Strangers on a Train (part five) [No sex] [Setting up the ending]

Mitchell came by my house early to deliver the dress and underclothes I was to wear to the party. The dress was an elegant pink, off the shoulder, princess cut and perfectly tailored bodice and a floor length pleated skirt with two slits going directly down from my hipbones. The slits were hidden beneath ample fabric in the skirt and were only visible when I walked and when I sat down.

Beneath my dress was a strapless pink lace longline bra, white garter belt with pink ribbons, pink lace boyshort panties and white thigh highs with pink ribbons at the tops. My shoes were obnoxiously high pink stilettos in the same fabric as the dress with a rose gold vine trailing up the heel. He put similar jewelry on me, a dainty rose gold bangle and necklace and diamond and rose gold earrings.

Mitchell hired a makeup artist and hair stylist. The makeup artist dolled me up in a an almost innocent pink toned look, but false lashes and a dusky smoked out rose shadow and pouty rose lip kept it sultry. The hairstylist did a loose braid around the crown of my head leading back into a thick, curly bun with perfectly messy curls pulled free to create an eye catching line highlighting my dainty neck.

He draped a shawl over my arms and I gave Shawn a soft kiss on the lips, which frustrated the makeup artist and she rushed to reapply and perfect the makeup again. Then we left. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the limo window as we were getting in and I didn’t look anything like myself. I, strangely, looked like I was on my way to prom rather than a party where I was intended to be the entertainment.

I was nervous and it showed. Mitchell’s hand went beneath the slit in my skirt and rubbed my thigh gently, “For all intents and purposes tonight, you are my daughter. You are meant to be sweet, cordial, kind, but still opinionated. Be honest with your thoughts but only speak when spoken to. Stay close to me. I will be calling you Evie, I hope that is alright for tonight?” He asked.

I nodded, “Why your daughter?” I asked.

“I told you he likes to humiliate and degrade the men accompanying the girl, yes? You being my daughter will appeal to him much more than you being my mistress. He likes the game and men like me always bring him a mistress. You and I are not supposed to know the goings on at this party ahead of time, but I have ways of finding out truths before committing to deals and manipulating the experience to my own pleasures. The party will start in a ballroom, where dances will be shared and a girl will be chosen from the candidates offered to our host.”

“And if he doesn’t pick me?” I asked.

Mitchell smiled, “But he will, my dear Evie. Every man in that room has brought a wife, girlfriend, mistress, or sister, most will be unknowingly offering her up to our host for the private after party. I’ve given you the advantage of being my daughter, adding to the options of degradation and insult to me. I’ve made us the most appealing offering. Just make sure you call me daddy within earshot of him once, and do so with an element of respect and love, not lust. Think you can manage that, my sweet girl?” He asked as he tipped my head up towards him.

“Of course, father,” I said sweetly. “If the opportunity doesn’t present itself naturally, just cave to a request I make and I will kiss your cheek and say, ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ with such glee that the people around us will become jealous that you’re my father and they aren’t,” I teased.

He laughed and rubbed my thigh, “I expect nothing less from you, Evelyn.”

When we arrived at the party, Mitchell climbed out of the limo then reached in and grabbed my hand, helping me climb out of the vehicle with a graceful flow I didn’t know I was capable of. My dress sashayed as he hooked my arm in his and walked me up the front stairs and into the elegant glass doors of an old Victorian mansion. I was in awe of the massive size of the entry hall, two grand staircases led up to a central landing then split off in two directions.

My heels clacked gently on the pristine wooden floor as a man in his late thirties approached us, taking my hand and kissing the back of it, making me blush brightly before returning to clinging to Mitchell’s arm. Mitchell smiled at the man and bowed slightly and I wondered if I was supposed to curtsy or some shit. The man tapped Mitchell’s back with a laugh and shook his head, “Knock it off, old man, you know I’m not keen on such ridiculous grandeur.”

“Says the man who lives in a mansion with a staff of over a dozen yes men,” Mitchell quipped.

“Who is this vision of a girl you’ve brought to my party?” The man asked as he eyed me with a certain need to know how valuable I was to his friend.

“This is my youngest daughter, Evelyn. She’s just recently turned twenty and begged me to bring her to a fancy gala as I’d never allowed her to attend any before. You know how the old men at these things can be, the younger a friend’s daughter the more she becomes a target for their lecherous hands and eyes,” he said with a sigh, “Now, though, I trust her to put them in their place as I didn’t raise this one to hold her tongue. Her mother raised her far away from my demands for a ‘proper’ upbringing.”

The glint in our host’s eyes brightened as he looked me over, “Sounds like I’m going to pull you away from your father for some conversation a little later. These things get so boring with everyone trying to win me over, it will be nice to have an honest opinion fall upon my ear,” he said as he grinned.

Another couple came in behind us and his attention turned to them as Mitchell took my hand and led me to the right of the entrance and into a ballroom where fancily dressed men and women of all ages waltzed. I looked to Mitchell, “I don’t know how to properly dance,” I whispered.

“The music will change once all of the guests arrive, this is just to set the tone, to put people at ease that it’s an actual gala and not a ruse to cover for the after party,” he said gently.

We walked over to a bar and Mitchell got me a glass of champagne and himself a scotch. I looked at the bubbly drink and sniffed it. I didn’t like any of the champagne I’d ever tried, so as a waiter came by I put the glass down on his tray and he nodded and carried it away for me.

Mitchell danced with me, teaching me how to Waltz with a laugh each time I messed up and got flustered. After a while the host of the party came by and cut in, though he didn’t dance, he led me back over to the bar and handed me another glass of champagne, “I saw you not even try the one your father gave you. Most girls under twenty-one would jump at the chance of an alcoholic drink, especially with their father’s approval,” he said.

I looked at the drink and took a sip of the bubbly liquid and immediately spit it back into the cup, an undeniable grimace on my face. The man laughed and put the glass with empties at the corner of the bar, “Not a champagne fan, I suppose?” He asked.

I shook my head, “I’m not as refined as my father’s other children, I’m afraid. I only just found out about him being my father recently. Apparently my mother was as ashamed of their affair as he was,” I said as I looked over to Mitchell dancing with a young blonde girl, my own dark chestnut hair made me slightly insecure as there were a lot of blondes out on the dance floor.

“Did your father tell you my name?” The man asked me as he tugged on one of my loose curls to get my attention back on him.

I shook my head.

“I am William and it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you Evelyn. Do you have a drink you’d prefer?” He asked me.

“Cheap Whiskey with cherries,” I said as my shoulders relaxed slightly.

William smiled and nodded then looked to the bartender, “Two glasses of our cheapest whiskey with cherries in them please.”

The bartender seemed to turn a shade of green at the notion and William smiled at me as the man in a perfectly tailored vest and shirt muddled our drinks with a certain look of contempt at having to bend down and retrieve something so uncouth as bottom shelf whiskey. I looked at the bottle and couldn’t help but smile. Their cheapest whiskey was one I recognized as a gift my boss received a few years ago. It was a two hundred and fifty dollar bottle of whiskey, not a thirty dollar JD.

William retrieved our drinks and handed one to me. I smiled as I took it and took a quick sip of the more familiar, though much smoother than I was used to, drink. The man looked the glass with a somewhat surprised look, “Not a bad take,” he said as he looked back at me.

“It’s better with gut rot whiskey and a twist of lime,” I said matter-of-factly as he laughed.

The other men and women in the room had noticed the liking our host had taken to me and the whispers of me being trash began as William walked over to the band with me and requested a ‘younger’ song to be played. Something pop-rock like started reverberating in the room and William leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Take the lead and show me what else you like, Miss Evelyn.”

I held my drink up and clanged it gently to his then took a sip and turned my back to him, put his hands on my hips and began to dance with him, swaying and shifting our bodies with the rhythm as the other patrons mostly cleared the dance floor with disgust. Mitchell was watching me from the edge of the dance floor and he did not look particularly happy with me as our host pulled my ass tighter to his crotch, grinding with me.

The look on my face melted from having a good time to a serious look as I turned towards William and handed him my glass with an apology. I headed off of the dance floor and towards Mitchell, who appeared to be scolding me as William watched us. He smiled as he saw me glance towards him and Mitchell grasped my chin and turned my head back towards him, his finger wagging at me in disappointment.

William came over towards us just in time to hear me say, “Daddy, please? I don’t want to go yet, I’m having fun.”

Mitchell had to cover a slight smile as he’d said nothing about leaving. In fact he wasn’t even scolding me, he was just complaining that if I didn’t knock off the flirting I’d get him all hot and bothered and blow the father/daughter cover because he’d have to drag me into another room to take care of some things in order to carry on with the party.

Our host looked to Mitchell and shook his head, “Come on, let the girl have a little fun, Daddy,” he said mockingly, his hand squeezed my shoulder gently.

Mitchell scowled, “I promised her mother I’d keep her safe and I can’t do that if she’s accepting drinks from everyone and dancing like a whore,” he said, a harsh tone to his words.

William’s jaw clenched, “She took one drink, and it wasn’t from everyone, it was from me. Are you suggesting I’d do something to a drink I gave her?” He asked, the offense clear in his voice.

Mitchell sighed, “No, I didn’t mean that,” he said then looked back at me and grasped my jaw tightly in his hand, “No drinks from anyone else. If either myself or Mr. Simmons doesn’t give it to you, you are not to drink it, understand?” He asked as he pulled me towards him.

I whimpered and nodded, “Yes, Daddy,” my voice was quiet, tearful and when he let go I stumbled backwards into William’s arms.

Our host took my hand and glared at Mitchell, “I’m going to take her upstairs so she can sit down until she feels a little better, I don’t want to see you grabbing her like that again, Mitch, your daughter or not, that was uncalled for,” he snapped.

Mitchell started to protest but William turned abruptly and whisked me away into a hidden room at the back of the dance floor. A light came on inside of the hallway and he walked me down a path and up a set of stairs until we came to wall with a large x painted on it, “I’m afraid I haven’t gotten very clever in marking out the passageways yet, I’ve only had the house a few months and these hidden treasures were a stunning find,” he said with a smile as he rubbed my shoulder.

He pressed his thumb into the wall at the center of the x and a door slid back. We emerged in a bedroom and I suddenly felt unsafe as Mitchell said he wouldn’t let me leave his sight. William walked me into the room and picked up the telephone beside the bed, said something about sending Beatrice up to sit with me then he hung up and turned his attention back to me.

“If you need anything, just pick up that phone and dial 012. It connects to the kitchen. Beatrice will show you back to the party when you’re ready to return, just give me some time to talk to your father before you do, okay?” He said.

I nodded, “Who is Beatrice?” I asked.

“My personal assistant. She will talk to you and help you fix your makeup if you need to. Anything you need, just ask her or call the kitchen and they will take care of you until you’re ready to return,” he said. Before he left he leaned down and kissed the corner of my lips then sighed, “I think I want you to stay for the after party with me. I’ll ease your father’s anger and get him to agree, so don’t worry about that, just say you’ll stay for me?”

“What happens at the after party?” I asked.

He smiled, “I hold my friend accountable for their poor party behavior in upsetting his daughter.”

“Are you going to spank my father?” I asked with a chuckle.

He shrugged, “We’ll see how it goes, Evelyn, but he will regret his actions before you leave my house if you stay.”

I nodded, “Okay, I’ll stay as long as he’s okay with it.”

William smiled as the door opened and an older brunette with grey striped through her hair came into the room, “Your party guests are getting antsy and Mitchell is on the verge of causing a scene,” she said, a cold tone to her voice.

He nodded and turned, leaving the same way he’d brought me into the room.

Beatrice looked me over, her cold demeanor softened after William left, “Are you okay?” She asked.

“I’m fine, it’s just a little upsetting to be called a whore by your father for dancing with someone,” I said softly.

She smiled, “Do you know what William will do with him at the after party?” She asked.

I shook my head.

“Your father will be stripped and berated. Depending on how resistant he is or how protective of you he is, he may get beaten, but just enough to force him into compliance. He will be made to apologize to you, he will grovel at your feet and beg your forgiveness then William will let you both go,” she said.

I scowled, “I don’t want my father to get hurt,” I said.

Beatrice raised her eyebrows and looked me over, “That doesn’t matter anymore. Mitchell will be made an example of and you will be there to witness it first hand. Just let it happen and don’t try to intervene on your father’s behalf. They won’t cause serious damage or harm as long as you let it happen.”

She looked my face over, “Your makeup looks okay, are you ready to return to the party?” She asked.

I nodded and she led me back down to the party through the elegant stairway the front of the house. Mitchell and William were standing at the bottom of it. William took one of my hands and Mitchell took the other and they led me back out onto the dance floor where Mitchell apologized to me and left me with William.

We danced for a while, various little treats were walked around on platters by white gloved waiters. Eventually my legs were getting tired and the guests dwindled as he sent various people home. He held me close to him as we danced then I looked up and it was only me, him, and Mitchell in the room as the staff started cleaning up the room.

We went back to the main entrance and he led us into a room off to the left of the main entrance. A large table was adorned with dinner settings and a dozen men sat at the table. William led me to a seat beside the head seat and pulled out the chair for me, then pushed me back to the table. He motioned for Mitchell to sit opposite me and he took the place at the head of the table.

Dinner was served quietly and I looked around nervously. Each of the men seemed to know something I didn’t as they were sizing me up with each course placed in front of us. Mitchell’s hand was shaking as he eyed the table. I don’t think this is what he expected.

The staff cleared the table and William stood up once the last one left and the click of the door locking carried through the silent room. William looked to me and smiled, “Come here, Evelyn,” he said as he held his hand out.

I looked to Mitchell and he nodded slightly. I got up from my seat, as did two other men from the far end of the table, and walked over to William. With no effort at all, he picked me up and put me on the table just in front of him. He placed my feet on the arms of his chair and bent my knees so that they protruded from the split in my skirt, “Your father called you a whore, Evelyn. Are you a whore?” He asked, his hands grasping my ankles and rubbing them gently.

I shook my head and looked to Mitchell. The two men that got up with me were on either side of him and they grabbed his arms and lifted him from his seat, knocking it over in the process. They carried him over beside William and he looked at the holder man, “I think we can just take a quick look and put this insult from your father to bed, right Evelyn?”

A couple of tears trailed over my cheeks as Mitchell tried to pull himself free of the men’s grip and William’s hands trailed further up my legs. Another two men came over to Mitchell, one punched him in the stomach and the other grasped his head, holding him so his eyes were on me as William’s hands pushed my dress aside as his hands grasped my inner thighs and pulled me closer to the edge of the table, “Are you a virgin, Evelyn?” He asked as he looked at me, the charming smile from earlier was gone, replaced by the gaze of a lecherous man.

I shook my head and looked to Mitchell, “Did Daddy know his little girl’s pussy had been violated?” William asked me, his thumbs rubbed along where my legs and privates met.

I shook my head again, a few more tears strolling down my cheeks as my breathing began to quicken. I looked towards Mitchell again, a man was stripping him of his clothes as William’s fingers slid over my panties. My breath caught and I closed my eyes as I felt two sets of hands grasping at the back of my dress, unzipping the dress I wore, “Please…,” I said softly, my hand instinctively holding my dress to my breasts as I crinkled my brow and opened my eyes to look at William.

He was standing in front of me and he pulled my hips towards his. I felt the massive thickness of swollen cock beneath his pants and I looked up at him as he leaned down and whispered, “Please what, Evelyn?”

“I don’t want my father to see me,” I said softly, looking away.

“We could pluck his eyes out if you’d like,” William said as he pulled my hand away from my dress and began pulling it further off of my frame.

I shook my head and a choked sob escaped my throat as I felt the cool air on more of my skin. He took in the sight of my bra, pushing my breasts up to amplify my cleavage and keeping a sleek line over my ribcage as it fit tightly to me. William moaned and grasped my breasts, lifting and cupping them roughly through my bra. I cringed and tried to put my hand over my chest, but two guys grabbed my wrists and pulled them out to my sides.

“Lift your ass, Evelyn,” William said as his men grasped my dress and pulled it down my hips. I lifted myself and they slid it off of my legs.

William grasped my ankle and took over, pulling the fabric carefully off of one leg then the other and let it fall to the side as I sat there in my heels and underwear. I glanced to Mitchell and he was hard as fuck as he watched, I gasped and looked away, but not before William followed my gaze. He laughed, “No wonder Daddy was being so protective and cruel. Looks like he’s got a thing for his baby girl. Can’t say I blame him,” he said as he sucked air through his teeth.

He smiled at me and brought his lips down on mine as he rubbed his hand over my panties. I gasped and he kissed me harder as he picked me up from the table with his hands grasping my ass firmly, “Hold Mitch to the table with his cock right behind his little girl’s ass.”

I squirmed in William’s grip and he spanked me lightly, causing me to look him in the eye. He was smiling, “I’m not going to waste the freshness of your body on your perverted father, Evelyn, relax.”

I was trembling and his friends came over and unfastened his pants and pulled them down then he sat me back on the table, so that I was straddling Mitchell, just above his cock. He pulled me down until Mitchell’s cock was snug against my panties and he pushed it firmly to me, “Look at that, Daddy would fill his little girl up I bet.”

He pulled his boxers and pants fully off and held his dick up to me, he was twice the size of Mitchell, “And I bet we’d have to work her up to me, unless Daddy was right about her being a whore.”

William kissed my neck and looked over my shoulder at Mitchell then spoke to his friends, “Tie them down. It’s time to get the after party going.”
