The Comic Store Nerd and the MILF [Part 2 out of 4] REUPLOAD

**Here’s how Part I ended.**

(Angela turns back, as he quickly takes his eyes away “I think I found what I’m looking for.” *She hands him the comic as he inspects it* “Oh, excellent choice. It’s a long comic though believe it or not it takes it’s time but the pay-off in the end is so worth it especially when….” *He then stops as he notices her staring right in his eyes probably confused* “Oh my bad, you were getting bored there for a second figured I’d stop” *They both have a laugh* “No it’s fine really, it shows that you care about these comics” *Angela replies as he nods awkwardly*

I suggest going to my profile for part 1, it deleted my post for a link (or scroll down on this subreddit

*”*Alright. Follow me Miss”)


While talking with Angela, David completely forgot a customer who was waiting at the front of the cash register for some minutes.

“Uhmm, Oh I’m sorry Angela let me deal with this customer first if that’s alright and you got the time to spare” Davey says with swiftness

“Yeah totally, the guy was obviously first in line” Angela replies kindly even though it seemed kind of weird to her that he would ask that. It’s his responsibility that the customer is treated fairly, she turns her head to the right and glances patiently at the store’s digital clock the time is **8:40 PM**

“It’s fine really I’m not in a rush, here you go” The customer hands David the comic so he could scan it, he has his money up front

“Do you recommend this Batman issue, heard it’s not as good as the previous one” The customer exclaims

“Yeah I guess it has it’s issues, and oh you are quick there I can appreciate that….. look I’d love to discuss it with you more but unfortunately I don’t have the time for it right now and I haven’t actually read it yet so I can’t structure my opinion yet” David calmy explains his thoughts a little while after glancing back at Angela as she’s checking out the comics right next to her, her blonde hair in a ponytail is extremely attractive her blue-ish eyes are on point. David eye’s eventually fall down to her work out tank top and her cleavage, He snaps out of it

“Yeah, no problem alright see you I guess…bye” The customer leaves shortly after, Angela has that weird *huh* look on her face as she walks forward to the cash register she hands the Spider-Man comic over to David

“What is wrong, thought you loved talking about Comics” Angela asks with a worried tone while turning her head watching the customer leave and then back at David

“Don’t get me wrong I do, however I……”

*Fuck how do I tell her I love talking with her about Nerdy stuff without being weird about it*

David scratches his head as he looks at the floor and back at Angela “Let’s say there’s a time constraint, at **10:00 PM** my boss arrives and he checks everything is in place before he leaves and that’s when the shop closes for the night…”

“think I understand” Angela replies as she nods slowly, grabbing the table, for him it seems like she’s putting her assets up front he’s mesmerized but not entirely oblivious to the fact that if he stares too much he’ll probably deservedly earn a slap to the face to remember her by, however every now and then it seems like he’s hearing weird hallucinations on his mind with Angela’s voice every time she makes a move like that. oh fuck me….That’s it David

“Plus I like our conversation, you are an interesting person to talk to” said David before pulling off a smile, he clearly doesn’t want to be bold yet and let the weird thoughts on his mind overcome he’s going with the flow probably wouldn’t want to disgust his customer that would be borderline unnecessary and unprofessional.

“I guess I have that under my sleeve” Angela nods, appreciating the compliment

“You totally have…If I’m not mistaken this comic is a gift for your son right should I wrap it up?” Said David

“Yeah, if it doesn’t take much of your time” Said Angela while looking at the clock. (8:48 PM)

“Oh no, so tell me aside from Comics what else are you into” David asks in anticipation, as he bends over to grab a piece of fancy paper he points his finger to various colors and shapes picking an interesting combination to wrap the comic with style

Angela quietly taps her fingers on the glass register “Well….I’d say I’m into Video-Games as well my husband introduced me to them, right now I’m playing Uncharted 4. I love the gameplay”

*Fuck. She’s into video-games too that’s cool….but she has a husband*

“Oh yeah definitely, I love the gameplay too the story tied everything together. You should play the Last of Us Part II as well even though it got some heavy criticism on the Internet” Said David as he’s cutting the paper and placing the Spider-Man comic on top of it measuring it’s size

“I don’t follow anything to be honest I don’t have the time for it, I’ve got a Job that eats up most of my time and some other hobbies in the meantime” Angela explaining that she’s an everyday Mom while also looking some super-hero figures on the side that are placed on the desk

David is slowly wrapping the comic wanting the conversation to advance while in reality he would be much faster than that “I guess someone could tell that you also work out right?” He points low with his palm however he didn’t point that low enough and he actually pointed at her cleavage he realized it shortly after

*NO what the fuck are you doing David do you want to be slapped today?*

His dick is obviously bulging behind the Cash registry table he is thinking about thrusting all over Angela boobs wanting to feel her warmth and maybe experience the way her boobs actually bounce rather than have that thought in his head he will live for it for the rest of his life, his desire for lust doesn’t stop here

**(8:55 PM)**

“Wow, how did you find that out? Angela chuckles, appreciating the compliment not noticing where he pointed “I’m 36 but I’d say I’m quite fit for my age, how about you David?”

“I’m 25 actually, and I’d say I’m quite average as you can see. However I jog everyday and I’ve been lifting weights for about a year. It’s not as scary as it sounds I’m getting the hang of it”

“Totally, being healthy should be a priority for everyone” Said Angela

I’m done wrapping the present I need her to stay in order to have a shot at that fucking beautiful mom. What do I do…..what do I do. OH what if?

“Oh silly me, forgot to pass it on the physical machine right, would you mind grabbing this pen behind next to those stacks of comics there?” David points, as Angela shrugs with a “Sure” that was an opportunity for him to stare at her ass.

*Fuck….Is that a purple thong there that is visible? or is my mind fucking up again. focus David focus.*

“Thank you. His name?” David says

“It’s Tim” Angela simply replies back

He writes the name down and before finishing up the wrapping paper, he takes the comic and before checking it he changes the price and bumps it up to 60$. He checks it in “59.99$ please”

Angela is surprised and baffled as she says “What 59.99$? I thought it costed 30$ probably a mistake run it again”

David sighs running the comic on the machine “Yeah, it says 59.99$ here. It usually happens prices might bump up later on in the evening that’s normal”

“I literally checked before coming here on the Online shop it costed 30$” Said Angela being in complete disbelief however she is even more outrageous on the inside. The first thoughts that something

is wrong definitely crosses her mind from the moment David clearly didn’t care about the previous customer’s interests the way he is ogling at Angela when she’s not looking his way It’s clear that when she set foot in his store something changed in David’s behavior he’s still clearly shy but he has a plan up his sleeves

“And now It costs 60$ if you don’t have the money for it nobody is forcing you to pay it miss. you could come back tomorrow it’s not the end of the world” David replied with a disappointing nod

“I made sure to save up at least 30 to 40$ for the comic so I could surprise my son with it” Said Angela

David shrugs “If I make a mistake and sell the comic for 30$ I’ll probably get in trouble by my boss” He mentioned it before but he’s just a one lonely employee, the owner of the shop usually comes at various hours and checks if everything is okay he’s not an internship so he doesn’t need tutoring over his shoulder

“However……” *David says before looking outside the large window observing the beautiful clear sky of the night the sun has already faded but there’s a small hint at a midnight sun.

Angela snaps her fingers “However?”

“I think, I may have an offer for you”

**(9:10 TICK TOCK)**


End of part 2 hope you enjoyed it. It was a more dialogue heavy part than the first one because of course I wanted to build the characters up

I noticed your feedback and I loved it I wrote down some of the suggestions so even though the story doesn’t change I added some small changes here and there, Did you liked it more than the first part if don’t again leave some feedback don’t be afraid to be critical and I might add your name in the next one for help.I wrote this part in a span of one day so the next one might need more naughty input.

You probably know what’s coming next…..or DO you? ;)

Also I’m a Female don’t let the title fool you because the MILF sounds childish



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