Wife’s first experience after coming out (f/f)

Inspired by my wife coming out a few months ago. First time writing erotica, feedback please!

When Leah’s best friend Katie invited Leah out for a night of drinking and dancing, Leah couldn’t resist. It had been a long and stressful few months for Leah and unwinding was long overdue.

Leah described herself as the woman who has it all. She was in her mid 30s and did indeed have it all – a successful career, a devoted husband, a houseful of beautiful children, and the best friends a woman could ask for.

That was what made coming out difficult for Leah. Her and her husband had been together since their late teens; she had built her entire life around the societal expectations of heteronormative relationships. She loved her husband and her family deeply. She’d always had a nagging interest but had never had the opportunity to explore her sexuality to its full extent, and furthermore, she couldn’t reconcile those “other” feelings she had with her lifestyle as the wife of a man and the mother of children. It took every ounce of courage she could muster to tell her husband. It was a great relief to her that his support was unwavering.

The night out started the way they always did with Leah and Katie. A meal and drinks after work, putting away a bottle of wine, a quick call to the husbands to say they’ll be late home, before hitting the town.

Katie always went in hard and fast when she drank with Leah. A typical night out for Katie involved getting drunk early, a lot of texting and calling just about everyone she knew, and flirting and kissing anyone who was vaguely interested. The first half of the night for Leah nearly always entailed making sure Katie didn’t do or say anything she would regret the next day – because she nearly always did. Somebody had to be the responsible one.

It wasn’t until they hit the nightclub after midnight that Leah finally started to be able to let go. Dancing to loud music is Leah’s favourite mode of release. Her intention was to dance until she could no longer stand, the sun came up, or Katie had to be sent home – whichever came first. She needed it. More than anything right now.

The music was loud, the liquor was intoxicating, and the energy was exactly what Leah had been hoping for. Even Katie had been relatively well behaved; her phone was safely away, she’d danced mostly only with Leah, and had only kissed two strangers. Leah finally started to feel like she was able to relax.

The woman standing in front of Leah captivated her attention immediately. She was tall for a woman, probably around Leah’s husband’s height. She had bleached blonde hair, shaved at the back, messy on top, with a mid-length fringe swept to the side. Her eyes were filled in with neat black eye shadow, which was in stark contrast to the piercing pale blue eyes that lay beneath. Her chin and jawline was strong and pronounced in a way that belied the soft, pale skin on her face. On both her ears were a row of rings, pierced from top to lobe. She was wearing a man’s short sleeved button up shirt that revealed wiry arms with petite but clearly firm biceps and a sleeve tattoo down the left side, with loose fitting jeans, that sat at the bottom of her hips. She was clearly a woman who liked to maintain a strong and healthy physique. Offsetting the somewhat masculine look were long, perfectly manicured fingernails, painted in a jet black that matched her eyeshadow. She smiled a coy kind of smile at Leah, and Leah found herself smiling back.

The woman joined in with the dancing. Leah was always willing to dance with anyone and everyone and now was no exception. Her new dancing partner danced with her whole body. Leah saw her close her eyes, and her arms went in the air. That action pulled her top up slightly and revealed a flat tummy with a belly button piercing. Her slender but curved hips swayed and swung around in rhythm with the loud, bass heavy music, and her arms waved in perfect coordination.

Leah’s dancing partner took a step closer and put her hands gently on Leah’s hips. Leah smiled cheekily and turned her back, continuing to dance. She could feel her partner standing very close behind her, dancing in rhythm together. Her hands were now firmly placed on Leah’s hips. Her partner rubbed her hips and squeezed firmly. Leah took her partner’s hands and pulled them around her waistline, in to a full hug position while they danced. She was not expecting the deep kiss she received on the neck and it sent tingles from one end of her body to the other.

Without breaking the embrace her partner had her in, Leah swung around to face her. She put her arms around her partner’s neck and moved straight in for the kiss. Her soft slips, smooth skin, and the slight taste of pineapple from whatever this woman had been drinking filled her senses, which were conditioned to the prickly bearded face of her husband. Leah’s heart skipped a beat as she felt their tongues touch for the first time. She vaguely heard an enthusiastic “wooo” coming from Katie’s direction.

Leah had kissed girls on dance floors before, but not like this, and not since admitting to herself that she was interested in more than just flirting. She felt a sudden surge of adrenaline, grabbed her partner’s left hand and placed it firmly on to her own chest. With her other hand, she gently stroked her partner’s arm that was still around her body, with its hand now encased around Leah’s butt. She felt those strong biceps flexing and relaxing as her partner’s arm stroked her backside. She felt the hand on her breast give it a squeeze and a rub and she felt her energy start to surge.

Leah barely remembers walking off the dance floor and outside, led by her partner who was pulling her by the hand. She vaguely remembers spying Katie on the way out, dancing in the centre of a group of women, oblivious to Leah’s movements. She found herself outside, in an alley around the corner from the nightclub they had wandered out of. There was absolutely nobody in sight other than the two of them. Leah wondered how they could find such privacy literally just outside a popular nightclub.

Leah felt the chill of cold bricks against her back and legs as her partner strongly but gently pushed her against the wall. She lifted a leg and curled it around her partner’s, to get as close as possible. Her partner kissed her deeply again, full with tongue, and put her hand back on Leah’s chest. Leah could feel her partner’s zipper rubbing suggestively on her skirt. She grabbed her partner’s butt with one hand and squeezed to increase the contact. With her other hand, she started reciprocating the breast play. Her partner’s breasts were bigger than the masculine shirt and sports bra that had them tightly bound would have her believe.

Without saying a word, her partner unbuttoned her own jeans and drew the zipper, then her hand went straight back to Leah’s chest. The top of her partner’s jeans parted in a clear open invitation, and Leah obliged.

As Leah slid her hand in, she felt the elastic brush past her knuckles, and the feel of soft, neatly trimmed hair on her finger tips, and felt a sudden apprehension. Her heart was pounding, so hard it felt like it was trying to escape her body. She’d had plenty of sexual experience before, but this was a first. The only woman she had previously touched in this manner was herself. She closed her eyes briefly and kept her hand sliding down. As her hand arrived at its destination, the feeling she felt through her middle finger was both familiar and foreign to her. It was soft, warm, and *wet*. This person was clearly ready. As Leah’s hand began to gently stroke and slide, her partner put her mouth to Leah’s ear and let out a soft moan. The sound was much deeper than Leah had anticipated and it reverberated right through her. Leah felt the hair on her arms and neck stand upright and her heart rate increase even more.

Leah crossed her fingers together and reached even further in to her partner’s underwear. Her partner gasped “yes” as Leah went inside. She started slowly, careful not to catch her nails as she went in, her hand now in a cup shape as she attempted to touch all the sensitive parts on the way through. Her partner continued to softly gasp “yes”, and Leah quickly grew in confidence, and started to move more vigorously. She could her her partner’s breathing get faster and more shallow. She reduced the depth of her actions and focused on the now swollen lump closer to the outside of her partner’s body.

She rubbed in a circular motion and felt her partner’s body began to stiffen. She concentrated on maintaining the same motion at the same rhythm. Her partner leaned in to Leah’s ear again and groaned, “oh, fuck! Fuck!” that again send an exciting chill through Leah’s body. Leah felt her partner’s body spasm hard. The warm fluid being squirted on to her fingers felt like it would never stop. She kept going until her partner gripped Leah’s wrists strongly and tightly, a clear signal that that was enough.

Her partner learned in and started kissing Leah again. She felt her partner’s left hand on the back of her head. It was stroking the back of her head through her hair. The right hand that was still on her chest had moved, and was now lightly dragging fingernails up Leah’s bare thigh, up the inside of her skirt.

Her partner’s hand reached the top of Leah’s thigh, and in one smooth action, had pulled Leah’s underwear aside. In a voice that was nowhere near as strong as the one that had groaned in her ear, Leah whispered “yes”. She had a nervous excitement that she hadn’t experienced since her first time. Her heart was racing so fast she almost felt like she couldn’t breathe.

This woman knew what to do. All at once, Leah felt a right hand slip inside of her, a left hand that was still on the back of her head close in to a fist, pulling her hair with just the right amount of force, and a set of teeth nibbling at her earlobe. She could smell her partner’s perfume. She could hear the breathing in her ear that was being nibbled.

It didn’t take long at all. Sensing Leah’s sudden urgency, her partner wasted no time in picking up the intensity. Leah felt her hips gyrating fast, almost involuntarily, in a fucking motion. She gripped her partner’s backside hard with one hand and buried her head in her partner’s neck as climax approached.

It was intense. Leah felt her entire body shudder and tremble, her hips now furiously driving the fucking of the fingers that were penetrating her. It felt like it took an eternity to arrive from that point.

Leah’s mouth dropped open and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She buried her mouth in to her partner’s shirt to muffle her sounds. As the contractions took hold, it felt like 20 years of denial was escaping in an explosive fashion through an orgasm so powerful she thought her sexual organs were going to burst. She felt her own fluids running down her leg as she did everything she could not to scream.

Then it was over.

Leah adjusted her underwear and straightened her shirt and skirt. Her and her partner stared at each other breathlessly for a long moment, kissed quickly and started to make their way back inside.

Katie was at the bar sipping on a cocktail when they walked back in, arm in arm with a young man who looked barely out of high school. Leah’s partner headed back to the dance floor.

“Where have you been? You’ve been gone for like 20 minutes, asked Katie.

“Bathroom. Massive line,” replied Leah.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ij7buv/wifes_first_experience_after_coming_out_ff


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