The Cure: Chapters 1&2 [Weight gain fiction]

# A love frustrated by dieting

“Oh my God, salad again!” Exclaimed a frustrated Charlie. “This is the third night in a row! Can’t we have a steak once in a while?”

“Charlie, I don’t mind your weight, but the doctor said that this is the only way that you can reduce your blood pressure and your blood sugar. I’d rather have you around longer than enjoy those luscious love handles”. Tammy defended herself.

“Okay, but I know you married me because you liked my soft doughy body, and I always liked yours too, but I know I have to be a good boy” Charlie agreed.

Charlie and Tammy fell in love after meeting on a plus size dating site. At the time, they were recent college grads and both pleasingly plump. They had a lot in common; both struggled with their weight and dieted constantly to keep “attractive” for the general population before trying out the dating site. Despite their best efforts and suffering, Charlie was about 220 lbs, and 6’ tall, and Tammy was 5’ 5” and 180 lbs. when they started dating.

Both were so relieved to find each other. They were both attracted to chubby partners, and both loved eating. After about a year of dating they decided to get married. By the time they got married 18 months later, both had put on quite a bit of weight and Charlie now weighed 250 lbs and Tammy was now 200 lbs.

Once they moved in together, their weight gain accelerated. They spent most of their weekends lying in bed and eating. After a while, they started feeding each other in earnest. Each weekend one would be the feeder and the other the feedee. The feeder would do all the cooking and cleaning for the weekend, run any errands and answer the door for takeout. The feedee would stay in bed naked eating, sleeping or having sex the whole weekend. They both worked out of the house, so during the weekdays they would eat less, but always getting full junk food meals at lunch and usually a big dinner, before snacking the evening away playing video games or watching tv.

After a year of marriage, they had ballooned even further, Charlie was now 300 lbs and Tammy was now 240 lbs. They were already morbidly obese at 25 years old.

That was when the bad news happened. Charlie went for his annual physical, and the doctor, as he did every year, scolded him for his weight gain, and ordered a full blood screen. The results were not good. Charlie had high numbers on bad cholesterol, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure. The doctor said his life expectancy with all these conditions was average 40 years.

Tammy’s physical was not much better. She had high blood pressure, but was not yet diabetic.

Both physicals terrified Tammy and she begged Charlie for each of them to take better of themselves. The next day, Tammy raided whole foods for all the nutritious foods that Charlie and her never ate, and started both of them on a strict diet.

Within a year, they had each lost 25 lbs and were getting better results, although Charlie’s blood sugar remained stubbornly high. The doctor told them that they both would need to lose at least 25 more lbs before they would be in the clear.

Charlie was frustrated and angry. He and Tammy loved being fat and gluttonous. So much of what they liked to do had to do with food and stuffing their bellies. They both were in foul moods and the fights were now more frequent than the love making. They started going to counseling, but it always came back to the same thing: They would always be miserable so long as they were dieting.

# Gordiva and Dr. Reynolds to the rescue

Then came the miracle drug. A startup company, Gordiva, developed a pill that when taken 3X a day would counteract all of the obesity-related diseases. However, the drug needed to be delivered to the person on a completely full and stretched stomach to work. Because of this, the FDA resisted. Gordiva countered that since the drug mitigated all the bad health effects of obesity, the fact that the patients needed to overeat and become morbidly obese didn’t matter. In fact, Gordiva argued that there was now no such thing as morbidly obese.

The FDA finally reneged and agreed to release the drug only for patients who could document that dieting was causing “mental stress”.

Charlie and Tammy immediately went to their therapist to ask her to write a note to their doctor recommending Gordiva for them documenting the marital stress dieting was causing them. Their original doctor would not agree, but after searching, they finally found a doctor that specialized in obese patients who agreed to consider them for the Gordiva treatment. Based on the telephone conversation, the doctor was confident that they would qualify for the treatment, but they would have to come in for a routine exam beforehand. As luck would have it, there was a cancelation on Friday so they only had to wait a couple of days.

As they waited in anticipation, they enthusiastically prepared to go back to their old lives. They stopped buying any of the nutritional crap that they hated so much and ate what was left, leaving plenty of room in the refrigerator for the delicious food that they would soon stock. They went on a shopping spree at the appliance store, getting a deep fat fryer, a bread maker, an ice cream maker, and a couple of college dorm refrigerators to put on either side of their bed so that they would always be able to snack at night.

On the day of the appointment, they both were starving and desperate to feed their empty bellies. They both took the day off, so that they could immediately get to pigging out after the appointment. The arrived for the appointment around 11 am, and felt immediately at home. The waiting room was full of overweight people. There were even snacks, coffee, and soda complementary while you waited. All the staff were obese as well. In fact, they were on the smaller side of the clientele. They wished they had found this place earlier.

After about 15 minutes a portly woman waddled out and asked them to come in to get their vitals taken.

“Okay, Charlie, you first, please step on the scale”, the nurse beckoned.

Charlie stepped on the scale.

“270 lbs. and 6’ tall. 36.6 BMI, Obese class II, not bad for our patients. Okay, now Tammy”

Tammy stepped on the scale.

“210 lbs. and 5’ 5” tall. 34.9 BMI, Obese class I”

Tammy chuckled, “Wow, another 5 lbs lost from cleaning out that crappy food in our cupboards!”

She went on to check their blood pressures, both were high but not in the dangerous level. She took a full history, and then sent them to the doctor’s office to wait.

They knew they had picked the right doctor when they saw a massive 300 lb man waddle in.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Reynolds, pleased to meet you”

After exchanging the usual pleasantries, he gave a brief overview of his practice.

As you can see, I am fat. We don’t use the medical terms here, nor do we sugar coat what we are. I started this practice to help fat people live the best lives possible. If it is medically indicated, we do put people on a diet, but for those who want to live a fat lifestyle, we accept them and treat them the best we can. This drug is a game-changer, this practice participated in the trials and it was a complete success. All patients eliminated all obesity related diseases, and felt similar to people in the normal BMI range.

However, I do have to tell you, we verified that the drug is completely useless if you are not on a full stomach. And by full, I don’t mean, ‘oh, I’ll stop now so I can room for desert’. I mean, full, like belching uncontrollably and feeling like if you eat one more morsel you will throw up. What this means is that you have to commit to a life of gluttony. Overstuffing yourself 3 times a day. You will find that will become more and more difficult. Our patients have to double their meal sizes on average every six months as their stomach’s expand. The average patient gained 50-75 lbs after a year, and some gained as much as 100 lbs. In other words, you will get fat. And the pill does counteract a lot of the obesity effects, but we don’t know if you will be entirely like a normal BMI person. You may become lethargic and you have to prepared that you may need to get some form of aid to walk eventually. You have to be committed to the lifestyle.

Now, I have read your chart and your medical records, I am happy to say that you qualify. Now I just have to get your consent that you understand what I just explained to you.

Tammy and Charlie practically cried and exclaimed, “Of course we accept this!”

Tammy went on, “We have been so depressed because we always wanted the lifestyle you just described, and our health wouldn’t allow it, now we can!”

Dr. Reynolds then wrote them a prescription and had them call it in to their local pharmacy. “Now these pills will last you a month. I will need to see you for a follow up before I refill them, so we can make sure there are no adverse side effects. The pharmacy will usually take a couple of hours to fill it, and don’t forget, you need to be bursting before you take the pill, so I suggest you go to a nice restaurant and fill yourself up for the next two hours! Any other questions?”

Charlie had to ask: “Doc, were you in on the original trial?”

The doctor laughed, “Guilty as charged!”, as he pulled out his phone, and showed a picture of a much thinner version of himself. “That was me, one year ago. I was 260 lbs, now I am 320 lbs. I feel better and happier. I hope you are as lucky as me.”

The doctor took a real liking to them, so as they were leaving he stopped them: “Hey, I have a reservation for lunch at Ruth Chris steakhouse across the street, and I can’t make it. They know me and they know my patients, so they give a 40% discount at lunch and they will put you in a private room, so you can feel comfortable with overeating; are you interested?”

Tammy and Charlie immediately answered yes and with that, the Doctor made a phone call.

They gave the nurse the pharmacy information, scheduled the follow up appointment, and were off to Ruth Chris.
