[Part 2] A hotel room, a blindfold, and a present . [Submissive F] [Dominant M] [M/F]

[Click for part 1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iiz334/a_secret_reddit_account_the_end_of_a_relationship/)


Looking down at you, you can tell there is an inspection running though my head. You really are beautiful, and your shy smirk gives off the tone that you are well aware of this.

I step to the side and sit on the edge of the bed. I motion for you should sit as well. You take the seat next to me and feel the bedding touch the skin of your legs and butt. This bottomless skin direct to bedding contact reminds you, as if you needed one, of the situation you are in.

“Lets just chat for a few minutes. Make sure we are on the same page, sound good?” I ask.

“..sure… I mean… Yes, sir” you correct yourself.

“No, no, lets have a real chat. We will pause the rules for a few minutes. I’m Mark by the way.” I reach out my hand for you to shake.

You shake my hand thinking this is kind of awkward, but you also are starting to feel a small sense of comfort by my tone and demeanor. “Hey Mark, ..I’m Bella.”

This simple name exchange breaks the ice and we chat for a few minutes. You mention how nervous you are and how surprised you were by this set up. I tell you I had a lot of fun planning and am glad you are having fun with it. I also indicate there is a lot more that has been planned. I then ask you about your limits. “Is there anything that is off limits or anything that you want me know know about?”

You start to think… ‘what would be off limits?’. Your mind quickly goes to your sex life with your ex. Everything with him was so vanilla. You realize your not really sure what would be off limits. Only one things pops into your head and you mutter out “I’ve never done anal…”.

What was that? I couldn’t hear you.” I say.

“umm… I’ve never done anal before..” you say just a little louder.

“Did you say Anal?” I ask.

“Yah, I’ve never done anything like that. I don’t think I would be comfortable with that…”

“Yah, okay, that’s no problem. Anything else?” I ask.

“…no, not that I can think of..”

“Great. We should probably come up with a safe word too. I look around… “how about.. Maybe… Paperclip!”

“Paperclip?!” you chuckle. “Why paperclip?”

“I don’t know. It just randomly came to me. I figure it’s not something you would accidentally say.”

“Okay, I’m fine with that. Paperclip it is.” you reply.

We chat for a few more minutes and I check my watch. It’s almost 3:00. “My next meeting is in about 30 minutes. I have meetings throughout the day, so I will be in and out of here. Don’t worry though, I have made a few arrangement and have a full day planned for you and I”

“A full day?” you ask surprisingly.

“Yes, a full day. I expect that wont be an issue will it?”

“No, that should be okay.” you answer.

“No, What?” I say somewhat forcefully.

You are a little confused by this, but then it clicks what I am hinting too. “No, Sir, that wont be a problem. I will be here for you all day.”

“Great! Now stand back up and grab that pillow.” I say while motioning to the pillow by the headboard.

You, almost mechanically, stand, grab the pillow, and turn to face me. You can feel how you are almost trying to play the role of submissive, as if you are acting. Even though it feel like it is a little roleplayish, just the idea of what’s to come is getting your heart pounding.

“Okay, now put that pillow on the floor, and get on your knees.” I tell you.

Ah, yes, you think. You have a sense of what is coming next. You put the pillow down in front of you and gently get down on your knees. You then see me stand up and position myself right in front of you.

“Now, open my belt, unbutton my pants, and slide my pants down.” I tell you.

You quickly start doing as you are told. Belt off, pants unbuttoned and sliding down. You are now face to face with my blue stripped boxer-briefs. You notice HANES written across the top. But you also notice a bulge in the crotch. Not a massive bulge, but definitely an intriguing one.

As you are looking straight at my crotch you feel me reach for you right hand. I take your hand and place it directly on top of my bulge. “Play with that a little.” I say. “Don’t be shy, you can use both hands.”

You reach up with your other and and start to feel the outline of my cock. Your fingers start to differentiate the parts of the budge. You can feel the shaft, the tip, and you can make out the balls resting behind my cock. You even think you can feel my cock getting a little bigger and harder. This brings a little smile to your face. You are so focused on my cock, you didn’t notice me leaning to the side and opening the bedside table drawer. But you do see what I pulled out of there. It looks like a black bandanna. You are now absentmindedly playing with my bulge and are fully focused on what I am doing with this bandanna. You see me fold it in half triangle ways, and start to roll one end up. It’s not until I have the cloth nearly completely over your eyes that it dawns on you… I have made a blindfold.

You feel me start to tightly tie the back of the blindfold, which you are a little startled by. I clinch the knot and it tightens around your eyes. It is now pitch black.

“I thought we would use this blindfold for a while. Is that all right with you?”

You hear me phrase this like a question, but if it would have been as question you know I would have asked it before covering your eyes. You know the only correct answer to this question

“Oh, yes Sir, it’s perfect.”

“I’m glad you agree. Now slide those boxers down and give my cock the attention it deserves.”

You reach for the hem of my boxers with both hands and gently pull them down. Once past my thighs they fall to the floor. You reach up for my cock. Grabbing the shaft with your right hand you feel its soft skin. You feel a little pubic hair at the base. The hair feels short and well groomed. Being pitch black and not being able to see my cock, you notice you aren’t exactly stoking it, but more feeling it with your fingers. It feels fully erect now and you can even feel some of its thick veins.

“Enough with the touching, put it in your mouth like a good cock sucker!” I say demandingly.

“Yes, Sir.” You reply as you open you mouth and let my cock enter.

For as often as you and your ex had sex, you really didn’t give many blowjobs. He just never really showed much interest. When you did initiate it, he would quickly just refocus to wanting to have sex. This is all to say… you’re not a very experienced cocksucker.

You let the tip and shaft slid in a little further into your mouth. You eagerly move your tongue around and play with the tip as it goes in and out of your mouth. Even just a little tip and little bit of shaft feels like a mouthful. You try to take a little bit more of my cock with each bob of your head. After a few minutes of this you feel my hand lightly grab the back of your head. You feel your body tense. …you have seen the porn… you have seen how rough a guy can get with blowjobs. You’re a little worried now. You know you have a gag reflex and your body stiffens with fear.

But a few moments go by and my hand is still just gently holding on too, or maybe guiding, the back of your head. You start to relax some and even try to take more of my cock into your mouth.

“Suck on my balls now.” you hear me command.

Still only seeing black, you release my cock from your mouth and lean forward to reach my balls. You stick out your tongue feeling around. Your tongue touched my balls and you open wide to fit them fully into your mouth. They really fill your mouth. You now feel my pubic hair in your mouth and against your lips. Not exactly sure what to do with a set of balls in your mouth, you start moving your tongue back and forth. Hearing a little moan of enjoyment from me, you realize you must be doing a good job.

You feel my hand grab the hair on the back of your head, more forcefully this time. I pull your head back and guide my cock back in your mouth. This time you feel that I am in full control of your head. You feel my hips moving in sync with the pressure on the back of your head. My cock is now being thrust in and out of your mouth with some force. With each thrust you feel my cock hitting the back of your throat, which is starting to make you gag. Tears start filling your eyes. Your hands are pressed tightly to my thighs, but you try to take it for as long as you can. You don’t want to stop me, you want me to use you, and that is what I am doing. With each thrust now you feel like I am going deeper and deeper into your throat. You feel the tears starting running down both side side of your face. Right as you cant take it anymore and start to push away to catch your breath, you feel my hand pulling your head back. You hear me say “I’m going to cum. …now give me a big smile.”

Without thinking, you look upwards, even though your eyes are covered, and put a huge smile on your face. And right at that moment is when you feel the first burst of cum hit your forehead. It startles you, but also for some reason causes you to instinctual smile even wider. The second pulse of cum hits right across your lips, third your cheek, and then the forth hits your neck and quickly runs down between your breasts.

After a second, you feel my hand lightly grab your blindfold and pull it away. It takes a couple more seconds for your eyes to adjust to the lights, but when they do you see my semi erect cock right in front of your face. You see there is cum still hanging off the tip.

“Open back up, lets get this dick cleaned up.” I say.

You open your mouth back up and let me ease my cock back in. The taste of my cum quickly hits your tongue and reminds you how much you enjoyed the rare occasions when you tasted your ex’s cum. You start licking it up, sucking, and doing your best to clean my cock. After a few moments of this, I step back and smile.

“You did a great job. You really are a good cocksucker, you should be proud.”

This sends a warm, proud, sensation throughout your body. You weren’t sure if you would be very good at this, but by my tone, you think I sincerely meant it. You really did make me happy, and that gives you a truly wonderful feeling.

“You can stand up. You should probably go in and clean up your face. I made a little mess of it.”

“Yes, Sir.” You reply promptly.

You turn and take a couple steps around the corner to the bathroom. As you look in the mirror you see quite the sight. Your face is a mess! Cum on your forehead, nose, and lips. Your cheeks have two streaks of mascara running down them, it is quite the sight. You have never seen yourself like this, and your response… a huge smile. You are grinning ear to ear, almost laughing.

You see me step in the bathroom doorway. I say, “I’ve got a meeting starting shortly. Why don’t you hop in the shower and get cleaned up. There’s no rush though, I will be gone a couple hours. Just get cleaned up and relax and I will be back later.” And with that I shut the bathroom door.

You remove you dress, which you see also caught a few shots of cum. You figure you’ll deal with that later and toss your dress and bra in the corner by the door. After letting the water warm, you hop in shower and let the water run down your body. You wash your face first and then the rest of your body. The whole time you are scrubbing clean you are thinking about what just happened and the whole situation you are in. …and again you cant stop smiling about it. You just let a stranger blindfold you, fuck your mouth, and then cum all over your face…and you enjoyed every moment of it.

You shut the water off and grab for the towel to dry off. After drying you look in the mirror again. You look refreshed! You remember the dirty dress, think you should probably clean that up real quick. You look down where you left it, but notice its gone. You figured I must have just grabbed it and hung it up or something, which is a little odd, but clearly not the strangest thing that’s happened in the last hour.

With the towel wrapped around you, you decide you’ll just put on the shorts and t-shirt you brought in your purse. As you step out of the bathroom you notice the envelope on the desk. At first you think it is the same one as before, but then realize its not. This one has Bella written on the front, not SouthernSub. You reach for the note, remove the card inside, and read:

“Thank you for the wonderful blowjob. It was EXACTLY what I needed.

You might have noticed I moved you dress. Well, I actually took it with me. In fact, I went ahead and took all of your clothes with me. You shouldn’t be needed them while I’m gone.

Once you’re finished getting cleaned up and dried off, hang the towel back up. I’ll be back in a couple hours, around 5 or so. Until then you can just remain naked.

Oh, and this time, feel free to watch some TV while you wait.

See you in a little bit!

– Mark”

You close the card and quickly grab for you purse. You open it up and see, yes, I did in fact take all of your clothes. You instantly feel a little violated. I clearly went though your personal stuff without asking. Was this alright you ask yourself? After a quick moment of thinking about it you decide, though not ideal, it could be all apart of the fun. It was my desire to have you naked while you wait, and if that’s my desire, that’s what you want too. I just had to remove the temptation of your spare clothes.

Just as you set your purse back down you hear a knock on the door! You quickly think ‘Who is at the door? What do I do?! I can’t answer it naked!’ You slowly make you way to the door and take a look though the peep hole. Fewww! As you look though the peep hole, you see just me standing there.

You crack the door open just enough to acknowledge me. “Hi, Sir” you say. As you say that you feel me press on the door to open it further. As the door opens you reflexively cover yourself with your hands. I fully opened the door. Your standing on the roomside covering yourself with your hands. I’m standing in the hall wearing my work suit. You see me staring at you not saying anything. More specifically you see me staring at your hands. I can see your reluctance… your shyness, so I make the jester of looking left and right down the hall and say “It’s okay, it’s just me, no one else is around. Now move your hands.”

You slowly lower your arm and move your hand, to fully show yourself to me. Again, you feel completely exposed. This time not just in front of me, but in front of anyone that might walk by. For some reason though, you feel confident that I wont let anyone else see.

“I wanted to check on you before I head to my meeting, and I also wanted to bring you a couple things.” Handing you a box I say “First, this one is a gift. Open it when I leave.”

You take the wrapped box, which is about the size of a shoe-box. As you take it you wish I would hurry up with all this talking. You feel like the world can see you… all of you!

“… the second is another envelope. You might be getting used to these by now.” I chuckle.

“Open that one when I leave also. I will be back in a few hours. After you open the gifts you will know what to do next.” and with that I pull the door shut and walk off.

As the door shuts you are just standing there thinking ‘What is going on?!’.

You walk to the bed, again, not at all forgetting you are just walking around naked. Setting the envelop down, you start to open the wrapped box. It really is nicely wrapped, it has thick silver wrapping paper and a red mesh bow. You wonder if I wrapped this or had it gift wrapped… Once opened you flip the box over and read: LOVENESE Lush vibrator. You then see a post-it on the box which reads: “I have already connected this to my phone. Put it in immediately and DO NOT TAKE IT OUT!”

You open the box and pull out the vibrator. You have never seen one like this before. You look at the little pamphlet and see that this wirelessly connects to someones phone! ‘Is he going to play with me during his meeting?!’ you wonder. After a few seconds of reading the instruction, you slowly insert the vibrator into your pussy. Just reading the instruction got you wet enough that the vibrator slides right in.

Now you turn to the envelope. Again this one just says “Bella” on the outside. You open it and pull out what looks like four or five note cards and a small pen. You spread them out and see that there are actually three blank cards and one with writing The one with writing says: “On each card I want you to write one secret desire, kink, or fetish you have. I want you to be extremely honest. Think hard about these three very personal, secret, and maybe embarrassing desires you have. Write them on the blank cards and I will read them when I get back. Now do a good job on this first task or you will receive a punishment.”

Your mind is running wild! …and at that exact moment you feel the vibrator send a jolt through your body… a jolt which feels of pure pleasure!

(End of part 2. I think I am just getting started!)

Also, what are the three personal/secret/kinky desires that you would write on the note cards. Maybe I can integrate them into part 3!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ijjhdc/part_2_a_hotel_room_a_blindfold_and_a_present

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