slid between her legs, and Daniel saw her manicured fingers pressing the pouty mound of her sex beneath the gauzy white material of her thong. “And he is *so* good, honey. His cock is so big, and so amazing. He can go for hours. You know how beautiful he is, how built. His stamina is incredible.”

She stroked her pussy as she watched him, her eyes heavy-lidded, seeing Daniel’s hand steal to the lump of his caged cock under his pants, caressing. “Since then, we’ve been fucking whenever we can. He’s wanted me to tell you sooner, honestly. But … it’s been so hard for me. Knowing how hard it would be for *you* to hear.” Her slow, lascivious, lovely smile spread on her beautiful face. “But now it’s done. Now you know. And what’s more-” she leaned closer, and whispered in his ear. “You like it, don’t you honey? You find it just as sexy and wonderful as I do, don’t you?”

Again the long pause, the mix of emotions suffusing his scarlet face. Then, a simple nod, surrendering.

“Oh honey … I love you so much,” she cooed, reaching to caress his cheek. “I so hoped you’d feel that way.” She leaned closer, paused, then kissed him, gently, before drawing away to see his eyes, their noses inches away. “Because he’ll be here in about 15 minutes,” she whispered.


*Planning a Part 3 but it might be a while!*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/iklmn3/a_mothers_lust_part_2_cuck_fdom_mmf_inc

1 comment

  1. Hilarious ending….and he will be here in 15 minutes! Cracked me up. Very funny. Can’t wait to hear how the rest of the story goes.

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